import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api' import { types as joyTypes } from '@joystream/types' import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/keyring' // Import input parser and channel entity from cd-schemas (we use it as library here) import { InputParser } from 'cd-schemas' import { ChannelEntity } from 'cd-schemas/types/entities' import { FlattenRelations } from 'cd-schemas/types/utility' import { EntityId } from '@joystream/types/content-directory' // Alternative way of creating a channel using separate extrinsics (instead of contentDirectory.transaction) async function main() { // Initialize the api const provider = new WsProvider('ws://') const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider, types: joyTypes }) // Get Alice keypair const keyring = new Keyring() keyring.addFromUri('//Alice', undefined, 'sr25519') const [ALICE] = keyring.getPairs() const parser = InputParser.createWithKnownSchemas(api) // In this case we need to fetch some data first (like classId and language entity id) const classId = await parser.getClassIdByName('Channel') const languageEntityId = await parser.findEntityIdByUniqueQuery({ code: 'EN' }, 'Language') // We use FlattenRelations to exlude { new } and { existing } (which are not allowed if we want to parse only a single entity) const channel: FlattenRelations = { title: 'Example channel 2', description: 'This is an example channel', language: languageEntityId, coverPhotoUrl: '', avatarPhotoURL: '', isPublic: true, } // In this case we use some basic callback to retrieve entityId from the extrinsc event const entityId = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { api.tx.contentDirectory.createEntity(classId, { Member: 0 }).signAndSend(ALICE, {}, (res) => { if (res.isError) { reject(new Error(res.status.type)) }{ event: e }) => { if (e.method === 'EntityCreated') { resolve([1] as EntityId) } if (e.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error('Extrinsic failed')) } }) }) }) const inputPropertyValuesMap = await parser.parseToInputEntityValuesMap({ }, 'Channel') // Having entityId we can create and send addSchemaSupport tx await api.tx.contentDirectory .addSchemaSupportToEntity( { Member: 0 }, // Context (in this case we assume it's Alice's member id) entityId, 0, // Schema (currently we have one schema per class, so it can be just 0) inputPropertyValuesMap ) .signAndSend(ALICE) } main() .then(() => process.exit()) .catch(console.error)