import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { Balance } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'; import { Subscribable } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/helpers'; import MockTransportBase from '@polkadot/joy-utils/transport/mock/base'; import { ITransport } from './transport'; import { createType } from '@joystream/types'; import { WorkingGroupMembership, GroupLeadStatus } from './tabs/WorkingGroup'; import { WorkingGroupOpening } from './tabs/Opportunities'; import { ActiveRole, OpeningApplication } from './tabs/MyRoles'; import { ApplicationStakeRequirement, RoleStakeRequirement, StakeType } from './StakeRequirement'; import { keyPairDetails } from './flows/apply'; import { tomorrow, yesterday, newMockHumanReadableText } from './tabs/Opportunities.stories'; import { OpeningState } from './classifiers'; import * as faker from 'faker'; import { mockProfile, mockStage } from './mocks'; import { WorkingGroups, workerRoleNameByGroup } from './working_groups'; export class Transport extends MockTransportBase implements ITransport { groupLeadStatus (group: WorkingGroups = WorkingGroups.ContentCurators): Promise { return this.simulateApiResponse({ loaded: true }); } async curationGroup (): Promise { return this.simulateApiResponse({ leadStatus: await this.groupLeadStatus(), workerRolesAvailable: true, leadRolesAvailable: false, workers: [ { memberId: createType('MemberId', 1), roleAccount: createType('AccountId', '5HZ6GtaeyxagLynPryM7ZnmLzoWFePKuDrkb4AT8rT4pU1fp'), profile: mockProfile( 'benholdencrowther', '' ), title: 'Content curator', stake: createType('u128', 10101), workerId: 1, group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, { memberId: createType('MemberId', 2), roleAccount: createType('AccountId', '5DfJWGbBAH8hLAg8rcRYZW5BEZbE4BJeCQKoxUeqoyewLSew'), profile: mockProfile('bwhm0'), title: 'Content curator', stake: createType('u128', 10101), workerId: 2, group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, { memberId: createType('MemberId', 3), roleAccount: createType('AccountId', '5DQqNWRFPruFs9YKheVMqxUbqoXeMzAWfVfcJgzuia7NA3D3'), profile: mockProfile( 'yourheropaul', '' ), title: 'Content curator', stake: createType('u128', 10101), workerId: 3, group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, { memberId: createType('MemberId', 4), roleAccount: createType('AccountId', '5GSMNn8Sy8k64mGUWPDafjMZu9bQNX26GujbBQ1LeJpNbrfg'), profile: mockProfile( 'alex_joystream', '' ), title: 'Content curator', stake: createType('u128', 10101), workerId: 4, group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, { memberId: createType('MemberId', 3), roleAccount: createType('AccountId', '5Gn9n7SDJ7VgHqHQWYzkSA4vX6DCmS5TFWdHxikTXp9b4L32'), profile: mockProfile( 'mokhtar', '' ), title: 'Content curator', stake: createType('u128', 10101), workerId: 5, group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators } ] }); } async storageGroup (): Promise { return this.simulateApiResponse({ leadStatus: await this.groupLeadStatus(), workerRolesAvailable: true, leadRolesAvailable: true, workers: [ { memberId: createType('MemberId', 1), roleAccount: createType('AccountId', '5HZ6GtaeyxagLynPryM7ZnmLzoWFePKuDrkb4AT8rT4pU1fp'), profile: mockProfile( 'benholdencrowther', '' ), title: 'Storage provider', stake: createType('u128', 10101), workerId: 1, group: WorkingGroups.StorageProviders } ] }); } currentOpportunities (): Promise> { return this.simulateApiResponse>( [ { opening: createType('Opening', { created: 50000, stage: mockStage, max_review_period_length: 100, human_readable_text: newMockHumanReadableText({ version: 1, headline: 'Help us curate awesome content', job: { title: 'Content curator', description: faker.lorem.paragraphs(4) }, application: { sections: [ { title: 'About you', questions: [ { title: 'your name', type: 'text' } ] }, { title: 'About you', questions: [ { title: 'your name', type: 'text area' } ] } ] }, reward: '10 JOY per block', process: { details: [ 'Some custom detail' ] } }) }), meta: { id: '1', group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, stage: { state: OpeningState.AcceptingApplications, starting_block: 2956498, starting_block_hash: 'somehash', starting_time: yesterday(), review_end_block: 3956498, review_end_time: tomorrow() }, applications: { numberOfApplications: 0, maxNumberOfApplications: 0, requiredApplicationStake: new ApplicationStakeRequirement( createType('u128', 500) ), requiredRoleStake: new RoleStakeRequirement( createType('u128', 0) ), defactoMinimumStake: createType('u128', 0) }, defactoMinimumStake: createType('u128', 0) } ] ); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await async groupOpening (group: WorkingGroups, id: number): Promise { return this.simulateApiResponse( { opening: createType('Opening', { created: 50000, stage: mockStage, max_review_period_length: 100, human_readable_text: newMockHumanReadableText({ version: 1, headline: 'Help us curate awesome content', job: { title: 'Content curator', description: faker.lorem.paragraphs(4) }, application: { sections: [ { title: 'About you', questions: [ { title: 'Your name', type: 'text' }, { title: 'Your e-mail address', type: 'text' } ] }, { title: 'Your experience', questions: [ { title: 'Why would you be good for this role?', type: 'text area' } ] } ] }, reward: '10 JOY per block', process: { details: [ 'Some custom detail' ] } }) }), meta: { id: '1', group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, stage: { state: OpeningState.AcceptingApplications, starting_block: 2956498, starting_block_hash: 'somehash', starting_time: yesterday(), review_end_block: 3956498, review_end_time: tomorrow() }, applications: { numberOfApplications: 0, maxNumberOfApplications: 0, requiredApplicationStake: new ApplicationStakeRequirement( createType('u128', 501), StakeType.AtLeast ), requiredRoleStake: new RoleStakeRequirement( createType('u128', 502) ), defactoMinimumStake: createType('u128', 0) }, defactoMinimumStake: createType('u128', 0) } ); } openingApplicationRanks (group: WorkingGroups, openingId: number): Promise { const slots: Balance[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { slots.push(createType('u128', (i * 100) + 10 + i + 1)); } return this.simulateApiResponse(slots); } expectedBlockTime (): number { return 6; } blockHash (height: number): Promise { return this.promise('somehash'); } blockTimestamp (height: number): Promise { return this.promise(new Date()); } accounts (): Subscribable { return new Observable((observer) => { [ { shortName: 'KP1', accountId: createType('AccountId', '5HZ6GtaeyxagLynPryM7ZnmLzoWFePKuDrkb4AT8rT4pU1fp'), balance: createType('u128', 23342) }, { shortName: 'KP2', accountId: createType('AccountId', '5DQqNWRFPruFs9YKheVMqxUbqoXeMzAWfVfcJgzuia7NA3D3'), balance: createType('u128', 993342) }, { shortName: 'KP3', accountId: createType('AccountId', '5DBaczGTDhcHgwsZzNE5qW15GrQxxdyros4pYkcKrSUovFQ9'), balance: createType('u128', 242) } ] ); }); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await async openingApplicationsByAddress (address: string): Promise { return [{ id: 1, meta: { id: '1', group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators }, stage: { state: OpeningState.AcceptingApplications, starting_block: 2956498, starting_block_hash: 'somehash', starting_time: yesterday() }, opening: createType('Opening', { created: 50000, stage: mockStage, max_review_period_length: 100, human_readable_text: newMockHumanReadableText({ version: 1, headline: 'Help us curate awesome content', job: { title: 'Content curator', description: faker.lorem.paragraphs(4) }, application: { sections: [ { title: 'About you', questions: [ { title: 'Your name', type: 'text' }, { title: 'Your e-mail address', type: 'text' } ] }, { title: 'Your experience', questions: [ { title: 'Why would you be good for this role?', type: 'text area' } ] } ] }, reward: '10 JOY per block', process: { details: [ 'Some custom detail' ] } }) }), applicationStake: createType('u128', 5), roleStake: createType('u128', 15), rank: 21, capacity: 20 }]; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await async myRoles (address: string): Promise { return [ { workerId: createType('CuratorId', 1), name: workerRoleNameByGroup[WorkingGroups.ContentCurators], group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators, url: 'some URL', reward: createType('u128', 321), stake: createType('u128', 12343200) } ]; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await async applyToOpening ( group: WorkingGroups, id: number, roleAccountName: string, sourceAccount: string, appStake: Balance, roleStake: Balance, applicationText: string): Promise { return 0; } leaveRole (group: WorkingGroups, sourceAccount: string, id: number, rationale: string) { /* do nothing */ } withdrawApplication (group: WorkingGroups, sourceAccount: string, id: number) { /* do nothing */ } }