#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" cd $SCRIPT_PATH # Location that will be mounted as the /data volume in containers # This is where the initial members and balances files and generated chainspec files will be located. DATA_PATH=${DATA_PATH:=$(pwd)/data} mkdir -p ${DATA_PATH} # Initial account balance for sudo account # Will be the source of funds for all new accounts that are created in the tests. SUDO_INITIAL_BALANCE=${SUDO_INITIAL_BALANCE:=100000000} SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI=${SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI:="//Alice"} SUDO_ACCOUNT=$(docker run -it --rm --pull=always docker.io/parity/subkey:2.0.1 inspect ${SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI} --output-type json | jq .ss58Address -r) # The docker image tag to use for joystream/node RUNTIME=${RUNTIME:=latest} echo "{ \"balances\":[ [\"$SUDO_ACCOUNT\", $SUDO_INITIAL_BALANCE] ] }" > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-balances.json if [ "${MAKE_SUDO_MEMBER}" == true ] then echo " [{ \"member_id\":0, \"root_account\":\"$SUDO_ACCOUNT\", \"controller_account\":\"$SUDO_ACCOUNT\", \"handle\":\"sudosudo\", \"avatar_uri\":\"https://sudo.com/avatar.png\", \"about\":\"Sudo\", \"registered_at_time\":0 }] " > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-members.json else echo "[]" > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-members.json fi # Create a chain spec file docker run --rm -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data --entrypoint ./chain-spec-builder joystream/node:${RUNTIME} \ new \ --authority-seeds Alice \ --sudo-account ${SUDO_ACCOUNT} \ --deployment dev \ --chain-spec-path /data/chain-spec.json \ --initial-balances-path /data/initial-balances.json \ --initial-members-path /data/initial-members.json # Convert the chain spec file to a raw chainspec file docker run --rm -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data joystream/node:${RUNTIME} build-spec \ --raw --disable-default-bootnode \ --chain /data/chain-spec.json > ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec-raw.json # Start a chain with generated chain spec export JOYSTREAM_NODE_TAG=${RUNTIME} docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml run -d -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data --name joystream-node \ -p 9944:9944 -p 9933:9933 joystream-node \ --alice --validator --unsafe-ws-external --unsafe-rpc-external \ --rpc-methods Unsafe --rpc-cors=all -l runtime \ --chain /data/chain-spec-raw.json