import React from 'react'; import { Button } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { Form, withFormik } from 'formik'; import { History } from 'history'; import { Text, Option } from '@polkadot/types'; import TxButton from '@polkadot/joy-utils/TxButton'; import { onImageError } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/images'; import { withMediaForm, MediaFormProps } from '../common/MediaForms'; import { ChannelType, ChannelClass as Fields, buildChannelValidationSchema, ChannelFormValues, ChannelToFormValues, ChannelGenericProp } from '../schemas/channel/Channel'; import { MediaDropdownOptions } from '../common/MediaDropdownOptions'; import { ChannelId, ChannelContentType, ChannelPublicationStatus, OptionalText } from '@joystream/types/content-working-group'; import { newOptionalText, findFirstParamOfSubstrateEvent } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/index'; import { useMyMembership } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/MyMembershipContext'; import { ChannelPublicationStatusDropdownOptions, isAccountAChannelOwner } from './ChannelHelpers'; import { TxCallback } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/types'; import { SubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/api'; import { ChannelValidationConstraints } from '../transport'; import { JoyError } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/JoyStatus'; import Section from '@polkadot/joy-utils/Section'; export type OuterProps = { history?: History; id?: ChannelId; entity?: ChannelType; constraints?: ChannelValidationConstraints; opts?: MediaDropdownOptions; }; type FormValues = ChannelFormValues; const InnerForm = (props: MediaFormProps) => { const { // React components for form fields: MediaText, MediaDropdown, LabelledField, // Callbacks: onSubmit, // onTxSuccess, onTxFailed, history, id: existingId, entity, isFieldChanged, // Formik stuff: values, dirty, isValid, isSubmitting, setSubmitting, resetForm } = props; const { myAccountId, myMemberId } = useMyMembership(); if (entity && !isAccountAChannelOwner(entity, myAccountId)) { return ; } const { avatar } = values; const isNew = !entity; // if user is not the channel owner don't render the edit form // return null const onTxSuccess: TxCallback = (txResult: SubmittableResult) => { setSubmitting(false); if (!history) return; const id = existingId || findFirstParamOfSubstrateEvent(txResult, 'ChannelCreated'); console.log('Channel id:', id?.toString()); if (id) { history.push('/media/channels/' + id.toString()); } }; const buildTxParams = () => { if (!isValid) return []; // TODO get value from the form: const publicationStatus = new ChannelPublicationStatus('Public'); if (!entity) { // Create a new channel const channelOwner = myMemberId; const roleAccount = myAccountId; const contentType = new ChannelContentType(values.content); return [ channelOwner, roleAccount, contentType, new Text(values.handle), newOptionalText(values.title), newOptionalText(values.description), newOptionalText(values.avatar), newOptionalText(values.banner), publicationStatus ]; } else { // Update an existing channel const updOptText = (field: ChannelGenericProp): Option => { return new Option(OptionalText, isFieldChanged(field) ? newOptionalText(values[]) : null ); }; const updHandle = new Option(Text, isFieldChanged(Fields.handle) ? values[] : null ); const updPublicationStatus = new Option(ChannelPublicationStatus, isFieldChanged(Fields.publicationStatus) ? new ChannelPublicationStatus(values[] as any) : null ); return [ new ChannelId(, updHandle, updOptText(Fields.title), updOptText(Fields.description), updOptText(Fields.avatar), updOptText(Fields.banner), updPublicationStatus ]; } }; const formFields = () => <> ; const renderMainButton = () => ; return
{avatar && }
{formFields()} {renderMainButton()}
; }; export const EditForm = withFormik({ // Transform outer props into form values mapPropsToValues: (props): FormValues => { const { entity } = props; return ChannelToFormValues(entity); }, validationSchema: (props: OuterProps): any => { const { constraints } = props; if (!constraints) return null; return buildChannelValidationSchema(constraints); }, handleSubmit: () => { // do submitting things } })(withMediaForm(InnerForm) as any); export default EditForm;