@@ -0,0 +1,1999 @@
+// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+#![recursion_limit = "256"]
+use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
+use rstd::collections::{btree_map::BTreeMap, btree_set::BTreeSet};
+use rstd::prelude::*;
+use runtime_primitives::traits::{MaybeSerializeDeserialize, Member, One, SimpleArithmetic, Zero};
+use srml_support::{
+ decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch, ensure, traits::Get, Parameter,
+ StorageDoubleMap,
+use std::hash::Hash;
+use system::ensure_signed;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+mod errors;
+mod mock;
+mod operations;
+mod permissions;
+mod schema;
+mod tests;
+use core::fmt::Debug;
+pub use errors::*;
+pub use operations::*;
+pub use permissions::*;
+pub use schema::*;
+type MaxNumber = u32;
+/// Type, respresenting inbound entities rc for each entity
+type ReferenceCounter = u32;
+pub trait Trait: system::Trait + ActorAuthenticator + Debug + Clone {
+ /// The overarching event type.
+ type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
+ /// Nonce type is used to avoid data race update conditions, when performing property value vector operations
+ type Nonce: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + Clone
+ + One
+ + Zero
+ + MaybeSerializeDeserialize
+ + Eq
+ + PartialEq
+ + Ord
+ + From<u32>;
+ /// Type of identifier for classes
+ type ClassId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + Clone
+ + One
+ + Zero
+ + MaybeSerializeDeserialize
+ + Eq
+ + PartialEq
+ + Ord;
+ /// Type of identifier for entities
+ type EntityId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + Clone
+ + Hash
+ + One
+ + Zero
+ + MaybeSerializeDeserialize
+ + Eq
+ + PartialEq
+ + Ord;
+ /// Security/configuration constraints
+ /// Type, representing min & max property name length constraints
+ type PropertyNameLengthConstraint: Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint>;
+ /// Type, representing min & max property description length constraints
+ type PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint: Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint>;
+ /// Type, representing min & max class name length constraints
+ type ClassNameLengthConstraint: Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint>;
+ /// Type, representing min & max class description length constraints
+ type ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint: Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint>;
+ /// The maximum number of classes
+ type MaxNumberOfClasses: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum number of maintainers per class constraint
+ type MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum number of curators per group constraint
+ type MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum number of schemas per class constraint
+ type NumberOfSchemasPerClass: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum number of properties per class constraint
+ type MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerClass: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum number of operations during single invocation of `transaction`
+ type MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum length of vector property value constarint
+ type VecMaxLengthConstraint: Get<VecMaxLength>;
+ /// The maximum length of text property value constarint
+ type TextMaxLengthConstraint: Get<TextMaxLength>;
+ /// Entities creation constraint per class
+ type MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass: Get<Self::EntityId>;
+ /// Entities creation constraint per individual
+ type IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit: Get<Self::EntityId>;
+/// Length constraint for input validation
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub struct InputValidationLengthConstraint {
+ /// Minimum length
+ pub min: u16,
+ /// Difference between minimum length and max length.
+ /// While having max would have been more direct, this
+ /// way makes max < min unrepresentable semantically,
+ /// which is safer.
+ pub max_min_diff: u16,
+/// Structure, representing `inbound_entity_rcs` & `inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs` mappings to their respective count for each referenced entity id
+pub struct EntitiesRc<T: Trait> {
+ /// Entities, which inbound same owner rc should be changed
+ pub inbound_entity_rcs: BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>,
+ /// Entities, which rc should be changed (only includes entity ids, which are not in inbound_entity_rcs already)
+ pub inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs: BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>,
+impl<T: Trait> Default for EntitiesRc<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inbound_entity_rcs: BTreeMap::default(),
+ inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs: BTreeMap::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> EntitiesRc<T> {
+ /// Fill in one of inbound entity rcs mappings, based on `same_owner` flag provided
+ fn fill_in_entity_rcs(&mut self, entity_ids: Vec<T::EntityId>, same_owner: bool) {
+ let inbound_entity_rcs = if same_owner {
+ &mut self.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
+ } else {
+ &mut self.inbound_entity_rcs
+ };
+ for entity_id in entity_ids {
+ *inbound_entity_rcs.entry(entity_id).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Traverse `inbound_entity_rcs` & `inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs`,
+ /// increasing each `Entity` respective reference counters
+ fn increase_entity_rcs(self) {
+ self.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
+ .iter()
+ .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::increase_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
+ });
+ self.inbound_entity_rcs.iter().for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::increase_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Traverse `inbound_entity_rcs` & `inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs`,
+ /// decreasing each `Entity` respective reference counters
+ fn decrease_entity_rcs(self) {
+ self.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
+ .iter()
+ .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
+ });
+ self.inbound_entity_rcs.iter().for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
+ });
+ }
+impl InputValidationLengthConstraint {
+ pub fn new(min: u16, max_min_diff: u16) -> Self {
+ Self { min, max_min_diff }
+ }
+ /// Helper for computing max
+ pub fn max(self) -> u16 {
+ self.min + self.max_min_diff
+ }
+ pub fn ensure_valid(
+ self,
+ len: usize,
+ too_short_msg: &'static str,
+ too_long_msg: &'static str,
+ ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ let length = len as u16;
+ if length < self.min {
+ Err(too_short_msg)
+ } else if length > self.max() {
+ Err(too_long_msg)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Class<T: Trait> {
+ /// Permissions for an instance of a Class.
+ class_permissions: ClassPermissions<T>,
+ /// All properties that have been used on this class across different class schemas.
+ /// Unlikely to be more than roughly 20 properties per class, often less.
+ /// For Person, think "height", "weight", etc.
+ pub properties: Vec<Property<T>>,
+ /// All schemas that are available for this class, think v0.0 Person, v.1.0 Person, etc.
+ pub schemas: Vec<Schema>,
+ pub name: Vec<u8>,
+ pub description: Vec<u8>,
+ /// The maximum number of entities which can be created.
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId,
+ /// The current number of entities which exist.
+ current_number_of_entities: T::EntityId,
+ /// How many entities a given controller may create at most.
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound: T::EntityId,
+impl<T: Trait> Default for Class<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ class_permissions: ClassPermissions::<T>::default(),
+ properties: vec![],
+ schemas: vec![],
+ name: vec![],
+ description: vec![],
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId::default(),
+ current_number_of_entities: T::EntityId::default(),
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound: T::EntityId::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> Class<T> {
+ /// Create new `Class` with provided parameters
+ fn new(
+ class_permissions: ClassPermissions<T>,
+ name: Vec<u8>,
+ description: Vec<u8>,
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId,
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound: T::EntityId,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ class_permissions,
+ properties: vec![],
+ schemas: vec![],
+ name,
+ description,
+ maximum_entities_count,
+ current_number_of_entities: T::EntityId::zero(),
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Used to update `Schema` status under given `schema_index`
+ fn update_schema_status(&mut self, schema_index: SchemaId, schema_status: bool) {
+ // Such indexing is safe, when length bounds were previously checked
+ self.schemas[schema_index as usize].set_status(schema_status);
+ }
+ /// Used to update `Class` permissions
+ fn update_permissions(&mut self, permissions: ClassPermissions<T>) {
+ self.class_permissions = permissions
+ }
+ /// Increment number of entities, associated with this class
+ fn increment_entities_count(&mut self) {
+ self.current_number_of_entities += T::EntityId::one();
+ }
+ /// Decrement number of entities, associated with this class
+ fn decrement_entities_count(&mut self) {
+ self.current_number_of_entities -= T::EntityId::one();
+ }
+ /// Retrieve `ClassPermissions` by mutable reference
+ fn get_permissions_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ClassPermissions<T> {
+ &mut self.class_permissions
+ }
+ /// Retrieve `ClassPermissions` by reference
+ fn get_permissions_ref(&self) -> &ClassPermissions<T> {
+ &self.class_permissions
+ }
+ /// Retrieve `ClassPermissions` by value
+ fn get_permissions(self) -> ClassPermissions<T> {
+ self.class_permissions
+ }
+ /// Retrieve `Class` properties by reference
+ fn get_properties_ref(&self) -> &[Property<T>] {
+ &self.properties
+ }
+ /// Get per controller `Class`- specific limit
+ pub fn get_default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound(&self) -> T::EntityId {
+ self.default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound
+ }
+ /// Retrive the maximum entities count, which can be created for given `Class`
+ pub fn get_maximum_entities_count(&self) -> T::EntityId {
+ self.maximum_entities_count
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Class` `Schema` under given index exist, return corresponding `Schema`
+ fn ensure_schema_exists(&self, schema_index: SchemaId) -> Result<&Schema, &'static str> {
+ self.schemas
+ .get(schema_index as usize)
+ .map(|schema| schema)
+ }
+ /// Ensure `schema_id` is a valid index of `Class` schemas vector
+ pub fn ensure_schema_id_exists(&self, schema_id: SchemaId) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ schema_id < self.schemas.len() as SchemaId,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Schema`s limit per `Class` not reached
+ pub fn ensure_schemas_limit_not_reached(&self) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ T::NumberOfSchemasPerClass::get() < self.schemas.len() as MaxNumber,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure properties limit per `Class` not reached
+ pub fn ensure_properties_limit_not_reached(
+ &self,
+ new_properties: &[Property<T>],
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ T::MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerClass::get()
+ <= (self.properties.len() + new_properties.len()) as MaxNumber,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Class` specific entities limit not reached
+ pub fn ensure_maximum_entities_count_limit_not_reached(&self) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ self.current_number_of_entities < self.maximum_entities_count,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Property` under given `PropertyId` is unlocked from actor with given `EntityAccessLevel`
+ /// return corresponding `Property` by value
+ pub fn ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
+ &self,
+ in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
+ entity_access_level: EntityAccessLevel,
+ ) -> Result<Property<T>, &'static str> {
+ self.ensure_property_values_unlocked()?;
+ // Get class-level information about this `Property`
+ let class_property = self
+ .properties
+ .get(in_class_schema_property_id as usize)
+ // Throw an error if a property was not found on class
+ // by an in-class index of a property.
+ class_property.ensure_unlocked_from(entity_access_level)?;
+ Ok(class_property.to_owned())
+ }
+ /// Ensure property values were not locked on `Class` level
+ pub fn ensure_property_values_unlocked(&self) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ !self
+ .get_permissions_ref()
+ .all_entity_property_values_locked(),
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// Represents `Entity`, related to a specific `Class`
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub struct Entity<T: Trait> {
+ /// Permissions for an instance of an Entity.
+ pub entity_permissions: EntityPermissions<T>,
+ /// The class id of this entity.
+ pub class_id: T::ClassId,
+ /// What schemas under which this entity of a class is available, think
+ /// v.2.0 Person schema for John, v3.0 Person schema for John
+ /// Unlikely to be more than roughly 20ish, assuming schemas for a given class eventually stableize, or that very old schema are eventually removed.
+ pub supported_schemas: BTreeSet<SchemaId>, // indices of schema in corresponding class
+ /// Values for properties on class that are used by some schema used by this entity!
+ /// Length is no more than Class.properties.
+ pub values: BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>,
+ /// Number of property values referencing current entity
+ pub reference_count: ReferenceCounter,
+ /// Number of inbound references from another entities with `SameOwner`flag set
+ pub inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count: ReferenceCounter,
+impl<T: Trait> Default for Entity<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ entity_permissions: EntityPermissions::<T>::default(),
+ class_id: T::ClassId::default(),
+ supported_schemas: BTreeSet::new(),
+ values: BTreeMap::new(),
+ reference_count: 0,
+ inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count: 0,
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> Entity<T> {
+ /// Create new `Entity` instance, related to a given `class_id` with provided parameters,
+ fn new(
+ controller: EntityController<T>,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ supported_schemas: BTreeSet<SchemaId>,
+ values: BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ entity_permissions: EntityPermissions::<T>::default_with_controller(controller),
+ class_id,
+ supported_schemas,
+ values,
+ reference_count: 0,
+ inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get `values` by reference
+ fn get_values_ref(&self) -> &BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>> {
+ &self.values
+ }
+ /// Get mutable `EntityPermissions` reference, related to given `Entity`
+ fn get_permissions_mut(&mut self) -> &mut EntityPermissions<T> {
+ &mut self.entity_permissions
+ }
+ /// Get `EntityPermissions` reference, related to given `Entity`
+ fn get_permissions_ref(&self) -> &EntityPermissions<T> {
+ &self.entity_permissions
+ }
+ /// Get `EntityPermissions`, related to given `Entity` by value
+ fn get_permissions(self) -> EntityPermissions<T> {
+ self.entity_permissions
+ }
+ /// Update existing `EntityPermissions` with newly provided
+ pub fn update_permissions(&mut self, permissions: EntityPermissions<T>) {
+ self.entity_permissions = permissions
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Schema` under given id is not yet added to given `Entity`
+ pub fn ensure_schema_id_is_not_added(&self, schema_id: SchemaId) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let schema_not_added = !self.supported_schemas.contains(&schema_id);
+ ensure!(schema_not_added, ERROR_SCHEMA_ALREADY_ADDED_TO_ENTITY);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure PropertyValue under given `in_class_schema_property_id` is Vector
+ fn ensure_property_value_is_vec(
+ &self,
+ in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
+ ) -> Result<&VecPropertyValue<T>, &'static str> {
+ self.values
+ .get(&in_class_schema_property_id)
+ // Throw an error if a property was not found on entity
+ // by an in-class index of a property.
+ .as_vec_property_value()
+ // Ensure prop value under given class schema property id is vector
+ }
+ /// Ensure any `PropertyValue` from external entity does not point to the given `Entity`
+ pub fn ensure_rc_is_zero(&self) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ self.reference_count == 0,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure any inbound `PropertyValue` points to the given `Entity`
+ pub fn ensure_inbound_same_owner_rc_is_zero(&self) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ self.inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count == 0,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+decl_storage! {
+ trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as ContentDirectory {
+ /// Map, representing CuratorGroupId -> CuratorGroup relation
+ pub CuratorGroupById get(curator_group_by_id): map T::CuratorGroupId => CuratorGroup<T>;
+ /// Map, representing ClassId -> Class relation
+ pub ClassById get(class_by_id) config(): linked_map T::ClassId => Class<T>;
+ /// Map, representing EntityId -> Entity relation
+ pub EntityById get(entity_by_id) config(): map T::EntityId => Entity<T>;
+ /// Next runtime storage values used to maintain next id value, used on creation of respective curator groups, classes and entities
+ pub NextCuratorGroupId get(next_curator_group_id) config(): T::CuratorGroupId;
+ pub NextClassId get(next_class_id) config(): T::ClassId;
+ pub NextEntityId get(next_entity_id) config(): T::EntityId;
+ // The voucher associated with entity creation for a given class and controller.
+ // Is updated whenever an entity is created in a given class by a given controller.
+ // Constraint is updated by Root, an initial value comes from `ClassPermissions::default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound`.
+ pub EntityCreationVouchers get(entity_creation_vouchers): double_map hasher(blake2_128) T::ClassId, blake2_128(EntityController<T>) => EntityCreationVoucher<T>;
+ }
+decl_module! {
+ pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+ // ======
+ // Next set of extrinsics can only be invoked by lead.
+ // ======
+ // Initializing events
+ fn deposit_event() = default;
+ /// Add new curator group to runtime storage
+ pub fn add_curator_group(
+ origin,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ let curator_group_id = Self::next_curator_group_id();
+ // Insert empty curator group with `active` parameter set to false
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::insert(curator_group_id, CuratorGroup::<T>::default());
+ // Increment the next curator curator_group_id:
+ <NextCuratorGroupId<T>>::mutate(|n| *n += T::CuratorGroupId::one());
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CuratorGroupAdded(curator_group_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Remove curator group under given `curator_group_id` from runtime storage
+ pub fn remove_curator_group(
+ origin,
+ curator_group_id: T::CuratorGroupId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let curator_group = Self::ensure_curator_group_exists(&curator_group_id)?;
+ curator_group.ensure_curator_group_maintains_no_classes()?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Remove curator group under given curator group id from runtime storage
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::remove(curator_group_id);
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CuratorGroupRemoved(curator_group_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Set `is_active` status for curator group under given `curator_group_id`
+ pub fn set_curator_group_status(
+ origin,
+ curator_group_id: T::CuratorGroupId,
+ is_active: bool,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ Self::ensure_curator_group_under_given_id_exists(&curator_group_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Mutate curator group status
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::mutate(curator_group_id, |curator_group| {
+ curator_group.set_status(is_active)
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CuratorGroupStatusSet(is_active));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add curator to curator group under given `curator_group_id`
+ pub fn add_curator_to_group(
+ origin,
+ curator_group_id: T::CuratorGroupId,
+ curator_id: T::CuratorId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let curator_group = Self::ensure_curator_group_exists(&curator_group_id)?;
+ curator_group.ensure_max_number_of_curators_limit_not_reached()?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Insert curator_id into curator_group under given curator_group_id
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::mutate(curator_group_id, |curator_group| {
+ curator_group.get_curators_mut().insert(curator_id);
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CuratorAdded(curator_group_id, curator_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Remove curator from a given curator group
+ pub fn remove_curator_from_group(
+ origin,
+ curator_group_id: T::CuratorGroupId,
+ curator_id: T::CuratorId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let curator_group = Self::ensure_curator_group_exists(&curator_group_id)?;
+ curator_group.ensure_curator_in_group_exists(&curator_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Remove curator_id from curator_group under given curator_group_id
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::mutate(curator_group_id, |curator_group| {
+ curator_group.get_curators_mut().remove(&curator_id);
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CuratorRemoved(curator_group_id, curator_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add curator group under given `curator_group_id` as `Class` maintainer
+ pub fn add_maintainer_to_class(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ curator_group_id: T::CuratorGroupId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let class = Self::ensure_known_class_id(class_id)?;
+ Self::ensure_curator_group_under_given_id_exists(&curator_group_id)?;
+ let class_permissions = class.get_permissions_ref();
+ Self::ensure_maintainers_limit_not_reached(class_permissions.get_maintainers())?;
+ class_permissions.ensure_maintainer_does_not_exist(&curator_group_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Insert `curator_group_id` into `maintainers` set, associated with given `Class`
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(class_id, |class|
+ class.get_permissions_mut().get_maintainers_mut().insert(curator_group_id)
+ );
+ // Increment the number of classes, curator group under given `curator_group_id` maintains
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::mutate(curator_group_id, |curator_group| {
+ curator_group.increment_number_of_classes_maintained_count();
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MaintainerAdded(class_id, curator_group_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Remove curator group under given `curator_group_id` from `Class` maintainers set
+ pub fn remove_maintainer_from_class(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ curator_group_id: T::CuratorGroupId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let class = Self::ensure_known_class_id(class_id)?;
+ class.get_permissions_ref().ensure_maintainer_exists(&curator_group_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Remove `curator_group_id` from `maintainers` set, associated with given `Class`
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(class_id, |class|
+ class.get_permissions_mut().get_maintainers_mut().remove(&curator_group_id)
+ );
+ // Decrement the number of classes, curator group under given `curator_group_id` maintains
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::mutate(curator_group_id, |curator_group| {
+ curator_group.decrement_number_of_classes_maintained_count();
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MaintainerRemoved(class_id, curator_group_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Updates or creates new `EntityCreationVoucher` for given `EntityController` with individual limit
+ pub fn update_entity_creation_voucher(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ controller: EntityController<T>,
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ Self::ensure_known_class_id(class_id)?;
+ // Check voucher existance
+ let voucher_exists = <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::exists(class_id, &controller);
+ Self::ensure_valid_number_of_class_entities_per_actor_constraint(maximum_entities_count)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ if voucher_exists {
+ <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::mutate(class_id, &controller, |entity_creation_voucher| {
+ entity_creation_voucher.set_maximum_entities_count(maximum_entities_count);
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityCreationVoucherUpdated(controller.clone(), entity_creation_voucher.to_owned()))
+ });
+ } else {
+ let entity_creation_voucher = EntityCreationVoucher::new(maximum_entities_count);
+ // Add newly created `EntityCreationVoucher` into `EntityCreationVouchers` runtime storage under given `class_id`, `controller` key
+ <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::insert(class_id, controller.clone(), entity_creation_voucher.clone());
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityCreationVoucherCreated(controller, entity_creation_voucher));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Create new `Class` with provided parameters
+ pub fn create_class(
+ origin,
+ name: Vec<u8>,
+ description: Vec<u8>,
+ class_permissions: ClassPermissions<T>,
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId,
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound: T::EntityId
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ Self::ensure_entities_creation_limits_are_valid(maximum_entities_count, default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound)?;
+ Self::ensure_class_limit_not_reached()?;
+ Self::ensure_class_name_is_valid(&name)?;
+ Self::ensure_class_description_is_valid(&description)?;
+ Self::ensure_class_permissions_are_valid(&class_permissions)?;
+ let class_id = Self::next_class_id();
+ let class = Class::new(class_permissions, name, description, maximum_entities_count, default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound);
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Add new `Class` to runtime storage
+ <ClassById<T>>::insert(&class_id, class);
+ // Increment the next class id:
+ <NextClassId<T>>::mutate(|n| *n += T::ClassId::one());
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ClassCreated(class_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Update `ClassPermissions` under specific `class_id`
+ pub fn update_class_permissions(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ updated_any_member: Option<bool>,
+ updated_entity_creation_blocked: Option<bool>,
+ updated_all_entity_property_values_locked: Option<bool>,
+ updated_maintainers: Option<BTreeSet<T::CuratorGroupId>>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let class = Self::ensure_known_class_id(class_id)?;
+ let mut class_permissions = class.get_permissions();
+ if let Some(ref updated_maintainers) = updated_maintainers {
+ Self::ensure_curator_groups_exist(updated_maintainers)?;
+ Self::ensure_maintainers_limit_not_reached(updated_maintainers)?;
+ }
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // If no update performed, there is no purpose to emit event
+ let mut updated = false;
+ if let Some(updated_any_member) = updated_any_member {
+ class_permissions.set_any_member_status(updated_any_member);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if let Some(updated_entity_creation_blocked) = updated_entity_creation_blocked {
+ class_permissions.set_entity_creation_blocked(updated_entity_creation_blocked);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if let Some(updated_all_entity_property_values_locked) = updated_all_entity_property_values_locked {
+ class_permissions.set_all_entity_property_values_locked(updated_all_entity_property_values_locked);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if let Some(updated_maintainers) = updated_maintainers {
+ class_permissions.set_maintainers(updated_maintainers);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if updated {
+ // Update `class_permissions` under given class id
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(class_id, |class| {
+ class.update_permissions(class_permissions)
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ClassPermissionsUpdated(class_id));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Create new class schema from existing property ids and new properties
+ pub fn add_class_schema(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ existing_properties: BTreeSet<PropertyId>,
+ new_properties: Vec<Property<T>>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let class = Self::ensure_known_class_id(class_id)?;
+ class.ensure_schemas_limit_not_reached()?;
+ Self::ensure_non_empty_schema(&existing_properties, &new_properties)?;
+ class.ensure_properties_limit_not_reached(&new_properties)?;
+ Self::ensure_all_properties_are_valid(&new_properties)?;
+ let class_properties = class.get_properties_ref();
+ Self::ensure_all_property_names_are_unique(class_properties, &new_properties)?;
+ // Create new Schema with existing properies provided
+ let mut schema = Schema::new(existing_properties);
+ schema.ensure_schema_properties_are_valid_indices(class_properties)?;
+ // Represents class properties after new `Schema` added
+ let mut updated_class_props = class.properties;
+ new_properties.into_iter().for_each(|prop| {
+ // Add new property ids to `Schema`
+ let prop_id = updated_class_props.len() as PropertyId;
+ schema.get_properties_mut().insert(prop_id);
+ // Update existing class properties
+ updated_class_props.push(prop);
+ });
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update class properties and schemas
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(class_id, |class| {
+ class.properties = updated_class_props;
+ class.schemas.push(schema);
+ let schema_id = class.schemas.len() - 1;
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ClassSchemaAdded(class_id, schema_id as SchemaId));
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Update `schema_status` under specific `schema_id` in `Class`
+ pub fn update_class_schema_status(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ schema_id: SchemaId,
+ schema_status: bool
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let class = Self::ensure_known_class_id(class_id)?;
+ class.ensure_schema_id_exists(schema_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update class schema status
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(class_id, |class| {
+ class.update_schema_status(schema_id, schema_status)
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ClassSchemaStatusUpdated(class_id, schema_id, schema_status));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Update entity permissions.
+ pub fn update_entity_permissions(
+ origin,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ updated_frozen_for_controller: Option<bool>,
+ updated_referenceable: Option<bool>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Ensure given origin is lead
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let entity = Self::ensure_known_entity_id(entity_id)?;
+ let mut entity_permissions = entity.get_permissions();
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // If no update performed, there is no purpose to emit event
+ let mut updated = false;
+ if let Some(updated_frozen_for_controller) = updated_frozen_for_controller {
+ entity_permissions.set_frozen(updated_frozen_for_controller);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if let Some(updated_referenceable) = updated_referenceable {
+ entity_permissions.set_referencable(updated_referenceable);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if updated {
+ // Update entity permissions under given entity id
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ entity.update_permissions(entity_permissions)
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityPermissionsUpdated(entity_id));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Transfer ownership to new `EntityController` for `Entity` under given `entity_id`
+ /// If `Entity` has `PropertyValue` references with `SameOwner` flag activated, each `Entity` ownership
+ /// will be transfered to `new_controller`
+ pub fn transfer_entity_ownership(
+ origin,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ new_controller: EntityController<T>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_is_lead::<T>(origin)?;
+ let (entity, class) = Self::ensure_entity_and_class(entity_id)?;
+ entity.ensure_inbound_same_owner_rc_is_zero()?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Set of all entities, which controller should be updated after ownership transfer performed
+ let mut entities = BTreeSet::new();
+ // Insert root entity_id into entities set
+ entities.insert(entity_id);
+ Self::retrieve_all_entities_to_perform_ownership_transfer(&class, entity, &mut entities);
+ // Perform ownership transfer of all involved entities
+ entities.into_iter().for_each(|involved_entity_id| {
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(involved_entity_id, |inner_entity|
+ inner_entity.get_permissions_mut().set_conroller(new_controller.clone())
+ );
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityOwnershipTransfered(entity_id, new_controller));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // ======
+ // The next set of extrinsics can be invoked by anyone who can properly sign for provided value of `Actor<T>`.
+ // ======
+ /// Create an entity.
+ /// If someone is making an entity of this class for first time,
+ /// then a voucher is also added with the class limit as the default limit value.
+ /// class limit default value.
+ pub fn create_entity(
+ origin,
+ class_id: T::ClassId,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let class = Self::ensure_class_exists(class_id)?;
+ // Ensure maximum entities limit per class not reached
+ class.ensure_maximum_entities_count_limit_not_reached()?;
+ let class_permissions = class.get_permissions_ref();
+ // Ensure actor can create entities
+ class_permissions.ensure_entity_creation_not_blocked()?;
+ class_permissions.ensure_can_create_entities(&account_id, &actor)?;
+ let entity_controller = EntityController::from_actor(&actor);
+ // Check if entity creation voucher exists
+ let voucher_exists = if <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::exists(class_id, &entity_controller) {
+ // Ensure voucher limit not reached
+ Self::entity_creation_vouchers(class_id, &entity_controller).ensure_voucher_limit_not_reached()?;
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ };
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Create voucher, update if exists
+ if voucher_exists {
+ // Increment number of created entities count, if voucher already exist
+ <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::mutate(class_id, &entity_controller, |entity_creation_voucher| {
+ entity_creation_voucher.increment_created_entities_count()
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Create new voucher for given entity creator with default limit and increment created entities count
+ let mut entity_creation_voucher = EntityCreationVoucher::new(class.get_default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound());
+ entity_creation_voucher.increment_created_entities_count();
+ <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::insert(class_id, entity_controller.clone(), entity_creation_voucher);
+ }
+ // Create new entity
+ let entity_id = Self::next_entity_id();
+ let new_entity = Entity::<T>::new(
+ entity_controller,
+ class_id,
+ BTreeSet::new(),
+ BTreeMap::new(),
+ );
+ // Save newly created entity:
+ EntityById::insert(entity_id, new_entity);
+ // Increment the next entity id:
+ <NextEntityId<T>>::mutate(|n| *n += T::EntityId::one());
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(class_id, |class| {
+ class.increment_entities_count();
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityCreated(actor, entity_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Remove `Entity` under provided `entity_id`
+ pub fn remove_entity(
+ origin,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let (_, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
+ EntityPermissions::<T>::ensure_group_can_remove_entity(access_level)?;
+ entity.ensure_rc_is_zero()?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Remove entity
+ <EntityById<T>>::remove(entity_id);
+ // Decrement class entities counter
+ <ClassById<T>>::mutate(entity.class_id, |class| class.decrement_entities_count());
+ let entity_controller = EntityController::<T>::from_actor(&actor);
+ // Decrement entity_creation_voucher after entity removal perfomed
+ <EntityCreationVouchers<T>>::mutate(entity.class_id, entity_controller, |entity_creation_voucher| {
+ entity_creation_voucher.decrement_created_entities_count();
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityRemoved(actor, entity_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add schema support to entity under given shema_id and provided `property_values`
+ pub fn add_schema_support_to_entity(
+ origin,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ schema_id: SchemaId,
+ property_values: BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let (class, entity, _) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
+ entity.ensure_schema_id_is_not_added(schema_id)?;
+ let schema = class.ensure_schema_exists(schema_id)?;
+ schema.ensure_is_active()?;
+ let entity_values = entity.get_values_ref();
+ // Updated entity values, after new schema support added
+ let mut entity_values_updated = entity.values.clone();
+ // Entities, which rc should be incremented
+ let mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
+ for prop_id in schema.get_properties().iter() {
+ if entity_values.contains_key(prop_id) {
+ // A property is already added to the entity and cannot be updated
+ // while adding a schema support to this entity.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Indexing is safe, class shoud always maintain such constistency
+ let class_property = &class.properties[*prop_id as usize];
+ Self::add_new_property_value(
+ class_property, &entity, *prop_id,
+ &property_values, &mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs, &mut entity_values_updated
+ )?;
+ }
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Add schema support to `Entity` under given `entity_id`
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ // Add a new schema to the list of schemas supported by this entity.
+ entity.supported_schemas.insert(schema_id);
+ // Update entity values only if new properties have been added.
+ if entity_values_updated.len() > entity.values.len() {
+ entity.values = entity_values_updated;
+ }
+ });
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs.increase_entity_rcs();
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntitySchemaSupportAdded(actor, entity_id, schema_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Update `Entity` `PropertyValue`'s with provided ones
+ pub fn update_entity_property_values(
+ origin,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ new_property_values: BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let (class, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
+ class.ensure_property_values_unlocked()?;
+ // Get current property values of an entity,
+ // so we can update them if new values provided present in new_property_values.
+ let mut updated_values = entity.values.clone();
+ let mut updated = false;
+ // Entities, which rc should be incremented
+ let mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
+ // Entities, which rc should be decremented
+ let mut entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
+ // Iterate over a vector of new values and update corresponding properties
+ // of this entity if new values are valid.
+ for (id, new_value) in new_property_values.into_iter() {
+ // Try to find a current property value in the entity
+ // by matching its id to the id of a property with an updated value.
+ let current_prop_value = updated_values
+ .get_mut(&id)
+ // Throw an error if a property was not found on entity
+ // by an in-class index of a property update.
+ // Skip update if new value is equal to the current one or class property type
+ // is locked for update from current actor
+ if new_value != *current_prop_value {
+ // Get class-level information about this property
+ if let Some(class_property) = class.properties.get(id as usize) {
+ class_property.ensure_unlocked_from(access_level)?;
+ class_property.ensure_property_value_to_update_is_valid(
+ &new_value,
+ entity.get_permissions_ref().get_controller(),
+ )?;
+ Self::fill_in_involved_entity_ids_rcs(
+ &new_value, current_prop_value, class_property.property_type.same_controller_status(),
+ &mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs, &mut entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs
+ );
+ current_prop_value.update(new_value);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // If property values should be updated
+ if updated {
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ entity.values = updated_values;
+ });
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs.increase_entity_rcs();
+ entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs.decrease_entity_rcs();
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityPropertyValuesUpdated(actor, entity_id));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Clear `PropertyValueVec` under given `entity_id` & `in_class_schema_property_id`
+ pub fn clear_entity_property_vector(
+ origin,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let (class, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
+ let current_property_value_vec =
+ entity.ensure_property_value_is_vec(in_class_schema_property_id)?;
+ let property = class.ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
+ in_class_schema_property_id,
+ access_level,
+ )?;
+ let entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs = current_property_value_vec
+ .get_vec_value()
+ .get_involved_entities();
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Clear property value vector
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ if let Some(PropertyValue::Vector(current_property_value_vec)) =
+ entity.values.get_mut(&in_class_schema_property_id)
+ {
+ current_property_value_vec.vec_clear();
+ }
+ if let Some(entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs) = entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs {
+ Self::count_entities(entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs).iter()
+ .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| Self::decrease_entity_rcs(
+ entity_id, *rc, property.property_type.same_controller_status()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityPropertyValueVectorCleared(actor, entity_id, in_class_schema_property_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Remove value at given `index_in_property_vec`
+ /// from `PropertyValueVec` under in_class_schema_property_id
+ pub fn remove_at_entity_property_vector(
+ origin,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
+ index_in_property_vec: VecMaxLength,
+ nonce: T::Nonce
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let (class, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
+ let current_property_value_vec =
+ entity.ensure_property_value_is_vec(in_class_schema_property_id)?;
+ let property = class.ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
+ in_class_schema_property_id,
+ access_level,
+ )?;
+ current_property_value_vec.ensure_nonce_equality(nonce)?;
+ current_property_value_vec
+ .ensure_index_in_property_vector_is_valid(index_in_property_vec)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ let involved_entity_id = current_property_value_vec
+ .get_vec_value()
+ .get_involved_entities()
+ .map(|involved_entities| involved_entities[index_in_property_vec as usize]);
+ // Remove value at in_class_schema_property_id in property value vector
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ if let Some(PropertyValue::Vector(current_prop_value)) =
+ entity.values.get_mut(&in_class_schema_property_id)
+ {
+ current_prop_value.vec_remove_at(index_in_property_vec);
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(
+ RawEvent::RemovedAtEntityPropertyValueVectorIndex(
+ actor, entity_id, in_class_schema_property_id, index_in_property_vec, nonce
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ });
+ if let Some(involved_entity_id) = involved_entity_id {
+ Self::decrease_entity_rcs(&involved_entity_id, 1, property.property_type.same_controller_status());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Insert `SinglePropertyValue` at given `index_in_property_vec`
+ /// into `PropertyValueVec` under in_class_schema_property_id
+ pub fn insert_at_entity_property_vector(
+ origin,
+ actor: Actor<T>,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
+ index_in_property_vec: VecMaxLength,
+ property_value: SinglePropertyValue<T>,
+ nonce: T::Nonce
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let (class, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
+ let current_property_value_vec =
+ entity.ensure_property_value_is_vec(in_class_schema_property_id)?;
+ let class_property = class.ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
+ in_class_schema_property_id,
+ access_level,
+ )?;
+ current_property_value_vec.ensure_nonce_equality(nonce)?;
+ class_property.ensure_prop_value_can_be_inserted_at_prop_vec(
+ &property_value,
+ current_property_value_vec,
+ index_in_property_vec,
+ entity.get_permissions_ref().get_controller(),
+ )?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Insert SinglePropertyValue at in_class_schema_property_id into property value vector
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ let value = property_value.get_value();
+ if let Some(entity_rc_to_increment) = value.get_involved_entity() {
+ Self::increase_entity_rcs(&entity_rc_to_increment, 1, class_property.property_type.same_controller_status());
+ }
+ if let Some(PropertyValue::Vector(current_prop_value)) =
+ entity.values.get_mut(&in_class_schema_property_id)
+ {
+ current_prop_value.vec_insert_at(index_in_property_vec, value);
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(
+ RawEvent::InsertedAtEntityPropertyValueVectorIndex(
+ actor, entity_id, in_class_schema_property_id, index_in_property_vec, nonce
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn transaction(origin, actor: Actor<T>, operations: Vec<OperationType<T>>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ Self::ensure_number_of_operations_during_atomic_batching_limit_not_reached(&operations)?;
+ // This Vec holds the T::EntityId of the entity created as a result of executing a `CreateEntity` `Operation`
+ let mut entity_created_in_operation = vec![];
+ let raw_origin = origin.into().map_err(|_| ERROR_ORIGIN_CANNOT_BE_MADE_INTO_RAW_ORIGIN)?;
+ for operation_type in operations.into_iter() {
+ let origin = T::Origin::from(raw_origin.clone());
+ let actor = actor.clone();
+ match operation_type {
+ OperationType::CreateEntity(create_entity_operation) => {
+ Self::create_entity(origin, create_entity_operation.class_id, actor)?;
+ // entity id of newly created entity
+ let entity_id = Self::next_entity_id() - T::EntityId::one();
+ entity_created_in_operation.push(entity_id);
+ },
+ OperationType::UpdatePropertyValues(update_property_values_operation) => {
+ let entity_id = operations::parametrized_entity_to_entity_id(
+ &entity_created_in_operation, update_property_values_operation.entity_id
+ )?;
+ let property_values = operations::parametrized_property_values_to_property_values(
+ &entity_created_in_operation, update_property_values_operation.new_parametrized_property_values
+ )?;
+ Self::update_entity_property_values(origin, actor, entity_id, property_values)?;
+ },
+ OperationType::AddSchemaSupportToEntity(add_schema_support_to_entity_operation) => {
+ let entity_id = operations::parametrized_entity_to_entity_id(
+ &entity_created_in_operation, add_schema_support_to_entity_operation.entity_id
+ )?;
+ let schema_id = add_schema_support_to_entity_operation.schema_id;
+ let property_values = operations::parametrized_property_values_to_property_values(
+ &entity_created_in_operation, add_schema_support_to_entity_operation.parametrized_property_values
+ )?;
+ Self::add_schema_support_to_entity(origin, actor, entity_id, schema_id, property_values)?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::TransactionCompleted(actor));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ /// Increases corresponding `Entity` references count by rc.
+ /// Depends on `same_owner` flag provided
+ fn increase_entity_rcs(entity_id: &T::EntityId, rc: u32, same_owner: bool) {
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ if same_owner {
+ entity.inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count += rc;
+ entity.reference_count += rc
+ } else {
+ entity.reference_count += rc
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /// Decreases corresponding `Entity` references count by rc.
+ /// Depends on `same_owner` flag provided
+ fn decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id: &T::EntityId, rc: u32, same_owner: bool) {
+ <EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
+ if same_owner {
+ entity.inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count -= rc;
+ entity.reference_count -= rc
+ } else {
+ entity.reference_count -= rc
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns the stored `Class` if exist, error otherwise.
+ fn ensure_class_exists(class_id: T::ClassId) -> Result<Class<T>, &'static str> {
+ ensure!(<ClassById<T>>::exists(class_id), ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND);
+ Ok(Self::class_by_id(class_id))
+ }
+ /// Add new `PropertyValue`, if it was not already provided under `PropertyId` of this `Schema`
+ fn add_new_property_value(
+ class_property: &Property<T>,
+ entity: &Entity<T>,
+ prop_id: PropertyId,
+ property_values: &BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>,
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
+ entity_values_updated: &mut BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>,
+ ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ if let Some(new_value) = property_values.get(&prop_id) {
+ class_property.ensure_property_value_to_update_is_valid(
+ new_value,
+ entity.get_permissions_ref().get_controller(),
+ )?;
+ class_property.ensure_unique_option_satisfied(new_value, entity_values_updated)?;
+ if let Some(entity_rcs_to_increment) = new_value.get_involved_entities() {
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs.fill_in_entity_rcs(
+ entity_rcs_to_increment,
+ class_property.property_type.same_controller_status(),
+ );
+ }
+ entity_values_updated.insert(prop_id, new_value.to_owned());
+ } else {
+ // All required prop values should be provided
+ ensure!(!class_property.required, ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP);
+ // Add all missing non required schema prop values as PropertyValue::default()
+ entity_values_updated.insert(prop_id, PropertyValue::default());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Fill in `entity_ids_to_increase_rcs` & `entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs`,
+ /// based on entities involved into update process
+ pub fn fill_in_involved_entity_ids_rcs(
+ new_value: &PropertyValue<T>,
+ current_prop_value: &PropertyValue<T>,
+ same_controller: bool,
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
+ entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
+ ) {
+ // Retrieve unique entity ids to update rc
+ if let (Some(entities_rc_to_increment_vec), Some(entities_rc_to_decrement_vec)) = (
+ new_value.get_involved_entities(),
+ current_prop_value.get_involved_entities(),
+ ) {
+ let (entities_rc_to_decrement_vec, entities_rc_to_increment_vec): (
+ Vec<T::EntityId>,
+ Vec<T::EntityId>,
+ ) = entities_rc_to_decrement_vec
+ .into_iter()
+ .zip(entities_rc_to_increment_vec.into_iter())
+ // Do not count entity_ids, that should be incremented and decremented simultaneously
+ .filter(|(entity_rc_to_decrement, entity_rc_to_increment)| {
+ entity_rc_to_decrement != entity_rc_to_increment
+ })
+ .unzip();
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs
+ .fill_in_entity_rcs(entities_rc_to_increment_vec, same_controller);
+ entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs
+ .fill_in_entity_rcs(entities_rc_to_decrement_vec, same_controller);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns class and entity under given id, if exists, and correspnding `origin` `EntityAccessLevel`, if permitted
+ fn ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(
+ origin: T::Origin,
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ actor: &Actor<T>,
+ ) -> Result<(Class<T>, Entity<T>, EntityAccessLevel), &'static str> {
+ let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let entity = Self::ensure_known_entity_id(entity_id)?;
+ let class = Self::class_by_id(entity.class_id);
+ let access_level = EntityAccessLevel::derive(
+ &account_id,
+ entity.get_permissions_ref(),
+ class.get_permissions_ref(),
+ actor,
+ )?;
+ Ok((class, entity, access_level))
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Entity` under given `entity_id` exists, retrieve corresponding `Entity` & `Class`
+ pub fn ensure_entity_and_class(
+ entity_id: T::EntityId,
+ ) -> Result<(Entity<T>, Class<T>), &'static str> {
+ let entity = Self::ensure_known_entity_id(entity_id)?;
+ let class = ClassById::get(entity.class_id);
+ Ok((entity, class))
+ }
+ /// Retrieve all `entity_id`'s, depending on current `Entity` (the tree of referenced entities with `SameOwner` flag set)
+ pub fn retrieve_all_entities_to_perform_ownership_transfer(
+ class: &Class<T>,
+ entity: Entity<T>,
+ entities: &mut BTreeSet<T::EntityId>,
+ ) {
+ for (id, value) in entity.values.iter() {
+ // Check, that property_type of class_property under given index is reference with `SameOwner` flag set
+ match class.properties.get(*id as usize) {
+ Some(class_property) if class_property.property_type.same_controller_status() => {
+ // Always safe
+ let class_id = class_property
+ .property_type
+ .get_referenced_class_id()
+ .unwrap();
+ // If property class_id is not equal to current one, retrieve corresponding Class from runtime storage
+ if class_id != entity.class_id {
+ let new_class = Self::class_by_id(class_id);
+ Self::get_all_same_owner_entities(&new_class, value, entities)
+ } else {
+ Self::get_all_same_owner_entities(&class, value, entities)
+ }
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get all referenced entities from corresponding property with `SameOwner` flag set,
+ /// call `retrieve_all_entities_to_perform_ownership_transfer` recursively to complete tree traversal
+ pub fn get_all_same_owner_entities(
+ class: &Class<T>,
+ value: &PropertyValue<T>,
+ entities: &mut BTreeSet<T::EntityId>,
+ ) {
+ if let Some(entity_ids) = value.get_involved_entities() {
+ entity_ids.into_iter().for_each(|entity_id| {
+ // If new entity with `SameOwner` flag set found
+ if !entities.contains(&entity_id) {
+ entities.insert(entity_id);
+ let new_entity = Self::entity_by_id(entity_id);
+ Self::retrieve_all_entities_to_perform_ownership_transfer(
+ &class, new_entity, entities,
+ );
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Class` under given id exists, return corresponding one
+ pub fn ensure_known_class_id(class_id: T::ClassId) -> Result<Class<T>, &'static str> {
+ ensure!(<ClassById<T>>::exists(class_id), ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND);
+ Ok(Self::class_by_id(class_id))
+ }
+ /// Ensure `Entity` under given id exists, return corresponding one
+ pub fn ensure_known_entity_id(entity_id: T::EntityId) -> Result<Entity<T>, &'static str> {
+ ensure!(<EntityById<T>>::exists(entity_id), ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND);
+ Ok(Self::entity_by_id(entity_id))
+ }
+ /// Ensure `CuratorGroup` under given id exists
+ pub fn ensure_curator_group_under_given_id_exists(
+ curator_group_id: &T::CuratorGroupId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ <CuratorGroupById<T>>::exists(curator_group_id),
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `CuratorGroup` under given id exists, return corresponding one
+ pub fn ensure_curator_group_exists(
+ curator_group_id: &T::CuratorGroupId,
+ ) -> Result<CuratorGroup<T>, &'static str> {
+ Self::ensure_curator_group_under_given_id_exists(curator_group_id)?;
+ Ok(Self::curator_group_by_id(curator_group_id))
+ }
+ /// Ensure `MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass` constraint satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_maintainers_limit_not_reached(
+ curator_groups: &BTreeSet<T::CuratorGroupId>,
+ ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ensure!(
+ curator_groups.len() < T::MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass::get() as usize,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure all curator groups under given id exist
+ pub fn ensure_curator_groups_exist(
+ curator_groups: &BTreeSet<T::CuratorGroupId>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ for curator_group in curator_groups {
+ Self::ensure_curator_group_exists(curator_group)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Perform security checks to ensure provided `ClassPermissions` are valid
+ pub fn ensure_class_permissions_are_valid(
+ class_permissions: &ClassPermissions<T>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ Self::ensure_maintainers_limit_not_reached(class_permissions.get_maintainers())?;
+ Self::ensure_curator_groups_exist(class_permissions.get_maintainers())?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure new `Schema` is not empty
+ pub fn ensure_non_empty_schema(
+ existing_properties: &BTreeSet<PropertyId>,
+ new_properties: &[Property<T>],
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let non_empty_schema = !existing_properties.is_empty() || !new_properties.is_empty();
+ ensure!(non_empty_schema, ERROR_NO_PROPS_IN_CLASS_SCHEMA);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `ClassNameLengthConstraint` conditions satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_class_name_is_valid(text: &[u8]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ T::ClassNameLengthConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ text.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ /// Ensure `ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint` conditions satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_class_description_is_valid(text: &[u8]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ T::ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ text.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ /// Ensure `MaxNumberOfClasses` constraint satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_class_limit_not_reached() -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ T::MaxNumberOfClasses::get() < <ClassById<T>>::enumerate().count() as MaxNumber,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass` constraint satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_valid_number_of_entities_per_class(
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ maximum_entities_count < T::MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass::get(),
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure `IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit` constraint satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_valid_number_of_class_entities_per_actor_constraint(
+ number_of_class_entities_per_actor: T::EntityId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ number_of_class_entities_per_actor < T::IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit::get(),
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure, that all entities creation limits, defined for a given `Class`, are valid
+ pub fn ensure_entities_creation_limits_are_valid(
+ maximum_entities_count: T::EntityId,
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound: T::EntityId,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Ensure `per_controller_entities_creation_limit` does not exceed
+ ensure!(
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound < maximum_entities_count,
+ );
+ Self::ensure_valid_number_of_entities_per_class(maximum_entities_count)?;
+ Self::ensure_valid_number_of_class_entities_per_actor_constraint(
+ default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Ensure maximum number of operations during atomic batching constraint satisfied
+ pub fn ensure_number_of_operations_during_atomic_batching_limit_not_reached(
+ operations: &[OperationType<T>],
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ operations.len() <= T::MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching::get() as usize,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Complete all checks to ensure each `Property` is valid
+ pub fn ensure_all_properties_are_valid(new_properties: &[Property<T>]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ for new_property in new_properties.iter() {
+ new_property.ensure_name_is_valid()?;
+ new_property.ensure_description_is_valid()?;
+ new_property.ensure_property_type_size_is_valid()?;
+ new_property.ensure_property_type_reference_is_valid()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure all `Property` names are unique within `Class`
+ pub fn ensure_all_property_names_are_unique(
+ class_properties: &[Property<T>],
+ new_properties: &[Property<T>],
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Used to ensure all property names are unique within class
+ let mut unique_prop_names = BTreeSet::new();
+ for property in class_properties.iter() {
+ unique_prop_names.insert(property.name.to_owned());
+ }
+ for new_property in new_properties {
+ // Ensure name of a new property is unique within its class.
+ ensure!(
+ !unique_prop_names.contains(&new_property.name),
+ );
+ unique_prop_names.insert(new_property.name.to_owned());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Counts the number of repetetive entities and returns `BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>`,
+ /// where T::EntityId - unique entity_id, ReferenceCounter - related counter
+ pub fn count_entities(entity_ids: Vec<T::EntityId>) -> BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter> {
+ let mut result = BTreeMap::new();
+ for entity_id in entity_ids {
+ *result.entry(entity_id).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ pub enum Event<T>
+ where
+ CuratorGroupId = <T as ActorAuthenticator>::CuratorGroupId,
+ CuratorId = <T as ActorAuthenticator>::CuratorId,
+ ClassId = <T as Trait>::ClassId,
+ EntityId = <T as Trait>::EntityId,
+ EntityController = EntityController<T>,
+ EntityCreationVoucher = EntityCreationVoucher<T>,
+ Status = bool,
+ Actor = Actor<T>,
+ Nonce = <T as Trait>::Nonce,
+ {
+ CuratorGroupAdded(CuratorGroupId),
+ CuratorGroupRemoved(CuratorGroupId),
+ CuratorGroupStatusSet(Status),
+ CuratorAdded(CuratorGroupId, CuratorId),
+ CuratorRemoved(CuratorGroupId, CuratorId),
+ MaintainerAdded(ClassId, CuratorGroupId),
+ MaintainerRemoved(ClassId, CuratorGroupId),
+ EntityCreationVoucherUpdated(EntityController, EntityCreationVoucher),
+ EntityCreationVoucherCreated(EntityController, EntityCreationVoucher),
+ ClassCreated(ClassId),
+ ClassPermissionsUpdated(ClassId),
+ ClassSchemaAdded(ClassId, SchemaId),
+ ClassSchemaStatusUpdated(ClassId, SchemaId, Status),
+ EntityPermissionsUpdated(EntityId),
+ EntityCreated(Actor, EntityId),
+ EntityRemoved(Actor, EntityId),
+ EntitySchemaSupportAdded(Actor, EntityId, SchemaId),
+ EntityPropertyValuesUpdated(Actor, EntityId),
+ EntityPropertyValueVectorCleared(Actor, EntityId, PropertyId),
+ RemovedAtEntityPropertyValueVectorIndex(Actor, EntityId, PropertyId, VecMaxLength, Nonce),
+ InsertedAtEntityPropertyValueVectorIndex(Actor, EntityId, PropertyId, VecMaxLength, Nonce),
+ TransactionCompleted(Actor),
+ EntityOwnershipTransfered(EntityId, EntityController),
+ }