@@ -143,11 +143,12 @@ pub struct InputValidationLengthConstraint {
pub max_min_diff: u16,
-/// Structure, representing Map`s of each referenced entity id count
+/// Structure, representing `inbound_entity_rcs` & `inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs` mappings to their respective count for each referenced entity id
pub struct EntitiesRc<T: Trait> {
// Entities, which inbound same owner rc should be changed
pub inbound_entity_rcs: BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>,
- // Entities, which rc should be changed (only includes entity ids, which are not in inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs_to_increment_map already)
+ // Entities, which rc should be changed (only includes entity ids, which are not in inbound_entity_rcs already)
pub inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs: BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>,
@@ -160,6 +161,43 @@ impl<T: Trait> Default for EntitiesRc<T> {
+impl<T: Trait> EntitiesRc<T> {
+ /// Fill in one of inbound entity rcs mappings, based on `same_owner` flag provided
+ fn fill_in_entity_rcs(&mut self, entity_ids: Vec<T::EntityId>, same_owner: bool) {
+ let inbound_entity_rcs = if same_owner {
+ &mut self.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
+ } else {
+ &mut self.inbound_entity_rcs
+ };
+ for entity_id in entity_ids {
+ *inbound_entity_rcs.entry(entity_id).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ fn increase_entity_rcs(self) {
+ self.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
+ .iter()
+ .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::increase_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
+ });
+ self.inbound_entity_rcs.iter().for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::increase_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
+ });
+ }
+ fn decrease_entity_rcs(self) {
+ self.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
+ .iter()
+ .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
+ });
+ self.inbound_entity_rcs.iter().for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
+ Module::<T>::decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
+ });
+ }
impl InputValidationLengthConstraint {
pub fn new(min: u16, max_min_diff: u16) -> Self {
Self { min, max_min_diff }
@@ -1137,7 +1175,7 @@ decl_module! {
let mut appended_entity_values = entity.values.clone();
// Entities, which rc should be incremented
- let mut entities_rc_to_increment = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
+ let mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
@@ -1150,7 +1188,7 @@ decl_module! {
- &class, &entity, *prop_id, &property_values, &mut entities_rc_to_increment, &mut appended_entity_values
+ &class, &entity, *prop_id, &property_values, &mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs, &mut appended_entity_values
@@ -1164,16 +1202,7 @@ decl_module! {
- entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
- .iter()
- .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
- Self::increment_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
- });
- entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_entity_rcs
- .iter()
- .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
- Self::increment_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
- });
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs.increase_entity_rcs();
// Trigger event
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntitySchemaSupportAdded(actor, entity_id, schema_id));
@@ -1189,11 +1218,7 @@ decl_module! {
let (class, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
- // Ensure property values were not locked on class level
- ensure!(
- !class.get_permissions_ref().all_entity_property_values_locked(),
- );
+ Self::ensure_property_values_unlocked(&class)?;
// Get current property values of an entity as a mutable vector,
// so we can update them if new values provided present in new_property_values.
@@ -1201,14 +1226,15 @@ decl_module! {
let mut updated = false;
// Entities, which rc should be incremented
- let mut entities_rc_to_increment = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
+ let mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
// Entities, which rc should be decremented
- let mut entities_rc_to_decrement = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
+ let mut entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs = EntitiesRc::<T>::default();
// Iterate over a vector of new values and update corresponding properties
// of this entity if new values are valid.
for (id, new_value) in new_property_values.into_iter() {
// Try to find a current property value in the entity
// by matching its id to the id of a property with an updated value.
let current_prop_value = updated_values
@@ -1219,16 +1245,33 @@ decl_module! {
// Skip update if new value is equal to the current one or class property type
// is locked for update from current actor
- if new_value == *current_prop_value {
- continue;
- } else {
- Self::perform_entity_property_value_update(&class, &entity, id, access_level, new_value, current_prop_value, &mut entities_rc_to_increment, &mut entities_rc_to_decrement)?;
+ if new_value != *current_prop_value {
+ // Get class-level information about this property
+ if let Some(class_prop) = class.properties.get(id as usize) {
+ class_prop.ensure_unlocked_from(access_level)?;
- updated = true;
+ // Validate a new property value against the type of this property
+ // and check any additional constraints
+ class_prop.ensure_property_value_to_update_is_valid(
+ &new_value,
+ entity.get_permissions_ref().get_controller(),
+ )?;
+ Self::update_involved_entities(
+ &new_value, current_prop_value, class_prop.prop_type.same_controller_status(), &mut entity_ids_to_increase_rcs, &mut entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs
+ );
+ // Update a current prop value
+ current_prop_value.update(new_value);
+ updated = true;
+ }
- // If property values should be updated:
+ // If property values should be updated
if updated {
@@ -1239,27 +1282,9 @@ decl_module! {
entity.values = updated_values;
- entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
- .iter()
- .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
- Self::increment_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
- });
- entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_entity_rcs
- .iter()
- .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
- Self::increment_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
- });
- entities_rc_to_decrement.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs
- .iter()
- .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
- Self::decrement_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true);
- });
- entities_rc_to_decrement.inbound_entity_rcs
- .iter()
- .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| {
- Self::decrement_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false);
- });
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs.increase_entity_rcs();
+ entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs.decrease_entity_rcs();
// Trigger event
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EntityPropertyValuesUpdated(actor, entity_id));
@@ -1281,13 +1306,13 @@ decl_module! {
let current_property_value_vec =
Self::ensure_property_value_vec(&entity, in_class_schema_property_id)?;
- let property = Self::ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_for(
+ let property = Self::ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
- let entities_rc_to_decrement = current_property_value_vec
+ let entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs = current_property_value_vec
@@ -1302,12 +1327,10 @@ decl_module! {
- match entities_rc_to_decrement {
- Some(entities_rc_to_decrement) if property.prop_type.same_controller_status() => {
- Self::count_element_function(entities_rc_to_decrement).iter().for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| Self::decrement_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, true));
- }
- Some(entities_rc_to_decrement) => Self::count_element_function(entities_rc_to_decrement).iter().for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| Self::decrement_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, false)),
- _ => ()
+ if let Some(entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs) = entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs {
+ Self::count_entities(entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs).iter()
+ .for_each(|(entity_id, rc)| Self::decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id, *rc, property.prop_type.same_controller_status()));
@@ -1331,15 +1354,14 @@ decl_module! {
let current_property_value_vec =
Self::ensure_property_value_vec(&entity, in_class_schema_property_id)?;
- let property = Self::ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_for(
+ let property = Self::ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
- // Ensure property value vector nonces equality to avoid possible data races,
- // when performing vector specific operations
@@ -1369,20 +1391,9 @@ decl_module! {
if let Some(involved_entity_id) = involved_entity_id {
- if property.prop_type.same_controller_status() {
- // Decrement reference counter and inbound same owner rc, related to involved entity,
- // as we removed value referencing this entity and `SameOwner` flag set
- <EntityById<T>>::mutate(involved_entity_id, |entity| {
- entity.reference_count -= 1;
- entity.inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count -=1;
- })
- } else {
- // Decrement reference counter, related to involved entity, as we removed value referencing this entity
- <EntityById<T>>::mutate(involved_entity_id, |entity| {
- entity.reference_count -= 1;
- })
- }
+ Self::decrease_entity_rcs(&involved_entity_id, 1, property.prop_type.same_controller_status());
@@ -1399,20 +1410,15 @@ decl_module! {
let (class, entity, access_level) = Self::ensure_class_entity_and_access_level(origin, entity_id, &actor)?;
let current_property_value_vec = Self::ensure_property_value_vec(&entity, in_class_schema_property_id)?;
- let class_prop = Self::ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_for(
+ let class_prop = Self::ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
- // Ensure property value vector nonces equality to avoid possible data races,
- // when performing vector specific operations
- // Validate a new property value against the type of this property
- // and check any additional constraints like the length of a vector
- // if it's a vector property or the length of a text if it's a text property.
@@ -1428,11 +1434,7 @@ decl_module! {
<EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
let value = property_value.get_value();
if let Some(entity_rc_to_increment) = value.get_involved_entity() {
- if class_prop.prop_type.same_controller_status() {
- Self::increment_entity_rcs(&entity_rc_to_increment, 1, true);
- } else {
- Self::increment_entity_rcs(&entity_rc_to_increment, 1, false);
- }
+ Self::increase_entity_rcs(&entity_rc_to_increment, 1, class_prop.prop_type.same_controller_status());
if let Some(PropertyValue::Vector(current_prop_value)) =
@@ -1499,7 +1501,7 @@ decl_module! {
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- fn increment_entity_rcs(entity_id: &T::EntityId, rc: u32, same_owner: bool) {
+ fn increase_entity_rcs(entity_id: &T::EntityId, rc: u32, same_owner: bool) {
<EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
if same_owner {
entity.inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count += rc;
@@ -1510,7 +1512,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- fn decrement_entity_rcs(entity_id: &T::EntityId, rc: u32, same_owner: bool) {
+ fn decrease_entity_rcs(entity_id: &T::EntityId, rc: u32, same_owner: bool) {
<EntityById<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |entity| {
if same_owner {
entity.inbound_same_owner_references_from_other_entities_count -= rc;
@@ -1533,7 +1535,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
entity: &Entity<T>,
prop_id: PropertyId,
property_values: &BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>,
- entities_rc_to_increment: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
appended_entity_values: &mut BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>>,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let class_prop = &class.properties[prop_id as usize];
@@ -1553,19 +1555,13 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- match new_value.get_involved_entities() {
- Some(entity_rcs_to_increment) if class_prop.prop_type.same_controller_status() => {
- Self::fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
- entity_rcs_to_increment,
- &mut entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs,
- )
- }
- Some(entity_rcs_to_increment) => Self::fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
+ if let Some(entity_rcs_to_increment) = new_value.get_involved_entities() {
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs.fill_in_entity_rcs(
- &mut entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_entity_rcs,
- ),
- _ => (),
- };
+ class_prop.prop_type.same_controller_status(),
+ );
+ }
appended_entity_values.insert(prop_id, new_value.to_owned());
} else {
@@ -1578,85 +1574,35 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- fn fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
- entity_rcs: Vec<T::EntityId>,
- entity_rcs_map: &mut BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>,
- ) {
- for entity_rc in entity_rcs {
- if let Some(rc) = entity_rcs_map.get_mut(&entity_rc) {
- *rc += 1;
- } else {
- entity_rcs_map.insert(entity_rc, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- pub fn perform_entity_property_value_update(
- class: &Class<T>,
- entity: &Entity<T>,
- id: PropertyId,
- access_level: EntityAccessLevel,
- new_value: PropertyValue<T>,
+ pub fn update_involved_entities(
+ new_value: &PropertyValue<T>,
current_prop_value: &mut PropertyValue<T>,
- entities_rc_to_increment: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
- entities_rc_to_decrement: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
- // Get class-level information about this property
- if let Some(class_prop) = class.properties.get(id as usize) {
- // Ensure class property is unlocked for given actor
- ensure!(
- !class_prop.is_locked_from(access_level),
- );
- // Validate a new property value against the type of this property
- // and check any additional constraints
- class_prop.ensure_property_value_to_update_is_valid(
- &new_value,
- entity.get_permissions_ref().get_controller(),
- )?;
- // Get unique entity ids to update rc
- if let (Some(entities_rc_to_increment_vec), Some(entities_rc_to_decrement_vec)) = (
- new_value.get_involved_entities(),
- current_prop_value.get_involved_entities(),
- ) {
- let (entities_rc_to_decrement_vec, entities_rc_to_increment_vec): (
- Vec<T::EntityId>,
- Vec<T::EntityId>,
- ) = entities_rc_to_decrement_vec
- .into_iter()
- .zip(entities_rc_to_increment_vec.into_iter())
- .filter(|(entity_rc_to_decrement, entity_rc_to_increment)| {
- entity_rc_to_decrement != entity_rc_to_increment
- })
- .unzip();
- if class_prop.prop_type.same_controller_status() {
- Self::fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
- entities_rc_to_increment_vec,
- &mut entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs,
- );
- Self::fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
- entities_rc_to_decrement_vec,
- &mut entities_rc_to_decrement.inbound_same_owner_entity_rcs,
- );
- } else {
- Self::fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
- entities_rc_to_increment_vec,
- &mut entities_rc_to_increment.inbound_entity_rcs,
- );
- Self::fill_in_entity_rcs_map(
- entities_rc_to_decrement_vec,
- &mut entities_rc_to_decrement.inbound_entity_rcs,
- );
- }
- }
- // Update a current prop value in a mutable vector, if a new value is valid.
- current_prop_value.update(new_value);
+ same_controller: bool,
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
+ entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs: &mut EntitiesRc<T>,
+ ) {
+ // Get unique entity ids to update rc
+ if let (Some(entities_rc_to_increment_vec), Some(entities_rc_to_decrement_vec)) = (
+ new_value.get_involved_entities(),
+ current_prop_value.get_involved_entities(),
+ ) {
+ let (entities_rc_to_decrement_vec, entities_rc_to_increment_vec): (
+ Vec<T::EntityId>,
+ Vec<T::EntityId>,
+ ) = entities_rc_to_decrement_vec
+ .into_iter()
+ .zip(entities_rc_to_increment_vec.into_iter())
+ .filter(|(entity_rc_to_decrement, entity_rc_to_increment)| {
+ entity_rc_to_decrement != entity_rc_to_increment
+ })
+ .unzip();
+ entity_ids_to_increase_rcs
+ .fill_in_entity_rcs(entities_rc_to_increment_vec, same_controller);
+ entity_ids_to_decrease_rcs
+ .fill_in_entity_rcs(entities_rc_to_decrement_vec, same_controller);
- Ok(())
fn ensure_property_value_vec(
@@ -1747,18 +1693,13 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- pub fn ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_for(
+ pub fn ensure_class_property_type_unlocked_from(
class: &Class<T>,
in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
entity_access_level: EntityAccessLevel,
) -> Result<Property<T>, &'static str> {
- // Ensure property values were not locked on class level
- ensure!(
- !class
- .get_permissions_ref()
- .all_entity_property_values_locked(),
- );
+ Self::ensure_property_values_unlocked(class)?;
// Get class-level information about this `Property`
let class_prop = class
@@ -1767,10 +1708,9 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Throw an error if a property was not found on class
// by an in-class index of a property.
- ensure!(
- !class_prop.is_locked_from(entity_access_level),
- );
+ class_prop.ensure_unlocked_from(entity_access_level)?;
@@ -1796,6 +1736,17 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ // Ensure property values were not locked on class level
+ pub fn ensure_property_values_unlocked(class: &Class<T>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ !class
+ .get_permissions_ref()
+ .all_entity_property_values_locked(),
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
// Ensure there is no property values pointing to the given entity
pub fn ensure_inbound_same_owner_rc_is_zero(entity: &Entity<T>) -> dispatch::Result {
@@ -1966,17 +1917,13 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- /// Counts the number of repetetive elements and returns `BTreeMap<I::Item, ReferenceCounter>`,
- /// where I::Item - unique element, ReferenceCounter - related counter
- pub fn count_element_function<I>(it: I) -> BTreeMap<I::Item, ReferenceCounter>
- where
- I: IntoIterator,
- I::Item: Eq + core::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Ord,
- {
+ /// Counts the number of repetetive entities and returns `BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter>`,
+ /// where T::EntityId - unique entity_id, ReferenceCounter - related counter
+ pub fn count_entities(entity_ids: Vec<T::EntityId>) -> BTreeMap<T::EntityId, ReferenceCounter> {
let mut result = BTreeMap::new();
- for item in it {
- *result.entry(item).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ for entity_id in entity_ids {
+ *result.entry(entity_id).or_insert(0) += 1;