@@ -0,0 +1,2857 @@
+// Auto-generated via `yarn polkadot-types-from-chain`, do not edit
+/* eslint-disable */
+import type { ApiTypes } from '@polkadot/api/types';
+declare module '@polkadot/api/types/errors' {
+ export interface AugmentedErrors<ApiType> {
+ authorship: {
+ /**
+ * The uncle is genesis.
+ **/
+ GenesisUncle: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The uncle parent not in the chain.
+ **/
+ InvalidUncleParent: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The uncle isn't recent enough to be included.
+ **/
+ OldUncle: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The uncle is too high in chain.
+ **/
+ TooHighUncle: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Too many uncles.
+ **/
+ TooManyUncles: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The uncle is already included.
+ **/
+ UncleAlreadyIncluded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Uncles already set in the block.
+ **/
+ UnclesAlreadySet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ balances: {
+ /**
+ * Beneficiary account must pre-exist
+ **/
+ DeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Value too low to create account due to existential deposit
+ **/
+ ExistentialDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * A vesting schedule already exists for this account
+ **/
+ ExistingVestingSchedule: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Balance too low to send value
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Transfer/payment would kill account
+ **/
+ KeepAlive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal
+ **/
+ LiquidityRestrictions: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Got an overflow after adding
+ **/
+ Overflow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Vesting balance too high to send value
+ **/
+ VestingBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ content: {
+ /**
+ * Operation cannot be perfomed with this Actor
+ **/
+ ActorNotAuthorized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Expected root or signed origin
+ **/
+ BadOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Curators can only censor non-curator group owned channels
+ **/
+ CannotCensoreCuratorGroupOwnedChannels: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * A Channel or Video Category does not exist.
+ **/
+ CategoryDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Channel does not exist
+ **/
+ ChannelDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Curator authentication failed
+ **/
+ CuratorAuthFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Given curator group does not exist
+ **/
+ CuratorGroupDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Curator group is not active
+ **/
+ CuratorGroupIsNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Curator id is not a worker id in content working group
+ **/
+ CuratorIdInvalid: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Curator under provided curator id is already a member of curaror group under given id
+ **/
+ CuratorIsAlreadyAMemberOfGivenCuratorGroup: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Curator under provided curator id is not a member of curaror group under given id
+ **/
+ CuratorIsNotAMemberOfGivenCuratorGroup: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max number of curators per group limit reached
+ **/
+ CuratorsPerGroupLimitReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Feature Not Implemented
+ **/
+ FeatureNotImplemented: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Lead authentication failed
+ **/
+ LeadAuthFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member authentication failed
+ **/
+ MemberAuthFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Video does not exist
+ **/
+ VideoDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Video in season can`t be removed (because order is important)
+ **/
+ VideoInSeason: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ contentWorkingGroup: {
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not activate in the future.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * New application was crowded out.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake amount too low.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake missing when required.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake provided when redundant.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+ * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer does not match controller account.
+ **/
+ ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+ **/
+ CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+ **/
+ CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+ **/
+ CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Current lead is not set.
+ **/
+ CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group mint does not exist.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Applications not for opening.
+ **/
+ FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application not in active stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not in review period stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to apply.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a lead account.
+ **/
+ IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group size limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+ **/
+ MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member id is invalid.
+ **/
+ MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unsigned origin.
+ **/
+ MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+ **/
+ MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+ **/
+ NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too long.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too short.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin is not applicant.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Next payment is not in the future.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward relationship not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient reward source not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Relationship must exist.
+ **/
+ RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer is not worker role account.
+ **/
+ SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Already unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot change stake by zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance in source account.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not staked.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake not found.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Successful worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application is not active.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not accepting applications.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Redundant unstaking period provided
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker has no recurring reward.
+ **/
+ WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker storage text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ distributionWorkingGroup: {
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not activate in the future.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * New application was crowded out.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake amount too low.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake missing when required.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake provided when redundant.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+ * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer does not match controller account.
+ **/
+ ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+ **/
+ CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+ **/
+ CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+ **/
+ CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Current lead is not set.
+ **/
+ CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group mint does not exist.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Applications not for opening.
+ **/
+ FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application not in active stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not in review period stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to apply.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a lead account.
+ **/
+ IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group size limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+ **/
+ MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member id is invalid.
+ **/
+ MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unsigned origin.
+ **/
+ MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+ **/
+ MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+ **/
+ NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too long.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too short.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin is not applicant.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Next payment is not in the future.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward relationship not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient reward source not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Relationship must exist.
+ **/
+ RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer is not worker role account.
+ **/
+ SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Already unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot change stake by zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance in source account.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not staked.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake not found.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Successful worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application is not active.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not accepting applications.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Redundant unstaking period provided
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker has no recurring reward.
+ **/
+ WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker storage text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ finalityTracker: {
+ /**
+ * Final hint must be updated only once in the block
+ **/
+ AlreadyUpdated: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Finalized height above block number
+ **/
+ BadHint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ gatewayWorkingGroup: {
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not activate in the future.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * New application was crowded out.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake amount too low.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake missing when required.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake provided when redundant.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+ * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer does not match controller account.
+ **/
+ ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+ **/
+ CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+ **/
+ CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+ **/
+ CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Current lead is not set.
+ **/
+ CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group mint does not exist.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Applications not for opening.
+ **/
+ FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application not in active stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not in review period stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to apply.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a lead account.
+ **/
+ IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group size limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+ **/
+ MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member id is invalid.
+ **/
+ MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unsigned origin.
+ **/
+ MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+ **/
+ MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+ **/
+ NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too long.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too short.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin is not applicant.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Next payment is not in the future.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward relationship not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient reward source not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Relationship must exist.
+ **/
+ RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer is not worker role account.
+ **/
+ SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Already unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot change stake by zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance in source account.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not staked.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake not found.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Successful worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application is not active.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not accepting applications.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Redundant unstaking period provided
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker has no recurring reward.
+ **/
+ WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker storage text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ grandpa: {
+ /**
+ * Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.
+ **/
+ ChangePending: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
+ **/
+ DuplicateOffenceReport: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
+ **/
+ InvalidEquivocationProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
+ **/
+ InvalidKeyOwnershipProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live
+ * (either paused or already pending pause).
+ **/
+ PauseFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused
+ * (either live or already pending resume).
+ **/
+ ResumeFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot signal forced change so soon after last.
+ **/
+ TooSoon: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ imOnline: {
+ /**
+ * Duplicated heartbeat.
+ **/
+ DuplicatedHeartbeat: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Non existent public key.
+ **/
+ InvalidKey: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ members: {
+ /**
+ * Avatar url is too long.
+ **/
+ AvatarUriTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Controller account required.
+ **/
+ ControllerAccountRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Handle already registered.
+ **/
+ HandleAlreadyRegistered: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Handle must be provided during registration.
+ **/
+ HandleMustBeProvidedDuringRegistration: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Handle too long.
+ **/
+ HandleTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Handle too short.
+ **/
+ HandleTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Screening authority attempting to endow more that maximum allowed.
+ **/
+ InitialBalanceExceedsMaxInitialBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member profile not found (invalid member id).
+ **/
+ MemberProfileNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * New memberships not allowed.
+ **/
+ NewMembershipsNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * A screening authority is not defined.
+ **/
+ NoScreeningAuthorityDefined: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not enough balance to buy membership.
+ **/
+ NotEnoughBalanceToBuyMembership: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin is not the screeing authority.
+ **/
+ NotScreeningAuthority: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Only new accounts can be used for screened members.
+ **/
+ OnlyNewAccountsCanBeUsedForScreenedMembers: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Paid term id not active.
+ **/
+ PaidTermIdNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Paid term id not found.
+ **/
+ PaidTermIdNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Root account required.
+ **/
+ RootAccountRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid origin.
+ **/
+ UnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ operationsWorkingGroup: {
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not activate in the future.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * New application was crowded out.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake amount too low.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake missing when required.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake provided when redundant.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+ * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer does not match controller account.
+ **/
+ ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+ **/
+ CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+ **/
+ CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+ **/
+ CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Current lead is not set.
+ **/
+ CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group mint does not exist.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Applications not for opening.
+ **/
+ FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application not in active stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not in review period stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to apply.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a lead account.
+ **/
+ IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group size limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+ **/
+ MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member id is invalid.
+ **/
+ MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unsigned origin.
+ **/
+ MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+ **/
+ MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+ **/
+ NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too long.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too short.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin is not applicant.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Next payment is not in the future.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward relationship not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient reward source not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Relationship must exist.
+ **/
+ RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer is not worker role account.
+ **/
+ SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Already unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot change stake by zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance in source account.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not staked.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake not found.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Successful worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application is not active.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not accepting applications.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Redundant unstaking period provided
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker has no recurring reward.
+ **/
+ WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker storage text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ proposalsCodex: {
+ /**
+ * Invalid 'decrease stake proposal' parameter - cannot decrease by zero balance.
+ **/
+ DecreasingStakeIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid content working group mint capacity parameter
+ **/
+ InvalidContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - announcing_period
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterAnnouncingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - candidacy-limit
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterCandidacyLimit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - council_size
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterCouncilSize: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - min_council_stake
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterMinCouncilStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - min-voting_stake
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterMinVotingStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - new_term_duration
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterNewTermDuration: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - revealing_period
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterRevealingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid council election parameter - voting_period
+ **/
+ InvalidCouncilElectionParameterVotingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid 'set lead proposal' parameter - proposed lead cannot be a councilor
+ **/
+ InvalidSetLeadParameterCannotBeCouncilor: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid balance value for the spending proposal
+ **/
+ InvalidSpendingProposalBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid validator count for the 'set validator count' proposal
+ **/
+ InvalidValidatorCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid working group mint capacity parameter
+ **/
+ InvalidWorkingGroupMintCapacity: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided WASM code for the runtime upgrade proposal is empty
+ **/
+ RuntimeProposalIsEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The size of the provided WASM code for the runtime upgrade proposal exceeded the limit
+ **/
+ RuntimeProposalSizeExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid 'slash stake proposal' parameter - cannot slash by zero balance.
+ **/
+ SlashingStakeIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided text for text proposal is empty
+ **/
+ TextProposalIsEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The size of the provided text for text proposal exceeded the limit
+ **/
+ TextProposalSizeExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ proposalsDiscussion: {
+ /**
+ * Post cannot be empty
+ **/
+ EmptyPostProvided: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Discussion cannot have an empty title
+ **/
+ EmptyTitleProvided: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max number of threads by same author in a row limit exceeded
+ **/
+ MaxThreadInARowLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Author should match the post creator
+ **/
+ NotAuthor: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Post doesn't exist
+ **/
+ PostDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Post edition limit reached
+ **/
+ PostEditionNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Post is too long
+ **/
+ PostIsTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Thread doesn't exist
+ **/
+ ThreadDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Title is too long
+ **/
+ TitleIsTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ proposalsEngine: {
+ /**
+ * The proposal have been already voted on
+ **/
+ AlreadyVoted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Description is too long
+ **/
+ DescriptionIsTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Proposal cannot have an empty body
+ **/
+ EmptyDescriptionProvided: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake cannot be empty with this proposal
+ **/
+ EmptyStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Proposal cannot have an empty title"
+ **/
+ EmptyTitleProvided: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance for operation.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Approval threshold cannot be zero
+ **/
+ InvalidParameterApprovalThreshold: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slashing threshold cannot be zero
+ **/
+ InvalidParameterSlashingThreshold: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max active proposals number exceeded
+ **/
+ MaxActiveProposalNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not an author
+ **/
+ NotAuthor: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Proposal is finalized already
+ **/
+ ProposalFinalized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The proposal does not exist
+ **/
+ ProposalNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake differs from the proposal requirements
+ **/
+ StakeDiffersFromRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake should be empty for this proposal
+ **/
+ StakeShouldBeEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Title is too long
+ **/
+ TitleIsTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ session: {
+ /**
+ * Registered duplicate key.
+ **/
+ DuplicatedKey: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid ownership proof.
+ **/
+ InvalidProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * No associated validator ID for account.
+ **/
+ NoAssociatedValidatorId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * No keys are associated with this account.
+ **/
+ NoKeys: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ staking: {
+ /**
+ * Stash is already bonded.
+ **/
+ AlreadyBonded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator.
+ **/
+ AlreadyClaimed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Controller is already paired.
+ **/
+ AlreadyPaired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The call is not allowed at the given time due to restrictions of election period.
+ **/
+ CallNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Duplicate index.
+ **/
+ DuplicateIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Targets cannot be empty.
+ **/
+ EmptyTargets: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Attempting to target a stash that still has funds.
+ **/
+ FundedTarget: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Incorrect previous history depth input provided.
+ **/
+ IncorrectHistoryDepth: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Incorrect number of slashing spans provided.
+ **/
+ IncorrectSlashingSpans: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Can not bond with value less than minimum balance.
+ **/
+ InsufficientValue: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid era to reward.
+ **/
+ InvalidEraToReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid number of nominations.
+ **/
+ InvalidNumberOfNominations: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slash record index out of bounds.
+ **/
+ InvalidSlashIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Can not schedule more unlock chunks.
+ **/
+ NoMoreChunks: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a controller account.
+ **/
+ NotController: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Items are not sorted and unique.
+ **/
+ NotSortedAndUnique: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a stash account.
+ **/
+ NotStash: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Can not rebond without unlocking chunks.
+ **/
+ NoUnlockChunk: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Error while building the assignment type from the compact. This can happen if an index
+ * is invalid, or if the weights _overflow_.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusCompact: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The submitted result has unknown edges that are not among the presented winners.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusEdge: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The election size is invalid.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusElectionSize: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * One of the submitted nominators has an edge to which they have not voted on chain.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusNomination: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * One of the submitted nominators is not an active nominator on chain.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusNominator: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The claimed score does not match with the one computed from the data.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusScore: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * A self vote must only be originated from a validator to ONLY themselves.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusSelfVote: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * One of the submitted winners is not an active candidate on chain (index is out of range
+ * in snapshot).
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusWinner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Incorrect number of winners were presented.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionBogusWinnerCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The submitted result is received out of the open window.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionEarlySubmission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * One of the submitted nominators has an edge which is submitted before the last non-zero
+ * slash of the target.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionSlashedNomination: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The submitted result is not as good as the one stored on chain.
+ **/
+ OffchainElectionWeakSubmission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The snapshot data of the current window is missing.
+ **/
+ SnapshotUnavailable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ storage: {
+ /**
+ * Blacklist size limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ BlacklistSizeLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot delete non empty dynamic bag.
+ **/
+ CannotDeleteNonEmptyDynamicBag: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot delete a non-empty storage bucket.
+ **/
+ CannotDeleteNonEmptyStorageBucket: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Data object hash is part of the blacklist.
+ **/
+ DataObjectBlacklisted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Data object doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ DataObjectDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Data object id collection is empty.
+ **/
+ DataObjectIdCollectionIsEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The `data_object_ids` extrinsic parameter collection is empty.
+ **/
+ DataObjectIdParamsAreEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Upload data error: data objects per bag limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ DataObjectsPerBagLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid extrinsic call: data size fee changed.
+ **/
+ DataSizeFeeChanged: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid operation with invites: another storage provider was invited.
+ **/
+ DifferentStorageProviderInvited: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution bucket doesn't accept new bags.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketDoesntAcceptNewBags: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution bucket doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution bucket family doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketFamilyDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution bucket id collections are empty.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketIdCollectionsAreEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution bucket is bound to a bag.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketIsBoundToBag: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution bucket is not bound to a bag.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketIsNotBoundToBag: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The new `DistributionBucketsPerBagLimit` number is too high.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketsPerBagLimitTooHigh: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The new `DistributionBucketsPerBagLimit` number is too low.
+ **/
+ DistributionBucketsPerBagLimitTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution family bound to a bag creation policy.
+ **/
+ DistributionFamilyBoundToBagCreationPolicy: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution provider operator already invited.
+ **/
+ DistributionProviderOperatorAlreadyInvited: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution provider operator doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ DistributionProviderOperatorDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Distribution provider operator already set.
+ **/
+ DistributionProviderOperatorSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Dynamic bag doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ DynamicBagDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot create the dynamic bag: dynamic bag exists.
+ **/
+ DynamicBagExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Upload data error: empty content ID provided.
+ **/
+ EmptyContentId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance for an operation.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient module treasury balance for an operation.
+ **/
+ InsufficientTreasuryBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Upload data error: invalid deletion prize source account.
+ **/
+ InvalidDeletionPrizeSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid storage provider for bucket.
+ **/
+ InvalidStorageProvider: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid operation with invites: storage provider was already invited.
+ **/
+ InvitedStorageProvider: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max data object size exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxDataObjectSizeExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max distribution bucket family number limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxDistributionBucketFamilyNumberLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max distribution bucket number per bag limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxDistributionBucketNumberPerBagLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max distribution bucket number per family limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxDistributionBucketNumberPerFamilyLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max number of pending invitations limit for a distribution bucket reached.
+ **/
+ MaxNumberOfPendingInvitationsLimitForDistributionBucketReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid operations: must be a distribution provider operator for a bucket.
+ **/
+ MustBeDistributionProviderOperatorForBucket: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * No distribution bucket invitation.
+ **/
+ NoDistributionBucketInvitation: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Empty "data object creation" collection.
+ **/
+ NoObjectsOnUpload: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid operation with invites: there is no storage bucket invitation.
+ **/
+ NoStorageBucketInvitation: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot move objects within the same bag.
+ **/
+ SourceAndDestinationBagsAreEqual: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The storage bucket doesn't accept new bags.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketDoesntAcceptNewBags: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The requested storage bucket doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Storage bucket id collections are empty.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketIdCollectionsAreEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The requested storage bucket is already bound to a bag.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketIsBoundToBag: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The requested storage bucket is not bound to a bag.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketIsNotBoundToBag: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Object number limit for the storage bucket reached.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketObjectNumberLimitReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Objects total size limit for the storage bucket reached.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketObjectSizeLimitReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * `StorageBucketsPerBagLimit` was exceeded for a bag.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketPerBagLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The new `StorageBucketsPerBagLimit` number is too high.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketsPerBagLimitTooHigh: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The new `StorageBucketsPerBagLimit` number is too low.
+ **/
+ StorageBucketsPerBagLimitTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid operation with invites: storage provider was already set.
+ **/
+ StorageProviderAlreadySet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Storage provider must be set.
+ **/
+ StorageProviderMustBeSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Storage provider operator doesn't exist.
+ **/
+ StorageProviderOperatorDoesntExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Uploading of the new object is blocked.
+ **/
+ UploadingBlocked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max object number limit exceeded for voucher.
+ **/
+ VoucherMaxObjectNumberLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Max object size limit exceeded for voucher.
+ **/
+ VoucherMaxObjectSizeLimitExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Upload data error: zero object size.
+ **/
+ ZeroObjectSize: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ storageWorkingGroup: {
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+ **/
+ AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not activate in the future.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * New application was crowded out.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake amount too low.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake missing when required.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake provided when redundant.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+ **/
+ AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+ * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer does not match controller account.
+ **/
+ ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+ **/
+ BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+ **/
+ CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+ **/
+ CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+ **/
+ CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Current lead is not set.
+ **/
+ CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group mint does not exist.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Applications not for opening.
+ **/
+ FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application not in active stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not in review period stage.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+ **/
+ FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to apply.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+ **/
+ InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not a lead account.
+ **/
+ IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Working group size limit exceeded.
+ **/
+ MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+ **/
+ MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Member id is invalid.
+ **/
+ MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unsigned origin.
+ **/
+ MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+ **/
+ MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+ **/
+ NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening does not exist.
+ **/
+ OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too long.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening text too short.
+ **/
+ OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Origin is not applicant.
+ **/
+ OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Next payment is not in the future.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Reward relationship not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Recipient reward source not found.
+ **/
+ RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Relationship must exist.
+ **/
+ RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+ **/
+ RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+ * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Signer is not worker role account.
+ **/
+ SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+ **/
+ StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Already unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot change stake by zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient balance in source account.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Not staked.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Stake not found.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+ **/
+ StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Successful worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+ * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+ **/
+ TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Application is not active.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Opening not accepting applications.
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Redundant unstaking period provided
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ **/
+ WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker application text too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker does not exist.
+ **/
+ WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+ **/
+ WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker has no recurring reward.
+ **/
+ WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Worker storage text is too long.
+ **/
+ WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ sudo: {
+ /**
+ * Sender must be the Sudo account
+ **/
+ RequireSudo: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ system: {
+ /**
+ * Failed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime.
+ *
+ * Either calling `Core_version` or decoding `RuntimeVersion` failed.
+ **/
+ FailedToExtractRuntimeVersion: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The name of specification does not match between the current runtime
+ * and the new runtime.
+ **/
+ InvalidSpecName: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * Suicide called when the account has non-default composite data.
+ **/
+ NonDefaultComposite: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * There is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged.
+ **/
+ NonZeroRefCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ /**
+ * The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtime
+ * and the new runtime.
+ **/
+ SpecVersionNeedsToIncrease: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+ };
+ }
+ export interface DecoratedErrors<ApiType extends ApiTypes> extends AugmentedErrors<ApiType> {
+ }