@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import { flags } from '@oclif/command'
+import { DynamicBagTypeKey } from '@joystream/types/storage'
+import AccountsCommandBase from '../../command-base/accounts'
+import DefaultCommandBase from '../../command-base/default'
+export default class LeaderUpdateDynamicBagPolicy extends AccountsCommandBase {
+ static description = `Update dynamic bag creation policy (number of buckets by family that should store given dynamic bag type).
+ Requires distribution working group leader permissions.`
+ static flags = {
+ type: flags.enum<DynamicBagTypeKey>({
+ char: 't',
+ description: 'Dynamic bag type',
+ options: ['Member', 'Channel'],
+ required: true,
+ }),
+ policy: flags.build({
+ parse: (v) => {
+ const pair = v.split(':')
+ if (pair.length !== 2 || !/^\d+$/.test(pair[0]) || !/^\d+$/.test(pair[1])) {
+ throw new Error(`Expected {familyId}:{numberOfBuckets} pair, got: ${v}`)
+ }
+ return [parseInt(pair[0]), parseInt(pair[1])] as [number, number]
+ },
+ })({
+ char: 'p',
+ description: 'Key-value pair of {familyId}:{numberOfBuckets}',
+ multiple: true,
+ }),
+ ...DefaultCommandBase.flags,
+ }
+ static examples = [`$ joystream-distributor leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy -t Member -p 1:5 -p 2:10 -p 3:5`]
+ async run(): Promise<void> {
+ const { type, policy } = this.parse(LeaderUpdateDynamicBagPolicy).flags
+ const leadKey = await this.getDistributorLeadKey()
+ this.log(`Updating dynamic bag policy (${type})...`)
+ await this.sendAndFollowTx(
+ await this.getDecodedPair(leadKey),
+ this.api.tx.storage.updateFamiliesInDynamicBagCreationPolicy(
+ type,
+ // FIXME: https://github.com/polkadot-js/api/pull/3789
+ this.api.createType(
+ 'DynamicBagCreationPolicyDistributorFamiliesMap',
+ new Map((policy || []).sort(([keyA], [keyB]) => keyA - keyB))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ this.log('Dynamic bag creation policy succesfully updated!')
+ }