@@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ decl_event! {
/// The whole reward was paid to the council member.
RewardPayment(MembershipId, AccountId, Balance, Balance),
+ /// No reward was paid to the elected member because the whole accumulated reward was already paid out.
+ NoUnpaidReward(MembershipId, AccountId),
/// Budget balance was changed by the root.
@@ -609,49 +612,61 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
/// pay rewards to elected council members
fn pay_elected_member_rewards(now: T::BlockNumber) {
let reward_per_block = T::ElectedMemberRewardPerBlock::get();
- // intermediate balance
- let mut new_balance = Budget::<T>::get();
+ let starting_balance = Budget::<T>::get();
// pay reward to all council members
- for (member_index, council_member) in CouncilMembers::<T>::get().iter().enumerate() {
- // stop iterating if budget is completely depleted
- if new_balance == 0.into() {
- break;
- }
- // calculate unpaid reward
- let unpaid_reward =
- Calculations::<T>::get_current_reward(&council_member, reward_per_block, now);
- if unpaid_reward == 0.into() {
- continue;
- }
- // calculate withdrawable balance
- let (available_balance, missing_balance) =
- Calculations::<T>::payable_reward(&new_balance, &unpaid_reward);
- // pay reward
- Mutations::<T>::pay_reward(
- member_index,
- &council_member.staking_account_id,
- &available_balance,
- &missing_balance,
- &now,
- );
+ let new_balance = CouncilMembers::<T>::get().iter().enumerate().fold(
+ starting_balance,
+ |balance, (member_index, council_member)| {
+ // calculate unpaid reward
+ let unpaid_reward =
+ Calculations::<T>::get_current_reward(&council_member, reward_per_block, now);
+ if unpaid_reward == 0.into() {
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::NoUnpaidReward(
+ council_member.membership_id,
+ council_member.staking_account_id.clone(),
+ ));
+ return balance;
+ }
- // remember new balance
- new_balance -= available_balance;
+ // stop iterating if budget is completely depleted
+ if balance == 0.into() {
+ // emit event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RewardPayment(
+ council_member.membership_id,
+ council_member.staking_account_id.clone(),
+ 0.into(),
+ unpaid_reward,
+ ));
+ return balance;
+ }
- // emit event
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RewardPayment(
- council_member.membership_id,
- council_member.staking_account_id.clone(),
- available_balance,
- missing_balance,
- ));
- }
+ // calculate withdrawable balance
+ let (available_balance, missing_balance) =
+ Calculations::<T>::payable_reward(&balance, &unpaid_reward);
+ // pay reward
+ Mutations::<T>::pay_reward(
+ member_index,
+ &council_member.staking_account_id,
+ &available_balance,
+ &missing_balance,
+ &now,
+ );
+ // emit event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RewardPayment(
+ council_member.membership_id,
+ council_member.staking_account_id.clone(),
+ available_balance,
+ missing_balance,
+ ));
+ // return new balance
+ balance - available_balance
+ },
+ );
// update state
Mutations::<T>::finish_reward_payments(new_balance, now);