@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
mod convert;
mod input;
mod output;
+mod property;
pub use convert::*;
pub use input::*;
pub use output::*;
+pub use property::*;
pub use crate::{permissions::EntityAccessLevel, *};
pub use codec::{Decode, Encode};
@@ -12,176 +14,9 @@ use core::ops::Deref;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-/// Type representing max length of vector property type
-pub type VecMaxLength = u16;
-/// Type representing max length of text property type
-pub type TextMaxLength = u16;
-/// Type representing max length of text property type, that will be subsequently hashed
-pub type HashedTextMaxLength = Option<u16>;
-/// Type identificator for property id
-pub type PropertyId = u16;
/// Type identificator for schema id
pub type SchemaId = u16;
-/// Used to force property values to only reference entities, owned by the same controller
-pub type SameController = bool;
-/// Locking policy, representing `Property` locking status for both controller and maintainer
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
-#[derive(Encode, Default, Decode, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct PropertyLockingPolicy {
- /// If property is locked from maintainer
- pub is_locked_from_maintainer: bool,
- /// If property is locked from controller
- pub is_locked_from_controller: bool,
-/// Enum, used for `PropertyType` representation
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum Type<T: Trait> {
- Bool,
- Uint16,
- Uint32,
- Uint64,
- Int16,
- Int32,
- Int64,
- /// Max length of text item.
- Text(TextMaxLength),
- Hash(HashedTextMaxLength),
- /// Can reference only specific class id entities
- Reference(T::ClassId, SameController),
-impl<T: Trait> Default for Type<T> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self::Bool
- }
-impl<T: Trait> Type<T> {
- /// Ensure `Type` specific `TextMaxLengthConstraint` or `HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint` satisfied
- pub fn ensure_property_type_size_is_valid(&self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- if let Type::Text(text_max_len) = self {
- ensure!(
- *text_max_len <= T::TextMaxLengthConstraint::get(),
- Error::<T>::TextPropertyTooLong
- );
- }
- if let Type::Hash(hashed_text_max_len) = self {
- ensure!(
- *hashed_text_max_len <= T::HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint::get(),
- Error::<T>::HashedTextPropertyTooLong
- );
- }
- Ok(())
- }
-/// Vector property type representation
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct VecPropertyType<T: Trait> {
- vec_type: Type<T>,
- /// Max length of vector, corresponding to a given type
- max_length: VecMaxLength,
-impl<T: Trait> Default for VecPropertyType<T> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- vec_type: Type::default(),
- max_length: 0,
- }
- }
-impl<T: Trait> VecPropertyType<T> {
- /// Create new `VecPropertyType` from provided `type` and `max_length`
- pub fn new(vec_type: Type<T>, max_length: VecMaxLength) -> Self {
- Self {
- vec_type,
- max_length,
- }
- }
- /// Ensure `Type` specific `TextMaxLengthConstraint` & `VecMaxLengthConstraint` satisfied
- fn ensure_property_type_size_is_valid(&self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- // Ensure Type specific TextMaxLengthConstraint or HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint satisfied
- self.vec_type.ensure_property_type_size_is_valid()?;
- ensure!(
- self.max_length <= T::VecMaxLengthConstraint::get(),
- Error::<T>::VecPropertyTooLong
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- fn get_vec_type(&self) -> &Type<T> {
- &self.vec_type
- }
- fn get_max_len(&self) -> VecMaxLength {
- self.max_length
- }
-/// Enum, representing either `Type` or `VecPropertyType`
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum PropertyType<T: Trait> {
- Single(Type<T>),
- Vector(VecPropertyType<T>),
-impl<T: Trait> Default for PropertyType<T> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self::Single(Type::default())
- }
-impl<T: Trait> PropertyType<T> {
- fn as_single_value_type(&self) -> Option<&Type<T>> {
- if let PropertyType::Single(single_value_property_type) = self {
- Some(single_value_property_type)
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- pub fn as_vec_type(&self) -> Option<&VecPropertyType<T>> {
- if let PropertyType::Vector(vec_value_property_type) = self {
- Some(vec_value_property_type)
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- fn get_inner_type(&self) -> &Type<T> {
- match self {
- PropertyType::Single(single_property_type) => single_property_type,
- PropertyType::Vector(vec_property_type) => vec_property_type.get_vec_type(),
- }
- }
- /// Retrives `same_controller` flag.
- /// Always returns false if `Type` is not a reference,
- pub fn same_controller_status(&self) -> SameController {
- if let Type::Reference(_, same_controller) = self.get_inner_type() {
- *same_controller
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
/// A schema defines what properties describe an entity
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
@@ -254,481 +89,3 @@ impl Schema {
self.is_active = is_active;
-/// `Property` representation, related to a given `Class`
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct Property<T: Trait> {
- /// The type of `Property`
- pub property_type: PropertyType<T>,
- /// If property value can be skipped, when adding entity schema support
- pub required: bool,
- /// Used to enforce uniquness of a property across all entities that have this property
- pub unique: bool,
- /// Property name
- pub name: Vec<u8>,
- /// Property description
- pub description: Vec<u8>,
- /// Locking policy, representing `Property` locking status for both controller and maintainer
- pub locking_policy: PropertyLockingPolicy,
-impl<T: Trait> Default for Property<T> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- property_type: PropertyType::<T>::default(),
- required: false,
- unique: false,
- name: vec![],
- description: vec![],
- locking_policy: PropertyLockingPolicy::default(),
- }
- }
-impl<T: Trait> core::fmt::Debug for Property<T> {
- fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
- write!(formatter, "Property {:?}", self)
- }
-impl<T: Trait> Property<T> {
- /// Check if property is locked from actor with provided `EntityAccessLevel`
- pub fn is_locked_from(&self, access_level: EntityAccessLevel) -> bool {
- let is_locked_from_controller = self.locking_policy.is_locked_from_controller;
- let is_locked_from_maintainer = self.locking_policy.is_locked_from_maintainer;
- match access_level {
- EntityAccessLevel::EntityControllerAndMaintainer => {
- is_locked_from_controller && is_locked_from_maintainer
- }
- EntityAccessLevel::EntityController => is_locked_from_controller,
- EntityAccessLevel::EntityMaintainer => is_locked_from_maintainer,
- }
- }
- /// Ensure `Property` is unlocked from `Actor` with given `EntityAccessLevel`
- pub fn ensure_unlocked_from(&self, access_level: EntityAccessLevel) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- ensure!(
- !self.is_locked_from(access_level),
- Error::<T>::ClassPropertyTypeLockedForGivenActor
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Validate new `InputPropertyValue` against the type of this `Property`
- /// and check any additional constraints
- pub fn ensure_property_value_to_update_is_valid(
- &self,
- value: &InputPropertyValue<T>,
- current_entity_controller: &EntityController<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- // Ensure provided InputPropertyValue matches its Type
- self.ensure_property_value_matches_its_type(value)?;
- // Perform all required checks to ensure provided InputPropertyValue is valid, when current PropertyType is Reference
- self.ensure_property_value_is_valid_reference(value, current_entity_controller)?;
- // Ensure text property does not exceed its max length
- self.validate_max_len_if_text_property(value)?;
- // Ensure vector property does not exceed its max length
- self.validate_max_len_if_vec_property(value)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Ensure property vector length after value inserted is valid
- fn validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert<V>(
- vec: &[V],
- max_len: VecMaxLength,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- ensure!(
- vec.len() < max_len as usize,
- Error::<T>::EntityPropertyValueVectorIsTooLong
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Ensure `SingleInputPropertyValue` type is equal to the `VecInputPropertyValue` type
- /// and check all constraints
- pub fn ensure_property_value_can_be_inserted_at_property_vector(
- &self,
- single_value: &InputValue<T>,
- vec_value: &VecStoredPropertyValue<T>,
- index_in_property_vec: VecMaxLength,
- current_entity_controller: &EntityController<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- // Ensure, provided index_in_property_vec is valid index of VecInputValue
- vec_value.ensure_index_in_property_vector_is_valid(index_in_property_vec)?;
- let property_type_vec = self
- .property_type
- .as_vec_type()
- .ok_or(Error::<T>::PropertyValueTypeDoesNotMatchInternalVectorType)?;
- let max_vec_len = property_type_vec.get_max_len();
- match (
- single_value,
- vec_value.get_vec_value_ref(),
- property_type_vec.get_vec_type(),
- ) {
- // Single values
- (InputValue::Bool(_), VecStoredValue::Bool(vec), Type::Bool) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Uint16(_), VecStoredValue::Uint16(vec), Type::Uint16) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Uint32(_), VecStoredValue::Uint32(vec), Type::Uint32) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Uint64(_), VecStoredValue::Uint64(vec), Type::Uint64) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Int16(_), VecStoredValue::Int16(vec), Type::Int16) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Int32(_), VecStoredValue::Int32(vec), Type::Int32) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Int64(_), VecStoredValue::Int64(vec), Type::Int64) => {
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (InputValue::Text(text_item), VecStoredValue::Text(vec), Type::Text(text_max_len)) => {
- Self::validate_max_len_of_text(text_item, *text_max_len)?;
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (
- InputValue::TextToHash(text_item),
- VecStoredValue::Hash(vec),
- Type::Hash(text_max_len),
- ) => {
- if let Some(text_max_len) = text_max_len {
- Self::validate_max_len_of_text_to_be_hashed(text_item, *text_max_len)?;
- }
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- (
- InputValue::Reference(entity_id),
- VecStoredValue::Reference(vec),
- Type::Reference(class_id, same_controller_status),
- ) => {
- // Ensure class_id of Entity under provided entity_id references Entity,
- // which class_id is equal to class_id, declared in corresponding PropertyType
- // Retrieve corresponding Entity
- let entity = Self::ensure_referenced_entity_match_its_class(*entity_id, *class_id)?;
- // Ensure Entity can be referenced.
- Self::ensure_entity_can_be_referenced(
- entity,
- *same_controller_status,
- current_entity_controller,
- )?;
- Self::validate_property_vector_length_after_value_insert(vec, max_vec_len)
- }
- _ => Err(Error::<T>::PropertyValueTypeDoesNotMatchInternalVectorType),
- }
- }
- /// Ensure text property does not exceed its max len
- pub fn validate_max_len_if_text_property(
- &self,
- value: &InputPropertyValue<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- let single_value = value.as_single_value();
- match (single_value, &self.property_type.as_single_value_type()) {
- (Some(InputValue::Text(text)), Some(Type::Text(text_max_len))) => {
- Self::validate_max_len_of_text(text, *text_max_len)
- }
- (
- Some(InputValue::TextToHash(text_to_be_hashed)),
- Some(Type::Hash(Some(text_to_be_hashed_max_len))),
- ) => Self::validate_max_len_of_text_to_be_hashed(
- text_to_be_hashed,
- *text_to_be_hashed_max_len,
- ),
- _ => Ok(()),
- }
- }
- fn validate_max_len_of_text(text: &[u8], text_max_len: TextMaxLength) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- ensure!(
- text.len() <= text_max_len as usize,
- Error::<T>::TextPropertyTooLong
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- fn validate_max_len_of_text_to_be_hashed(
- text_to_be_hashed: &[u8],
- text_to_be_hashed_max_len: u16,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- ensure!(
- text_to_be_hashed.len() <= text_to_be_hashed_max_len as usize,
- Error::<T>::HashedTextPropertyTooLong
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- fn validate_vec_len<V>(vec: &[V], max_len: VecMaxLength) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- ensure!(
- vec.len() <= max_len as usize,
- Error::<T>::VecPropertyTooLong
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Ensure `VecInputValue` does not exceed its max len
- pub fn validate_max_len_if_vec_property(
- &self,
- value: &InputPropertyValue<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- let (vec_value, vec_property_type) = if let (Some(vec_value), Some(vec_property_type)) =
- (value.as_vec_value(), self.property_type.as_vec_type())
- {
- (vec_value, vec_property_type)
- } else {
- return Ok(());
- };
- let max_len = vec_property_type.get_max_len();
- match vec_value {
- VecInputValue::Bool(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::Uint16(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::Uint32(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::Uint64(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::Int16(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::Int32(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::Int64(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- VecInputValue::TextToHash(vec) => {
- Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len)?;
- if let Type::Hash(Some(text_to_be_hashed_max_len)) =
- vec_property_type.get_vec_type()
- {
- for text_to_be_hashed_item in vec.iter() {
- Self::validate_max_len_of_text_to_be_hashed(
- text_to_be_hashed_item,
- *text_to_be_hashed_max_len,
- )?;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- VecInputValue::Text(vec) => {
- Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len)?;
- if let Type::Text(text_max_len) = vec_property_type.get_vec_type() {
- for text_item in vec.iter() {
- Self::validate_max_len_of_text(text_item, *text_max_len)?;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- VecInputValue::Reference(vec) => Self::validate_vec_len(vec, max_len),
- }
- }
- /// Ensure provided `InputPropertyValue` matches its `Type`
- pub fn ensure_property_value_matches_its_type(
- &self,
- value: &InputPropertyValue<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- ensure!(
- self.does_prop_value_match_type(value),
- Error::<T>::PropertyValueDoNotMatchType
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Check if provided `InputPropertyValue` matches its `Type`
- pub fn does_prop_value_match_type(&self, value: &InputPropertyValue<T>) -> bool {
- // A non required property can be updated to Bool(false):
- if !self.required && *value == InputPropertyValue::default() {
- return true;
- }
- match (value, &self.property_type) {
- (
- InputPropertyValue::Single(single_property_value),
- PropertyType::Single(ref single_property_type),
- ) => match (single_property_value, single_property_type.deref()) {
- (InputValue::Bool(_), Type::Bool)
- | (InputValue::Uint16(_), Type::Uint16)
- | (InputValue::Uint32(_), Type::Uint32)
- | (InputValue::Uint64(_), Type::Uint64)
- | (InputValue::Int16(_), Type::Int16)
- | (InputValue::Int32(_), Type::Int32)
- | (InputValue::Int64(_), Type::Int64)
- | (InputValue::Text(_), Type::Text(_))
- | (InputValue::TextToHash(_), Type::Hash(_))
- | (InputValue::Reference(_), Type::Reference(_, _)) => true,
- _ => false,
- },
- (
- InputPropertyValue::Vector(vec_value),
- PropertyType::Vector(ref vec_property_type),
- ) => match (vec_value, vec_property_type.get_vec_type()) {
- (VecInputValue::Bool(_), Type::Bool)
- | (VecInputValue::Uint16(_), Type::Uint16)
- | (VecInputValue::Uint32(_), Type::Uint32)
- | (VecInputValue::Uint64(_), Type::Uint64)
- | (VecInputValue::Int16(_), Type::Int16)
- | (VecInputValue::Int32(_), Type::Int32)
- | (VecInputValue::Int64(_), Type::Int64)
- | (VecInputValue::Text(_), Type::Text(_))
- | (VecInputValue::TextToHash(_), Type::Hash(_))
- | (VecInputValue::Reference(_), Type::Reference(_, _)) => true,
- _ => false,
- },
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- /// Perform all required checks to ensure provided `InputPropertyValue` is valid,
- /// when current `PropertyType` is `Reference`
- pub fn ensure_property_value_is_valid_reference(
- &self,
- value: &InputPropertyValue<T>,
- current_entity_controller: &EntityController<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- match (value, &self.property_type) {
- (
- InputPropertyValue::Single(single_property_value),
- PropertyType::Single(single_property_type),
- ) => {
- if let (
- InputValue::Reference(entity_id),
- Type::Reference(class_id, same_controller_status),
- ) = (single_property_value, single_property_type.deref())
- {
- // Ensure class_id of Entity under provided entity_id references Entity,
- // which class_id is equal to class_id, declared in corresponding PropertyType
- // Retrieve corresponding Entity
- let entity =
- Self::ensure_referenced_entity_match_its_class(*entity_id, *class_id)?;
- // Ensure Entity can be referenced.
- Self::ensure_entity_can_be_referenced(
- entity,
- *same_controller_status,
- current_entity_controller,
- )?;
- }
- }
- (InputPropertyValue::Vector(vec_value), PropertyType::Vector(vec_property_type)) => {
- if let (
- VecInputValue::Reference(entity_ids),
- Type::Reference(class_id, same_controller_status),
- ) = (vec_value, vec_property_type.get_vec_type())
- {
- for entity_id in entity_ids.iter() {
- // Ensure class_id of Entity under provided entity_id references Entity,
- // which class_id is equal to class_id, declared in corresponding PropertyType
- // Retrieve corresponding Entity
- let entity =
- Self::ensure_referenced_entity_match_its_class(*entity_id, *class_id)?;
- // Ensure Entity can be referenced.
- Self::ensure_entity_can_be_referenced(
- entity,
- *same_controller_status,
- current_entity_controller,
- )?;
- }
- }
- }
- _ => (),
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Ensure `class_id` of `Entity` under provided `entity_id` references `Entity`, which `class_id` is equal to `class_id`,
- /// declared in corresponding `PropertyType`.
- /// Returns corresponding `Entity` instance
- pub fn ensure_referenced_entity_match_its_class(
- entity_id: T::EntityId,
- class_id: T::ClassId,
- ) -> Result<Entity<T>, Error<T>> {
- // Ensure Entity under given id exists
- Module::<T>::ensure_known_entity_id(entity_id)?;
- let entity = Module::<T>::entity_by_id(entity_id);
- ensure!(
- entity.get_class_id() == class_id,
- Error::<T>::ReferencedEntityDoesNotMatchItsClass
- );
- Ok(entity)
- }
- /// Ensure `Entity` can be referenced.
- pub fn ensure_entity_can_be_referenced(
- entity: Entity<T>,
- same_controller_status: bool,
- current_entity_controller: &EntityController<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- let entity_permissions = entity.get_permissions();
- // Ensure Entity is referencable
- ensure!(
- entity_permissions.is_referancable(),
- Error::<T>::EntityCanNotBeReferenced
- );
- if same_controller_status {
- // Ensure Entity controller is equal to the provided one
- ensure!(
- entity_permissions.controller_is_equal_to(current_entity_controller),
- Error::<T>::SameControllerConstraintViolation
- );
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Ensure `PropertyNameLengthConstraint` satisfied
- pub fn ensure_name_is_valid(&self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- T::PropertyNameLengthConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
- self.name.len(),
- Error::<T>::PropertyNameTooShort,
- Error::<T>::PropertyNameTooLong,
- )
- }
- /// Ensure `PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint` satisfied
- pub fn ensure_description_is_valid(&self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- T::PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
- self.description.len(),
- Error::<T>::PropertyDescriptionTooShort,
- Error::<T>::PropertyDescriptionTooLong,
- )
- }
- /// Ensure `Type` specific constraints satisfied
- pub fn ensure_property_type_size_is_valid(&self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- match &self.property_type {
- PropertyType::Single(single_property_type) => {
- // Ensure Type specific TextMaxLengthConstraint satisfied
- single_property_type.ensure_property_type_size_is_valid()
- }
- PropertyType::Vector(vec_property_type) => {
- // Ensure Type specific TextMaxLengthConstraint & VecMaxLengthConstraint satisfied
- vec_property_type.ensure_property_type_size_is_valid()
- }
- }
- }
- /// Ensure refers to existing `class_id`, if If `Property` `Type` is `Reference`,
- pub fn ensure_property_type_reference_is_valid(&self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
- let has_unknown_reference =
- if let Type::Reference(other_class_id, _) = self.property_type.get_inner_type() {
- !<ClassById<T>>::contains_key(other_class_id)
- } else {
- false
- };
- ensure!(
- !has_unknown_reference,
- Error::<T>::ClassSchemaRefersUnknownClass
- );
- Ok(())
- }