@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+import { getTypeRegistry, Bytes, BTreeMap, Option, Enum } from '@polkadot/types';
+import { u16, Null } from '@polkadot/types/primitive';
+import { AccountId, BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
+import { MemberId, ActorId } from '../members';
+import { ApplicationId, OpeningId, ApplicationRationingPolicy, StakingPolicy } from '../hiring';
+import { RewardRelationshipId } from '../recurring-rewards';
+import { StakeId } from '../stake';
+import { JoyStruct } from '../JoyStruct';
+import { BTreeSet } from '../';
+export type ILead = {
+ member_id: MemberId,
+ role_account_id: AccountId
+// This type is also defined in /content-workig-group (and those are incosistent), but here
+// it is beeing registered as "LeadOf" (which is an alias used by the runtime bureaucracy module),
+// so it shouldn't cause any conflicts)
+export class Lead extends JoyStruct<ILead> {
+ constructor (value?: ILead) {
+ super({
+ member_id: MemberId,
+ role_account_id: "AccountId"
+ }, value);
+ }
+ get member_id(): MemberId {
+ return this.getField<MemberId>('member_id')
+ }
+ get role_account_id(): AccountId {
+ return this.getField<AccountId>('role_account_id')
+ }
+export class WorkerApplicationId extends ApplicationId { };
+export class WorkerOpeningId extends OpeningId { };
+export class RationaleText extends Bytes { };
+export type IWorkerApplication = {
+ role_account: AccountId,
+ worker_opening_id: WorkerOpeningId,
+ member_id: MemberId,
+ application_id: ApplicationId
+export class WorkerApplication extends JoyStruct<IWorkerApplication> {
+ constructor (value?: IWorkerApplication) {
+ super({
+ role_account: "AccountId",
+ worker_opening_id: WorkerOpeningId,
+ member_id: MemberId,
+ application_id: ApplicationId
+ }, value);
+ }
+ get role_account(): AccountId {
+ return this.getField<AccountId>('role_account');
+ }
+ get worker_opening_id(): WorkerOpeningId {
+ return this.getField<WorkerOpeningId>('worker_opening_id');
+ }
+ get member_id(): MemberId {
+ return this.getField<MemberId>('member_id');
+ }
+ get application_id(): ApplicationId {
+ return this.getField<ApplicationId>('application_id');
+ }
+export class WorkerId extends ActorId { };
+export class StorageProviderId extends WorkerId { };
+export class WorkerApplicationIdSet extends BTreeSet.with(WorkerApplicationId) { };
+export class WorkerApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap extends BTreeMap.with(WorkerApplicationId, WorkerId) { };
+export type IWorkerRoleStakeProfile = {
+ stake_id: StakeId,
+ termination_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ exit_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+export class WorkerRoleStakeProfile extends JoyStruct<IWorkerRoleStakeProfile> {
+ constructor (value?: IWorkerRoleStakeProfile) {
+ super({
+ stake_id: StakeId,
+ termination_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ exit_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>"
+ }, value);
+ }
+ get stake_id(): StakeId {
+ return this.getField<StakeId>('stake_id');
+ }
+ get termination_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('termination_unstaking_period');
+ }
+ get exit_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('exit_unstaking_period');
+ }
+export type IWorker = {
+ member_id: MemberId,
+ role_account: AccountId,
+ reward_relationship: Option<RewardRelationshipId>,
+ role_stake_profile: Option<WorkerRoleStakeProfile>,
+export class Worker extends JoyStruct<IWorker> {
+ constructor (value?: IWorker) {
+ super({
+ member_id: MemberId,
+ role_account: "AccountId",
+ reward_relationship: Option.with(RewardRelationshipId),
+ role_stake_profile: Option.with(WorkerRoleStakeProfile),
+ }, value);
+ }
+ get member_id(): MemberId {
+ return this.getField<MemberId>('member_id');
+ }
+ get role_account(): AccountId {
+ return this.getField<AccountId>('role_account');
+ }
+ get reward_relationship(): Option<RewardRelationshipId> {
+ return this.getField<Option<RewardRelationshipId>>('reward_relationship');
+ }
+ get role_stake_profile(): Option<WorkerRoleStakeProfile> {
+ return this.getField<Option<WorkerRoleStakeProfile>>('role_stake_profile');
+ }
+ get is_active(): boolean {
+ return !Boolean(this.isEmpty);
+ }
+export type ISlashableTerms = {
+ max_count: u16,
+ max_percent_pts_per_time: u16,
+// This type is also defined in /content-working-group, but currently both those definitions are identical
+// (I added this defininition here too, because techinicaly those are 2 different types in the runtime.
+// Later the definition in /content-working-group will be removed and we can just register this type here)
+export class SlashableTerms extends JoyStruct<ISlashableTerms> {
+ constructor (value?: ISlashableTerms) {
+ super({
+ max_count: u16,
+ max_percent_pts_per_time: u16,
+ }, value);
+ }
+// This type is also defined in /content-working-group (as above)
+export class SlashingTerms extends Enum {
+ constructor (value?: any, index?: number) {
+ super(
+ {
+ Unslashable: Null,
+ Slashable: SlashableTerms,
+ },
+ value, index);
+ }
+export type IBureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment = {
+ application_rationing_policy: Option<ApplicationRationingPolicy>,
+ max_review_period_length: BlockNumber,
+ application_staking_policy: Option<StakingPolicy>,
+ role_staking_policy: Option<StakingPolicy>,
+ role_slashing_terms: SlashingTerms,
+ fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ terminate_worker_application_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ terminate_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ exit_worker_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ exit_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period: Option<BlockNumber>,
+// This type represents OpeningPolicyCommitment defined inside the runtime's bureaucracy module.
+// The only difference between this and the one defined in /content-working-group is in the names of some fields.
+// There is also a minor issue here:
+// Because api metadata still says that ie. the "commitment" argument of "forumBureaucracy.addWorkerOpening" extrinsic
+// is of type "OpeningPolicyCommitment" (not the "BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment" defined here), the CWG's OpeningPolicyCommitment
+// type is used when sending this extrinsic (it has "terminate_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period" field insted
+// of "terminate_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period" etc.).
+// Since both those types are basically the same structs (only filed names are different) nothing seems to break, but it's
+// very fragile atm and any change to this type in bureaucracy module could result in "unsolvable" inconsistencies
+// (this won't be an issue after CWG gets refactored to use the bureaucracy module too)
+export class BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment extends JoyStruct<IBureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment> {
+ constructor (value?: BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment) {
+ super({
+ application_rationing_policy: Option.with(ApplicationRationingPolicy),
+ max_review_period_length: "BlockNumber",
+ application_staking_policy: Option.with(StakingPolicy),
+ role_staking_policy: Option.with(StakingPolicy),
+ role_slashing_terms: SlashingTerms,
+ fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ terminate_worker_application_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ terminate_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ exit_worker_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ exit_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period: "Option<BlockNumber>",
+ }, value);
+ }
+ get application_rationing_policy(): Option<ApplicationRationingPolicy> {
+ return this.getField<Option<ApplicationRationingPolicy>>('application_rationing_policy')
+ }
+ get max_review_period_length(): BlockNumber {
+ return this.getField<BlockNumber>('max_review_period_length')
+ }
+ get application_staking_policy(): Option<StakingPolicy> {
+ return this.getField<Option<StakingPolicy>>('application_staking_policy')
+ }
+ get role_staking_policy(): Option<StakingPolicy> {
+ return this.getField<Option<StakingPolicy>>('role_staking_policy')
+ }
+ get role_slashing_terms(): SlashingTerms {
+ return this.getField<SlashingTerms>('role_slashing_terms')
+ }
+ get fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+ get fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+ get fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+ get terminate_worker_application_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('terminate_worker_application_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+ get terminate_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('terminate_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+ get exit_worker_role_application_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('exit_worker_role_application_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+ get exit_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period(): Option<BlockNumber> {
+ return this.getField<Option<BlockNumber>>('exit_worker_role_stake_unstaking_period')
+ }
+export type IWorkerOpening = {
+ opening_id: OpeningId,
+ worker_applications: BTreeSet<WorkerApplicationId>,
+ policy_commitment: BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+export class WorkerOpening extends JoyStruct<IWorkerOpening> {
+ constructor (value?: IWorker) {
+ super({
+ opening_id: OpeningId,
+ worker_applications: BTreeSet.with(WorkerApplicationId),
+ policy_commitment: BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+ }, value);
+ }
+ get opening_id(): OpeningId {
+ return this.getField<OpeningId>('opening_id');
+ }
+ get worker_applications(): BTreeSet<WorkerApplicationId> {
+ return this.getField<BTreeSet<WorkerApplicationId>>('worker_applications');
+ }
+ get policy_commitment(): BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment {
+ return this.getField<BureaucracyOpeningPolicyCommitment>('policy_commitment');
+ }
+export function registerBureaucracyTypes() {
+ try {
+ getTypeRegistry().register({
+ // Note that it actually HAS TO be "LeadOf" in the runtime,
+ // otherwise there would be conflicts with the current content-workig-group module
+ LeadOf: Lead,
+ RationaleText,
+ WorkerApplication,
+ WorkerApplicationId,
+ WorkerApplicationIdSet,
+ WorkerApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap,
+ WorkerId,
+ WorkerOf: Worker,
+ WorkerOpening,
+ WorkerOpeningId,
+ StorageProviderId
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error('Failed to register custom types of bureaucracy module', err);
+ }