@@ -21,9 +21,12 @@
- [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata](#.DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata)
- [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata](#.DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata)
- [GeoCoordiantes](#.GeoCoordiantes)
+ - [GeographicalArea](#.GeographicalArea)
- [NodeLocationMetadata](#.NodeLocationMetadata)
- [StorageBucketOperatorMetadata](#.StorageBucketOperatorMetadata)
+ - [GeographicalArea.Continent](#.GeographicalArea.Continent)
- [proto/Video.proto](#proto/Video.proto)
- [License](#.License)
- [MediaType](#.MediaType)
@@ -224,7 +227,8 @@
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| region | [string](#string) | optional | ID / name of the region covered by the distribution family (ie. us-east-1). Should be unique. |
| description | [string](#string) | optional | Additional, more specific description of the region |
-| boundary | [GeoCoordiantes](#GeoCoordiantes) | repeated | Geographical boundary of the region, defined as polygon through array of coordinates (providing [{}] will unset the current value) |
+| areas | [GeographicalArea](#GeographicalArea) | repeated | Standarized geographical areas covered by the family (providing [{}] will unset the current value) |
+| latency_test_targets | [string](#string) | repeated | List of targets (hosts/ips) best suited latency measurements for this family |
@@ -264,6 +268,23 @@
+<a name=".GeographicalArea"></a>
+### GeographicalArea
+| Field | Type | Label | Description |
+| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
+| continent | [GeographicalArea.Continent](#GeographicalArea.Continent) | optional | |
+| country_code | [string](#string) | optional | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code |
+| subdivision_code | [string](#string) | optional | ISO 3166-2 subdivision code |
<a name=".NodeLocationMetadata"></a>
### NodeLocationMetadata
@@ -299,6 +320,23 @@
+<a name=".GeographicalArea.Continent"></a>
+### GeographicalArea.Continent
+| Name | Number | Description |
+| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
+| AF | 1 | |
+| NA | 2 | |
+| OC | 3 | |
+| AN | 4 | |
+| AS | 5 | |
+| EU | 6 | |
+| SA | 7 | |