@@ -46,17 +46,11 @@ function newtonIteration (n: BN, x0: BN): BN {
return newtonIteration(n, x1);
-// https://golb.hplar.ch/2018/09/javascript-bigint.html
-function sqrt (value: BN): BN {
- if (value.ltn(0)) {
- throw new Error('square root of negative numbers is not supported');
- }
- if (value.ltn(2)) {
- return value;
- }
- return newtonIteration(value, new BN(1));
+// TODO Replace with bnSqrt from @polkadot/util once that hits 2.7
+function bnSqrt (value: BN): BN {
+ return value.ltn(2)
+ ? value
+ : newtonIteration(value, new BN(1));
export default function useIsPassing (referendum: DerivedReferendum): boolean | undefined {
@@ -65,26 +59,22 @@ export default function useIsPassing (referendum: DerivedReferendum): boolean |
const [isPassing, setIsPassing] = useState<boolean | undefined>(undefined);
useEffect((): void => {
- try {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- const { tally, threshold } = (referendum.status as ReferendumStatus);
- if (totalIssuance && tally) {
- const sqrtVoters = sqrt(tally.turnout);
- const sqrtElectorate = sqrt(totalIssuance);
- setIsPassing(
- sqrtVoters.isZero()
- ? false
- : threshold.isSimplemajority
- ? tally.ayes.gt(tally.nays)
- : threshold.isSupermajorityapproval
- ? compareRationals(tally.nays, sqrtVoters, tally.ayes, sqrtElectorate)
- : compareRationals(tally.nays, sqrtElectorate, tally.ayes, sqrtVoters)
- );
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion
+ const { tally, threshold } = (referendum.status as ReferendumStatus);
+ if (totalIssuance && tally) {
+ const sqrtVoters = bnSqrt(tally.turnout);
+ const sqrtElectorate = bnSqrt(totalIssuance);
+ setIsPassing(
+ sqrtVoters.isZero()
+ ? false
+ : threshold.isSimplemajority
+ ? tally.ayes.gt(tally.nays)
+ : threshold.isSupermajorityapproval
+ ? compareRationals(tally.nays, sqrtVoters, tally.ayes, sqrtElectorate)
+ : compareRationals(tally.nays, sqrtElectorate, tally.ayes, sqrtVoters)
+ );
}, [referendum, totalIssuance]);