فهرست منبع

Merge branch 'iznik' into joystream-types-upgrade

Leszek Wiesner 4 سال پیش
90فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه8002 افزوده شده و 5129 حذف شده
  1. 12 2
  2. 390 17
  3. 0 4671
  4. 19 9
  5. 37 4
  6. 30 0
  7. 11 3
  8. 60 5
  9. 5 4
  10. 3 0
  11. 20 11
  12. 9 1
  13. 0 1
  14. 10 1
  15. 13 0
  16. 11 6
  17. 17 0
  18. 13 0
  19. 0 15
  20. 0 0
  21. 35 0
  22. 22 0
  23. 18 0
  24. 0 24
  25. 0 24
  26. 1 1
  27. 12 1
  28. 50 94
  29. 3 0
  30. 1 1
  31. 91 41
  32. 1 1
  33. 1 1
  34. 1 1
  35. 2 0
  36. 4 1
  37. 11 5
  38. 1 1
  39. 12 6
  40. 33 13
  41. 1 0
  42. 41 8
  43. 10 0
  44. 26 10
  45. 0 0
  46. 1 1
  47. 1 1
  48. 15 16
  49. 18 0
  50. 1 1
  51. 7 0
  52. 1 1
  53. 1 1
  54. 158 115
  55. 2 1
  56. 1 1
  57. 1 1
  58. 9 0
  59. 3 2
  60. 0 0
  61. 65 0
  62. 140 0
  63. 3 0
  64. 106 0
  65. 1037 0
  66. 1195 0
  67. 56 0
  68. 79 0
  69. 75 0
  70. 304 0
  71. 75 0
  72. 78 0
  73. 69 0
  74. 77 0
  75. 76 0
  76. 96 0
  77. 154 0
  78. 280 0
  79. 209 0
  80. 204 0
  81. 204 0
  82. 243 0
  83. 1551 0
  84. 8 0
  85. 5 0
  86. 66 0
  87. 7 0
  88. 63 0
  89. 1 1
  90. 220 4

+ 12 - 2

@@ -17,7 +17,12 @@ jobs:
     - name: checks
       run: |
         yarn install --frozen-lockfile
-        yarn workspace joystream-cli checks
+        yarn workspace @joystream/cli checks
+    - name: yarn pack test
+      run: |
+        yarn workspace @joystream/cli pack --filename cli-pack-test.tgz
+        tar zxvf ./cli/cli-pack-test.tgz -C cli
+        cd ./cli/package && yarn link
     name: MacOS Checks
@@ -34,4 +39,9 @@ jobs:
     - name: checks
       run: |
         yarn install --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 120000
-        yarn workspace joystream-cli checks
+        yarn workspace @joystream/cli checks
+    - name: yarn pack test
+      run: |
+        yarn workspace @joystream/cli pack --filename cli-pack-test.tgz
+        tar zxvf ./cli/cli-pack-test.tgz -C cli
+        cd ./cli/package && yarn link

+ 390 - 17

@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 Command Line Interface for Joystream community and governance activities
 <!-- toc -->
 * [Development](#development)
 * [Usage](#usage)
+* [First steps](#first-steps)
 * [Commands](#commands)
 <!-- tocstop -->
@@ -19,19 +20,17 @@ Command Line Interface for Joystream community and governance activities
 To run a command in developemnt environment (without installing the package):
 1. Navigate into the CLI root directory
-1. Either execute any command like this:
+1. Execute any command like this:
         $ ./bin/run COMMAND
-    Or use:
-    ```
-        $ npm link
-    ```
-    And then execute any command like this:
+1. Navigate into the CLI root directory
+1. Execute `yarn link` (if that doesn't work, consider `sudo yarn link`)
+1. Execute command from any location like this:
         $ joystream-cli COMMAND
@@ -41,17 +40,29 @@ To run a command in developemnt environment (without installing the package):
 # Usage
 <!-- usage -->
-$ npm install -g joystream-cli
+$ npm install -g @joystream/cli
 $ joystream-cli COMMAND
 running command...
 $ joystream-cli (-v|--version|version)
-joystream-cli/0.0.0 linux-x64 node-v13.12.0
+@joystream/cli/0.1.0 linux-x64 node-v13.12.0
 $ joystream-cli --help [COMMAND]
   $ joystream-cli COMMAND
 <!-- usagestop -->
+# First steps
+<!-- first-steps -->
+When using the CLI for the first time there are a few common steps you might want to take in order to configure the CLI:
+1. Set the correct node endpoint. You can do this by executing `api:setUri` or any command that requires an api connection. To verify the current endpoint you can execute `api:getUri`.
+1. In order to use the accounts/keys that you may already have access to within Pioneer, you need to dowload the backup json file(s) ([https://testnet.joystream.org/#/accounts](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/accounts)) and import them into the CLI by executing `account:import /path/to/backup.json`.
+1. By executing `account:choose` you can choose one of the imported accounts, that will then serve as context for the next commands (you can check currently selected account using `account:info`). If you just want to use the development _Alice_ or _Bob_ account, you can access them without importing by providing an additional flag: `account:choose --showSpecial`.
+1. The context should now be fully set up! Feel free to use the `--help` flag to investigate the available commands or take a look at the sections below.
+1. You may also find it useful to get the first part of the command (before the colon) autocompleted when you press `[Tab]` while typing the name in the console. Executing `autocomplete` command will provide the instructions on how to set this up (see documentation below).
+<!-- first-steps -->
 # Commands
 <!-- commands -->
 * [`joystream-cli account:choose`](#joystream-cli-accountchoose)
@@ -63,9 +74,27 @@ USAGE
 * [`joystream-cli account:transferTokens RECIPIENT AMOUNT`](#joystream-cli-accounttransfertokens-recipient-amount)
 * [`joystream-cli api:getUri`](#joystream-cli-apigeturi)
 * [`joystream-cli api:inspect`](#joystream-cli-apiinspect)
-* [`joystream-cli api:setUri URI`](#joystream-cli-apiseturi-uri)
+* [`joystream-cli api:setUri [URI]`](#joystream-cli-apiseturi-uri)
+* [`joystream-cli autocomplete [SHELL]`](#joystream-cli-autocomplete-shell)
 * [`joystream-cli council:info`](#joystream-cli-councilinfo)
 * [`joystream-cli help [COMMAND]`](#joystream-cli-help-command)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:application WGAPPLICATIONID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsapplication-wgapplicationid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:createOpening`](#joystream-cli-working-groupscreateopening)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:decreaseWorkerStake WORKERID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsdecreaseworkerstake-workerid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:evictWorker WORKERID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsevictworker-workerid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:fillOpening WGOPENINGID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsfillopening-wgopeningid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:increaseStake`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsincreasestake)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:leaveRole`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsleaverole)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:opening WGOPENINGID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsopening-wgopeningid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:openings`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsopenings)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:overview`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsoverview)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:slashWorker WORKERID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsslashworker-workerid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:startAcceptingApplications WGOPENINGID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsstartacceptingapplications-wgopeningid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:startReviewPeriod WGOPENINGID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsstartreviewperiod-wgopeningid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:terminateApplication WGAPPLICATIONID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsterminateapplication-wgapplicationid)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:updateRewardAccount [ACCOUNTADDRESS]`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsupdaterewardaccount-accountaddress)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:updateRoleAccount [ACCOUNTADDRESS]`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsupdateroleaccount-accountaddress)
+* [`joystream-cli working-groups:updateWorkerReward WORKERID`](#joystream-cli-working-groupsupdateworkerreward-workerid)
 ## `joystream-cli account:choose`
@@ -74,6 +103,9 @@ Choose default account to use in the CLI
   $ joystream-cli account:choose
+  --showSpecial  Whether to show special (DEV chain) accounts
 _See code: [src/commands/account/choose.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/account/choose.ts)_
@@ -219,20 +251,43 @@ EXAMPLES
 _See code: [src/commands/api/inspect.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/api/inspect.ts)_
-## `joystream-cli api:setUri URI`
+## `joystream-cli api:setUri [URI]`
 Set api WS provider uri
-  $ joystream-cli api:setUri URI
+  $ joystream-cli api:setUri [URI]
-  URI  Uri of the node api WS provider
+  URI  Uri of the node api WS provider (if skipped, a prompt will be displayed)
 _See code: [src/commands/api/setUri.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/api/setUri.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli autocomplete [SHELL]`
+display autocomplete installation instructions
+  $ joystream-cli autocomplete [SHELL]
+  SHELL  shell type
+  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
+  $ joystream-cli autocomplete
+  $ joystream-cli autocomplete bash
+  $ joystream-cli autocomplete zsh
+  $ joystream-cli autocomplete --refresh-cache
+_See code: [@oclif/plugin-autocomplete](https://github.com/oclif/plugin-autocomplete/blob/v0.2.0/src/commands/autocomplete/index.ts)_
 ## `joystream-cli council:info`
 Get current council and council elections information
@@ -260,4 +315,322 @@ OPTIONS
 _See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](https://github.com/oclif/plugin-help/blob/v2.2.3/src/commands/help.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:application WGAPPLICATIONID`
+Shows an overview of given application by Working Group Application ID
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:application WGAPPLICATIONID
+  WGAPPLICATIONID  Working Group Application ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/application.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/application.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:createOpening`
+Create working group opening (requires lead access)
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:createOpening
+  -c, --createDraftOnly      If provided - the extrinsic will not be executed. Use this flag if you only want to create
+                             a draft.
+  -d, --useDraft             Whether to create the opening from existing draft.
+                             If provided without --draftName - the list of choices will be displayed.
+  -g, --group=group          (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command
+                             should be executed
+                             Available values are: storageProviders.
+  -n, --draftName=draftName  Name of the draft to create the opening from.
+  -s, --skipPrompts          Whether to skip all prompts when adding from draft (will use all default values)
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/createOpening.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/createOpening.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:decreaseWorkerStake WORKERID`
+Decreases given worker stake by an amount that will be returned to the worker role account. Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:decreaseWorkerStake WORKERID
+  WORKERID  Worker ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/decreaseWorkerStake.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/decreaseWorkerStake.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:evictWorker WORKERID`
+Evicts given worker. Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:evictWorker WORKERID
+  WORKERID  Worker ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/evictWorker.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/evictWorker.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:fillOpening WGOPENINGID`
+Allows filling working group opening that's currently in review. Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:fillOpening WGOPENINGID
+  WGOPENINGID  Working Group Opening ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/fillOpening.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/fillOpening.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:increaseStake`
+Increases current role (lead/worker) stake. Requires active role account to be selected.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:increaseStake
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/increaseStake.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/increaseStake.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:leaveRole`
+Leave the worker or lead role associated with currently selected account.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:leaveRole
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/leaveRole.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/leaveRole.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:opening WGOPENINGID`
+Shows an overview of given working group opening by Working Group Opening ID
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:opening WGOPENINGID
+  WGOPENINGID  Working Group Opening ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/opening.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/opening.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:openings`
+Shows an overview of given working group openings
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:openings
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/openings.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/openings.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:overview`
+Shows an overview of given working group (current lead and workers)
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:overview
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/overview.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/overview.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:slashWorker WORKERID`
+Slashes given worker stake. Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:slashWorker WORKERID
+  WORKERID  Worker ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/slashWorker.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/slashWorker.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:startAcceptingApplications WGOPENINGID`
+Changes the status of pending opening to "Accepting applications". Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:startAcceptingApplications WGOPENINGID
+  WGOPENINGID  Working Group Opening ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/startAcceptingApplications.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/startAcceptingApplications.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:startReviewPeriod WGOPENINGID`
+Changes the status of active opening to "In review". Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:startReviewPeriod WGOPENINGID
+  WGOPENINGID  Working Group Opening ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/startReviewPeriod.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/startReviewPeriod.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:terminateApplication WGAPPLICATIONID`
+Terminates given working group application. Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:terminateApplication WGAPPLICATIONID
+  WGAPPLICATIONID  Working Group Application ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/terminateApplication.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/terminateApplication.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:updateRewardAccount [ACCOUNTADDRESS]`
+Updates the worker/lead reward account (requires current role account to be selected)
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:updateRewardAccount [ACCOUNTADDRESS]
+  ACCOUNTADDRESS  New reward account address (if omitted, one of the existing CLI accounts can be selected)
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/updateRewardAccount.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/updateRewardAccount.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:updateRoleAccount [ACCOUNTADDRESS]`
+Updates the worker/lead role account. Requires member controller account to be selected
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:updateRoleAccount [ACCOUNTADDRESS]
+  ACCOUNTADDRESS  New role account address (if omitted, one of the existing CLI accounts can be selected)
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/updateRoleAccount.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/updateRoleAccount.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli working-groups:updateWorkerReward WORKERID`
+Change given worker's reward (amount only). Requires lead access.
+  $ joystream-cli working-groups:updateWorkerReward WORKERID
+  WORKERID  Worker ID
+  -g, --group=group  (required) [default: storageProviders] The working group context in which the command should be
+                     executed
+                     Available values are: storageProviders.
+_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/updateWorkerReward.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/updateWorkerReward.ts)_
 <!-- commandsstop -->

+ 0 - 4671

@@ -1,4671 +0,0 @@
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+ 19 - 9

@@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
-  "name": "joystream-cli",
+  "name": "@joystream/cli",
   "description": "Command Line Interface for Joystream community and governance activities",
-  "version": "0.0.0",
+  "version": "0.1.0",
   "author": "Leszek Wiesner",
   "bin": {
     "joystream-cli": "./bin/run"
-  "bugs": "https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/issues",
+  "bugs": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues",
   "dependencies": {
     "@joystream/types": "^0.13.0",
     "@oclif/command": "^1.5.19",
     "@oclif/config": "^1.14.0",
+    "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete": "^0.2.0",
     "@oclif/plugin-help": "^2.2.3",
+    "@oclif/plugin-not-found": "^1.2.4",
+    "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available": "^1.7.0",
     "@polkadot/api": "^0.96.1",
     "@types/inquirer": "^6.5.0",
     "@types/proper-lockfile": "^4.1.1",
     "@types/slug": "^0.9.1",
+    "ajv": "^6.11.0",
     "cli-ux": "^5.4.5",
     "inquirer": "^7.1.0",
     "moment": "^2.24.0",
     "proper-lockfile": "^4.1.1",
     "slug": "^2.1.1",
-    "tslib": "^1.11.1",
-    "ajv": "^6.11.0"
+    "tslib": "^1.11.1"
   "devDependencies": {
     "@oclif/dev-cli": "^1.22.2",
@@ -45,24 +48,31 @@
     "node": ">=12.18.0",
     "yarn": "^1.22.0"
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public",
+    "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org"
+  },
   "files": [
-  "homepage": "https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/blob/master/cli",
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli",
   "keywords": [
-  "license": "MIT",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "main": "lib/index.js",
   "oclif": {
     "repositoryPrefix": "<%- repo %>/blob/master/cli/<%- commandPath %>",
     "commands": "./lib/commands",
     "bin": "joystream-cli",
     "plugins": [
-      "@oclif/plugin-help"
+      "@oclif/plugin-help",
+      "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete",
+      "@oclif/plugin-not-found",
+      "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available"
     "topics": {
       "council": {
@@ -81,7 +91,7 @@
   "repository": {
     "type": "git",
-    "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream",
+    "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream",
     "directory": "cli"
   "scripts": {

+ 37 - 4

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@joystream/types/'
 import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
 import { QueryableStorageMultiArg } from '@polkadot/api/types'
 import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util'
-import { Hash, Balance, Moment } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { Hash, Balance, Moment, BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
 import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
 import { Codec } from '@polkadot/types/types'
 import { Option, Vec } from '@polkadot/types'
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ import {
+  openingPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKeys,
+  UnstakingPeriods,
+  StakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKey,
 } from './Types'
 import { DerivedFees, DerivedBalances } from '@polkadot/api-derive/types'
 import { CLIError } from '@oclif/errors'
@@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ import {
+  StakingPolicy,
 } from '@joystream/types/hiring'
 import { MemberId, Membership } from '@joystream/types/members'
 import { RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId } from '@joystream/types/recurring-rewards'
@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ import { LinkageResult } from '@polkadot/types/codec/Linkage'
 import { InputValidationLengthConstraint } from '@joystream/types/common'
-export const DEFAULT_API_URI = 'wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944/'
+export const DEFAULT_API_URI = 'ws://localhost:9944/'
 const DEFAULT_DECIMALS = new u32(12)
 // Mapping of working group to api module
@@ -402,11 +406,39 @@ export default class Api {
     const applications = await this.groupOpeningApplications(group, wgOpeningId)
     const stage = await this.parseOpeningStage(opening.stage)
     const type = groupOpening.opening_type
+    const { application_staking_policy: applSP, role_staking_policy: roleSP } = opening
     const stakes = {
-      application: opening.application_staking_policy.unwrapOr(undefined),
-      role: opening.role_staking_policy.unwrapOr(undefined),
+      application: applSP.unwrapOr(undefined),
+      role: roleSP.unwrapOr(undefined),
+    const unstakingPeriod = (period: Option<BlockNumber>) => period.unwrapOr(new BN(0)).toNumber()
+    const spUnstakingPeriod = (sp: Option<StakingPolicy>, key: StakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKey) =>
+      sp.isSome ? unstakingPeriod(sp.unwrap()[key]) : 0
+    const unstakingPeriods: Partial<UnstakingPeriods> = {
+      ['review_period_expired_application_stake_unstaking_period_length']: spUnstakingPeriod(
+        applSP,
+        'review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length'
+      ),
+      ['crowded_out_application_stake_unstaking_period_length']: spUnstakingPeriod(
+        applSP,
+        'crowded_out_unstaking_period_length'
+      ),
+      ['review_period_expired_role_stake_unstaking_period_length']: spUnstakingPeriod(
+        roleSP,
+        'review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length'
+      ),
+      ['crowded_out_role_stake_unstaking_period_length']: spUnstakingPeriod(
+        roleSP,
+        'crowded_out_unstaking_period_length'
+      ),
+    }
+    openingPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKeys.forEach((key) => {
+      unstakingPeriods[key] = unstakingPeriod(groupOpening.policy_commitment[key])
+    })
     return {
@@ -415,6 +447,7 @@ export default class Api {
+      unstakingPeriods: unstakingPeriods as UnstakingPeriods,

+ 30 - 0

@@ -142,6 +142,35 @@ export type GroupOpeningStakes = {
   role?: StakingPolicy
+export const stakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKeys = [
+  'crowded_out_unstaking_period_length',
+  'review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length',
+] as const
+export type StakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKey = typeof stakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKeys[number]
+export const openingPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKeys = [
+  'fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period',
+  'fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period',
+  'fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period',
+  'terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period',
+  'terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period',
+  'exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period',
+  'exit_role_stake_unstaking_period',
+] as const
+export type OpeningPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKey = typeof openingPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKeys[number]
+export type UnstakingPeriodsKey =
+  | OpeningPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKey
+  | 'crowded_out_application_stake_unstaking_period_length'
+  | 'crowded_out_role_stake_unstaking_period_length'
+  | 'review_period_expired_application_stake_unstaking_period_length'
+  | 'review_period_expired_role_stake_unstaking_period_length'
+export type UnstakingPeriods = {
+  [k in UnstakingPeriodsKey]: number
 export type GroupOpening = {
   wgOpeningId: number
   openingId: number
@@ -150,6 +179,7 @@ export type GroupOpening = {
   stakes: GroupOpeningStakes
   applications: GroupApplication[]
   type: OpeningType
+  unstakingPeriods: UnstakingPeriods
 // Some helper structs for generating human_readable_text in working group opening extrinsic

+ 11 - 3

@@ -140,14 +140,22 @@ export default abstract class AccountsCommandBase extends ApiCommandBase {
   async getRequiredSelectedAccount(promptIfMissing = true): Promise<NamedKeyringPair> {
     let selectedAccount: NamedKeyringPair | null = this.getSelectedAccount()
     if (!selectedAccount) {
-      this.warn('No default account selected! Use account:choose to set the default account!')
-      if (!promptIfMissing) this.exit(ExitCodes.NoAccountSelected)
+      if (!promptIfMissing) {
+        this.error('No default account selected! Use account:choose to set the default account.', {
+          exit: ExitCodes.NoAccountSelected,
+        })
+      }
       const accounts: NamedKeyringPair[] = this.fetchAccounts()
       if (!accounts.length) {
-        this.error('There are no accounts available!', { exit: ExitCodes.NoAccountFound })
+        this.error('No accounts available! Use account:import in order to import accounts into the CLI.', {
+          exit: ExitCodes.NoAccountFound,
+        })
+      this.warn('No default account selected!')
       selectedAccount = await this.promptForAccount(accounts)
+      await this.setSelectedAccount(selectedAccount)
     return selectedAccount

+ 60 - 5

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Api from '../Api'
 import { getTypeDef, createType, Option, Tuple, Bytes } from '@polkadot/types'
 import { Codec, TypeDef, TypeDefInfo, Constructor } from '@polkadot/types/types'
 import { Vec, Struct, Enum } from '@polkadot/types/codec'
-import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
 import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
 import chalk from 'chalk'
 import { SubmittableResultImpl } from '@polkadot/api/types'
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class ExtrinsicFailedError extends Error {}
 export default abstract class ApiCommandBase extends StateAwareCommandBase {
   private api: Api | null = null
+  forceSkipApiUriPrompt = false
   getApi(): Api {
     if (!this.api) throw new CLIError('Tried to get API before initialization.', { exit: ExitCodes.ApiError })
@@ -33,10 +34,60 @@ export default abstract class ApiCommandBase extends StateAwareCommandBase {
   async init() {
     await super.init()
-    const apiUri: string = this.getPreservedState().apiUri
+    let apiUri: string = this.getPreservedState().apiUri
+    if (!apiUri) {
+      this.warn("You haven't provided a node/endpoint for the CLI to connect to yet!")
+      apiUri = await this.promptForApiUri()
+    }
     this.api = await Api.create(apiUri)
+  async promptForApiUri(): Promise<string> {
+    let selectedNodeUri = await this.simplePrompt({
+      type: 'list',
+      message: 'Choose a node/endpoint:',
+      choices: [
+        {
+          name: 'Local node (ws://localhost:9944)',
+          value: 'ws://localhost:9944',
+        },
+        {
+          name: 'Current Testnet official Joystream node (wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944/)',
+          value: 'wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944/',
+        },
+        {
+          name: 'Custom endpoint',
+          value: '',
+        },
+      ],
+    })
+    if (!selectedNodeUri) {
+      do {
+        selectedNodeUri = await this.simplePrompt({
+          type: 'input',
+          message: 'Provide a WS endpoint uri',
+        })
+        if (!this.isApiUriValid(selectedNodeUri)) {
+          this.warn('Provided uri seems incorrect! Please try again...')
+        }
+      } while (!this.isApiUriValid(selectedNodeUri))
+    }
+    await this.setPreservedState({ apiUri: selectedNodeUri })
+    return selectedNodeUri
+  }
+  isApiUriValid(uri: string) {
+    try {
+      new WsProvider(uri)
+    } catch (e) {
+      return false
+    }
+    return true
+  }
   // This is needed to correctly handle some structs, enums etc.
   // Where the main typeDef doesn't provide enough information
   protected getRawTypeDef(type: string) {
@@ -67,11 +118,15 @@ export default abstract class ApiCommandBase extends StateAwareCommandBase {
   // Prompt for simple/plain value (provided as string) of given type
   async promptForSimple(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<Codec> {
+    // If no default provided - get default value resulting from providing empty string
+    const defaultValueString =
+      paramOptions?.value?.default?.toString() || createType(typeDef.type as any, '').toString()
     const providedValue = await this.simplePrompt({
       message: `Provide value for ${this.paramName(typeDef)}`,
       type: 'input',
-      // If not default provided - show default value resulting from providing empty string
-      default: paramOptions?.value?.default?.toString() || createType(typeDef.type as any, '').toString(),
+      // We want to avoid showing default value like '0x', because it falsely suggests
+      // that user needs to provide the value as hex
+      default: (defaultValueString === '0x' ? '' : defaultValueString) || undefined,
       validate: paramOptions?.validator,
     return createType(typeDef.type as any, providedValue)
@@ -137,8 +192,8 @@ export default abstract class ApiCommandBase extends StateAwareCommandBase {
       const fieldOptions = paramOptions?.nestedOptions && paramOptions.nestedOptions[subtype.name!]
       const fieldDefaultValue = fieldOptions?.value?.default || (structDefault && structDefault.get(subtype.name!))
       const finalFieldOptions: ApiParamOptions = {
-        ...fieldOptions,
         forcedName: subtype.name,
+        ...fieldOptions, // "forcedName" above should be overriden with "fieldOptions.forcedName" if available
         value: fieldDefaultValue && { ...fieldOptions?.value, default: fieldDefaultValue },
       structValues[subtype.name!] = await this.promptForParam(subtype.type, finalFieldOptions)

+ 5 - 4

@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import fs from 'fs'
 import path from 'path'
 import ExitCodes from '../ExitCodes'
 import { CLIError } from '@oclif/errors'
-import { DEFAULT_API_URI } from '../Api'
 import lockFile from 'proper-lockfile'
 import DefaultCommandBase from './DefaultCommandBase'
 import os from 'os'
+import _ from 'lodash'
 // Type for the state object (which is preserved as json in the state file)
 type StateObject = {
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type StateObject = {
 // State object default values
 const DEFAULT_STATE: StateObject = {
   selectedAccountFilename: '',
+  apiUri: '',
 // State file path (relative to getAppDataPath())
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export default abstract class StateAwareCommandBase extends DefaultCommandBase {
     if (!packageJson || !packageJson.name) {
       throw new CLIError('Cannot get package name from package.json!')
-    return path.join(systemAppDataPath, packageJson.name)
+    return path.join(systemAppDataPath, _.kebabCase(packageJson.name))
   getStateFilePath(): string {
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ export default abstract class StateAwareCommandBase extends DefaultCommandBase {
   getPreservedState(): StateObject {
     let preservedState: StateObject
     try {
-      preservedState = require(this.getStateFilePath()) as StateObject
+      // Use readFileSync instead of "require" in order to always get a "fresh" state
+      preservedState = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.getStateFilePath()).toString()) as StateObject
     } catch (e) {
       throw this.createDataReadError()

+ 3 - 0

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import fs from 'fs'
 import path from 'path'
 import _ from 'lodash'
 import { ApplicationStageKeys } from '@joystream/types/hiring'
+import chalk from 'chalk'
 const DEFAULT_GROUP = WorkingGroups.StorageProviders
 const DRAFTS_FOLDER = 'opening-drafts'
@@ -267,5 +268,7 @@ export default abstract class WorkingGroupsCommandBase extends AccountsCommandBa
     this.group = flags.group as WorkingGroups
+    this.log(chalk.white('Group: ' + flags.group))

+ 20 - 11

@@ -1,28 +1,37 @@
-import StateAwareCommandBase from '../../base/StateAwareCommandBase'
 import chalk from 'chalk'
-import { WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import ApiCommandBase from '../../base/ApiCommandBase'
 import ExitCodes from '../../ExitCodes'
 type ApiSetUriArgs = { uri: string }
-export default class ApiSetUri extends StateAwareCommandBase {
+export default class ApiSetUri extends ApiCommandBase {
   static description = 'Set api WS provider uri'
   static args = [
       name: 'uri',
-      required: true,
-      description: 'Uri of the node api WS provider',
+      required: false,
+      description: 'Uri of the node api WS provider (if skipped, a prompt will be displayed)',
+  async init() {
+    this.forceSkipApiUriPrompt = true
+    super.init()
+  }
   async run() {
     const args: ApiSetUriArgs = this.parse(ApiSetUri).args as ApiSetUriArgs
-    try {
-      new WsProvider(args.uri)
-    } catch (e) {
-      this.error('The WS provider uri seems to be incorrect', { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput })
+    let newUri = ''
+    if (args.uri) {
+      if (this.isApiUriValid(args.uri)) {
+        await this.setPreservedState({ apiUri: args.uri })
+        newUri = args.uri
+      } else {
+        this.error('Provided uri seems to be incorrect!', { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput })
+      }
+    } else {
+      newUri = await this.promptForApiUri()
-    await this.setPreservedState({ apiUri: args.uri })
-    this.log(chalk.greenBright('Api uri successfuly changed! New uri: ') + chalk.white(args.uri))
+    this.log(chalk.greenBright('Api uri successfuly changed! New uri: ') + chalk.white(newUri))

+ 9 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import WorkingGroupsCommandBase from '../../base/WorkingGroupsCommandBase'
 import { displayTable, displayCollapsedRow, displayHeader } from '../../helpers/display'
 import _ from 'lodash'
-import { OpeningStatus, GroupOpeningStage, GroupOpeningStakes } from '../../Types'
+import { OpeningStatus, GroupOpeningStage, GroupOpeningStakes, UnstakingPeriodsKey } from '../../Types'
 import { StakingAmountLimitModeKeys, StakingPolicy } from '@joystream/types/hiring'
 import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util'
 import chalk from 'chalk'
@@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ export default class WorkingGroupsOpening extends WorkingGroupsCommandBase {
+    displayHeader('Unstaking periods')
+    const periodsRow: { [k: string]: string } = {}
+    for (const key of Object.keys(opening.unstakingPeriods).sort()) {
+      const displayKey = _.startCase(key) + ':  '
+      periodsRow[displayKey] = opening.unstakingPeriods[key as UnstakingPeriodsKey].toLocaleString() + ' blocks'
+    }
+    displayCollapsedRow(periodsRow)
     displayHeader(`Applications (${opening.applications.length})`)
     const applicationsRows = opening.applications.map((a) => ({
       'WG appl. ID': a.wgApplicationId,

+ 0 - 1

@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ export default class WorkingGroupsOpenings extends WorkingGroupsCommandBase {
     const openingsRows = openings.map((o) => ({
       'WG Opening ID': o.wgOpeningId,
-      'Opening ID': o.openingId,
       Type: o.type.type,
       Stage: `${_.startCase(o.stage.status)}${o.stage.block ? ` (#${o.stage.block})` : ''}`,
       Applications: o.applications.length,

+ 10 - 1

@@ -25,16 +25,25 @@ export default class WorkingGroupsOverview extends WorkingGroupsCommandBase {
       this.log(chalk.yellow('No lead assigned!'))
+    const accounts = this.fetchAccounts()
     const membersRows = members.map((m) => ({
-      '': lead?.workerId.eq(m.workerId) ? '\u{2B50}' : '', // A nice star for the lead
       'Worker id': m.workerId.toString(),
       'Member id': m.memberId.toString(),
       'Member handle': m.profile.handle.toString(),
       Stake: formatBalance(m.stake),
       Earned: formatBalance(m.reward?.totalRecieved),
       'Role account': shortAddress(m.roleAccount),
+      '':
+        (lead?.workerId.eq(m.workerId) ? '\u{2B50}' : '  ') +
+        ' ' +
+        (accounts.some((a) => a.address === m.roleAccount.toString()) ? '\u{1F511}' : '  '),
     displayTable(membersRows, 5)
+    displayHeader('Legend')
+    this.log('\u{2B50} - Leader')
+    this.log('\u{1F511} - Role key available in CLI')

+ 13 - 0

@@ -17,6 +17,19 @@ class OpeningPolicyCommitmentOptions implements ApiParamsOptions {
       locked: true,
+  // Rename fields containing "curator" (solivg minor UI issue related to flat namespace)
+  public terminate_curator_application_stake_unstaking_period: ApiParamOptions = {
+    forcedName: 'terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period',
+  }
+  public terminate_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period: ApiParamOptions = {
+    forcedName: 'terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period',
+  }
+  public exit_curator_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: ApiParamOptions = {
+    forcedName: 'exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period',
+  }
+  public exit_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period: ApiParamOptions = {
+    forcedName: 'exit_role_stake_unstaking_period',
+  }
 class AddWrokerOpeningOptions implements ApiParamsOptions {

+ 11 - 6

@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
-- name: install dependencies
-  import_playbook: install-dependencies-playbook.yml
 - hosts:
   user: root
   become: yes
   become_method: sudo
+    - name: install dependencies
+      include_role:
+        name: install_dependencies
     - name: build node
-      include: build-image-tasklist.yml
-- name: run tests
-  import_playbook: run-tests-single-node-playbook.yml
+      include_role:
+        name: build_docker_image
+    - name: run tests
+      include_role:
+        name: run_tests_single_node

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+- hosts:
+  user: root
+  become: yes
+  become_method: sudo
+  tasks:
+    - name: install dependencies
+      include_role:
+        name: install_dependencies
+    - name: build node
+      include_role:
+        name: build_docker_image
+    - name: run tests
+      include_role:
+        name: run_tests_two_nodes

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- hosts:
+  user: root
+  become: yes
+  become_method: sudo
+  tasks:
+    - name: install dependencies
+      include_role:
+        name: install_dependencies
+    - name: build node
+      include_role:
+        name: build_docker_image

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-- hosts:
-  user: root
-  become: yes
-  become_method: sudo
-  tasks:
-    - name: install pip
-      apt: name=python-pip state=present
-    - name: install docker
-      pip: name=docker
-    - name: Install yarn with npm
-      npm:
-        name: yarn
-        global: yes
-    - name: Install docker compose
-      pip: name=docker-compose

+ 0 - 0
devops/ansible/build-image-tasklist.yml → devops/ansible/roles/build_docker_image/tasks/main.yml

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+- name: install pip on Debian
+  block:
+    - name: install pip using apt
+      apt: name=python-pip state=present
+  when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
+- name: install pip on Mac
+  block:
+    - name: create temporary folder
+      file:
+        path: ../../.tmp
+        state: directory
+    - name: get pip installer using curl
+      get_url: 
+        url: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
+        dest: ../../.tmp/get-pip.py
+    - name: install pip
+      shell: python ../../.tmp/get-pip.py
+  when: ansible_distribution == 'MacOSX'
+  always: 
+    - name: remove pip installer script
+      file: 
+        path: ../../.tmp/get-pip.py
+        state: absent
+- name: install docker
+  pip: name=docker
+- name: Install yarn with npm
+  npm:
+    name: yarn
+    global: yes
+- name: Install docker compose
+  pip: name=docker-compose

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- name: run network
+  block:
+    - name: run docker container
+      docker_container:
+        name: "joystream-node-testing"
+        image: "joystream/node-testing"
+        ports:
+          - "9944:9944"
+        entrypoint: ./node --chain=chainspec.json --alice --validator --ws-external --rpc-cors=all
+        state: started
+    - name: execute network tests
+      shell: yarn debug >> ../../.tmp/tests.log
+      args:
+        chdir: ../../tests/network-tests/
+  always:
+    - name: stop docker container
+      docker_container:
+        name: "joystream-node-testing"
+        state: absent

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- name: run network
+  block:
+    - name: run two nodes containerized network
+      docker_compose:
+        project_src: ./
+        state: present
+    - name: execute network tests
+      shell: yarn test >> ../../.tmp/tests.log
+      args:
+        chdir: ../../tests/network-tests/
+  always:
+    - name: stop containers
+      docker_compose:
+        project_src: ./
+        state: absent

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-- hosts:
-  user: root
-  become: yes
-  become_method: sudo
-  tasks:
-    - name: run network
-      block:
-        - name: run docker container
-          docker_container:
-            name: "joystream-node-testing"
-            image: "joystream/node-testing"
-            ports:
-              - "9944:9944"
-            entrypoint: ./node --chain=chainspec.json --alice --validator --ws-external --rpc-cors=all
-            state: started
-        - name: execute network tests
-          shell: yarn debug >> ../../.tmp/tests.log
-          args:
-            chdir: ../../tests/network-tests/
-      always:
-        - name: stop docker container
-          docker_container:
-            name: "joystream-node-testing"
-            state: absent

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-- name: install dependencies
-  import_playbook: install-dependencies-playbook.yml
-- hosts:
-  user: root
-  become: yes
-  become_method: sudo
-  tasks:
-    - name: run network
-      block:
-        - name: run two nodes containerized network
-          docker_compose:
-            project_src: ./
-            state: present
-        - name: execute network tests
-          shell: yarn test >> ../../.tmp/tests.log
-          args:
-            chdir: ../../tests/network-tests/
-      always:
-        - name: stop containers
-          docker_compose:
-            project_src: ./
-            state: absent

+ 1 - 1

@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
   "My Requests": "",
   "Working groups": "",
   "Opportunities": "",
-  "My roles": "",
+  "My roles and applications": "",
   "My channels": "",
   "New channel": "",
   "My videos": "",

+ 12 - 1

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { ParsedProposal } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/proposals';
 import { getExtendedStatus } from './ProposalDetails';
 import { BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
 import styled from 'styled-components';
+import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
 import './Proposal.css';
@@ -17,6 +18,12 @@ const ProposalIdBox = styled.div`
   font-size: 1.1em;
+const ProposalDesc = styled.div`
+  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
+  border: 1px solid #ddd;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
 export type ProposalPreviewProps = {
   proposal: ParsedProposal;
   bestNumber?: BlockNumber;
@@ -33,7 +40,11 @@ export default function ProposalPreview ({ proposal, bestNumber }: ProposalPrevi
           <Header as="h1">{proposal.title}</Header>
-        <Card.Description>{proposal.description}</Card.Description>
+        <Card.Description>
+          <ProposalDesc>
+            <ReactMarkdown source={proposal.description} linkTarget='_blank' />
+          </ProposalDesc>
+        </Card.Description>
         <Details proposal={proposal} extendedStatus={extendedStatus} />

+ 50 - 94

@@ -1,54 +1,16 @@
 import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import { Button, Card, Container, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react';
+import { Button, Card, Container, Icon, Pagination } from 'semantic-ui-react';
 import styled from 'styled-components';
 import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
 import ProposalPreview from './ProposalPreview';
-import { ParsedProposal } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/proposals';
+import { ParsedProposal, proposalStatusFilters, ProposalStatusFilter, ProposalsBatch } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/proposals';
 import { useTransport, usePromise } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/hooks';
 import { PromiseComponent } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components';
 import { withCalls } from '@polkadot/react-api';
 import { BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
 import { Dropdown } from '@polkadot/react-components';
-const filters = ['All', 'Active', 'Canceled', 'Approved', 'Rejected', 'Slashed', 'Expired'] as const;
-type ProposalFilter = typeof filters[number];
-function filterProposals (filter: ProposalFilter, proposals: ParsedProposal[]) {
-  if (filter === 'All') {
-    return proposals;
-  } else if (filter === 'Active') {
-    return proposals.filter((prop: ParsedProposal) => {
-      const [activeOrFinalized] = Object.keys(prop.status);
-      return activeOrFinalized === 'Active';
-    });
-  }
-  return proposals.filter((prop: ParsedProposal) => {
-    if (prop.status.Finalized == null || prop.status.Finalized.proposalStatus == null) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    const [finalStatus] = Object.keys(prop.status.Finalized.proposalStatus);
-    return finalStatus === filter;
-  });
-function mapFromProposals (proposals: ParsedProposal[]) {
-  const proposalsMap = new Map<ProposalFilter, ParsedProposal[]>();
-  proposalsMap.set('All', proposals);
-  proposalsMap.set('Canceled', filterProposals('Canceled', proposals));
-  proposalsMap.set('Active', filterProposals('Active', proposals));
-  proposalsMap.set('Approved', filterProposals('Approved', proposals));
-  proposalsMap.set('Rejected', filterProposals('Rejected', proposals));
-  proposalsMap.set('Slashed', filterProposals('Slashed', proposals));
-  proposalsMap.set('Expired', filterProposals('Expired', proposals));
-  return proposalsMap;
 type ProposalPreviewListProps = {
   bestNumber?: BlockNumber;
@@ -59,56 +21,35 @@ const FilterContainer = styled.div`
   justify-content: space-between;
   margin-bottom: 1.75rem;
-const FilterOption = styled.span`
-  display: inline-flex;
-  align-items: center;
-const ProposalFilterCountBadge = styled.span`
-  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
-  color: #fff;
-  border-radius: 10px;
-  height: 19px;
-  min-width: 19px;
-  padding: 0 4px;
-  font-size: .8rem;
-  font-weight: 500;
-  line-height: 1;
-  display: flex;
-  align-items: center;
-  justify-content: center;
-  margin-left: 6px;
 const StyledDropdown = styled(Dropdown)`
   .dropdown {
     width: 200px;
+const PaginationBox = styled.div`
+  margin-bottom: 1em;
 function ProposalPreviewList ({ bestNumber }: ProposalPreviewListProps) {
   const { pathname } = useLocation();
   const transport = useTransport();
-  const [proposals, error, loading] = usePromise<ParsedProposal[]>(() => transport.proposals.proposals(), []);
-  const [activeFilter, setActiveFilter] = useState<ProposalFilter>('All');
-  const proposalsMap = mapFromProposals(proposals);
-  const filteredProposals = proposalsMap.get(activeFilter) as ParsedProposal[];
-  const sortedProposals = filteredProposals.sort((p1, p2) => p2.id.cmp(p1.id));
+  const [activeFilter, setActiveFilter] = useState<ProposalStatusFilter>('All');
+  const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState<number>(1);
+  const [proposalsBatch, error, loading] = usePromise<ProposalsBatch | undefined>(
+    () => transport.proposals.proposalsBatch(activeFilter, currentPage),
+    undefined,
+    [activeFilter, currentPage]
+  );
-  const filterOptions = filters.map(filter => ({
-    text: (
-      <FilterOption>
-        {filter}
-        <ProposalFilterCountBadge>{(proposalsMap.get(filter) as ParsedProposal[]).length}</ProposalFilterCountBadge>
-      </FilterOption>
-    ),
+  const filterOptions = proposalStatusFilters.map(filter => ({
+    text: filter,
     value: filter
-  const _onChangePrefix = (f: ProposalFilter) => setActiveFilter(f);
+  const _onChangePrefix = (f: ProposalStatusFilter) => {
+    setCurrentPage(1);
+    setActiveFilter(f);
+  };
   return (
     <Container className="Proposal" fluid>
@@ -117,25 +58,40 @@ function ProposalPreviewList ({ bestNumber }: ProposalPreviewListProps) {
           <Icon name="add" />
           New proposal
-        {!loading && (
-          <StyledDropdown
-            label="Proposal state"
-            options={filterOptions}
-            value={activeFilter}
-            onChange={_onChangePrefix}
-          />
-        )}
+        <StyledDropdown
+          label="Proposal state"
+          options={filterOptions}
+          value={activeFilter}
+          onChange={_onChangePrefix}
+        />
       <PromiseComponent error={ error } loading={ loading } message="Fetching proposals...">
-        {
-          sortedProposals.length ? (
-            <Card.Group>
-              {sortedProposals.map((prop: ParsedProposal, idx: number) => (
-                <ProposalPreview key={`${prop.title}-${idx}`} proposal={prop} bestNumber={bestNumber} />
-              ))}
-            </Card.Group>
-          ) : `There are currently no ${activeFilter !== 'All' ? activeFilter.toLocaleLowerCase() : 'submitted'} proposals.`
-        }
+        { proposalsBatch && (<>
+          <PaginationBox>
+            { proposalsBatch.totalBatches > 1 && (
+              <Pagination
+                activePage={ currentPage }
+                ellipsisItem={{ content: <Icon name='ellipsis horizontal' />, icon: true }}
+                firstItem={{ content: <Icon name='angle double left' />, icon: true }}
+                lastItem={{ content: <Icon name='angle double right' />, icon: true }}
+                prevItem={{ content: <Icon name='angle left' />, icon: true }}
+                nextItem={{ content: <Icon name='angle right' />, icon: true }}
+                totalPages={ proposalsBatch.totalBatches }
+                onPageChange={ (e, data) => setCurrentPage((data.activePage && parseInt(data.activePage.toString())) || 1) }
+              />
+            ) }
+          </PaginationBox>
+           { proposalsBatch.proposals.length
+             ? (
+               <Card.Group>
+                 {proposalsBatch.proposals.map((prop: ParsedProposal, idx: number) => (
+                   <ProposalPreview key={`${prop.title}-${idx}`} proposal={prop} bestNumber={bestNumber} />
+                 ))}
+               </Card.Group>
+             )
+             : `There are currently no ${activeFilter !== 'All' ? activeFilter.toLocaleLowerCase() : 'submitted'} proposals.`
+           }
+        </>) }

+ 3 - 0

@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ export const GenericProposalForm: React.FunctionComponent<GenericFormInnerProps>
   const [afterSubmit, setAfterSubmit] = useState(null as (() => () => void) | null);
   const formContainerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+  // Scroll to top on load
+  useEffect(() => { window.scrollTo(0, 0); }, []);
   // After-submit effect
   // With current version of Formik, there seems to be no other viable way to handle this (ie. for sendTx)
   useEffect(() => {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export const GenericWorkingGroupProposalForm: React.FunctionComponent<FormInnerP
           placeholder="Select the working group"
-          options={Object.keys(WorkingGroupDef).map(wgKey => ({ text: wgKey + ' Wroking Group', value: wgKey }))}
+          options={Object.keys(WorkingGroupDef).map(wgKey => ({ text: wgKey + ' Working Group', value: wgKey }))}
           onChange={ handleChange }

+ 91 - 41

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import moment from 'moment';
-import { Card, Icon, Image, Label, Statistic } from 'semantic-ui-react';
+import { Card, Icon, Image, Label, Statistic, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';
 import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
 import { Balance } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ import { IMembership, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members';
 import { GenericAccountId } from '@polkadot/types';
 import { LeadRoleState } from '@joystream/types/content-working-group';
 import { WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group';
+import { WorkingGroups } from './working_groups';
+import { RewardRelationship } from '@joystream/types/recurring-rewards';
+import { formatReward } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/functions/format';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
 type BalanceProps = {
   balance?: Balance;
@@ -39,11 +43,13 @@ export function HandleView (props: ProfileProps) {
 export type GroupMember = {
   memberId: MemberId;
+  group: WorkingGroups;
+  workerId: number;
   roleAccount: GenericAccountId;
   profile: IMembership;
   title: string;
   stake?: Balance;
-  earned?: Balance;
+  rewardRelationship?: RewardRelationship;
 export type GroupLead = {
@@ -53,92 +59,136 @@ export type GroupLead = {
   profile: IMembership;
   title: string;
   stage?: LeadRoleState;
+  stake?: Balance;
+  rewardRelationship?: RewardRelationship;
-type inset = {
-  inset?: boolean;
-export function GroupLeadView (props: GroupLead & inset) {
-  let fluid = false;
-  if (typeof props.inset !== 'undefined') {
-    fluid = props.inset;
-  }
+export function GroupLeadView (props: GroupLead) {
   let avatar = <Identicon value={props.roleAccount.toString()} size={50} />;
   if (typeof props.profile.avatar_uri !== 'undefined' && props.profile.avatar_uri.toString() !== '') {
     avatar = <Image src={props.profile.avatar_uri.toString()} circular className='avatar' />;
+  const { stake, rewardRelationship } = props;
   return (
-    <Card color='grey' className="staked-card" fluid={fluid}>
+    <Card color='grey' className="staked-card">
         <Image floated='right'>
         <Card.Header><HandleView profile={props.profile} /></Card.Header>
+        <Card.Meta>
+          { props.workerId && (
+            <Label>{ 'Worker ID: ' + props.workerId.toString() }</Label>
+          ) }
+        </Card.Meta>
-          <Label color='teal' ribbon={fluid}>
+          <Label color='teal'>
             <Icon name="shield" />
             { props.title }
             <Label.Detail>{/* ... */}</Label.Detail>
-      {/* <Card.Content extra>
-        <Label>Something about <Label.Detail> the lead </Label.Detail></Label>
-      </Card.Content> */}
+      <GroupMemberDetails {...{ stake, rewardRelationship }} />
-export function GroupMemberView (props: GroupMember & inset) {
-  let fluid = false;
-  if (typeof props.inset !== 'undefined') {
-    fluid = props.inset;
-  }
+const StakeAndReward = styled.div`
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 1fr;
+  grid-row-gap: 0.25em;
+  margin-bottom: 1em;
+type GroupMemberDetailsProps = {
+  rewardRelationship?: RewardRelationship;
+  stake?: Balance;
-  let stake = null;
-  if (typeof props.stake !== 'undefined' && props.stake.toNumber() !== 0) {
-    stake = (
-      <Label color='green' ribbon={fluid}>
+export function GroupMemberDetails (props: GroupMemberDetailsProps) {
+  const [showDetails, setShowDetails] = useState(false);
+  const details: JSX.Element[] = [];
+  if (props.stake && props.stake.toNumber() > 0) {
+    details.push(
+      <Label color="green">
         <Icon name="shield" />
+  } else {
+    details.push(
+      <Label>Stake <Label.Detail>NONE</Label.Detail></Label>
+    );
+  }
+  if (props.rewardRelationship) {
+    const reward = props.rewardRelationship;
+    details.push(
+      <Label>Reward <Label.Detail>{formatReward(reward)}</Label.Detail></Label>
+    );
+    details.push(
+      <Label>Earned <Label.Detail>{formatBalance(reward.total_reward_received)}</Label.Detail></Label>
+    );
+    details.push(
+      <Label>Missed <Label.Detail>{formatBalance(reward.total_reward_missed)}</Label.Detail></Label>
+    );
+    details.push(
+      <Label>
+        Next payment block:
+        <Label.Detail>{props.rewardRelationship.next_payment_at_block.unwrapOr('NONE').toString()}</Label.Detail>
+      </Label>
+    );
+  } else {
+    details.push(
+      <Label>Reward <Label.Detail>NONE</Label.Detail></Label>
+    );
+  return (
+    <Card.Content extra>
+      { showDetails && (
+        <Card.Description>
+          <StakeAndReward>
+            {details.map((detail, index) => <div key={index}>{detail}</div>)}
+          </StakeAndReward>
+        </Card.Description>
+      ) }
+      <Button onClick={ () => setShowDetails(v => !v) } size="tiny" fluid>
+        { showDetails ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} details
+      </Button>
+    </Card.Content>
+  );
+export function GroupMemberView (props: GroupMember) {
   let avatar = <Identicon value={props.roleAccount.toString()} size={50} />;
   if (typeof props.profile.avatar_uri !== 'undefined' && props.profile.avatar_uri.toString() !== '') {
     avatar = <Image src={props.profile.avatar_uri.toString()} circular className='avatar' />;
-  let earned = null;
-  if (typeof props.earned !== 'undefined' &&
-    props.earned.toNumber() > 0 &&
-    !fluid) {
-    earned = (
-      <Card.Content extra>
-        <Label>Earned <Label.Detail>{formatBalance(props.earned)}</Label.Detail></Label>
-      </Card.Content>
-    );
-  }
+  const { stake, rewardRelationship } = props;
   return (
-    <Card color='grey' className="staked-card" fluid={fluid}>
+    <Card color='grey' className="staked-card">
         <Image floated='right'>
         <Card.Header><HandleView profile={props.profile} /></Card.Header>
-        <Card.Description>
-          {stake}
-        </Card.Description>
+        <Card.Meta>
+          <Label>
+            { (props.group === WorkingGroups.ContentCurators ? 'Curator' : 'Worker') + ` ID: ${props.workerId.toString()}` }
+          </Label>
+        </Card.Meta>
-      {earned}
+      <GroupMemberDetails {...{ stake, rewardRelationship }} />

+ 1 - 1

@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ export function DoneStage (props: DoneStageProps) {
         You can track the progress of your
-        application in the <Link to="#working-group/my-roles">My roles</Link> section. Note that your application is attached
+        application in the <Link to="#working-group/my-roles">My roles and applications</Link> section. Note that your application is attached
         to your role key (see below).  If you have any issues, you can message the group lead in in the <Link to="#forum">Forum</Link> or contact them directly.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export const App: React.FC<Props> = (props: Props) => {
   if (props.myAddress) {
       name: 'my-roles',
-      text: t('My roles')
+      text: t('My roles and applications')

+ 1 - 1

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const RolesPage = () => {
   const panes = [
     { menuItem: 'Working groups', render: renderWorkingGroups },
     { menuItem: 'Opportunities', render: renderOpportunitySandbox },
-    { menuItem: 'My roles', render: renderMyRolesSandbox }
+    { menuItem: 'My roles and applications', render: renderMyRolesSandbox }
   return (

+ 2 - 0

@@ -413,6 +413,8 @@ export function Application (props: ApplicationProps) {
         <Label.Detail className="right">
+          <Icon name="hashtag" style={{ marginLeft: '0.75em' }}/>
+          { props.id }
             {_.startCase(props.meta.group) + (isLeadApplication ? ' Lead' : '')}

+ 4 - 1

@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ export function OpeningHeader (props: OpeningStage) {
+          <Label.Detail>
+            <Icon name="hashtag" /> {props.meta.id}
+          </Label.Detail>
           <CopyToClipboard text={window.location.origin + '/#/working-groups/opportunities/' + props.meta.group + '/' + props.meta.id}>
@@ -540,7 +543,7 @@ export const OpeningsView = Loadable<OpeningsViewProps>(
     const groupOption = (group: WorkingGroups | null, lead = false) => ({
       value: `${basePath}${group ? `/${group}` : ''}${lead ? '/lead' : ''}`,
-      text: _.startCase(`${group || 'All opportuniries'}`) + (lead ? ' (Lead)' : '')
+      text: _.startCase(`${group || 'All opportunities'}`) + (lead ? ' (Lead)' : '')
     // Can assert "props.openings!" because we're using "Loadable" which prevents them from beeing undefined
     const filteredOpenings = props.openings!.filter(o =>

+ 11 - 5

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { mockProfile } from '../mocks';
 import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css';
 import '@polkadot/joy-roles/index.sass';
+import { WorkingGroups } from '../working_groups';
 export default {
   title: 'Roles / Components / Working groups tab',
@@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ export function ContentCuratorsSection () {
       title: text('Title', 'Curation lead', 'Ben'),
       stake: new u128(number('Stake', 10101, {}, 'Ben')),
-      earned: new u128(number('Earned', 347829, {}, 'Ben'))
+      workerId: 1,
+      group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
       memberId: new MemberId(2),
@@ -37,7 +39,8 @@ export function ContentCuratorsSection () {
       profile: mockProfile(text('Handle', 'bwhm0', 'Martin')),
       title: text('Title', 'Content curator', 'Martin'),
       stake: new u128(number('Stake', 10101, {}, 'Martin')),
-      earned: new u128(number('Earned', 347829, {}, 'Martin'))
+      workerId: 2,
+      group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
       memberId: new MemberId(3),
@@ -48,7 +51,8 @@ export function ContentCuratorsSection () {
       title: text('Title', 'Content curator', 'Paul'),
       stake: new u128(number('Stake', 10101, {}, 'Paul')),
-      earned: new u128(number('Earned', 347829, {}, 'Paul'))
+      workerId: 3,
+      group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
       memberId: new MemberId(4),
@@ -59,7 +63,8 @@ export function ContentCuratorsSection () {
       title: text('Title', 'Content curator', 'Alex'),
       stake: new u128(number('Stake', 10101, {}, 'Alex')),
-      earned: new u128(number('Earned', 347829, {}, 'Alex'))
+      workerId: 4,
+      group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
       memberId: new MemberId(5),
@@ -70,7 +75,8 @@ export function ContentCuratorsSection () {
       title: text('Title', 'Content curator', 'Mokhtar'),
       stake: new u128(number('Stake', 10101, {}, 'Mokhtar')),
-      earned: new u128(number('Earned', 347829, {}, 'Mokhtar'))
+      workerId: 5,
+      group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators

+ 1 - 1

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ const GroupOverview = Loadable<GroupOverviewProps>(
         <h2>{ groupName }</h2>
         <p>{ description }</p>
-        <Card.Group>
+        <Card.Group style={{ alignItems: 'flex-start' }}>
           { workers!.map((worker, key) => (
             <GroupMemberView key={key} {...worker} />
           )) }

+ 12 - 6

@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           title: 'Content curator',
           stake: new u128(10101),
-          earned: new u128(347829)
+          workerId: 1,
+          group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
           memberId: new MemberId(2),
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           profile: mockProfile('bwhm0'),
           title: 'Content curator',
           stake: new u128(10101),
-          earned: new u128(347829)
+          workerId: 2,
+          group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
           memberId: new MemberId(3),
@@ -76,7 +78,8 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           title: 'Content curator',
           stake: new u128(10101),
-          earned: new u128(347829)
+          workerId: 3,
+          group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
           memberId: new MemberId(4),
@@ -87,7 +90,8 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           title: 'Content curator',
           stake: new u128(10101),
-          earned: new u128(347829)
+          workerId: 4,
+          group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
           memberId: new MemberId(3),
@@ -98,7 +102,8 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           title: 'Content curator',
           stake: new u128(10101),
-          earned: new u128(347829)
+          workerId: 5,
+          group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
@@ -119,7 +124,8 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           title: 'Storage provider',
           stake: new u128(10101),
-          earned: new u128(347829)
+          workerId: 1,
+          group: WorkingGroups.StorageProviders

+ 33 - 13

@@ -190,14 +190,18 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
     return this.stakeValue(stakeProfile.stake_id);
-  protected async workerTotalReward (relationshipId: RewardRelationshipId): Promise<Balance> {
-    const relationship = new SingleLinkedMapEntry<RewardRelationship>(
+  protected async rewardRelationshipById (id: RewardRelationshipId): Promise<RewardRelationship | undefined> {
+    const rewardRelationship = new SingleLinkedMapEntry<RewardRelationship>(
-      await this.cachedApi.query.recurringRewards.rewardRelationships(
-        relationshipId
-      )
-    );
-    return relationship.value.total_reward_received;
+      await this.cachedApi.query.recurringRewards.rewardRelationships(id)
+    ).value;
+    return rewardRelationship.isEmpty ? undefined : rewardRelationship;
+  }
+  protected async workerTotalReward (relationshipId: RewardRelationshipId): Promise<Balance> {
+    const relationship = await this.rewardRelationshipById(relationshipId);
+    return relationship?.total_reward_received || new u128(0);
   protected async curatorMemberId (curator: Curator): Promise<MemberId> {
@@ -210,6 +214,13 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
     return curatorApplication.member_id;
+  protected async workerRewardRelationship (worker: GroupWorker): Promise<RewardRelationship | undefined> {
+    const rewardRelationship = worker.reward_relationship.isSome
+      ? await this.rewardRelationshipById(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap())
+      : undefined;
+    return rewardRelationship;
+  }
   protected async groupMember (
     group: WorkingGroups,
     id: GroupWorkerId,
@@ -230,18 +241,17 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
       stakeValue = await this.workerStake(worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap());
-    let earnedValue: Balance = new u128(0);
-    if (worker.reward_relationship && worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
-      earnedValue = await this.workerTotalReward(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
-    }
+    const rewardRelationship = await this.workerRewardRelationship(worker);
     return ({
+      group,
+      workerId: id.toNumber(),
       title: workerRoleNameByGroup[group],
       stake: stakeValue,
-      earned: earnedValue
+      rewardRelationship
@@ -334,6 +344,14 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
         throw new Error(`${group} lead profile not found!`);
+      const rewardRelationshipId = currentLead.lead.reward_relationship;
+      const rewardRelationship = rewardRelationshipId.isSome
+        ? await this.rewardRelationshipById(rewardRelationshipId.unwrap())
+        : undefined;
+      const stake = group === WorkingGroups.StorageProviders && (currentLead.lead as Worker).role_stake_profile.isSome
+        ? await this.workerStake((currentLead.lead as Worker).role_stake_profile.unwrap())
+        : undefined;
       return {
         lead: {
           memberId: currentLead.memberId,
@@ -341,7 +359,9 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
           roleAccount: currentLead.lead.role_account_id,
           title: _.startCase(group) + ' Lead',
-          stage: group === WorkingGroups.ContentCurators ? (currentLead.lead as Lead).stage : undefined
+          stage: group === WorkingGroups.ContentCurators ? (currentLead.lead as Lead).stage : undefined,
+          stake,
+          rewardRelationship
         loaded: true

+ 1 - 0

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export default function usePromise<T> (
   let isSubscribed = true;
   const execute = useCallback(() => {
+    setState({ value: state.value, error: null, isPending: true });
     return promise()
       .then(value => {
         if (isSubscribed) {

+ 41 - 8

@@ -6,16 +6,18 @@ import {
-  DiscussionContraints
+  DiscussionContraints,
+  ProposalStatusFilter,
+  ProposalsBatch
 } from '../types/proposals';
 import { ParsedMember } from '../types/members';
 import BaseTransport from './base';
 import { ThreadId, PostId } from '@joystream/types/common';
-import { Proposal, ProposalId, VoteKind, DiscussionThread, DiscussionPost, ProposalDetails } from '@joystream/types/proposals';
+import { Proposal, ProposalId, VoteKind, DiscussionThread, DiscussionPost, ProposalDetails, Finalized, ProposalDecisionStatus } from '@joystream/types/proposals';
 import { MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members';
-import { u32, u64, Bytes, Vec } from '@polkadot/types/';
+import { u32, u64, Bytes, Null } from '@polkadot/types/';
 import { BalanceOf } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
 import { bytesToString } from '../functions/misc';
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import CouncilTransport from './council';
 import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
 import { APIQueryCache } from '../APIQueryCache';
+import { MultipleLinkedMapEntry } from '../LinkedMapEntry';
 type ProposalDetailsCacheEntry = {
   type: ProposalType;
@@ -100,9 +103,11 @@ export default class ProposalsTransport extends BaseTransport {
-  async proposalById (id: ProposalId): Promise<ParsedProposal> {
+  async proposalById (id: ProposalId, rawProposal?: Proposal): Promise<ParsedProposal> {
     const { type, details } = await this.typeAndDetails(id);
-    const rawProposal = await this.rawProposalById(id);
+    if (!rawProposal) {
+      rawProposal = await this.rawProposalById(id);
+    }
     const proposer = (await this.membersT.expectedMembership(rawProposal.proposerId)).toJSON() as ParsedMember;
     const proposal = rawProposal.toJSON() as {
       title: string;
@@ -133,15 +138,43 @@ export default class ProposalsTransport extends BaseTransport {
     return Array.from({ length: total }, (_, i) => new ProposalId(i + 1));
+  async activeProposalsIds () {
+    const result = new MultipleLinkedMapEntry(ProposalId, Null, await this.proposalsEngine.activeProposalIds());
+    // linked_keys will be [0] if there are no active proposals!
+    return result.linked_keys.join('') !== '0' ? result.linked_keys : [];
+  }
   async proposals () {
     const ids = await this.proposalsIds();
     return Promise.all(ids.map(id => this.proposalById(id)));
-  async activeProposals () {
-    const activeProposalIds = (await this.proposalsEngine.activeProposalIds()) as Vec<ProposalId>;
+  async proposalsBatch (status: ProposalStatusFilter, batchNumber = 1, batchSize = 5): Promise<ProposalsBatch> {
+    const ids = (status === 'Active' ? await this.activeProposalsIds() : await this.proposalsIds())
+      .sort((id1, id2) => id2.cmp(id1)); // Sort by newest
+    let rawProposalsWithIds = (await Promise.all(ids.map(id => this.rawProposalById(id))))
+      .map((proposal, index) => ({ id: ids[index], proposal }));
+    if (status !== 'All' && status !== 'Active') {
+      rawProposalsWithIds = rawProposalsWithIds.filter(({ proposal }) => {
+        if (proposal.status.type !== 'Finalized') {
+          return false;
+        }
+        const finalStatus = ((proposal.status.value as Finalized).get('proposalStatus') as ProposalDecisionStatus);
+        return finalStatus.type === status;
+      });
+    }
+    const totalBatches = Math.ceil(rawProposalsWithIds.length / batchSize);
+    rawProposalsWithIds = rawProposalsWithIds.slice((batchNumber - 1) * batchSize, batchNumber * batchSize);
+    const proposals = await Promise.all(rawProposalsWithIds.map(({ proposal, id }) => this.proposalById(id, proposal)));
-    return Promise.all(activeProposalIds.map(id => this.proposalById(id)));
+    return {
+      batchNumber,
+      batchSize: rawProposalsWithIds.length,
+      totalBatches,
+      proposals
+    };
   async proposedBy (member: MemberId) {

+ 10 - 0

@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ export const ProposalTypes = [
 export type ProposalType = typeof ProposalTypes[number];
+export const proposalStatusFilters = ['All', 'Active', 'Canceled', 'Approved', 'Rejected', 'Slashed', 'Expired'] as const;
+export type ProposalStatusFilter = typeof proposalStatusFilters[number];
 export type ParsedProposal = {
   id: ProposalId;
   type: ProposalType;
@@ -49,6 +52,13 @@ export type ParsedProposal = {
   cancellationFee: number;
+export type ProposalsBatch = {
+  batchNumber: number;
+  batchSize: number;
+  totalBatches: number;
+  proposals: ParsedProposal[];
 export type ProposalVote = {
   vote: VoteKind | null;
   member: ParsedMember & { memberId: MemberId };

+ 26 - 10

@@ -1,43 +1,59 @@
+### Version 6.21.0 - Constantinople runtime upgrade B (Nicaea) - July 29 2020
+- Introduction of general Working Group runtime module
+- Adds a new instance of the working group module - the Storage Working Group which
+  replaces the old actors module for managing the Storge Provider enrollment process
+- New governance proposals to support new working groups
 ### Version 6.15.0 - Constantinople runtime upgrade A - June 2020
 - Updated runtime to sort out type name clashes between the proposal discussion module
-and forum module, in preparing to roll out proposal discussion system in pioneer.
+  and forum module, in preparing to roll out proposal discussion system in pioneer.
 ### Version 6.13.0 - (Constantinople) runtime upgrade - May 20th 2020
 - New proposal system that strengthens the governance structure of the platform
 - Adjusted inflation curve to better reflect a new realistic economic system for the platform
 ### Version 6.8.0 (Rome release - new chain) - March 9th 2020
 - New versioned and permissioned content mangement system that powers a new media experience.
 - Content Working Group - introduces staked content curator roles to maintain quality of content and ensure that is meets the platform's terms of service.
 - Update of core substrate to pre-release of version 2.0 - [c37bb08](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/commit/c37bb08535c49a12320af7facfd555ce05cce2e8)
 ### Version 5.4.0 (Acropolis) - Athens testnet update 3 - June 22n 2019
 - New Forum - v1.0.0
 - Discovery Service to support new Storage Provider implementation.
 - Removing all previously uploaded content
 ### Version 5.3.0 - Athens testnet update 2 - April 27th 2019
 - Fix to configure an onchain primary storage provider liason to work around incomplete storage server implementation.
 ### Version 5.2.0 - Athens testnet update 1 - April 17th 2019
 - Fix account locking for staked roles to allow storage providers to submit transaction
 - Update substrate version to `6dfc3e8b057bb00322136251a0f10305fbb1ad8f` from v1 branch
 ### Version 5.1.0 - Athens testnet release - April 14th 2019
 - Storage Role
 - Update to substrate version at `89bbb7b6d0e076f0eda736b330f5f792aa2e2991`
 ### Version 4 - Bug Fixes - March 4th 2019 - `9941dd`
- - Allow illiquid accounts to pay transaction fees. Fixes unstaking and setting memo, by permitting extrinsics which do not require more than a transaction fee to be accepted into mempool.
- - Updated Cargo dependencies to use forked substrate repo `github.com/joystream/substrate`
- On-chain runtime upgrade performed with sudo `consensus::setCode()`
+- Allow illiquid accounts to pay transaction fees. Fixes unstaking and setting memo, by permitting extrinsics which do not require more than a transaction fee to be accepted into mempool.
+- Updated Cargo dependencies to use forked substrate repo `github.com/joystream/substrate`
+On-chain runtime upgrade performed with sudo `consensus::setCode()`
 ### Version 3 - Sparta - March 1st 2019 - `1ca4cc`
-  - Basic substrate node - based on substrate `1ca4cc0a16a357782bb1028bb57376594ca232a0`
-  - Block Authoring - only Aura (enabling GRANDPA in future release)
-  - Council Elections
-  - Council Runtime upgrade proposal
-  - Simple PoS validator staking
-  - Memo (account status message)
+- Basic substrate node - based on substrate `1ca4cc0a16a357782bb1028bb57376594ca232a0`
+- Block Authoring - only Aura (enabling GRANDPA in future release)
+- Council Elections
+- Council Runtime upgrade proposal
+- Simple PoS validator staking
+- Memo (account status message)

+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",

+ 15 - 16

@@ -142,21 +142,6 @@ function getStorage(runtimeApi) {
   return Storage.create(options)
-async function untilChainIsSynched(api) {
-  while (true) {
-    const health = await api.api.rpc.system.health()
-    if (health.isSyncing.isTrue) {
-      debug('Waiting for chain to be synced...')
-      await new Promise((resolve) => {
-        setTimeout(resolve, 1 * 30 * 1000)
-      })
-    } else {
-      return
-    }
-  }
 async function initApiProduction({ wsProvider, providerId, keyFile, passphrase }) {
   // Load key information
   const { RuntimeApi } = require('@joystream/storage-runtime-api')
@@ -180,7 +165,7 @@ async function initApiProduction({ wsProvider, providerId, keyFile, passphrase }
     throw new Error('Failed to unlock storage provider account')
-  await untilChainIsSynched(api)
+  await api.untilChainIsSynced()
   if (!(await api.workers.isRoleAccountOfStorageProvider(api.storageProviderId, api.identities.key.address))) {
     throw new Error('storage provider role account and storageProviderId are not associated with a worker')
@@ -230,6 +215,18 @@ async function announcePublicUrl(api, publicUrl) {
     setTimeout(announcePublicUrl, timeoutMs, api, publicUrl)
+  const chainIsSyncing = await api.chainIsSyncing()
+  if (chainIsSyncing) {
+    debug('Chain is syncing. Postponing announcing public url.')
+    return reannounce(10 * 60 * 1000)
+  }
+  const sufficientBalance = await api.providerHasMinimumBalance(1)
+  if (!sufficientBalance) {
+    debug('Provider role account does not have sufficient balance. Postponing announcing public url.')
+    return reannounce(10 * 60 * 1000)
+  }
   debug('announcing public url')
   const { publish } = require('@joystream/service-discovery')
@@ -291,11 +288,13 @@ const commands = {
     return startColossus({ api, publicUrl, port })
   discovery: async () => {
+    banner()
     debug('Starting Joystream Discovery Service')
     const { RuntimeApi } = require('@joystream/storage-runtime-api')
     const wsProvider = cli.flags.wsProvider
     const api = await RuntimeApi.create({ provider_url: wsProvider })
     const port = cli.flags.port
+    await api.untilChainIsSynced()
     await startDiscoveryService({ api, port })

+ 18 - 0

@@ -92,6 +92,24 @@ async function syncCallback(api, storage) {
 async function syncPeriodic(api, flags, storage) {
   try {
     debug('Starting sync run...')
+    const chainIsSyncing = await api.chainIsSyncing()
+    if (chainIsSyncing) {
+      debug('Chain is syncing. Postponing sync run.')
+      return setTimeout(syncPeriodic, flags.syncPeriod, api, flags, storage)
+    }
+    const recommendedBalance = await api.providerHasMinimumBalance(300)
+    if (!recommendedBalance) {
+      debug('Warning: Provider role account is running low on balance.')
+    }
+    const sufficientBalance = await api.providerHasMinimumBalance(100)
+    if (!sufficientBalance) {
+      debug('Provider role account does not have sufficient balance. Postponing sync run!')
+      return setTimeout(syncPeriodic, flags.syncPeriod, api, flags, storage)
+    }
     await syncCallback(api, storage)
     debug('sync run complete')
   } catch (err) {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",

+ 7 - 0

@@ -91,6 +91,13 @@ module.exports = function (storage, runtime) {
+      const sufficientBalance = await runtime.providerHasMinimumBalance(3)
+      if (!sufficientBalance) {
+        errorHandler(res, 'Insufficient balance to process upload!', 503)
+        return
+      }
       // We'll open a write stream to the backend, but reserve the right to
       // abort upload if the filters don't smell right.
       let stream

+ 1 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   "scripts": {
     "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 0"
-  "license": "MIT",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "dependencies": {
     "@joystream/storage-runtime-api": "^0.1.0",
     "@types/bn.js": "^4.11.5",

+ 158 - 115

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 'use strict'
 const debug = require('debug')('joystream:runtime:base')
+const debugTx = require('debug')('joystream:runtime:base:tx')
 const { registerJoystreamTypes } = require('@joystream/types')
 const { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api')
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ const { DiscoveryApi } = require('@joystream/storage-runtime-api/discovery')
 const { SystemApi } = require('@joystream/storage-runtime-api/system')
 const AsyncLock = require('async-lock')
 const Promise = require('bluebird')
+const { sleep } = require('@joystream/storage-utils/sleep')
   cancellation: true,
@@ -85,6 +87,29 @@ class RuntimeApi {
+  async untilChainIsSynced() {
+    debug('Waiting for chain to be synced before proceeding.')
+    while (true) {
+      const isSyncing = await this.chainIsSyncing()
+      if (isSyncing) {
+        debug('Still waiting for chain to be synced.')
+        await sleep(1 * 30 * 1000)
+      } else {
+        return
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  async chainIsSyncing() {
+    const { isSyncing } = await this.api.rpc.system.health()
+    return isSyncing.isTrue
+  }
+  async providerHasMinimumBalance(minimumBalance) {
+    const providerAccountId = this.identities.key.address
+    return this.balances.hasMinimumBalanceOf(providerAccountId, minimumBalance)
+  }
   executeWithAccountLock(accountId, func) {
     return this.asyncLock.acquire(`${accountId}`, func)
@@ -121,7 +146,7 @@ class RuntimeApi {
       const fullName = `${event.section}.${event.method}`
-      debug(`matched event: ${fullName} =>`, event.data && event.data.join(', '))
+      debugTx(`matched event: ${fullName} =>`, event.data && event.data.join(', '))
       return [fullName, payload]
@@ -135,20 +160,15 @@ class RuntimeApi {
     // const nonce = await this.api.rpc.system.accountNextIndex(accountId)
     const systemNonce = await this.api.query.system.accountNonce(accountId)
-    if (cachedNonce) {
-      // we have it cached.. but lets do a look ahead to see if we need to adjust
-      if (systemNonce.gt(cachedNonce)) {
-        return systemNonce
-      } else {
-        return cachedNonce
-      }
-    } else {
-      return systemNonce
-    }
+    const bestNonce = cachedNonce && cachedNonce.gte(systemNonce) ? cachedNonce : systemNonce
+    this.nonces[accountId] = bestNonce
+    return bestNonce.toNumber()
-  incrementAndSaveNonce(accountId, nonce) {
-    this.nonces[accountId] = nonce.addn(1)
+  incrementAndSaveNonce(accountId) {
+    this.nonces[accountId] = this.nonces[accountId].addn(1)
@@ -156,8 +176,11 @@ class RuntimeApi {
    * so that they can be included in the same block. Allows you to use the accountId instead
    * of the key, without requiring an external Signer configured on the underlying ApiPromie
-   * If the subscribed events are given, and a callback as well, then the
-   * callback is invoked with matching events.
+   * If the subscribed events are given, then the matchedEvents will be returned in the resolved
+   * value.
+   * Resolves when a transaction finalizes with a successful dispatch (for both signed and root origins)
+   * Rejects in all other cases.
+   * Will also reject on timeout if the transaction doesn't finalize in time.
   async signAndSend(accountId, tx, subscribed) {
     // Accept both a string or AccountId as argument
@@ -171,119 +194,64 @@ class RuntimeApi {
       throw new Error('Must unlock key before using it to sign!')
-    // Functions to be called when the submitted transaction is finalized. They are initialized
-    // after the transaction is submitted to the resolve and reject function of the final promise
-    // returned by signAndSend
-    // on extrinsic success
-    let onFinalizedSuccess
-    // on extrinsic failure
-    let onFinalizedFailed
-    // Function assigned when transaction is successfully submitted. Invoking it ubsubscribes from
-    // listening to tx status updates.
-    let unsubscribe
-    let lastTxUpdateResult
-    const handleTxUpdates = (result) => {
-      const { events = [], status } = result
-      if (!result || !status) {
-        return
-      }
-      lastTxUpdateResult = result
-      if (result.isError) {
-        unsubscribe()
-        debug('Tx Error', status.type)
-        onFinalizedFailed &&
-          onFinalizedFailed({ err: status.type, result, tx: status.isUsurped ? status.asUsurped : undefined })
-      } else if (result.isFinalized) {
-        unsubscribe()
-        const mappedEvents = RuntimeApi.matchingEvents(subscribed, events)
-        const failed = result.findRecord('system', 'ExtrinsicFailed')
-        const success = result.findRecord('system', 'ExtrinsicSuccess')
-        const sudid = result.findRecord('sudo', 'Sudid')
-        const sudoAsDone = result.findRecord('sudo', 'SudoAsDone')
+    const callbacks = {
+      // Functions to be called when the submitted transaction is finalized. They are initialized
+      // after the transaction is submitted to the resolve and reject function of the final promise
+      // returned by signAndSend
+      // on extrinsic success
+      onFinalizedSuccess: null,
+      // on extrinsic failure
+      onFinalizedFailed: null,
+      // Function assigned when transaction is successfully submitted. Invoking it ubsubscribes from
+      // listening to tx status updates.
+      unsubscribe: null,
+    }
-        if (failed) {
-          const {
-            event: { data },
-          } = failed
-          const dispatchError = data[0]
-          onFinalizedFailed({
-            err: 'ExtrinsicFailed',
-            mappedEvents,
-            result,
-            block: status.asFinalized,
-            dispatchError, // we get module number/id and index into the Error enum
-          })
-        } else if (success) {
-          // Note: For root origin calls, the dispatch error is logged to the joystream-node
-          // console, we cannot get it in the events
-          if (sudid) {
-            const dispatchSuccess = sudid.event.data[0]
-            if (dispatchSuccess.isTrue) {
-              onFinalizedSuccess({ mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
-            } else {
-              onFinalizedFailed({ err: 'SudoFailed', mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
-            }
-          } else if (sudoAsDone) {
-            const dispatchSuccess = sudoAsDone.event.data[0]
-            if (dispatchSuccess.isTrue) {
-              onFinalizedSuccess({ mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
-            } else {
-              onFinalizedFailed({ err: 'SudoAsFailed', mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
-            }
-          } else {
-            onFinalizedSuccess({ mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
-          }
-        }
-      }
+    // object used to communicate back information from the tx updates handler
+    const out = {
+      lastResult: undefined,
     // synchronize access to nonce
     await this.executeWithAccountLock(accountId, async () => {
       const nonce = await this.selectBestNonce(accountId)
+      const signed = tx.sign(fromKey, { nonce })
+      const txhash = signed.hash
       try {
-        unsubscribe = await tx.sign(fromKey, { nonce }).send(handleTxUpdates)
-        debug('TransactionSubmitted')
-        // transaction submitted successfully, increment and save nonce.
-        this.incrementAndSaveNonce(accountId, nonce)
-      } catch (err) {
-        const errstr = err.toString()
-        debug('TransactionRejected:', errstr)
-        // This happens when nonce is already used in finalized transactions, ie. the selected nonce
-        // was less than current account nonce. A few scenarios where this happens (other than incorrect code)
-        // 1. When a past future tx got finalized because we submitted some transactions
-        // using up the nonces upto that point.
-        // 2. Can happen while storage-node is talkig to a joystream-node that is still not fully
-        // synced.
-        // 3. Storage role account holder sent a transaction just ahead of us via another app.
-        if (errstr.indexOf('ExtrinsicStatus:: 1010: Invalid Transaction: Stale') !== -1) {
-          // In case 1 or 3 a quick recovery could work by just incrementing, but since we
-          // cannot detect which case we are in just reset and force re-reading nonce. Even
-          // that may not be sufficient expect after a few more failures..
-          delete this.nonces[accountId]
-        }
+        callbacks.unsubscribe = await signed.send(
+          RuntimeApi.createTxUpdateHandler(callbacks, { nonce, txhash, subscribed }, out)
+        )
+        const serialized = JSON.stringify({
+          nonce,
+          txhash,
+          tx: signed.toHex(),
+        })
-        // Technically it means a transaction in the mempool with same
-        // nonce and same fees being paid so we cannot replace it, either we didn't correctly
-        // increment the nonce or someone external to this application sent a transaction
-        // with same nonce ahead of us.
-        if (errstr.indexOf('ExtrinsicStatus:: 1014: Priority is too low') !== -1) {
-          delete this.nonces[accountId]
+        // We are depending on the behaviour that at this point the Ready status
+        // Elaboration: when the tx is rejected and therefore the tx isn't added
+        // to the tx pool ready queue status is not updated and
+        // .send() throws, so we don't reach this code.
+        if (out.lastResult.status.isFuture) {
+          debugTx(`Warning: Submitted Tx with future nonce: ${serialized}`)
+        } else {
+          debugTx(`Submitted: ${serialized}`)
+        // transaction submitted successfully, increment and save nonce.
+        this.incrementAndSaveNonce(accountId)
+      } catch (err) {
+        const errstr = err.toString()
+        debugTx(`Rejected: ${errstr} txhash: ${txhash} nonce: ${nonce}`)
         throw err
+    // Here again we assume that the transaction has been accepted into the tx pool
+    // and status was updated.
     // We cannot get tx updates for a future tx so return now to avoid blocking caller
-    if (lastTxUpdateResult.status.isFuture) {
-      debug('Warning: Submitted extrinsic with future nonce')
+    if (out.lastResult.status.isFuture) {
       return {}
@@ -293,14 +261,14 @@ class RuntimeApi {
     // Timeout can also occur if a transaction that was part of batch of transactions submitted
     // gets usurped.
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-      onFinalizedSuccess = resolve
-      onFinalizedFailed = reject
+      callbacks.onFinalizedSuccess = resolve
+      callbacks.onFinalizedFailed = reject
    * Sign and send a transaction expect event from
-   * module and return eventProperty from the event.
+   * module and return specific(index) value from event data
   async signAndSendThenGetEventResult(senderAccountId, tx, { module, event, index, type }) {
     if (!module || !event || index === undefined || !type) {
@@ -341,6 +309,81 @@ class RuntimeApi {
     return value.data
+  static createTxUpdateHandler(callbacks, submittedTx, out = {}) {
+    const { nonce, txhash, subscribed } = submittedTx
+    return function handleTxUpdates(result) {
+      const { events = [], status } = result
+      const { unsubscribe, onFinalizedFailed, onFinalizedSuccess } = callbacks
+      if (!result || !status) {
+        return
+      }
+      out.lastResult = result
+      const txinfo = () => {
+        return JSON.stringify({
+          nonce,
+          txhash,
+        })
+      }
+      if (result.isError) {
+        unsubscribe()
+        debugTx(`Error: ${status.type}`, txinfo())
+        onFinalizedFailed &&
+          onFinalizedFailed({ err: status.type, result, tx: status.isUsurped ? status.asUsurped : undefined })
+      } else if (result.isFinalized) {
+        unsubscribe()
+        debugTx('Finalized', txinfo())
+        const mappedEvents = RuntimeApi.matchingEvents(subscribed, events)
+        const failed = result.findRecord('system', 'ExtrinsicFailed')
+        const success = result.findRecord('system', 'ExtrinsicSuccess')
+        const sudid = result.findRecord('sudo', 'Sudid')
+        const sudoAsDone = result.findRecord('sudo', 'SudoAsDone')
+        if (failed) {
+          const {
+            event: { data },
+          } = failed
+          const dispatchError = data[0]
+          onFinalizedFailed({
+            err: 'ExtrinsicFailed',
+            mappedEvents,
+            result,
+            block: status.asFinalized,
+            dispatchError, // we get module number/id and index into the Error enum
+          })
+        } else if (success) {
+          // Note: For root origin calls, the dispatch error is logged to the joystream-node
+          // console, we cannot get it in the events
+          if (sudid) {
+            const dispatchSuccess = sudid.event.data[0]
+            if (dispatchSuccess.isTrue) {
+              onFinalizedSuccess({ mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
+            } else {
+              onFinalizedFailed({ err: 'SudoFailed', mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
+            }
+          } else if (sudoAsDone) {
+            const dispatchSuccess = sudoAsDone.event.data[0]
+            if (dispatchSuccess.isTrue) {
+              onFinalizedSuccess({ mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
+            } else {
+              onFinalizedFailed({ err: 'SudoAsFailed', mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
+            }
+          } else {
+            onFinalizedSuccess({ mappedEvents, result, block: status.asFinalized })
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
 module.exports = {

+ 2 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     "temp": "^0.9.0"
   "dependencies": {
+    "@joystream/storage-utils": "^0.1.0",
     "@joystream/types": "^0.12.0",
     "@polkadot/api": "^0.96.1",
     "async-lock": "^1.2.0",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "type": "git",
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  "license": "GPL-3.0",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "contributors": [
       "name": "Joystream",

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function sleep(ms) {
+  return new Promise((resolve) => {
+    setTimeout(resolve, ms)
+  })
+module.exports = {
+  sleep,

+ 3 - 2

@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
   "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "scripts": {
     "build": "tsc --build tsconfig.json",
-    "test": "tap --files src/nicaea/tests/proposals/*Test.ts --files src/nicaea/tests/workingGroup/*Test.ts -T",
+    "test": "tap --files src/iznik/tests/proposals/*Test.ts --files src/iznik/tests/workingGroup/*Test.ts -T",
     "test-migration-constantinople": "tap --files src/rome/tests/romeRuntimeUpgradeTest.ts --files src/constantinople/tests/electingCouncilTest.ts -T",
     "test-migration-nicaea": "tap --files src/constantinople/tests/proposals/updateRuntimeTest.ts --files src/nicaea/tests/electingCouncilTest.ts -T",
-    "debug": "tap --files src/nicaea/tests/workingGroup/*Test.ts -T",
+    "debug": "tap --files src/iznik/tests/proposals/manageLeaderRoleTest.ts -T",
     "lint": "eslint . --quiet --ext .ts",
     "checks": "yarn lint && tsc --noEmit --pretty && prettier ./ --check",
     "format": "prettier ./ --write "
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
   "dependencies": {
     "@constantinople/types@npm:@joystream/types": "^0.10.0",
     "@nicaea/types@npm:@joystream/types": "^0.12.0",
+    "@alexandria/types": "link:../../types",
     "@polkadot/api": "^0.96.1",
     "@polkadot/keyring": "^1.7.0-beta.5",
     "@rome/types@npm:@joystream/types": "^0.7.0",

+ 0 - 0

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+tap.mocha.describe('Electing council scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 25
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 140 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { Seat } from '@alexandria/types/council'
+import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { Fixture } from './interfaces/fixture'
+export class ElectCouncilFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private k: number
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private greaterStake: BN
+  private lesserStake: BN
+  public constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    k: number,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    greaterStake: BN,
+    lesserStake: BN
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.k = k
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.greaterStake = greaterStake
+    this.lesserStake = lesserStake
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    let now = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+    const applyForCouncilFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateApplyForCouncilFee(this.greaterStake)
+    const voteForCouncilFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForCouncilFee(
+      this.sudo.address,
+      this.sudo.address,
+      this.greaterStake
+    )
+    const salt: string[] = []
+    this.m1KeyPairs.forEach(() => {
+      salt.push(''.concat(uuid().replace(/-/g, '')))
+    })
+    const revealVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateRevealVoteFee(this.sudo.address, salt[0])
+    // Topping the balances
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.m2KeyPairs,
+      applyForCouncilFee.add(this.greaterStake)
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.m1KeyPairs,
+      voteForCouncilFee.add(revealVoteFee).add(this.greaterStake)
+    )
+    // First K members stake more
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartAnnouncingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(100))
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApplyForCouncilElection(this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k), this.greaterStake)
+    this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k).forEach((keyPair) =>
+      this.apiWrapper.getCouncilElectionStake(keyPair.address).then((stake) => {
+        assert(
+          stake.eq(this.greaterStake),
+          `${keyPair.address} not applied correctly for council election with stake ${stake} versus expected ${this.greaterStake}`
+        )
+      })
+    )
+    // Last members stake less
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApplyForCouncilElection(this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k), this.lesserStake)
+    this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k).forEach((keyPair) =>
+      this.apiWrapper.getCouncilElectionStake(keyPair.address).then((stake) => {
+        assert(
+          stake.eq(this.lesserStake),
+          `${keyPair.address} not applied correctrly for council election with stake ${stake} versus expected ${this.lesserStake}`
+        )
+      })
+    )
+    // Voting
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartVotingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(100))
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchVoteForCouncilMember(
+      this.m1KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+      this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+      salt.slice(0, this.k),
+      this.lesserStake
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchVoteForCouncilMember(
+      this.m1KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+      this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+      salt.slice(this.k),
+      this.greaterStake
+    )
+    // Revealing
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartRevealingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(100))
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchRevealVote(
+      this.m1KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+      this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+      salt.slice(0, this.k)
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchRevealVote(
+      this.m1KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+      this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+      salt.slice(this.k)
+    )
+    now = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+    // Resolving election
+    // 3 is to ensure the revealing block is in future
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartRevealingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(3))
+    await Utils.wait(this.apiWrapper.getBlockDuration().muln(2.5).toNumber())
+    const seats: Seat[] = await this.apiWrapper.getCouncil()
+    // Preparing collections to increase assertion readability
+    const m2addresses: string[] = this.m2KeyPairs.map((keyPair) => keyPair.address)
+    const m1addresses: string[] = this.m1KeyPairs.map((keyPair) => keyPair.address)
+    const members: string[] = seats.map((seat) => seat.member.toString())
+    const bakers: string[] = seats.map((seat) => seat.backers.map((baker) => baker.member.toString())).flat()
+    // Assertions
+    m2addresses.forEach((address) => assert(members.includes(address), `Account ${address} is not in the council`))
+    m1addresses.forEach((address) => assert(bakers.includes(address), `Account ${address} is not in the voters`))
+    seats.forEach((seat) =>
+      assert(
+        Utils.getTotalStake(seat).eq(this.greaterStake.add(this.lesserStake)),
+        `Member ${seat.member} has unexpected stake ${Utils.getTotalStake(seat)}`
+      )
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export interface Fixture {
+  runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void>

+ 106 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { Fixture } from './interfaces/fixture'
+export class BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private keyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private paidTerms: number
+  public constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, sudo: KeyringPair, keyPairs: KeyringPair[], paidTerms: number) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.keyPairs = keyPairs
+    this.paidTerms = paidTerms
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const membershipFee: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMembershipFee(this.paidTerms)
+    const membershipTransactionFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateBuyMembershipFee(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.paidTerms,
+      'member_name_which_is_longer_than_expected'
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.keyPairs,
+      membershipTransactionFee.add(new BN(membershipFee))
+    )
+    // Buying membership
+    await Promise.all(
+      this.keyPairs.map(async (keyPair, index) => {
+        await this.apiWrapper.buyMembership(
+          keyPair,
+          this.paidTerms,
+          `new_member_${index}${keyPair.address.substring(0, 8)}`
+        )
+      })
+    )
+    // Assertions
+    this.keyPairs.forEach((keyPair) =>
+      this.apiWrapper
+        .getMemberIds(keyPair.address)
+        .then((membership) => assert(membership.length > 0, `Account ${keyPair.address} is not a member`))
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class BuyMembershipWithInsufficienFundsFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private aKeyPair: KeyringPair
+  private paidTerms: number
+  public constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, sudo: KeyringPair, aKeyPair: KeyringPair, paidTerms: number) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.aKeyPair = aKeyPair
+    this.paidTerms = paidTerms
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean) {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const membershipFee: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMembershipFee(this.paidTerms)
+    const membershipTransactionFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateBuyMembershipFee(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.paidTerms,
+      'member_name_which_is_longer_than_expected'
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.aKeyPair.address, membershipTransactionFee)
+    // Balance assertion
+    await this.apiWrapper
+      .getBalance(this.aKeyPair.address)
+      .then((balance) =>
+        assert(
+          balance.toBn() < membershipFee.add(membershipTransactionFee),
+          'Account A already have sufficient balance to purchase membership'
+        )
+      )
+    // Buying memebership
+    await this.apiWrapper.buyMembership(
+      this.aKeyPair,
+      this.paidTerms,
+      `late_member_${this.aKeyPair.address.substring(0, 8)}`,
+      true
+    )
+    // Assertions
+    this.apiWrapper
+      .getMemberIds(this.aKeyPair.address)
+      .then((membership) => assert(membership.length === 0, 'Account A is a member'))
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }

+ 1037 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { FillOpeningParameters } from '@alexandria/types/proposals'
+import { Fixture } from './interfaces/fixture'
+import { Bytes, Option, u32 } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { Balance, BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import {
+  ActivateOpeningAt,
+  ApplicationId,
+  ApplicationRationingPolicy,
+  OpeningId,
+  StakingPolicy,
+} from '@alexandria/types/hiring'
+import { RewardPolicy, SlashingTerms, WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment } from '@alexandria/types/working-group'
+import { WorkingGroup } from '@alexandria/types/common'
+export class CreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private applicationStake: BN
+  private roleStake: BN
+  private workingGroup: string
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    applicationStake: BN,
+    roleStake: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.applicationStake = applicationStake
+    this.roleStake = roleStake
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing working group lead opening proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Opening construction
+    const activateAtBlock: ActivateOpeningAt = new ActivateOpeningAt('CurrentBlock')
+    const commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment = new WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment({
+      application_rationing_policy: new Option(ApplicationRationingPolicy, {
+        max_active_applicants: new BN(this.m1KeyPairs.length) as u32,
+      }),
+      max_review_period_length: new BN(32) as u32,
+      application_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: this.applicationStake,
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: this.roleStake,
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_slashing_terms: new SlashingTerms({
+        Slashable: {
+          max_count: new BN(1),
+          max_percent_pts_per_time: new BN(100),
+        },
+      }),
+      fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+    })
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpening(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      activateAtBlock,
+      commitment,
+      uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      this.workingGroup
+    )
+    const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+    this.result = proposalNumber
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class BeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private openingId: BN
+  private workingGroup: string
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    openingId: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing begin working group lead application review proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReview(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      this.openingId,
+      this.workingGroup
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class FillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private applicantRoleAccountAddress: string
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private firstRewardInterval: BN
+  private rewardInterval: BN
+  private payoutAmount: BN
+  private openingId: BN
+  private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    applicantRoleAccountAddress: string,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    firstRewardInterval: BN,
+    rewardInterval: BN,
+    payoutAmount: BN,
+    openingId: BN,
+    workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.applicantRoleAccountAddress = applicantRoleAccountAddress
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.firstRewardInterval = firstRewardInterval
+    this.rewardInterval = rewardInterval
+    this.payoutAmount = payoutAmount
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing fill opening proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeFillLeaderOpeningFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const applicationId: BN = (
+      await this.apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(this.applicantRoleAccountAddress, this.workingGroup)
+    )[0]
+    const now = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+    const fillOpeningParameters: FillOpeningParameters = new FillOpeningParameters({
+      opening_id: this.openingId as OpeningId,
+      successful_application_id: applicationId as ApplicationId,
+      reward_policy: new Option(
+        RewardPolicy,
+        new RewardPolicy({
+          amount_per_payout: this.payoutAmount as Balance,
+          next_payment_at_block: now.add(this.firstRewardInterval) as BlockNumber,
+          payout_interval: new Option(u32, this.rewardInterval as u32),
+        })
+      ),
+      working_group: new WorkingGroup(workingGroupString),
+    })
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeFillLeaderOpening(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      fillOpeningParameters
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class TerminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private leaderRoleAccountAddress: string
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private slash: boolean
+  private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    leaderRoleAccountAddress: string,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    slash: boolean,
+    workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.leaderRoleAccountAddress = leaderRoleAccountAddress
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.slash = slash
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing begin working group lead application review proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const rationale: string = 'Testing leader termination ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(
+      this.leaderRoleAccountAddress,
+      this.workingGroup
+    )
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeTerminateLeaderRoleFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeTerminateLeaderRole(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      workerId,
+      rationale,
+      this.slash,
+      workingGroupString
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class SetLeaderRewardProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private payoutAmount: BN
+  private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    payoutAmount: BN,
+    workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.payoutAmount = payoutAmount
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing set leader reward proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+    const workerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.workingGroup))!
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeLeaderRewardFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeLeaderReward(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      workerId,
+      this.payoutAmount,
+      workingGroupString
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class DecreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private stakeDecrement: BN
+  private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    stakeDecrement: BN,
+    workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.stakeDecrement = stakeDecrement
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing decrease leader stake proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+    const workerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.workingGroup))!
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeDecreaseLeaderStakeFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeDecreaseLeaderStake(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      workerId,
+      this.stakeDecrement,
+      workingGroupString
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class SlashLeaderProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private slashAmount: BN
+  private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    slashAmount: BN,
+    workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.slashAmount = slashAmount
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing slash leader stake proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+    const workerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.workingGroup))!
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeSlashLeaderStakeFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeSlashLeaderStake(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      workerId,
+      this.slashAmount,
+      workingGroupString
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private mintCapacity: BN
+  private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    mintCapacity: BN,
+    workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.mintCapacity = mintCapacity
+    this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing working group mint capacity proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      this.mintCapacity,
+      workingGroupString
+    )
+    this.result = await proposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ElectionParametersProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing validator count proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    const announcingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getAnnouncingPeriod()
+    const votingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getVotingPeriod()
+    const revealingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getRevealingPeriod()
+    const councilSize: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCouncilSize()
+    const candidacyLimit: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCandidacyLimit()
+    const newTermDuration: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getNewTermDuration()
+    const minCouncilStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinCouncilStake()
+    const minVotingStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinVotingStake()
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(200000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeElectionParametersFee(
+      description,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      announcingPeriod,
+      votingPeriod,
+      revealingPeriod,
+      councilSize,
+      candidacyLimit,
+      newTermDuration,
+      minCouncilStake,
+      minVotingStake
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposedAnnouncingPeriod: BN = announcingPeriod.subn(1)
+    const proposedVotingPeriod: BN = votingPeriod.addn(1)
+    const proposedRevealingPeriod: BN = revealingPeriod.addn(1)
+    const proposedCouncilSize: BN = councilSize.addn(1)
+    const proposedCandidacyLimit: BN = candidacyLimit.addn(1)
+    const proposedNewTermDuration: BN = newTermDuration.addn(1)
+    const proposedMinCouncilStake: BN = minCouncilStake.addn(1)
+    const proposedMinVotingStake: BN = minVotingStake.addn(1)
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeElectionParameters(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      proposedAnnouncingPeriod,
+      proposedVotingPeriod,
+      proposedRevealingPeriod,
+      proposedCouncilSize,
+      proposedCandidacyLimit,
+      proposedNewTermDuration,
+      proposedMinCouncilStake,
+      proposedMinVotingStake
+    )
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving the proposal
+    const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await proposalExecutionPromise
+    // Assertions
+    const newAnnouncingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getAnnouncingPeriod()
+    const newVotingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getVotingPeriod()
+    const newRevealingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getRevealingPeriod()
+    const newCouncilSize: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCouncilSize()
+    const newCandidacyLimit: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCandidacyLimit()
+    const newNewTermDuration: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getNewTermDuration()
+    const newMinCouncilStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinCouncilStake()
+    const newMinVotingStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinVotingStake()
+    assert(
+      proposedAnnouncingPeriod.eq(newAnnouncingPeriod),
+      `Announcing period has unexpected value ${newAnnouncingPeriod}, expected ${proposedAnnouncingPeriod}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedVotingPeriod.eq(newVotingPeriod),
+      `Voting period has unexpected value ${newVotingPeriod}, expected ${proposedVotingPeriod}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedRevealingPeriod.eq(newRevealingPeriod),
+      `Revealing has unexpected value ${newRevealingPeriod}, expected ${proposedRevealingPeriod}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedCouncilSize.eq(newCouncilSize),
+      `Council size has unexpected value ${newCouncilSize}, expected ${proposedCouncilSize}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedCandidacyLimit.eq(newCandidacyLimit),
+      `Candidacy limit has unexpected value ${newCandidacyLimit}, expected ${proposedCandidacyLimit}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedNewTermDuration.eq(newNewTermDuration),
+      `New term duration has unexpected value ${newNewTermDuration}, expected ${proposedNewTermDuration}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedMinCouncilStake.eq(newMinCouncilStake),
+      `Min council stake has unexpected value ${newMinCouncilStake}, expected ${proposedMinCouncilStake}`
+    )
+    assert(
+      proposedMinVotingStake.eq(newMinVotingStake),
+      `Min voting stake has unexpected value ${newMinVotingStake}, expected ${proposedMinVotingStake}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class SetLeadProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing validator count proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeLeadFee(
+      description,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      this.sudo.address
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeLead(this.m1KeyPairs[0], proposalTitle, description, proposalStake, this.m1KeyPairs[1])
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving the proposal
+    const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await proposalExecutionPromise
+    const newLead: string = await this.apiWrapper.getCurrentLeadAddress()
+    assert(
+      newLead === this.m1KeyPairs[1].address,
+      `New lead has unexpected value ${newLead}, expected ${this.m1KeyPairs[1].address}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class SpendingProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private spendingBalance: BN
+  private mintCapacity: BN
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    spendingBalance: BN,
+    mintCapacity: BN
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.spendingBalance = spendingBalance
+    this.mintCapacity = mintCapacity
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const description = 'spending proposal which is used for API network testing with some mock data'
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    // Topping the balances
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
+    const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeSpendingFee(
+      description,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      this.spendingBalance,
+      this.sudo.address
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoSetCouncilMintCapacity(this.sudo, this.mintCapacity)
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeSpending(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      'testing spending' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      'spending to test proposal functionality' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      proposalStake,
+      this.spendingBalance,
+      this.sudo.address
+    )
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving spending proposal
+    const balanceBeforeMinting: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.sudo.address)
+    const spendingPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await spendingPromise
+    const balanceAfterMinting: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.sudo.address)
+    assert(
+      balanceAfterMinting.sub(balanceBeforeMinting).eq(this.spendingBalance),
+      `member ${
+        this.m1KeyPairs[0].address
+      } has unexpected balance ${balanceAfterMinting}, expected ${balanceBeforeMinting.add(this.spendingBalance)}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class TextProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing text proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const proposalText: string = 'Text of the testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
+    const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeTextFee(
+      proposalStake,
+      description,
+      description,
+      proposalText
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeText(this.m1KeyPairs[0], proposalStake, proposalTitle, description, proposalText)
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving text proposal
+    const textProposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await textProposalPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ValidatorCountProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private validatorCountIncrement: BN
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    validatorCountIncrement: BN
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.validatorCountIncrement = validatorCountIncrement
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const description: string = 'Testing validator count proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    // Proposal stake calculation
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
+    const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeValidatorCountFee(description, description, proposalStake)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    const validatorCount: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getValidatorCount()
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposedValidatorCount: BN = validatorCount.add(this.validatorCountIncrement)
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeValidatorCount(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalTitle,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      proposedValidatorCount
+    )
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving the proposal
+    const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await proposalExecutionPromise
+    const newValidatorCount: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getValidatorCount()
+    assert(
+      proposedValidatorCount.eq(newValidatorCount),
+      `Validator count has unexpeccted value ${newValidatorCount}, expected ${proposedValidatorCount}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private mintingCapacityIncrement: BN
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    mintingCapacityIncrement: BN
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.mintingCapacityIncrement = mintingCapacityIncrement
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const description = 'Mint capacity proposal which is used for API network testing'
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    const initialMintingCapacity: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity()
+    // Topping the balances
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+    const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee(
+      description,
+      description,
+      proposalStake,
+      initialMintingCapacity.add(this.mintingCapacityIncrement)
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposedMintingCapacity: BN = initialMintingCapacity.add(this.mintingCapacityIncrement)
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      'testing mint capacity' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      'mint capacity to test proposal functionality' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      proposalStake,
+      proposedMintingCapacity
+    )
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving mint capacity proposal
+    const mintCapacityPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await mintCapacityPromise
+    const newMintingCapacity: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity()
+    assert(
+      proposedMintingCapacity.eq(newMintingCapacity),
+      `Content working group has unexpected minting capacity ${newMintingCapacity}, expected ${proposedMintingCapacity}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class UpdateRuntimeFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Setup
+    const runtime: Bytes = await this.apiWrapper.getRuntime()
+    const description = 'runtime upgrade proposal which is used for API network testing'
+    const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    // Topping the balances
+    const proposalStake: BN = new BN(1000000)
+    const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeRuntimeUpgradeFee(
+      proposalStake,
+      description,
+      description,
+      runtime
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+    // Proposal creation
+    const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+    await this.apiWrapper.proposeRuntime(
+      this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+      proposalStake,
+      'testing runtime' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      'runtime to test proposal functionality' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      runtime
+    )
+    const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+    // Approving runtime update proposal
+    const runtimePromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+    await runtimePromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class VoteForProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private proposalNumber: BN
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair, proposalNumber: BN) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.proposalNumber = proposalNumber
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const proposalVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, proposalVoteFee)
+    // Approving the proposal
+    const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, this.proposalNumber)
+    await proposalExecutionPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }

+ 1195 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { Balance, BlockNumber, Event } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { Option, u32 } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
+import { RewardRelationship } from '@alexandria/types/recurring-rewards'
+import {
+  Application,
+  ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap,
+  SlashingTerms,
+  Worker,
+  WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+} from '@alexandria/types/working-group'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import {
+  ActivateOpeningAt,
+  ApplicationRationingPolicy,
+  Opening as HiringOpening,
+  StakingPolicy,
+} from '@alexandria/types/hiring'
+import { Fixture } from './interfaces/fixture'
+export class AddWorkerOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private applicationStake: BN
+  private roleStake: BN
+  private activationDelay: BN
+  private unstakingPeriod: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    applicationStake: BN,
+    roleStake: BN,
+    activationDelay: BN,
+    unstakingPeriod: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.applicationStake = applicationStake
+    this.roleStake = roleStake
+    this.activationDelay = activationDelay
+    this.unstakingPeriod = unstakingPeriod
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Worker opening construction
+    const activateAtBlock: ActivateOpeningAt = new ActivateOpeningAt(
+      this.activationDelay.eqn(0)
+        ? 'CurrentBlock'
+        : { ExactBlock: (await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()).add(this.activationDelay) }
+    )
+    const commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment = new WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment({
+      application_rationing_policy: new Option(ApplicationRationingPolicy, {
+        max_active_applicants: new BN(this.membersKeyPairs.length) as u32,
+      }),
+      max_review_period_length: new BN(32) as u32,
+      application_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: this.applicationStake,
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: this.roleStake,
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_slashing_terms: new SlashingTerms({
+        Slashable: {
+          max_count: new BN(1),
+          max_percent_pts_per_time: new BN(100),
+        },
+      }),
+      fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(
+        u32,
+        this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber
+      ),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(
+        u32,
+        this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber
+      ),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, this.unstakingPeriod as BlockNumber),
+    })
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const addOpeningFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateAddOpeningFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, addOpeningFee)
+    // Worker opening creation
+    const addOpeningPromise: Promise<Event> = this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('OpeningAdded')
+    await this.apiWrapper.addOpening(
+      this.lead,
+      activateAtBlock,
+      commitment,
+      uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      'Worker',
+      this.module,
+      expectFailure
+    )
+    if (!expectFailure) {
+      const openingId: BN = ((await addOpeningPromise).data[0] as unknown) as BN
+      console.log('received opening id ' + openingId)
+      this.result = openingId
+    }
+  }
+export class AddLeaderOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private applicationStake: BN
+  private roleStake: BN
+  private activationDelay: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    applicationStake: BN,
+    roleStake: BN,
+    activationDelay: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.applicationStake = applicationStake
+    this.roleStake = roleStake
+    this.activationDelay = activationDelay
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Leader opening creation
+    const activateAtBlock: ActivateOpeningAt = new ActivateOpeningAt(
+      this.activationDelay.eqn(0)
+        ? 'CurrentBlock'
+        : { ExactBlock: (await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()).add(this.activationDelay) }
+    )
+    const commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment = new WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment({
+      application_rationing_policy: new Option(ApplicationRationingPolicy, {
+        max_active_applicants: new BN(this.membersKeyPairs.length) as u32,
+      }),
+      max_review_period_length: new BN(32) as u32,
+      application_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: this.applicationStake,
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: this.roleStake,
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_slashing_terms: new SlashingTerms({
+        Slashable: {
+          max_count: new BN(1),
+          max_percent_pts_per_time: new BN(100),
+        },
+      }),
+      fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+    })
+    const addOpeningPromise: Promise<Event> = this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('OpeningAdded')
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoAddOpening(
+      this.sudo,
+      activateAtBlock,
+      commitment,
+      uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      'Leader',
+      this.module
+    )
+    const openingId: BN = ((await addOpeningPromise).data[0] as unknown) as BN
+    this.result = openingId
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class AcceptApplicationsFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private openingId: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  public constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    openingId: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const acceptApplicationsFee = this.apiWrapper.estimateAcceptApplicationsFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, acceptApplicationsFee)
+    // Begin accepting applications
+    await this.apiWrapper.acceptApplications(this.lead, this.openingId, this.module)
+    const opening: HiringOpening = await this.apiWrapper.getHiringOpening(this.openingId)
+    assert(opening.is_active, `Opening ${this.openingId} is not active`)
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ApplyForOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private applicationStake: BN
+  private roleStake: BN
+  private openingId: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  public constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    applicationStake: BN,
+    roleStake: BN,
+    openingId: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.applicationStake = applicationStake
+    this.roleStake = roleStake
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const applyOnOpeningFee: BN = this.apiWrapper
+      .estimateApplyOnOpeningFee(this.sudo, this.module)
+      .add(this.applicationStake)
+      .add(this.roleStake)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.membersKeyPairs, applyOnOpeningFee)
+    // Applying for created worker opening
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchApplyOnOpening(
+      this.membersKeyPairs,
+      this.openingId,
+      this.roleStake,
+      this.applicationStake,
+      uuid().substring(0, 8),
+      this.module,
+      expectFailure
+    )
+  }
+export class WithdrawApplicationFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const withdrawApplicaitonFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateWithdrawApplicationFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.membersKeyPairs, withdrawApplicaitonFee)
+    // Application withdrawal
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchWithdrawApplication(this.membersKeyPairs, this.module)
+    // Assertions
+    this.membersKeyPairs.forEach(async (keyPair) => {
+      const activeApplications: BN[] = await this.apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(
+        keyPair.address,
+        this.module
+      )
+      assert(activeApplications.length === 0, `Unexpected active application found for ${keyPair.address}`)
+    })
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class BeginApplicationReviewFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private openingId: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, lead: KeyringPair, sudo: KeyringPair, openingId: BN, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const beginReviewFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateBeginApplicantReviewFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, beginReviewFee)
+    // Begin application review
+    const beginApplicantReviewPromise: Promise<BN> = this.apiWrapper.expectApplicationReviewBegan()
+    await this.apiWrapper.beginApplicantReview(this.lead, this.openingId, this.module)
+    await beginApplicantReviewPromise
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private openingId: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, sudo: KeyringPair, openingId: BN, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Begin application review
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoBeginApplicantReview(this.sudo, this.openingId, this.module)
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class FillOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private openingId: BN
+  private firstPayoutInterval: BN
+  private payoutInterval: BN
+  private amountPerPayout: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    openingId: BN,
+    firstPayoutInterval: BN,
+    payoutInterval: BN,
+    amountPerPayout: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.firstPayoutInterval = firstPayoutInterval
+    this.payoutInterval = payoutInterval
+    this.amountPerPayout = amountPerPayout
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const beginReviewFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateBeginApplicantReviewFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, beginReviewFee)
+    const applicationIds: BN[] = (
+      await Promise.all(
+        this.membersKeyPairs.map(async (keypair) =>
+          this.apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(keypair.address, this.module)
+        )
+      )
+    ).flat()
+    // Fill worker opening
+    const now: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+    const fillOpeningPromise: Promise<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap> = this.apiWrapper.expectOpeningFilled()
+    await this.apiWrapper.fillOpening(
+      this.lead,
+      this.openingId,
+      applicationIds,
+      this.amountPerPayout,
+      now.add(this.firstPayoutInterval),
+      this.payoutInterval,
+      this.module
+    )
+    const applicationIdToWorkerIdMap: ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap = await fillOpeningPromise
+    // Assertions
+    applicationIdToWorkerIdMap.forEach(async (workerId, applicationId) => {
+      const worker: Worker = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId, this.module)
+      const application: Application = await this.apiWrapper.getApplicationById(applicationId, this.module)
+      assert(
+        worker.role_account_id.toString() === application.role_account_id.toString(),
+        `Role account ids does not match, worker account: ${worker.role_account_id}, application account ${application.role_account_id}`
+      )
+    })
+    const openingWorkersAccounts: string[] = (await this.apiWrapper.getWorkers(this.module)).map((worker) =>
+      worker.role_account_id.toString()
+    )
+    this.membersKeyPairs.forEach((keyPair) =>
+      assert(openingWorkersAccounts.includes(keyPair.address), `Account ${keyPair.address} is not worker`)
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class FillLeaderOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private openingId: BN
+  private firstPayoutInterval: BN
+  private payoutInterval: BN
+  private amountPerPayout: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    openingId: BN,
+    firstPayoutInterval: BN,
+    payoutInterval: BN,
+    amountPerPayout: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.openingId = openingId
+    this.firstPayoutInterval = firstPayoutInterval
+    this.payoutInterval = payoutInterval
+    this.amountPerPayout = amountPerPayout
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const applicationIds: BN[] = (
+      await Promise.all(
+        this.membersKeyPairs.map(async (keypair) =>
+          this.apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(keypair.address, this.module)
+        )
+      )
+    ).flat()
+    // Fill leader opening
+    const now: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+    const fillOpeningPromise: Promise<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap> = this.apiWrapper.expectOpeningFilled()
+    await this.apiWrapper.sudoFillOpening(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.openingId,
+      applicationIds,
+      this.amountPerPayout,
+      now.add(this.firstPayoutInterval),
+      this.payoutInterval,
+      this.module
+    )
+    // Assertions
+    const applicationIdToWorkerIdMap: ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap = await fillOpeningPromise
+    applicationIdToWorkerIdMap.forEach(async (workerId, applicationId) => {
+      const worker: Worker = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId, this.module)
+      const application: Application = await this.apiWrapper.getApplicationById(applicationId, this.module)
+      assert(
+        worker.role_account_id.toString() === application.role_account_id.toString(),
+        `Role account ids does not match, leader account: ${worker.role_account_id}, application account ${application.role_account_id}`
+      )
+    })
+    const leadWorkerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.module))!
+    const openingLeaderAccount: string = (
+      await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerById(leadWorkerId, this.module)
+    ).role_account_id.toString()
+    assert(
+      openingLeaderAccount === this.membersKeyPairs[0].address,
+      `Unexpected leader account ${openingLeaderAccount}, expected ${this.membersKeyPairs[0].address}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class IncreaseStakeFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const increaseStakeFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateIncreaseStakeFee(this.module)
+    const stakeIncrement: BN = new BN(1)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.membersKeyPairs[0].address,
+      increaseStakeFee.add(stakeIncrement)
+    )
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    // Increase worker stake
+    const increasedWorkerStake: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId, this.module)).add(
+      stakeIncrement
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.increaseStake(this.membersKeyPairs[0], workerId, stakeIncrement, this.module)
+    const newWorkerStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId, this.module)
+    assert(
+      increasedWorkerStake.eq(newWorkerStake),
+      `Unexpected worker stake ${newWorkerStake}, expected ${increasedWorkerStake}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class UpdateRewardAccountFixture implements Fixture {
+  public apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  public membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  public keyring: Keyring
+  public sudo: KeyringPair
+  public module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    keyring: Keyring,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.keyring = keyring
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const updateRewardAccountFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateUpdateRewardAccountFee(this.sudo.address, this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, updateRewardAccountFee)
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    // Update reward account
+    const createdAccount: KeyringPair = this.keyring.addFromUri(uuid().substring(0, 8))
+    await this.apiWrapper.updateRewardAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0], workerId, createdAccount.address, this.module)
+    const newRewardAccount: string = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerRewardAccount(workerId, this.module)
+    assert(
+      newRewardAccount === createdAccount.address,
+      `Unexpected role account ${newRewardAccount}, expected ${createdAccount.address}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class UpdateRoleAccountFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private keyring: Keyring
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    keyring: Keyring,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.keyring = keyring
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const updateRoleAccountFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateUpdateRoleAccountFee(this.sudo.address, this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, updateRoleAccountFee)
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    // Update role account
+    const createdAccount: KeyringPair = this.keyring.addFromUri(uuid().substring(0, 8))
+    await this.apiWrapper.updateRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0], workerId, createdAccount.address, this.module)
+    const newRoleAccount: string = (
+      await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId, this.module)
+    ).role_account_id.toString()
+    assert(
+      newRoleAccount === createdAccount.address,
+      `Unexpected role account ${newRoleAccount}, expected ${createdAccount.address}`
+    )
+    this.membersKeyPairs[0] = createdAccount
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class TerminateApplicationsFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const terminateApplicationFee = this.apiWrapper.estimateTerminateApplicationFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(
+      this.sudo,
+      this.lead.address,
+      terminateApplicationFee.muln(this.membersKeyPairs.length)
+    )
+    // Terminate worker applications
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchTerminateApplication(this.lead, this.membersKeyPairs, this.module)
+    this.membersKeyPairs.forEach(async (keyPair) => {
+      const activeApplications = await this.apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(
+        keyPair.address,
+        this.module
+      )
+      assert(activeApplications.length === 0, `Account ${keyPair.address} has unexpected active applications`)
+    })
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class DecreaseStakeFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const decreaseStakeFee = this.apiWrapper.estimateDecreaseStakeFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, decreaseStakeFee)
+    const workerStakeDecrement = new BN(1)
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    // Worker stake decrement
+    const decreasedWorkerStake: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId, this.module)).sub(
+      workerStakeDecrement
+    )
+    await this.apiWrapper.decreaseStake(this.lead, workerId, workerStakeDecrement, this.module, expectFailure)
+    const newWorkerStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId, this.module)
+    // Assertions
+    if (!expectFailure) {
+      assert(
+        decreasedWorkerStake.eq(newWorkerStake),
+        `Unexpected worker stake ${newWorkerStake}, expected ${decreasedWorkerStake}`
+      )
+    }
+  }
+export class SlashFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const slashStakeFee = this.apiWrapper.estimateSlashStakeFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, slashStakeFee)
+    const slashAmount = new BN(1)
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    // Slash worker
+    const slashedStake: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId, this.module)).sub(slashAmount)
+    await this.apiWrapper.slashStake(this.lead, workerId, slashAmount, this.module, expectFailure)
+    const newStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId, this.module)
+    // Assertions
+    assert(slashedStake.eq(newStake), `Unexpected worker stake ${newStake}, expected ${slashedStake}`)
+  }
+export class TerminateRoleFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private lead: KeyringPair
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(
+    apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+    membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+    lead: KeyringPair,
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.lead = lead
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const terminateRoleFee = this.apiWrapper.estimateTerminateRoleFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.lead.address, terminateRoleFee)
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    // Slash worker
+    await this.apiWrapper.terminateRole(this.lead, workerId, uuid().substring(0, 8), this.module, expectFailure)
+    // Assertions
+    this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    const newWorkerId = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    assert(newWorkerId === undefined, `Worker with account ${this.membersKeyPairs[0].address} is not terminated`)
+  }
+export class LeaveRoleFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private sudo: KeyringPair
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.sudo = sudo
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    // Fee estimation and transfer
+    const leaveRoleFee = this.apiWrapper.estimateLeaveRoleFee(this.module)
+    await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.membersKeyPairs, leaveRoleFee)
+    await this.apiWrapper.batchLeaveRole(this.membersKeyPairs, uuid().substring(0, 8), expectFailure, this.module)
+    // Assertions
+    this.membersKeyPairs.forEach(async (keyPair) => {
+      this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(keyPair.address, this.module)
+      const newWorkerId = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(keyPair.address, this.module)
+      assert(newWorkerId === undefined, `Worker with account ${keyPair.address} is not terminated`)
+    })
+  }
+export class AwaitPayoutFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[], module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.membersKeyPairs = membersKeyPairs
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address, this.module)
+    const worker: Worker = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId, this.module)
+    const reward: RewardRelationship = await this.apiWrapper.getRewardRelationship(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap())
+    const now: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+    const nextPaymentBlock: BN = new BN(reward.getField('next_payment_at_block').toString())
+    const payoutInterval: BN = new BN(reward.getField('payout_interval').toString())
+    const amountPerPayout: BN = new BN(reward.getField('amount_per_payout').toString())
+    assert(now.lt(nextPaymentBlock), `Payout already happened in block ${nextPaymentBlock} now ${now}`)
+    const balance = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address)
+    const firstPayoutWaitingPeriod = nextPaymentBlock.sub(now).addn(1)
+    await Utils.wait(this.apiWrapper.getBlockDuration().mul(firstPayoutWaitingPeriod).toNumber())
+    const balanceAfterFirstPayout = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address)
+    const expectedBalanceFirst = balance.add(amountPerPayout)
+    assert(
+      balanceAfterFirstPayout.eq(expectedBalanceFirst),
+      `Unexpected balance, expected ${expectedBalanceFirst} got ${balanceAfterFirstPayout}`
+    )
+    const secondPayoutWaitingPeriod = payoutInterval.addn(1)
+    await Utils.wait(this.apiWrapper.getBlockDuration().mul(secondPayoutWaitingPeriod).toNumber())
+    const balanceAfterSecondPayout = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.membersKeyPairs[0].address)
+    const expectedBalanceSecond = expectedBalanceFirst.add(amountPerPayout)
+    assert(
+      balanceAfterSecondPayout.eq(expectedBalanceSecond),
+      `Unexpected balance, expected ${expectedBalanceSecond} got ${balanceAfterSecondPayout}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectLeadOpeningAddedFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  // Opening id
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('OpeningAdded')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    this.result = (event.data as unknown) as BN
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectLeaderSetFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private leaderAddress: string
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  // Lead worker id
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, leaderAddress: string, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.leaderAddress = leaderAddress
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('LeaderSet')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    const leadWorkerId: BN = (event.data as unknown) as BN
+    const worker: Worker = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerById(leadWorkerId, this.module)
+    const leaderApplicationId = (
+      await this.apiWrapper.getApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(this.leaderAddress, this.module)
+    )[0]
+    const application: Application = await this.apiWrapper.getApplicationById(leaderApplicationId, this.module)
+    assert(
+      worker.role_account_id.eq(application.role_account_id),
+      `Role account ids does not match, leader account: ${worker.role_account_id}, application account ${application.role_account_id}`
+    )
+    this.result = leadWorkerId
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectBeganApplicationReviewFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('BeganApplicationReview')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    this.result = (event.data as unknown) as BN
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectLeaderRoleTerminatedFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('TerminatedLeader')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    const leadWorkerId: BN | undefined = await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.module)
+    assert(leadWorkerId === undefined, `Unexpected lead worker id: ${leadWorkerId}, expected none`)
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectLeaderRewardAmountUpdatedFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private expectedReward: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, expectedReward: BN, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.expectedReward = expectedReward
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('WorkerRewardAmountUpdated')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    const leadWorkerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.module))!
+    const receivedReward: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getRewardRelationship(leadWorkerId)).getField<Balance>(
+      'amount_per_payout'
+    )
+    assert(
+      receivedReward.eq(this.expectedReward),
+      `Unexpected reward amount for worker with id ${leadWorkerId}: ${receivedReward}, expected ${this.expectedReward}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private expectedStake: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, expectedStake: BN, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.expectedStake = expectedStake
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('StakeDecreased')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    const leadWorkerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.module))!
+    const receivedStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(leadWorkerId, this.module)
+    assert(
+      receivedStake.eq(this.expectedStake),
+      `Unexpected stake amount for worker with id ${leadWorkerId}: ${receivedStake}, expected ${this.expectedStake}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectLeaderSlashedFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private expectedStake: BN
+  private module: WorkingGroups
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, expectedStake: BN, module: WorkingGroups) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.expectedStake = expectedStake
+    this.module = module
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('StakeSlashed')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    const leadWorkerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.module))!
+    const receivedStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerStakeAmount(leadWorkerId, this.module)
+    assert(
+      receivedStake.eq(this.expectedStake),
+      `Unexpected stake amount for worker with id after slash ${leadWorkerId}: ${receivedStake}, expected ${this.expectedStake}`
+    )
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }
+export class ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture implements Fixture {
+  private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+  private expectedMintCapacity: BN
+  private result: BN | undefined
+  private events: Event[] = []
+  constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, expectedMintCapacity: BN) {
+    this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+    this.expectedMintCapacity = expectedMintCapacity
+  }
+  public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+    return this.result
+  }
+  public getEvents(): Event[] {
+    return this.events
+  }
+  public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+    const event: Event = await this.apiWrapper.expectEvent('MintCapacityChanged')
+    this.events.push(event)
+    const receivedMintCapacity = (event.data[1] as unknown) as BN
+    assert(
+      receivedMintCapacity.eq(this.expectedMintCapacity),
+      `Unexpected mint capacity: ${receivedMintCapacity}, expected ${this.expectedMintCapacity}`
+    )
+    this.result = receivedMintCapacity
+    if (expectFailure) {
+      throw new Error('Successful fixture run while expecting failure')
+    }
+  }

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture, BuyMembershipWithInsufficienFundsFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+tap.mocha.describe('Membership creation scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const aKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const durationInBlocks = 7
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const happyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buy membeship is accepted with sufficient funds', async () => happyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const insufficientFundsFixture: BuyMembershipWithInsufficienFundsFixture = new BuyMembershipWithInsufficienFundsFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    aKeyPair[0],
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Account A can not buy the membership with insufficient funds', async () =>
+    insufficientFundsFixture.runner(false)
+  )
+  const buyMembershipAfterAccountTopUp = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(apiWrapper, sudo, aKeyPair, paidTerms)
+  tap.test('Account A was able to buy the membership with sufficient funds', async () =>
+    buyMembershipAfterAccountTopUp.runner(false)
+  )
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { ContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+tap.mocha.describe('Validator count proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const mintingCapacityIncrement: BN = new BN(+process.env.MINTING_CAPACITY_INCREMENT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 29
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const contentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture: ContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture = new ContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    mintingCapacityIncrement
+  )
+  tap.test('Content working group mint capacity test', async () =>
+    contentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture.runner(false)
+  )
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { ElectionParametersProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Election parameters proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 29
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const electionParametersProposalFixture: ElectionParametersProposalFixture = new ElectionParametersProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    sudo
+  )
+  tap.test('Election parameters proposal test', async () => electionParametersProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 304 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import {
+  BeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  CreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  DecreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture,
+  SetLeaderRewardProposalFixture,
+  SlashLeaderProposalFixture,
+  TerminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture,
+  VoteForProposalFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+import {
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  ExpectBeganApplicationReviewFixture,
+  ExpectLeaderRewardAmountUpdatedFixture,
+  ExpectLeaderRoleTerminatedFixture,
+  ExpectLeaderSetFixture,
+  ExpectLeaderSlashedFixture,
+  ExpectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture,
+  ExpectLeadOpeningAddedFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+tap.mocha.describe('Set lead proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const alteredPayoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.ALTERED_PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const stakeDecrement: BN = new BN(process.env.STAKE_DECREMENT!)
+  const slashAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.SLASH_AMOUNT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 70
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderMembershipFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buy membership for lead', async () => leaderMembershipFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const createWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture: CreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture = new CreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    'Storage'
+  )
+  tap.test('Propose create leader opening', async () => createWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForCreateOpeningProposalFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectLeadOpeningAddedFixture: ExpectLeadOpeningAddedFixture = new ExpectLeadOpeningAddedFixture(apiWrapper)
+  tap.test('Approve add opening proposal', async () => {
+    voteForCreateOpeningProposalFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      createWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForCreateOpeningProposalFixture.runner(false)
+    await expectLeadOpeningAddedFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      new BN(expectLeadOpeningAddedFixture.getResult()!),
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Propose begin leader application review', async () => {
+    beginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m1KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      new BN(expectLeadOpeningAddedFixture.getResult()!),
+      'Storage'
+    )
+    await beginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let voteForBeginReviewProposal: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectBeganApplicationReviewFixture: ExpectBeganApplicationReviewFixture = new ExpectBeganApplicationReviewFixture(
+    apiWrapper
+  )
+  tap.test('Approve begin application review', async () => {
+    voteForBeginReviewProposal = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      beginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForBeginReviewProposal.runner(false)
+    await expectBeganApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture: FillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture
+  tap.test('Propose fill leader opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m1KeyPairs,
+      leadKeyPair[0].address,
+      sudo,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      new BN(expectLeadOpeningAddedFixture.getResult()!),
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let voteForFillLeaderProposalFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectLeaderSetFixture: ExpectLeaderSetFixture = new ExpectLeaderSetFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair[0].address,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Approve fill leader opening', async () => {
+    voteForFillLeaderProposalFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      fillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForFillLeaderProposalFixture.runner(false)
+    await expectLeaderSetFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const setLeaderRewardProposalFixture: SetLeaderRewardProposalFixture = new SetLeaderRewardProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    alteredPayoutAmount,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Propose leader reward', async () => setLeaderRewardProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForeLeaderRewardFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectLeaderRewardAmountUpdatedFixture: ExpectLeaderRewardAmountUpdatedFixture = new ExpectLeaderRewardAmountUpdatedFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    alteredPayoutAmount,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Approve new leader reward', async () => {
+    voteForeLeaderRewardFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      setLeaderRewardProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForeLeaderRewardFixture.runner(false)
+    await expectLeaderRewardAmountUpdatedFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const decreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture: DecreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture = new DecreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    stakeDecrement,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  let newStake: BN
+  tap.test('Propose decrease stake', async () => decreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForDecreaseStakeProposal: VoteForProposalFixture
+  let expectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture: ExpectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture
+  tap.test('Approve decreased leader stake', async () => {
+    newStake = applicationStake.sub(stakeDecrement)
+    voteForFillLeaderProposalFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      decreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForFillLeaderProposalFixture.runner(false)
+    expectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture = new ExpectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      newStake,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await expectLeaderStakeDecreasedFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const slashLeaderProposalFixture: SlashLeaderProposalFixture = new SlashLeaderProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    slashAmount,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Propose leader slash', async () => slashLeaderProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForSlashProposalFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  let expectLeaderSlashedFixture: ExpectLeaderSlashedFixture
+  tap.test('Approve leader slash', async () => {
+    newStake = newStake.sub(slashAmount)
+    voteForSlashProposalFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      slashLeaderProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForSlashProposalFixture.runner(false)
+    expectLeaderSlashedFixture = new ExpectLeaderSlashedFixture(apiWrapper, newStake, WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup)
+    await expectLeaderSlashedFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const terminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture: TerminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture = new TerminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0].address,
+    sudo,
+    false,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Propose terminate leader role', async () => terminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForLeaderRoleTerminationFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectLeaderRoleTerminatedFixture: ExpectLeaderRoleTerminatedFixture = new ExpectLeaderRoleTerminatedFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Approve leader role termination', async () => {
+    voteForLeaderRoleTerminationFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      terminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForLeaderRoleTerminationFixture.runner(false)
+    await expectLeaderRoleTerminatedFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { SetLeadProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Set lead proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 29
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const setLeadProposalFixture: SetLeadProposalFixture = new SetLeadProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    sudo
+  )
+  tap.test('Set lead proposal test', async () => setLeadProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { SpendingProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Spending proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const spendingBalance: BN = new BN(+process.env.SPENDING_BALANCE!)
+  const mintCapacity: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_MINTING_CAPACITY!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 29
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const spendingProposalFixture: SpendingProposalFixture = new SpendingProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    spendingBalance,
+    mintCapacity
+  )
+  tap.test('Spending proposal test', async () => spendingProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { TextProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Text proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 28
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const textProposalFixture: TextProposalFixture = new TextProposalFixture(apiWrapper, m1KeyPairs, m2KeyPairs, sudo)
+  tap.test('Text proposal test', async () => textProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { UpdateRuntimeFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Update runtime scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 54
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const updateRuntimeFixture: UpdateRuntimeFixture = new UpdateRuntimeFixture(apiWrapper, m1KeyPairs, m2KeyPairs, sudo)
+  tap.test('Upgrade runtime', async () => updateRuntimeFixture.runner(false))
+  const thirdMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N),
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating third set of members', async () => thirdMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { ValidatorCountProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Validator count proposal scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const validatorCountIncrement: BN = new BN(+process.env.VALIDATOR_COUNT_INCREMENT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 29
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const validatorCountProposalFixture: ValidatorCountProposalFixture = new ValidatorCountProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    validatorCountIncrement
+  )
+  tap.test('Validator count proposal', async () => validatorCountProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 96 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { VoteForProposalFixture, WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+import { ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture } from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Set storage working group mint capacity scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const mintCapacityIncrement: BN = new BN(process.env.MINT_CAPACITY_INCREMENT!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 30
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const newMintCapacity: BN = (await apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupMintCapacity(WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup)).add(
+    mintCapacityIncrement
+  )
+  const workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture: WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture = new WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    newMintCapacity,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Propose mint capacity', async () => workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForProposalFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectMintCapacityChanged: ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture = new ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    newMintCapacity
+  )
+  tap.test('Approve mint capacity', async () => {
+    voteForProposalFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForProposalFixture.runner(false)
+    await expectMintCapacityChanged.runner(false)
+  })
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 154 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import {
+  AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  LeaveRoleFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
+  const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 48
+  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const happyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating a set of members', async () => happyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const addWorkerOpeningWithoutStakeFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    new BN(0),
+    new BN(0),
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    unstakingPeriod,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening with 0 stake, expect failure', async () =>
+    addWorkerOpeningWithoutStakeFixture.runner(true)
+  )
+  const addWorkerOpeningWithoutUnstakingPeriodFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    new BN(0),
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening with 0 unstaking period, expect failure', async () =>
+    addWorkerOpeningWithoutUnstakingPeriodFixture.runner(true)
+  )
+  const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import {
+  AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
+  WithdrawApplicationFixture,
+  BeginApplicationReviewFixture,
+  FillOpeningFixture,
+  LeaveRoleFixture,
+  DecreaseStakeFixture,
+  SlashFixture,
+  TerminateRoleFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+tap.mocha.describe('Manage worker as worker scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
+  const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 60
+  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const happyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating a set of members', async () => happyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const addWorkerOpeningFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    unstakingPeriod,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening', async () => addWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForWorkerOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('First apply for worker opening', async () => {
+    applyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginApplicationReviewFixture: BeginApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin application review', async () => {
+    beginApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillOpeningFixture: FillOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill worker opening', async () => {
+    fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  const decreaseStakeFailureFixture: DecreaseStakeFixture = new DecreaseStakeFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Decrease worker stake, expect failure', async () => decreaseStakeFailureFixture.runner(true))
+  const addNewLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addNewLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForNewLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForNewLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addNewLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForNewLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginNewLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginNewLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addNewLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginNewLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillNewLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillNewLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addNewLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillNewLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const decreaseStakeFixture: DecreaseStakeFixture = new DecreaseStakeFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Decrease worker stake', async () => decreaseStakeFixture.runner(false))
+  const slashFixture: SlashFixture = new SlashFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Slash worker', async () => slashFixture.runner(false))
+  const terminateRoleFixture: TerminateRoleFixture = new TerminateRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Terminate worker role', async () => terminateRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  const newLeaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => newLeaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 209 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import {
+  AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  BeginApplicationReviewFixture,
+  BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  FillOpeningFixture,
+  IncreaseStakeFixture,
+  LeaveRoleFixture,
+  UpdateRewardAccountFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+tap.mocha.describe('Manage worker as worker scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
+  const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 38
+  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const happyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating a set of members', async () => happyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const addWorkerOpeningFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    unstakingPeriod,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening', async () => addWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForWorkerOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('First apply for worker opening', async () => {
+    applyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginApplicationReviewFixture: BeginApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin application review', async () => {
+    beginApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillOpeningFixture: FillOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill worker opening', async () => {
+    fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const increaseStakeFixture: IncreaseStakeFixture = new IncreaseStakeFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Increase worker stake', async () => increaseStakeFixture.runner(false))
+  const updateRewardAccountFixture: UpdateRewardAccountFixture = new UpdateRewardAccountFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    keyring,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Update reward account', async () => updateRewardAccountFixture.runner(false))
+  const updateRoleAccountFixture: UpdateRewardAccountFixture = new UpdateRewardAccountFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    keyring,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Update role account', async () => updateRoleAccountFixture.runner(false))
+  const newLeaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => newLeaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 204 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import {
+  AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  BeginApplicationReviewFixture,
+  BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  FillOpeningFixture,
+  LeaveRoleFixture,
+  WithdrawApplicationFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
+  const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 48
+  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const happyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating a set of members', async () => happyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const addWorkerOpeningFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    unstakingPeriod,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening', async () => addWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let firstApplyForWorkerOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('First apply for worker opening', async () => {
+    firstApplyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await firstApplyForWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const withdrawApplicationFixture: WithdrawApplicationFixture = new WithdrawApplicationFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Withdraw worker application', async () => withdrawApplicationFixture.runner(false))
+  let secondApplyForWorkerOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Second apply for worker opening', async () => {
+    secondApplyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await secondApplyForWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginApplicationReviewFixture: BeginApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin application review', async () => {
+    beginApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillOpeningFixture: FillOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill worker opening', async () => {
+    fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 204 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import {
+  AcceptApplicationsFixture,
+  AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  LeaveRoleFixture,
+  TerminateApplicationsFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
+  const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const nonMemberKeyPairs = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 38
+  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(100)
+  const leadOpeningActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const happyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating a set of members', async () => happyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    leadOpeningActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const addWorkerOpeningFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    unstakingPeriod,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening', async () => addWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForWorkerOpeningBeforeAcceptanceFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for worker opening, expect failure', async () => {
+    applyForWorkerOpeningBeforeAcceptanceFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForWorkerOpeningBeforeAcceptanceFixture.runner(true)
+  })
+  let acceptApplicationsFixture: AcceptApplicationsFixture
+  tap.test('Begin accepting worker applications', async () => {
+    acceptApplicationsFixture = new AcceptApplicationsFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    acceptApplicationsFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let applyForWorkerOpeningAsNonMemberFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for worker opening as non-member, expect failure', async () => {
+    applyForWorkerOpeningAsNonMemberFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nonMemberKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForWorkerOpeningAsNonMemberFixture.runner(true)
+  })
+  let applyForWorkerOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for worker opening', async () => {
+    applyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      nKeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const terminateApplicationsFixture: TerminateApplicationsFixture = new TerminateApplicationsFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    nKeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Terminate worker applicaitons', async () => terminateApplicationsFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 243 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config'
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@alexandria/types'
+import { closeApi } from '../../utils/closeApi'
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
+import {
+  AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
+  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
+  AwaitPayoutFixture,
+  BeginApplicationReviewFixture,
+  BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
+  ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture,
+  FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
+  FillOpeningFixture,
+  LeaveRoleFixture,
+} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
+import { VoteForProposalFixture, WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
+tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
+  initConfig()
+  registerJoystreamTypes()
+  const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
+  const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
+  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+  const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
+  const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
+  const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
+  const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
+  const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+  const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
+  const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!
+  const K: number = +process.env.COUNCIL_ELECTION_K!
+  const greaterStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_GREATER_AMOUNT!)
+  const lesserStake: BN = new BN(+process.env.COUNCIL_STAKE_LESSER_AMOUNT!)
+  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
+  const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
+  const leaderFirstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const leaderRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.SHORT_FIRST_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.SHORT_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
+  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
+  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
+  const mintCapacity: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_MINTING_CAPACITY!)
+  const durationInBlocks = 48
+  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
+  setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
+  const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
+  const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    m2KeyPairs,
+    K,
+    sudo,
+    greaterStake,
+    lesserStake
+  )
+  tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    sudo,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    paidTerms
+  )
+  tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
+  const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
+    applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
+    beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
+    fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair,
+      sudo,
+      addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      leaderFirstRewardInterval,
+      leaderRewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture: WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture = new WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    sudo,
+    mintCapacity,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Propose mint capacity', async () => workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture.runner(false))
+  let voteForProposalFixture: VoteForProposalFixture
+  const expectMintCapacityChanged: ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture = new ExpectMintCapacityChangedFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    mintCapacity
+  )
+  tap.test('Approve mint capacity', async () => {
+    voteForProposalFixture = new VoteForProposalFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m2KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture.getResult()!
+    )
+    voteForProposalFixture.runner(false)
+    await expectMintCapacityChanged.runner(false)
+  })
+  const addWorkerOpeningFixture: AddWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    leadKeyPair[0],
+    sudo,
+    applicationStake,
+    roleStake,
+    openingActivationDelay,
+    unstakingPeriod,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Add worker opening', async () => addWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false))
+  let applyForWorkerOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('First apply for worker opening', async () => {
+    applyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m1KeyPairs,
+      sudo,
+      applicationStake,
+      roleStake,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await applyForWorkerOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let beginApplicationReviewFixture: BeginApplicationReviewFixture
+  tap.test('Begin application review', async () => {
+    beginApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginApplicationReviewFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await beginApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  let fillOpeningFixture: FillOpeningFixture
+  tap.test('Fill worker opening', async () => {
+    fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningFixture(
+      apiWrapper,
+      m1KeyPairs,
+      leadKeyPair[0],
+      sudo,
+      addWorkerOpeningFixture.getResult()!,
+      firstRewardInterval,
+      rewardInterval,
+      payoutAmount,
+      WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+    )
+    await fillOpeningFixture.runner(false)
+  })
+  const awaitPayoutFixture: AwaitPayoutFixture = new AwaitPayoutFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    m1KeyPairs,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Await worker payout', async () => awaitPayoutFixture.runner(false))
+  const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+    apiWrapper,
+    leadKeyPair,
+    sudo,
+    WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+  )
+  tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+  closeApi(apiWrapper)

+ 1551 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { Bytes, Option, u32, Vec } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { Codec } from '@polkadot/types/types'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { MemberId, PaidMembershipTerms } from '@alexandria/types/members'
+import { Mint, MintId } from '@alexandria/types/mint'
+import { Lead, LeadId } from '@alexandria/types/content-working-group'
+import {
+  Application,
+  ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap,
+  Opening,
+  RewardPolicy,
+  SlashingTerms,
+  Worker,
+  WorkerId,
+  WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+} from '@alexandria/types/working-group'
+import { RoleParameters } from '@alexandria/types/roles'
+import { Seat } from '@alexandria/types/council'
+import { AccountId, Balance, BalanceOf, BlockNumber, Event, EventRecord } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { Sender } from './sender'
+import { Utils } from './utils'
+import { Stake, StakedState } from '@alexandria/types/stake'
+import { RewardRelationship } from '@alexandria/types/recurring-rewards'
+import {
+  ActivateOpeningAt,
+  Application as HiringApplication,
+  ApplicationId,
+  ApplicationRationingPolicy,
+  Opening as HiringOpening,
+  OpeningId,
+  StakingPolicy,
+} from '@alexandria/types/hiring'
+import { FillOpeningParameters } from '@alexandria/types/proposals'
+import { WorkingGroup } from '@alexandria/types/common'
+export enum WorkingGroups {
+  StorageWorkingGroup = 'storageWorkingGroup',
+export class ApiWrapper {
+  private readonly api: ApiPromise
+  private readonly sender: Sender
+  public static async create(provider: WsProvider): Promise<ApiWrapper> {
+    const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider })
+    return new ApiWrapper(api)
+  }
+  constructor(api: ApiPromise) {
+    this.api = api
+    this.sender = new Sender(api)
+  }
+  public close() {
+    this.api.disconnect()
+  }
+  public getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup: WorkingGroups): string {
+    switch (workingGroup) {
+      case WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup:
+        return 'Storage'
+      default:
+        throw new Error(`Invalid working group string representation: ${workingGroup}`)
+    }
+  }
+  public async buyMembership(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    paidTermsId: number,
+    name: string,
+    expectFailure = false
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.members.buyMembership(paidTermsId, /* Handle: */ name, /* Avatar uri: */ '', /* About: */ ''),
+      account,
+      expectFailure
+    )
+  }
+  public getMemberIds(address: string): Promise<MemberId[]> {
+    return this.api.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId<Vec<MemberId>>(address)
+  }
+  public getBalance(address: string): Promise<Balance> {
+    return this.api.query.balances.freeBalance<Balance>(address)
+  }
+  public async transferBalance(from: KeyringPair, to: string, amount: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.balances.transfer(to, amount), from)
+  }
+  public getPaidMembershipTerms(paidTermsId: number): Promise<Option<PaidMembershipTerms>> {
+    return this.api.query.members.paidMembershipTermsById<Option<PaidMembershipTerms>>(paidTermsId)
+  }
+  public getMembershipFee(paidTermsId: number): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.getPaidMembershipTerms(paidTermsId).then((terms) => terms.unwrap().fee.toBn())
+  }
+  public async transferBalanceToAccounts(from: KeyringPair, to: KeyringPair[], amount: BN): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      to.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        await this.transferBalance(from, keyPair.address, amount)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  private getBaseTxFee(): BN {
+    return this.api.createType('BalanceOf', this.api.consts.transactionPayment.transactionBaseFee).toBn()
+  }
+  private estimateTxFee(tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>): BN {
+    const baseFee: BN = this.getBaseTxFee()
+    const byteFee: BN = this.api.createType('BalanceOf', this.api.consts.transactionPayment.transactionByteFee).toBn()
+    return Utils.calcTxLength(tx).mul(byteFee).add(baseFee)
+  }
+  public estimateBuyMembershipFee(account: KeyringPair, paidTermsId: number, name: string): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.members.buyMembership(paidTermsId, /* Handle: */ name, /* Avatar uri: */ '', /* About: */ '')
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateApplyForCouncilFee(amount: BN): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx.councilElection.apply(amount))
+  }
+  public estimateVoteForCouncilFee(nominee: string, salt: string, stake: BN): BN {
+    const hashedVote: string = Utils.hashVote(nominee, salt)
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx.councilElection.vote(hashedVote, stake))
+  }
+  public estimateRevealVoteFee(nominee: string, salt: string): BN {
+    const hashedVote: string = Utils.hashVote(nominee, salt)
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx.councilElection.reveal(hashedVote, nominee, salt))
+  }
+  public estimateProposeRuntimeUpgradeFee(stake: BN, name: string, description: string, runtime: Bytes | string): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createRuntimeUpgradeProposal(stake, name, description, stake, runtime)
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeTextFee(stake: BN, name: string, description: string, text: string): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createTextProposal(stake, name, description, stake, text))
+  }
+  public estimateProposeSpendingFee(
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    balance: BN,
+    destination: string
+  ): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSpendingProposal(stake, title, description, stake, balance, destination)
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee(
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    balance: BN
+  ): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal(
+        stake,
+        title,
+        description,
+        stake,
+        balance
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeValidatorCountFee(title: string, description: string, stake: BN): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetValidatorCountProposal(stake, title, description, stake, stake)
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeLeadFee(title: string, description: string, stake: BN, address: string): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetLeadProposal(stake, title, description, stake, { stake, address })
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeEvictStorageProviderFee(title: string, description: string, stake: BN, address: string): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createEvictStorageProviderProposal(stake, title, description, stake, address)
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeStorageRoleParametersFee(
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    minStake: BN,
+    minActors: BN,
+    maxActors: BN,
+    reward: BN,
+    rewardPeriod: BN,
+    bondingPeriod: BN,
+    unbondingPeriod: BN,
+    minServicePeriod: BN,
+    startupGracePeriod: BN,
+    entryRequestFee: BN
+  ): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetStorageRoleParametersProposal(stake, title, description, stake, [
+        minStake,
+        minActors,
+        maxActors,
+        reward,
+        rewardPeriod,
+        bondingPeriod,
+        unbondingPeriod,
+        minServicePeriod,
+        startupGracePeriod,
+        entryRequestFee,
+      ])
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeElectionParametersFee(
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    announcingPeriod: BN,
+    votingPeriod: BN,
+    revealingPeriod: BN,
+    councilSize: BN,
+    candidacyLimit: BN,
+    newTermDuration: BN,
+    minCouncilStake: BN,
+    minVotingStake: BN
+  ): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetElectionParametersProposal(stake, title, description, stake, [
+        announcingPeriod,
+        votingPeriod,
+        revealingPeriod,
+        councilSize,
+        candidacyLimit,
+        newTermDuration,
+        minCouncilStake,
+        minVotingStake,
+      ])
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateVoteForProposalFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx.proposalsEngine.vote(0, 0, 'Approve'))
+  }
+  public estimateAddOpeningFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    const commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment = new WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment({
+      application_rationing_policy: new Option(ApplicationRationingPolicy, {
+        max_active_applicants: new BN(32) as u32,
+      }),
+      max_review_period_length: new BN(32) as u32,
+      application_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: new BN(1),
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: new BN(1),
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_slashing_terms: new SlashingTerms({
+        Slashable: {
+          max_count: new BN(0),
+          max_percent_pts_per_time: new BN(0),
+        },
+      }),
+      fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+    })
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx[module].addOpening('CurrentBlock', commitment, 'Human readable text', 'Worker')
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateAcceptApplicationsFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].acceptApplications(0))
+  }
+  public estimateApplyOnOpeningFee(account: KeyringPair, module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx[module].applyOnOpening(
+        0,
+        0,
+        account.address,
+        0,
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test'
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateBeginApplicantReviewFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].beginApplicantReview(0))
+  }
+  public estimateFillOpeningFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx[module].fillOpening(0, [0], {
+        'amount_per_payout': 0,
+        'next_payment_at_block': 0,
+        'payout_interval': 0,
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateIncreaseStakeFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].increaseStake(0, 0))
+  }
+  public estimateDecreaseStakeFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].decreaseStake(0, 0))
+  }
+  public estimateUpdateRoleAccountFee(address: string, module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].updateRoleAccount(0, address))
+  }
+  public estimateUpdateRewardAccountFee(address: string, module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].updateRewardAccount(0, address))
+  }
+  public estimateLeaveRoleFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].leaveRole(0, 'Long justification text'))
+  }
+  public estimateWithdrawApplicationFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].withdrawApplication(0))
+  }
+  public estimateTerminateApplicationFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].terminateApplication(0))
+  }
+  public estimateSlashStakeFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(this.api.tx[module].slashStake(0, 0))
+  }
+  public estimateTerminateRoleFee(module: WorkingGroups): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx[module].terminateRole(
+        0,
+        'Long justification text explaining why the worker role will be terminated',
+        false
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFee(): BN {
+    const commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment = new WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment({
+      application_rationing_policy: new Option(ApplicationRationingPolicy, {
+        max_active_applicants: new BN(32) as u32,
+      }),
+      max_review_period_length: new BN(32) as u32,
+      application_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: new BN(1),
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_staking_policy: new Option(StakingPolicy, {
+        amount: new BN(1),
+        amount_mode: 'AtLeast',
+        crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+        review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: new BN(1),
+      }),
+      role_slashing_terms: new SlashingTerms({
+        Slashable: {
+          max_count: new BN(0),
+          max_percent_pts_per_time: new BN(0),
+        },
+      }),
+      fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+      exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: new Option(u32, new BN(1) as BlockNumber),
+    })
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createAddWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal(
+        0,
+        'some long title for the purpose of testing',
+        'some long description for the purpose of testing',
+        0,
+        {
+          'activate_at': 'CurrentBlock',
+          'commitment': commitment,
+          'human_readable_text': 'Opening readable text',
+          'working_group': 'Storage',
+        }
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        0,
+        'Storage'
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeFillLeaderOpeningFee(): BN {
+    const fillOpeningParameters: FillOpeningParameters = new FillOpeningParameters({
+      opening_id: new BN(0) as OpeningId,
+      successful_application_id: new BN(0) as ApplicationId,
+      reward_policy: new Option(
+        RewardPolicy,
+        new RewardPolicy({
+          amount_per_payout: new BN(1) as Balance,
+          next_payment_at_block: new BN(99999) as BlockNumber,
+          payout_interval: new Option(u32, new BN(99999) as u32),
+        })
+      ),
+      working_group: new WorkingGroup('Storage'),
+    })
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createFillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        fillOpeningParameters
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeTerminateLeaderRoleFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createTerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRoleProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        {
+          'worker_id': 0,
+          'rationale': 'Exceptionaly long and extraordinary descriptive rationale',
+          'slash': true,
+          'working_group': 'Storage',
+        }
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeLeaderRewardFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,
+        'Storage'
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeDecreaseLeaderStakeFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,
+        'Storage'
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeSlashLeaderStakeFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,
+        'Storage'
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  public estimateProposeWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee(): BN {
+    return this.estimateTxFee(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal(
+        0,
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        'Some testing text used for estimation purposes which is longer than text expected during the test',
+        0,
+        0,
+        'Storage'
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  private applyForCouncilElection(account: KeyringPair, amount: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.councilElection.apply(amount), account, false)
+  }
+  public batchApplyForCouncilElection(accounts: KeyringPair[], amount: BN): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      accounts.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        await this.applyForCouncilElection(keyPair, amount)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public async getCouncilElectionStake(address: string): Promise<BN> {
+    // TODO alter then `applicantStake` type will be introduced
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.applicantStakes(address).then((stake) => {
+      const parsed = JSON.parse(stake.toString())
+      return new BN(parsed.new)
+    })
+  }
+  private voteForCouncilMember(account: KeyringPair, nominee: string, salt: string, stake: BN): Promise<void> {
+    const hashedVote: string = Utils.hashVote(nominee, salt)
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.councilElection.vote(hashedVote, stake), account, false)
+  }
+  public batchVoteForCouncilMember(
+    accounts: KeyringPair[],
+    nominees: KeyringPair[],
+    salt: string[],
+    stake: BN
+  ): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      accounts.map(async (keyPair, index) => {
+        await this.voteForCouncilMember(keyPair, nominees[index].address, salt[index], stake)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  private revealVote(account: KeyringPair, commitment: string, nominee: string, salt: string): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.councilElection.reveal(commitment, nominee, salt), account, false)
+  }
+  public batchRevealVote(accounts: KeyringPair[], nominees: KeyringPair[], salt: string[]): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      accounts.map(async (keyPair, index) => {
+        const commitment = Utils.hashVote(nominees[index].address, salt[index])
+        await this.revealVote(keyPair, commitment, nominees[index].address, salt[index])
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  // TODO consider using configurable genesis instead
+  public sudoStartAnnouncingPerion(sudo: KeyringPair, endsAtBlock: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.api.tx.councilElection.setStageAnnouncing(endsAtBlock)),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public sudoStartVotingPerion(sudo: KeyringPair, endsAtBlock: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.api.tx.councilElection.setStageVoting(endsAtBlock)),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public sudoStartRevealingPerion(sudo: KeyringPair, endsAtBlock: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.api.tx.councilElection.setStageRevealing(endsAtBlock)),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public sudoSetCouncilMintCapacity(sudo: KeyringPair, capacity: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.api.tx.council.setCouncilMintCapacity(capacity)),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public sudoSetWorkingGroupMintCapacity(sudo: KeyringPair, capacity: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.api.tx[module].setMintCapacity(capacity)), sudo, false)
+  }
+  public getBestBlock(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.derive.chain.bestNumber()
+  }
+  public getCouncil(): Promise<Seat[]> {
+    return this.api.query.council.activeCouncil<Vec<Codec>>().then((seats) => {
+      return (seats as unknown) as Seat[]
+    })
+  }
+  public getRuntime(): Promise<Bytes> {
+    return this.api.query.substrate.code<Bytes>()
+  }
+  public async proposeRuntime(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    stake: BN,
+    name: string,
+    description: string,
+    runtime: Bytes | string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createRuntimeUpgradeProposal(memberId, name, description, stake, runtime),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeText(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    stake: BN,
+    name: string,
+    description: string,
+    text: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createTextProposal(memberId, name, description, stake, text),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeSpending(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    balance: BN,
+    destination: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSpendingProposal(memberId, title, description, stake, balance, destination),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    balance: BN
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        stake,
+        balance
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeValidatorCount(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    validatorCount: BN
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetValidatorCountProposal(memberId, title, description, stake, validatorCount),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeLead(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    leadAccount: KeyringPair
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    const leadMemberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(leadAccount.address))[0].toBn()
+    const addressString: string = leadAccount.address
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetLeadProposal(memberId, title, description, stake, [
+        leadMemberId,
+        addressString,
+      ]),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeEvictStorageProvider(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    storageProvider: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createEvictStorageProviderProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        stake,
+        storageProvider
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeStorageRoleParameters(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    minStake: BN,
+    minActors: BN,
+    maxActors: BN,
+    reward: BN,
+    rewardPeriod: BN,
+    bondingPeriod: BN,
+    unbondingPeriod: BN,
+    minServicePeriod: BN,
+    startupGracePeriod: BN,
+    entryRequestFee: BN
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetStorageRoleParametersProposal(memberId, title, description, stake, [
+        minStake,
+        minActors,
+        maxActors,
+        reward,
+        rewardPeriod,
+        bondingPeriod,
+        unbondingPeriod,
+        minServicePeriod,
+        startupGracePeriod,
+        entryRequestFee,
+      ]),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeElectionParameters(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    announcingPeriod: BN,
+    votingPeriod: BN,
+    revealingPeriod: BN,
+    councilSize: BN,
+    candidacyLimit: BN,
+    newTermDuration: BN,
+    minCouncilStake: BN,
+    minVotingStake: BN
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetElectionParametersProposal(memberId, title, description, stake, [
+        announcingPeriod,
+        votingPeriod,
+        revealingPeriod,
+        councilSize,
+        candidacyLimit,
+        newTermDuration,
+        minCouncilStake,
+        minVotingStake,
+      ]),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReview(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    stake: BN,
+    openingId: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ) {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        stake,
+        openingId,
+        workingGroup
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public approveProposal(account: KeyringPair, memberId: BN, proposal: BN): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.proposalsEngine.vote(memberId, proposal, 'Approve'), account, false)
+  }
+  public batchApproveProposal(council: KeyringPair[], proposal: BN): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      council.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(keyPair.address))[0].toBn()
+        await this.approveProposal(keyPair, memberId, proposal)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public getBlockDuration(): BN {
+    return this.api.createType('Moment', this.api.consts.babe.expectedBlockTime).toBn()
+  }
+  public expectProposalCreated(): Promise<BN> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+      const unsubscribe = await this.api.query.system.events<Vec<EventRecord>>((events) => {
+        events.forEach((record) => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === 'ProposalCreated') {
+            unsubscribe()
+            resolve(new BN(record.event.data[1].toString()))
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  }
+  public expectRuntimeUpgraded(): Promise<void> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+      const unsubscribe = await this.api.query.system.events<Vec<EventRecord>>((events) => {
+        events.forEach((record) => {
+          if (record.event.method.toString() === 'RuntimeUpdated') {
+            unsubscribe()
+            resolve()
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  }
+  public expectProposalFinalized(): Promise<void> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+      const unsubscribe = await this.api.query.system.events<Vec<EventRecord>>((events) => {
+        events.forEach((record) => {
+          if (
+            record.event.method &&
+            record.event.method.toString() === 'ProposalStatusUpdated' &&
+            record.event.data[1].toString().includes('Executed')
+          ) {
+            unsubscribe()
+            resolve()
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  }
+  public expectOpeningFilled(): Promise<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+      const unsubscribe = await this.api.query.system.events<Vec<EventRecord>>((events) => {
+        events.forEach((record) => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === 'OpeningFilled') {
+            unsubscribe()
+            resolve((record.event.data[1] as unknown) as ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap)
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  }
+  public expectEvent(eventName: string): Promise<Event> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+      const unsubscribe = await this.api.query.system.events<Vec<EventRecord>>((events) => {
+        events.forEach((record) => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === eventName) {
+            unsubscribe()
+            resolve(record.event)
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  }
+  public expectApplicationReviewBegan(): Promise<BN> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+      const unsubscribe = await this.api.query.system.events<Vec<EventRecord>>((events) => {
+        events.forEach((record) => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === 'BeganApplicationReview') {
+            unsubscribe()
+            resolve((record.event.data as unknown) as BN)
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  }
+  public getTotalIssuance(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance<Balance>()
+  }
+  public async getRequiredProposalStake(numerator: number, denominator: number): Promise<BN> {
+    const issuance: number = await (await this.getTotalIssuance()).toNumber()
+    const stake = (issuance * numerator) / denominator
+    return new BN(stake.toFixed(0))
+  }
+  public getProposalCount(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.proposalsEngine.proposalCount<u32>()
+  }
+  public async getContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity(): Promise<BN> {
+    const mintId: MintId = await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.mint<MintId>()
+    const mintCodec = await this.api.query.minting.mints<Codec[]>(mintId)
+    const mint: Mint = (mintCodec[0] as unknown) as Mint
+    return mint.getField<Balance>('capacity')
+  }
+  public async getWorkingGroupMintCapacity(module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN> {
+    const mintId: MintId = await this.api.query[module].mint<MintId>()
+    const mintCodec = await this.api.query.minting.mints<Codec[]>(mintId)
+    const mint: Mint = (mintCodec[0] as unknown) as Mint
+    return mint.getField<Balance>('capacity')
+  }
+  public getValidatorCount(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.staking.validatorCount<u32>()
+  }
+  public async getCurrentLeadAddress(): Promise<string> {
+    const leadId: Option<LeadId> = await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.currentLeadId<Option<LeadId>>()
+    const leadCodec = await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.leadById<Codec[]>(leadId.unwrap())
+    const lead = (leadCodec[0] as unknown) as Lead
+    return lead.role_account.toString()
+  }
+  public async createStorageProvider(account: KeyringPair): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0].toBn()
+    await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.actors.roleEntryRequest('StorageProvider', memberId), account, false)
+    await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.actors.stake('StorageProvider', account.address), account, false)
+    return
+  }
+  public async isStorageProvider(address: string): Promise<boolean> {
+    const storageProviders: Vec<AccountId> = await this.api.query.actors.accountIdsByRole<Vec<AccountId>>(
+      'StorageProvider'
+    )
+    const accountWorkers: BN = await this.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(address, WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup)
+    return accountWorkers !== undefined
+  }
+  public async addOpening(
+    leader: KeyringPair,
+    actiavteAt: ActivateOpeningAt,
+    commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+    text: string,
+    type: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups,
+    expectFailure: boolean
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.createAddOpeningTransaction(actiavteAt, commitment, text, type, module),
+      leader,
+      expectFailure
+    )
+  }
+  public async sudoAddOpening(
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    actiavteAt: ActivateOpeningAt,
+    commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+    text: string,
+    type: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.createAddOpeningTransaction(actiavteAt, commitment, text, type, module)),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpening(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    actiavteAt: ActivateOpeningAt,
+    commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+    text: string,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createAddWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        {
+          activate_at: actiavteAt,
+          commitment: commitment,
+          human_readable_text: text,
+          working_group: workingGroup,
+        }
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeFillLeaderOpening(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    fillOpeningParameters: FillOpeningParameters
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createFillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        fillOpeningParameters
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeTerminateLeaderRole(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    leadWorkerId: BN,
+    rationale: string,
+    slash: boolean,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createTerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRoleProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        {
+          'worker_id': leadWorkerId,
+          rationale,
+          slash,
+          'working_group': workingGroup,
+        }
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeLeaderReward(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    workerId: BN,
+    rewardAmount: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        workerId,
+        rewardAmount,
+        workingGroup
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeDecreaseLeaderStake(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    workerId: BN,
+    rewardAmount: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        workerId,
+        rewardAmount,
+        workingGroup
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeSlashLeaderStake(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    workerId: BN,
+    rewardAmount: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        workerId,
+        rewardAmount,
+        workingGroup
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async proposeWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    title: string,
+    description: string,
+    proposalStake: BN,
+    mintCapacity: BN,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.proposalsCodex.createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal(
+        memberId,
+        title,
+        description,
+        proposalStake,
+        mintCapacity,
+        workingGroup
+      ),
+      account,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  private createAddOpeningTransaction(
+    actiavteAt: ActivateOpeningAt,
+    commitment: WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment,
+    text: string,
+    type: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'> {
+    return this.api.tx[module].addOpening(actiavteAt, commitment, text, type)
+  }
+  public async acceptApplications(leader: KeyringPair, openingId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].acceptApplications(openingId), leader, false)
+  }
+  public async beginApplicantReview(leader: KeyringPair, openingId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].beginApplicantReview(openingId), leader, false)
+  }
+  public async sudoBeginApplicantReview(sudo: KeyringPair, openingId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(this.api.tx[module].beginApplicantReview(openingId)),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async applyOnOpening(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    roleAccountAddress: string,
+    openingId: BN,
+    roleStake: BN,
+    applicantStake: BN,
+    text: string,
+    expectFailure: boolean,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const memberId: BN = (await this.getMemberIds(account.address))[0]
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx[module].applyOnOpening(memberId, openingId, roleAccountAddress, roleStake, applicantStake, text),
+      account,
+      expectFailure
+    )
+  }
+  public async batchApplyOnOpening(
+    accounts: KeyringPair[],
+    openingId: BN,
+    roleStake: BN,
+    applicantStake: BN,
+    text: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups,
+    expectFailure: boolean
+  ): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      accounts.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        await this.applyOnOpening(
+          keyPair,
+          keyPair.address,
+          openingId,
+          roleStake,
+          applicantStake,
+          text,
+          expectFailure,
+          module
+        )
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public async fillOpening(
+    leader: KeyringPair,
+    openingId: BN,
+    applicationId: BN[],
+    amountPerPayout: BN,
+    nextPaymentBlock: BN,
+    payoutInterval: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx[module].fillOpening(openingId, applicationId, {
+        'amount_per_payout': amountPerPayout,
+        'next_payment_at_block': nextPaymentBlock,
+        'payout_interval': payoutInterval,
+      }),
+      leader,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async sudoFillOpening(
+    sudo: KeyringPair,
+    openingId: BN,
+    applicationId: BN[],
+    amountPerPayout: BN,
+    nextPaymentBlock: BN,
+    payoutInterval: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(
+      this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(
+        this.api.tx[module].fillOpening(openingId, applicationId, {
+          'amount_per_payout': amountPerPayout,
+          'next_payment_at_block': nextPaymentBlock,
+          'payout_interval': payoutInterval,
+        })
+      ),
+      sudo,
+      false
+    )
+  }
+  public async increaseStake(worker: KeyringPair, workerId: BN, stake: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].increaseStake(workerId, stake), worker, false)
+  }
+  public async decreaseStake(
+    leader: KeyringPair,
+    workerId: BN,
+    stake: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups,
+    expectFailure: boolean
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].decreaseStake(workerId, stake), leader, expectFailure)
+  }
+  public async slashStake(
+    leader: KeyringPair,
+    workerId: BN,
+    stake: BN,
+    module: WorkingGroups,
+    expectFailure: boolean
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].slashStake(workerId, stake), leader, expectFailure)
+  }
+  public async updateRoleAccount(
+    worker: KeyringPair,
+    workerId: BN,
+    newRoleAccount: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].updateRoleAccount(workerId, newRoleAccount), worker, false)
+  }
+  public async updateRewardAccount(
+    worker: KeyringPair,
+    workerId: BN,
+    newRewardAccount: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].updateRewardAccount(workerId, newRewardAccount), worker, false)
+  }
+  public async withdrawApplication(account: KeyringPair, workerId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].withdrawApplication(workerId), account, false)
+  }
+  public async batchWithdrawApplication(accounts: KeyringPair[], module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      accounts.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        const applicationIds: BN[] = await this.getApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(keyPair.address, module)
+        await this.withdrawApplication(keyPair, applicationIds[0], module)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public async terminateApplication(leader: KeyringPair, applicationId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].terminateApplication(applicationId), leader, false)
+  }
+  public async batchTerminateApplication(
+    leader: KeyringPair,
+    roleAccounts: KeyringPair[],
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      roleAccounts.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        const applicationIds: BN[] = await this.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(keyPair.address, module)
+        await this.terminateApplication(leader, applicationIds[0], module)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public async terminateRole(
+    leader: KeyringPair,
+    applicationId: BN,
+    text: string,
+    module: WorkingGroups,
+    expectFailure: boolean
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].terminateRole(applicationId, text, false), leader, expectFailure)
+  }
+  public async leaveRole(
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    text: string,
+    expectFailure: boolean,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    const workerId: BN = await this.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(account.address, module)
+    return this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx[module].leaveRole(workerId, text), account, expectFailure)
+  }
+  public async batchLeaveRole(
+    roleAccounts: KeyringPair[],
+    text: string,
+    expectFailure: boolean,
+    module: WorkingGroups
+  ): Promise<void[]> {
+    return Promise.all(
+      roleAccounts.map(async (keyPair) => {
+        await this.leaveRole(keyPair, text, expectFailure, module)
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public async getStorageRoleParameters(): Promise<RoleParameters> {
+    return (await this.api.query.actors.parameters<Option<RoleParameters>>('StorageProvider')).unwrap()
+  }
+  public async getAnnouncingPeriod(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.announcingPeriod<BlockNumber>()
+  }
+  public async getVotingPeriod(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.votingPeriod<BlockNumber>()
+  }
+  public async getRevealingPeriod(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.revealingPeriod<BlockNumber>()
+  }
+  public async getCouncilSize(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.councilSize<u32>()
+  }
+  public async getCandidacyLimit(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.candidacyLimit<u32>()
+  }
+  public async getNewTermDuration(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.newTermDuration<BlockNumber>()
+  }
+  public async getMinCouncilStake(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.minCouncilStake<BalanceOf>()
+  }
+  public async getMinVotingStake(): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query.councilElection.minVotingStake<BalanceOf>()
+  }
+  public async getNextOpeningId(module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query[module].nextOpeningId<u32>()
+  }
+  public async getNextApplicationId(module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN> {
+    return this.api.query[module].nextApplicationId<u32>()
+  }
+  public async getOpening(id: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<Opening> {
+    return ((await this.api.query[module].openingById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Opening
+  }
+  public async getHiringOpening(id: BN): Promise<HiringOpening> {
+    return ((await this.api.query.hiring.openingById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as HiringOpening
+  }
+  public async getWorkers(module: WorkingGroups): Promise<Worker[]> {
+    return ((await this.api.query[module].workerById<Codec[]>())[1] as unknown) as Worker[]
+  }
+  public async getWorkerById(id: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<Worker> {
+    return ((await this.api.query[module].workerById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Worker
+  }
+  public async getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(address: string, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN> {
+    const workersAndIds = await this.api.query[module].workerById<Codec[]>()
+    const workers: Worker[] = (workersAndIds[1] as unknown) as Worker[]
+    const ids: WorkerId[] = (workersAndIds[0] as unknown) as WorkerId[]
+    const index: number = workers.findIndex((worker) => worker.role_account_id.toString() === address)
+    return ids[index]
+  }
+  public async getApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(address: string, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN[]> {
+    const applicationsAndIds = await this.api.query[module].applicationById<Codec[]>()
+    const applications: Application[] = (applicationsAndIds[1] as unknown) as Application[]
+    const ids: ApplicationId[] = (applicationsAndIds[0] as unknown) as ApplicationId[]
+    return applications
+      .map((application, index) => (application.role_account_id.toString() === address ? ids[index] : undefined))
+      .filter((id) => id !== undefined) as BN[]
+  }
+  public async getHiringApplicationById(id: BN): Promise<HiringApplication> {
+    return ((await this.api.query.hiring.applicationById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as HiringApplication
+  }
+  public async getApplicationById(id: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<Application> {
+    return ((await this.api.query[module].applicationById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Application
+  }
+  public async getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(address: string, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN[]> {
+    const applicationsAndIds = await this.api.query[module].applicationById<Codec[]>()
+    const applications: Application[] = (applicationsAndIds[1] as unknown) as Application[]
+    const ids: ApplicationId[] = (applicationsAndIds[0] as unknown) as ApplicationId[]
+    return (
+      await Promise.all(
+        applications.map(async (application, index) => {
+          if (
+            application.role_account_id.toString() === address &&
+            (await this.getHiringApplicationById(application.application_id)).stage.type === 'Active'
+          ) {
+            return ids[index]
+          } else {
+            return undefined
+          }
+        })
+      )
+    ).filter((index) => index !== undefined) as BN[]
+  }
+  public async getStake(id: BN): Promise<Stake> {
+    return ((await this.api.query.stake.stakes<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Stake
+  }
+  public async getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN> {
+    const stakeId: BN = (await this.getWorkerById(workerId, module)).role_stake_profile.unwrap().stake_id
+    return (((await this.getStake(stakeId)).staking_status.value as unknown) as StakedState).staked_amount
+  }
+  public async getRewardRelationship(id: BN): Promise<RewardRelationship> {
+    return ((
+      await this.api.query.recurringRewards.rewardRelationships<Codec[]>(id)
+    )[0] as unknown) as RewardRelationship
+  }
+  public async getWorkerRewardAccount(workerId: BN, module: WorkingGroups): Promise<string> {
+    const rewardRelationshipId: BN = (await this.getWorkerById(workerId, module)).reward_relationship.unwrap()
+    return (await this.getRewardRelationship(rewardRelationshipId)).getField('account').toString()
+  }
+  public async getLeadWorkerId(module: WorkingGroups): Promise<BN | undefined> {
+    return (await this.api.query[module].currentLead<Option<WorkerId>>()).unwrapOr(undefined)
+  }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import { ApiWrapper } from './apiWrapper'
+import tap from 'tap'
+export function closeApi(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper) {
+  tap.teardown(() => {
+    apiWrapper.close()
+  })

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { config } from 'dotenv'
+export function initConfig() {
+  config()

+ 66 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { Index } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+export class Sender {
+  private readonly api: ApiPromise
+  private static nonceMap: Map<string, BN> = new Map()
+  constructor(api: ApiPromise) {
+    this.api = api
+  }
+  private async getNonce(address: string): Promise<BN> {
+    let oncahinNonce: BN = new BN(0)
+    if (!Sender.nonceMap.get(address)) {
+      oncahinNonce = await this.api.query.system.accountNonce<Index>(address)
+    }
+    let nonce: BN | undefined = Sender.nonceMap.get(address)
+    if (!nonce) {
+      nonce = oncahinNonce
+    }
+    const nextNonce: BN = nonce.addn(1)
+    Sender.nonceMap.set(address, nextNonce)
+    return nonce
+  }
+  private clearNonce(address: string): void {
+    Sender.nonceMap.delete(address)
+  }
+  public async signAndSend(
+    tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>,
+    account: KeyringPair,
+    expectFailure = false
+  ): Promise<void> {
+    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+      const nonce: BN = await this.getNonce(account.address)
+      const signedTx = tx.sign(account, { nonce })
+      await signedTx
+        .send(async (result) => {
+          if (result.status.isFinalized === true && result.events !== undefined) {
+            result.events.forEach((event) => {
+              if (event.event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') {
+                if (expectFailure) {
+                  resolve()
+                } else {
+                  reject(new Error('Extrinsic failed unexpectedly'))
+                }
+              }
+            })
+            resolve()
+          }
+          if (result.status.isFuture) {
+            console.log('nonce ' + nonce + ' for account ' + account.address + ' is in future')
+            this.clearNonce(account.address)
+            reject(new Error('Extrinsic nonce is in future'))
+          }
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          reject(error)
+        })
+    })
+  }

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import tap from 'tap'
+import { ApiWrapper } from './apiWrapper'
+export function setTestTimeout(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, durationInBlocks: number) {
+  const durationInMillis = apiWrapper.getBlockDuration().muln(durationInBlocks).toNumber()
+  tap.setTimeout(durationInMillis)

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { IExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/types/types'
+import { compactToU8a, stringToU8a } from '@polkadot/util'
+import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import fs from 'fs'
+import Keyring, { decodeAddress } from '@polkadot/keyring'
+import { Seat } from '@alexandria/types/council'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
+export class Utils {
+  private static LENGTH_ADDRESS = 32 + 1 // publicKey + prefix
+  private static LENGTH_ERA = 2 // assuming mortals
+  private static LENGTH_SIGNATURE = 64 // assuming ed25519 or sr25519
+  private static LENGTH_VERSION = 1 // 0x80 & version
+  public static calcTxLength = (extrinsic?: IExtrinsic | null, nonce?: BN): BN => {
+    return new BN(
+      Utils.LENGTH_VERSION +
+        Utils.LENGTH_ADDRESS +
+        Utils.LENGTH_SIGNATURE +
+        Utils.LENGTH_ERA +
+        compactToU8a(nonce || 0).length +
+        (extrinsic ? extrinsic.encodedLength : 0)
+    )
+  }
+  /** hash(accountId + salt) */
+  public static hashVote(accountId: string, salt: string): string {
+    const accountU8a = decodeAddress(accountId)
+    const saltU8a = stringToU8a(salt)
+    const voteU8a = new Uint8Array(accountU8a.length + saltU8a.length)
+    voteU8a.set(accountU8a)
+    voteU8a.set(saltU8a, accountU8a.length)
+    const hash = blake2AsHex(voteU8a, 256)
+    return hash
+  }
+  public static wait(ms: number): Promise<void> {
+    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
+  }
+  public static getTotalStake(seat: Seat): BN {
+    return new BN(+seat.stake.toString() + seat.backers.reduce((a, baker) => a + +baker.stake.toString(), 0))
+  }
+  public static readRuntimeFromFile(path: string): string {
+    return '0x' + fs.readFileSync(path).toString('hex')
+  }
+  public static camelToSnakeCase(key: string): string {
+    return key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (letter) => `_${letter.toLowerCase()}`)
+  }
+  public static createKeyPairs(keyring: Keyring, n: number): KeyringPair[] {
+    const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = []
+    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      nKeyPairs.push(keyring.addFromUri(i + uuid().substring(0, 8)))
+    }
+    return nKeyPairs
+  }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-  "license": "GPLv3",
+  "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
   "bugs": {
     "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues"

+ 220 - 4

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