Browse Source

added asserts for events

Gleb Urvanov 4 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     "test": "tap --files ts-node/register src/nicaea/tests/proposals/*Test.ts --files ts-node/register src/nicaea/tests/workingGroup/*Test.ts -T",
     "test-migration-constantinople": "tap --files src/rome/tests/romeRuntimeUpgradeTest.ts --files src/constantinople/tests/electingCouncilTest.ts -T",
     "test-migration-nicaea": "tap --files src/constantinople/tests/proposals/updateRuntimeTest.ts --files src/nicaea/tests/electingCouncilTest.ts -T",
-    "debug": "tap --files src/nicaea/tests/workingGroup/manageWorkerAsLeadTest.ts -T",
+    "debug": "tap --files src/nicaea/tests/workingGroup/workerApplicationRejectionCaseTest.ts -T",
     "lint": "tslint --project tsconfig.json",
     "prettier": "prettier --write ./src"

+ 122 - 62

@@ -4,17 +4,10 @@ import { ApiWrapper } from '../../../utils/apiWrapper';
 import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';
 import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api';
 import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
-import { RewardRelationship, IRewardRelationship } from '@nicaea/types/recurring-rewards';
-import { Worker } from '@nicaea/types/working-group';
+import { RewardRelationship } from '@nicaea/types/recurring-rewards';
+import { Worker, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap, Application } from '@nicaea/types/working-group';
 import { Utils } from '../../../utils/utils';
-export async function setLead(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, lead: KeyringPair, sudo: KeyringPair) {
-  await apiWrapper.sudoSetLead(sudo, lead);
-export async function unsetLead(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, sudo: KeyringPair) {
-  await apiWrapper.sudoUnsetLead(sudo);
+import { Opening as HiringOpening } from '@nicaea/types/hiring';
 export async function addWorkerOpening(
   apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
@@ -25,40 +18,58 @@ export async function addWorkerOpening(
   roleStake: BN,
   activationDelay: BN
 ): Promise<BN> {
-  let openingId: BN;
   // Fee estimation and transfer
   const addOpeningFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateAddOpeningFee();
   await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, lead.address, addOpeningFee);
   // Worker opening creation
-  openingId = await apiWrapper.getNextOpeningId();
+  const maxActiveApplicants: BN = new BN(membersKeyPairs.length);
+  const maxReviewPeriodLength: BN = new BN(32);
+  const applicationStakingPolicyAmount: BN = new BN(applicationStake);
+  const applicationCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const applicationExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const roleStakingPolicyAmount: BN = new BN(roleStake);
+  const roleCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const roleExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const slashableMaxCount: BN = new BN(1);
+  const slashableMaxPercentPtsPerTime: BN = new BN(100);
+  const successfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const failedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const failedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const terminateCuratorApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const terminateCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const exitCuratorRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const exitCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const text: string = uuid().substring(0, 8);
+  const openingType: string = 'Worker';
   const activateAtBlock: BN | undefined = activationDelay.eqn(0)
     ? undefined
     : (await apiWrapper.getBestBlock()).add(activationDelay);
+  const addOpeningPromise: Promise<BN> = apiWrapper.expectOpeningAdded();
   await apiWrapper.addOpening(
-    new BN(membersKeyPairs.length),
-    new BN(32),
-    new BN(applicationStake),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(roleStake),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(100),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    uuid().substring(0, 8),
-    'Worker'
+    maxActiveApplicants,
+    maxReviewPeriodLength,
+    applicationStakingPolicyAmount,
+    applicationCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    applicationExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    roleStakingPolicyAmount,
+    roleCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    roleExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    slashableMaxCount,
+    slashableMaxPercentPtsPerTime,
+    successfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    failedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    failedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    terminateCuratorApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    terminateCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    exitCuratorRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    exitCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    text,
+    openingType
+  const openingId: BN = await addOpeningPromise;
   return openingId;
@@ -71,36 +82,54 @@ export async function addLeaderOpening(
   roleStake: BN,
   activationDelay: BN
 ): Promise<BN> {
-  let openingId: BN;
   // Leader opening creation
-  openingId = await apiWrapper.getNextOpeningId();
+  const maxActiveApplicants: BN = new BN(membersKeyPairs.length);
+  const maxReviewPeriodLength: BN = new BN(32);
+  const applicationStakingPolicyAmount: BN = new BN(applicationStake);
+  const applicationCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const applicationExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const roleStakingPolicyAmount: BN = new BN(roleStake);
+  const roleCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const roleExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength: BN = new BN(0);
+  const slashableMaxCount: BN = new BN(1);
+  const slashableMaxPercentPtsPerTime: BN = new BN(100);
+  const successfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const failedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const failedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const terminateCuratorApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const terminateCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const exitCuratorRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const exitCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(1);
+  const text: string = uuid().substring(0, 8);
+  const openingType: string = 'leader';
   const activateAtBlock: BN | undefined = activationDelay.eqn(0)
     ? undefined
     : (await apiWrapper.getBestBlock()).add(activationDelay);
+  const addOpeningPromise: Promise<BN> = apiWrapper.expectOpeningAdded();
   await apiWrapper.sudoAddOpening(
-    new BN(membersKeyPairs.length),
-    new BN(32),
-    new BN(applicationStake),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(roleStake),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(0),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(100),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    new BN(1),
-    uuid().substring(0, 8),
-    'Leader'
+    maxActiveApplicants,
+    maxReviewPeriodLength,
+    applicationStakingPolicyAmount,
+    applicationCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    applicationExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    roleStakingPolicyAmount,
+    roleCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    roleExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength,
+    slashableMaxCount,
+    slashableMaxPercentPtsPerTime,
+    successfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    failedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    failedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    terminateCuratorApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    terminateCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    exitCuratorRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    exitCuratorRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod,
+    text,
+    openingType
+  const openingId: BN = await addOpeningPromise;
   return openingId;
@@ -112,6 +141,9 @@ export async function acceptApplications(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, lead: KeyringPa
   // Begin accepting applications
   await apiWrapper.acceptApplications(lead, openingId);
+  const opening: HiringOpening = await apiWrapper.getHiringOpening(openingId);
+  assert(opening.is_active, `Opening ${openingId} is not active`);
 export async function applyForOpening(
@@ -122,15 +154,12 @@ export async function applyForOpening(
   roleStake: BN,
   openingId: BN,
   expectFailure: boolean
-): Promise<BN> {
-  let nextApplicationId: BN;
+): Promise<void> {
   // Fee estimation and transfer
   const applyOnOpeningFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateApplyOnOpeningFee(sudo).add(applicationStake).add(roleStake);
   await apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(sudo, membersKeyPairs, applyOnOpeningFee);
   // Applying for created worker opening
-  nextApplicationId = await apiWrapper.getNextApplicationId();
   await apiWrapper.batchApplyOnOpening(
@@ -139,8 +168,6 @@ export async function applyForOpening(
     uuid().substring(0, 8),
-  return nextApplicationId;
 export async function withdrawApplicaiton(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
@@ -169,7 +196,9 @@ export async function beginApplicationReview(
   await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, lead.address, beginReviewFee);
   // Begin application review
+  const beginApplicantReviewPromise: Promise<void> = apiWrapper.expectApplicationReviewBegan();
   await apiWrapper.beginApplicantReview(lead, openingId);
+  await beginApplicantReviewPromise;
 export async function beginLeaderApplicationReview(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, sudo: KeyringPair, openingId: BN) {
@@ -198,6 +227,7 @@ export async function fillOpening(
   // Fill worker opening
   const now: BN = await apiWrapper.getBestBlock();
+  const fillOpeningPromise: Promise<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap> = apiWrapper.expectOpeningFilled();
   await apiWrapper.fillOpening(
@@ -206,6 +236,15 @@ export async function fillOpening(
+  const applicationIdToWorkerIdMap: ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap = await fillOpeningPromise;
+  applicationIdToWorkerIdMap.forEach(async (workerId, applicationId) => {
+    const worker: Worker = await apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId);
+    const application: Application = await apiWrapper.getApplicationById(applicationId);
+    assert(
+      worker.role_account_id.toString() === application.role_account_id.toString(),
+      `Role account ids does not match, worker account: ${worker.role_account_id}, application account ${application.role_account_id}`
+    );
+  });
   // Assertions
   const openingWorkersAccounts: string[] = (await apiWrapper.getWorkers()).map(worker =>
@@ -233,6 +272,7 @@ export async function fillLeaderOpening(
   // Fill leader opening
   const now: BN = await apiWrapper.getBestBlock();
+  const fillOpeningPromise: Promise<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap> = apiWrapper.expectOpeningFilled();
   await apiWrapper.sudoFillOpening(
@@ -241,6 +281,15 @@ export async function fillLeaderOpening(
+  const applicationIdToWorkerIdMap: ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap = await fillOpeningPromise;
+  applicationIdToWorkerIdMap.forEach(async (workerId, applicationId) => {
+    const worker: Worker = await apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId);
+    const application: Application = await apiWrapper.getApplicationById(applicationId);
+    assert(
+      worker.role_account_id.toString() === application.role_account_id.toString(),
+      `Role account ids does not match, worker account: ${worker.role_account_id}, application account ${application.role_account_id}`
+    );
+  });
   // Assertions
   const openingWorkersAccounts: string[] = (await apiWrapper.getWorkers()).map(worker =>
@@ -303,7 +352,7 @@ export async function updateRoleAccount(
   // Update role account
   const createdAccount: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(uuid().substring(0, 8));
   await apiWrapper.updateRoleAccount(membersKeyPairs[0], workerId, createdAccount.address);
-  const newRoleAccount: string = (await apiWrapper.getWorker(workerId)).role_account_id.toString();
+  const newRoleAccount: string = (await apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId)).role_account_id.toString();
     newRoleAccount === createdAccount.address,
     `Unexpected role account ${newRoleAccount}, expected ${createdAccount.address}`
@@ -324,6 +373,10 @@ export async function terminateApplications(
   // Terminate worker applications
   await apiWrapper.batchTerminateApplication(lead, membersKeyPairs);
+  membersKeyPairs.forEach(async keyPair => {
+    const activeApplications = await apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(keyPair.address);
+    assert(activeApplications.length === 0, `Account ${keyPair.address} has unexpected active applications`);
+  });
 export async function decreaseStake(
@@ -402,11 +455,18 @@ export async function leaveRole(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: Keyring
   await apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(sudo, membersKeyPairs, leaveRoleFee);
   await apiWrapper.batchLeaveRole(membersKeyPairs, uuid().substring(0, 8), false);
+  // Assertions
+  membersKeyPairs.forEach(async keyPair => {
+    apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(keyPair.address);
+    const newWorkerId = await apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(keyPair.address);
+    assert(newWorkerId === undefined, `Worker with account ${keyPair.address} is not terminated`);
+  });
 export async function awaitPayout(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, membersKeyPairs: KeyringPair[]) {
   const workerId: BN = await apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(membersKeyPairs[0].address);
-  const worker: Worker = await apiWrapper.getWorker(workerId);
+  const worker: Worker = await apiWrapper.getWorkerById(workerId);
   const reward: RewardRelationship = await apiWrapper.getRewardRelationship(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
   const now: BN = await apiWrapper.getBestBlock();
   const nextPaymentBlock: BN = new BN(reward.getField('next_payment_at_block').toString());

+ 0 - 2

@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import {
-  setLead,
-  unsetLead,

+ 2 - 3

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import {
-  unsetLead,
@@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
   const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!);
   const durationInBlocks: number = 38;
   const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(100);
+  const leadOpeningActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0);
   const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl);
   const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider);
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
-        openingActivationDelay
+        leadOpeningActivationDelay
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
   tap.test('Terminate worker applicaitons', async () =>
     terminateApplications(apiWrapper, nKeyPairs, leadKeyPair[0], sudo)
-  tap.test('Unset lead', async () => unsetLead(apiWrapper, sudo));
   tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRole(apiWrapper, leadKeyPair, sudo));

+ 51 - 7

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';
 import { UserInfo, PaidMembershipTerms, MemberId } from '@nicaea/types/members';
 import { Mint, MintId } from '@nicaea/types/mint';
 import { Lead, LeadId } from '@nicaea/types/content-working-group';
-import { Application, WorkerId, Worker } from '@nicaea/types/working-group';
+import { Application, WorkerId, Worker, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap, Opening } from '@nicaea/types/working-group';
 import { Application as HiringApplication } from '@nicaea/types/hiring';
 import { RoleParameters } from '@nicaea/types/roles';
 import { Seat } from '@nicaea/types/lib/council';
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { Sender } from './sender';
 import { Utils } from './utils';
 import { Stake, StakedState } from '@nicaea/types/stake';
 import { RewardRelationship } from '@nicaea/types/recurring-rewards';
-import { Opening, ApplicationId } from '@nicaea/types/hiring';
+import { Opening as HiringOpening, ApplicationId } from '@nicaea/types/hiring';
 export class ApiWrapper {
   private readonly api: ApiPromise;
@@ -685,6 +685,42 @@ export class ApiWrapper {
+  public expectOpeningFilled(): Promise<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap> {
+    return new Promise(async resolve => {
+      await<Vec<EventRecord>>(events => {
+        events.forEach(record => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === 'OpeningFilled') {
+            resolve(([1] as unknown) as ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap);
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  public expectOpeningAdded(): Promise<BN> {
+    return new Promise(async resolve => {
+      await<Vec<EventRecord>>(events => {
+        events.forEach(record => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === 'OpeningAdded') {
+            resolve(( as unknown) as BN);
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  public expectApplicationReviewBegan(): Promise<void> {
+    return new Promise(async resolve => {
+      await<Vec<EventRecord>>(events => {
+        events.forEach(record => {
+          if (record.event.method && record.event.method.toString() === 'BeganApplicationReview') {
+            resolve();
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  }
   public getTotalIssuance(): Promise<BN> {
     return this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance<Balance>();
@@ -1090,11 +1126,15 @@ export class ApiWrapper {
     return ((await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.openingById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Opening;
+  public async getHiringOpening(id: BN): Promise<HiringOpening> {
+    return ((await this.api.query.hiring.openingById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as HiringOpening;
+  }
   public async getWorkers(): Promise<Worker[]> {
     return ((await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById<Codec[]>())[1] as unknown) as Worker[];
-  public async getWorker(id: BN): Promise<Worker> {
+  public async getWorkerById(id: BN): Promise<Worker> {
     return ((await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Worker;
@@ -1118,10 +1158,14 @@ export class ApiWrapper {
       .filter(index => index !== undefined) as BN[];
-  public async getApplicationById(id: BN): Promise<HiringApplication> {
+  public async getHiringApplicationById(id: BN): Promise<HiringApplication> {
     return ((await this.api.query.hiring.applicationById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as HiringApplication;
+  public async getApplicationById(id: BN): Promise<Application> {
+    return ((await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.applicationById<Codec[]>(id))[0] as unknown) as Application;
+  }
   public async getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(address: string): Promise<BN[]> {
     const applicationsAndIds = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.applicationById<Codec[]>();
     const applications: Application[] = (applicationsAndIds[1] as unknown) as Application[];
@@ -1131,7 +1175,7 @@ export class ApiWrapper { (application, index) => {
           if (
             application.role_account_id.toString() === address &&
-            (await this.getApplicationById(application.application_id)).stage.type === 'Active'
+            (await this.getHiringApplicationById(application.application_id)).stage.type === 'Active'
           ) {
             return ids[index];
           } else {
@@ -1147,7 +1191,7 @@ export class ApiWrapper {
   public async getWorkerStakeAmount(workerId: BN): Promise<BN> {
-    let stakeId: BN = (await this.getWorker(workerId)).role_stake_profile.unwrap().stake_id;
+    let stakeId: BN = (await this.getWorkerById(workerId)).role_stake_profile.unwrap().stake_id;
     return (((await this.getStake(stakeId)).staking_status.value as unknown) as StakedState).staked_amount;
@@ -1158,7 +1202,7 @@ export class ApiWrapper {
   public async getWorkerRewardAccount(workerId: BN): Promise<string> {
-    let rewardRelationshipId: BN = (await this.getWorker(workerId)).reward_relationship.unwrap();
+    let rewardRelationshipId: BN = (await this.getWorkerById(workerId)).reward_relationship.unwrap();
     return (await this.getRewardRelationship(rewardRelationshipId)).getField('account').toString();