@@ -17,42 +17,42 @@ import { withCalls } from '@polkadot/react-api/index';
import { Button, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util';
import { TxFailedCallback, TxCallback } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/types';
-import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'
+import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
// TODO get next settings from Substrate:
const HANDLE_REGEX = /^[a-z0-9_]+$/;
-const buildSchema = (p: ValidationProps) => Yup.object().shape({
- handle: Yup.string()
- .matches(HANDLE_REGEX, 'Handle can have only lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and underscores (_).')
- .min(p.minHandleLength, `Handle is too short. Minimum length is ${p.minHandleLength} chars.`)
- .max(p.maxHandleLength, `Handle is too long. Maximum length is ${p.maxHandleLength} chars.`)
- .required('Handle is required'),
- avatar: Yup.string()
- .url('Avatar must be a valid URL of an image.')
- .max(p.maxAvatarUriLength, `Avatar URL is too long. Maximum length is ${p.maxAvatarUriLength} chars.`),
- about: Yup.string()
- .max(p.maxAboutTextLength, `Text is too long. Maximum length is ${p.maxAboutTextLength} chars.`)
+const buildSchema = (p: ValidationProps) =>
+ Yup.object().shape({
+ handle: Yup.string()
+ .matches(HANDLE_REGEX, 'Handle can have only lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and underscores (_).')
+ .min(p.minHandleLength, `Handle is too short. Minimum length is ${p.minHandleLength} chars.`)
+ .max(p.maxHandleLength, `Handle is too long. Maximum length is ${p.maxHandleLength} chars.`)
+ .required('Handle is required'),
+ avatar: Yup.string()
+ .url('Avatar must be a valid URL of an image.')
+ .max(p.maxAvatarUriLength, `Avatar URL is too long. Maximum length is ${p.maxAvatarUriLength} chars.`),
+ about: Yup.string().max(p.maxAboutTextLength, `Text is too long. Maximum length is ${p.maxAboutTextLength} chars.`)
+ });
type ValidationProps = {
- minHandleLength: number,
- maxHandleLength: number,
- maxAvatarUriLength: number,
- maxAboutTextLength: number
+ minHandleLength: number;
+ maxHandleLength: number;
+ maxAvatarUriLength: number;
+ maxAboutTextLength: number;
type OuterProps = ValidationProps & {
- profile?: Profile,
- paidTerms: PaidMembershipTerms,
- paidTermId: PaidTermId,
- memberId? : MemberId,
+ profile?: Profile;
+ paidTerms: PaidMembershipTerms;
+ paidTermId: PaidTermId;
+ memberId?: MemberId;
type FormValues = {
- handle: string,
- avatar: string,
- about: string
+ handle: string;
+ avatar: string;
+ about: string;
type FieldName = keyof FormValues;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const InnerForm = (props: FormProps) => {
- memberId,
+ memberId
} = props;
const onSubmit = (sendTx: () => void) => {
@@ -102,91 +102,101 @@ const InnerForm = (props: FormProps) => {
// TODO extract to forms.tsx
const fieldToTextOption = (field: FieldName): OptionText => {
- return isFieldChanged(field)
- ? OptionText.some(values[field])
- : OptionText.none();
+ return isFieldChanged(field) ? OptionText.some(values[field]) : OptionText.none();
const buildTxParams = () => {
if (!isValid) return [];
const userInfo = new UserInfo({
- handle: fieldToTextOption('handle'),
+ handle: fieldToTextOption('handle'),
avatar_uri: fieldToTextOption('avatar'),
- about: fieldToTextOption('about')
+ about: fieldToTextOption('about')
if (profile) {
// update profile
- return [ memberId, userInfo ];
+ return [memberId, userInfo];
} else {
// register as new member
- return [ paidTermId, userInfo ];
+ return [paidTermId, userInfo];
// TODO show warning that you don't have enough balance to buy a membership
return (
- <Section title='My Membership Profile'>
- <Form className='ui form JoyForm'>
- <LabelledText name='handle' label='Handle/nickname' placeholder={`You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.`} style={{ maxWidth: '30rem' }} {...props}/>
- <LabelledText name='avatar' label='Avatar URL' placeholder='Paste here an URL of your avatar image.' {...props}/>
- <LabelledField name='about' label='About' {...props}>
- <Field component='textarea' id='about' name='about' disabled={isSubmitting} rows={3} placeholder='Write here anything you would like to share about yourself with Joystream community.' />
- </LabelledField>
- {!profile && paidTerms &&
- <Message warning style={{ display: 'block', marginBottom: '0' }}>
- <p>Membership costs <b>{formatBalance(paidTerms.fee)}</b> tokens.</p>
- <p>
- <span>By clicking the "Register" button you agree to our </span>
- <Link to={`/pages/tos`}>Terms of Service</Link>
- <span> and </span>
- <Link to={`/pages/privacy`}>Privacy Policy</Link>
- .
- </p>
- </Message>
- }
- <LabelledField invisibleLabel {...props}>
- <TxButton
- type='submit'
- size='large'
- label={profile
- ? 'Update my profile'
- : 'Register'
- }
- isDisabled={!dirty || isSubmitting}
- params={buildTxParams()}
- tx={profile
- ? 'members.updateProfile'
- : 'members.buyMembership'
- }
- onClick={onSubmit}
- txFailedCb={onTxFailed}
- txSuccessCb={onTxSuccess}
+ <Section title="My Membership Profile">
+ <Form className="ui form JoyForm">
+ <LabelledText
+ name="handle"
+ label="Handle/nickname"
+ placeholder={`You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.`}
+ style={{ maxWidth: '30rem' }}
+ {...props}
- <Button
- type='button'
- size='large'
- disabled={!dirty || isSubmitting}
- onClick={() => resetForm()}
- content='Reset form'
+ <LabelledText
+ name="avatar"
+ label="Avatar URL"
+ placeholder="Paste here an URL of your avatar image."
+ {...props}
- </LabelledField>
- </Form>
+ <LabelledField name="about" label="About" {...props}>
+ <Field
+ component="textarea"
+ id="about"
+ name="about"
+ disabled={isSubmitting}
+ rows={3}
+ placeholder="Write here anything you would like to share about yourself with Joystream community."
+ />
+ </LabelledField>
+ {!profile && paidTerms && (
+ <Message warning style={{ display: 'block', marginBottom: '0' }}>
+ <p>
+ Membership costs <b>{formatBalance(paidTerms.fee)}</b> tokens.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <span>By clicking the "Register" button you agree to our </span>
+ <Link to={`/pages/tos`}>Terms of Service</Link>
+ <span> and </span>
+ <Link to={`/pages/privacy`}>Privacy Policy</Link>.
+ </p>
+ </Message>
+ )}
+ <LabelledField invisibleLabel {...props}>
+ <TxButton
+ type="submit"
+ size="large"
+ label={profile ? 'Update my profile' : 'Register'}
+ isDisabled={!dirty || isSubmitting}
+ params={buildTxParams()}
+ tx={profile ? 'members.updateProfile' : 'members.buyMembership'}
+ onClick={onSubmit}
+ txFailedCb={onTxFailed}
+ txSuccessCb={onTxSuccess}
+ />
+ <Button
+ type="button"
+ size="large"
+ disabled={!dirty || isSubmitting}
+ onClick={() => resetForm()}
+ content="Reset form"
+ />
+ </LabelledField>
+ </Form>
const EditForm = withFormik<OuterProps, FormValues>({
// Transform outer props into form values
mapPropsToValues: props => {
const { profile: p } = props;
return {
handle: p ? p.handle.toString() : '',
avatar: p ? p.avatar_uri.toString() : '',
- about: p ? p.about.toString() : ''
+ about: p ? p.about.toString() : ''
@@ -198,17 +208,17 @@ const EditForm = withFormik<OuterProps, FormValues>({
type WithMyProfileProps = {
- memberId?: MemberId,
- memberProfile?: Option<any>, // TODO refactor to Option<Profile>
- paidTermsId: PaidTermId,
- paidTerms?: Option<PaidMembershipTerms>,
- minHandleLength?: BN,
- maxHandleLength?: BN,
- maxAvatarUriLength?: BN,
- maxAboutTextLength?: BN
+ memberId?: MemberId;
+ memberProfile?: Option<any>; // TODO refactor to Option<Profile>
+ paidTermsId: PaidTermId;
+ paidTerms?: Option<PaidMembershipTerms>;
+ minHandleLength?: BN;
+ maxHandleLength?: BN;
+ maxAvatarUriLength?: BN;
+ maxAboutTextLength?: BN;
-function WithMyProfileInner (p: WithMyProfileProps) {
+function WithMyProfileInner(p: WithMyProfileProps) {
const triedToFindProfile = !p.memberId || p.memberProfile;
if (
triedToFindProfile &&
@@ -224,16 +234,18 @@ function WithMyProfileInner (p: WithMyProfileProps) {
console.error('Could not find active paid membership terms');
- return <EditForm
- minHandleLength={p.minHandleLength.toNumber()}
- maxHandleLength={p.maxHandleLength.toNumber()}
- maxAvatarUriLength={p.maxAvatarUriLength.toNumber()}
- maxAboutTextLength={p.maxAboutTextLength.toNumber()}
- profile={profile as Profile}
- paidTerms={p.paidTerms.unwrap()}
- paidTermId={p.paidTermsId}
- memberId={p.memberId}
- />;
+ return (
+ <EditForm
+ minHandleLength={p.minHandleLength.toNumber()}
+ maxHandleLength={p.maxHandleLength.toNumber()}
+ maxAvatarUriLength={p.maxAvatarUriLength.toNumber()}
+ maxAboutTextLength={p.maxAboutTextLength.toNumber()}
+ profile={profile as Profile}
+ paidTerms={p.paidTerms.unwrap()}
+ paidTermId={p.paidTermsId}
+ memberId={p.memberId}
+ />
+ );
} else return <em>Loading...</em>;
@@ -243,17 +255,29 @@ const WithMyProfile = withCalls<WithMyProfileProps>(
queryMembershipToProp('memberProfile', 'memberId'),
- queryMembershipToProp('paidMembershipTermsById',
- { paramName: 'paidTermsId', propName: 'paidTerms' })
+ queryMembershipToProp('paidMembershipTermsById', { paramName: 'paidTermsId', propName: 'paidTerms' })
type WithMyMemberIdProps = MyAccountProps & {
- memberIdsByRootAccountId?: Vec<MemberId>,
- memberIdsByControllerAccountId?: Vec<MemberId>,
- paidTermsIds?: Vec<PaidTermId>
+ memberIdsByRootAccountId?: Vec<MemberId>;
+ memberIdsByControllerAccountId?: Vec<MemberId>;
+ paidTermsIds?: Vec<PaidTermId>;
-function WithMyMemberIdInner (p: WithMyMemberIdProps) {
+function WithMyMemberIdInner(p: WithMyMemberIdProps) {
+ if (p.allAccounts && !Object.keys(p.allAccounts).length) {
+ return (
+ <Message warning className="JoyMainStatus">
+ <Message.Header>Please create a key to get started.</Message.Header>
+ <div style={{ marginTop: '1rem' }}>
+ <Link to={`/accounts`} className="ui button orange">
+ Create key
+ </Link>
+ </div>
+ </Message>
+ );
+ }
if (p.memberIdsByRootAccountId && p.memberIdsByControllerAccountId && p.paidTermsIds) {
if (p.paidTermsIds.length) {
// let member_ids = p.memberIdsByRootAccountId.slice(); // u8a.subarray is not a function!!
@@ -265,13 +289,16 @@ function WithMyMemberIdInner (p: WithMyMemberIdProps) {
console.error('Active paid membership terms is empty');
return <em>Loading...</em>;
-const WithMyMemberId = withMyAccount(withCalls<WithMyMemberIdProps>(
- queryMembershipToProp('memberIdsByRootAccountId', 'myAddress'),
- queryMembershipToProp('memberIdsByControllerAccountId', 'myAddress'),
- queryMembershipToProp('activePaidMembershipTerms', { propName: 'paidTermsIds' })
+const WithMyMemberId = withMyAccount(
+ withCalls<WithMyMemberIdProps>(
+ queryMembershipToProp('memberIdsByRootAccountId', 'myAddress'),
+ queryMembershipToProp('memberIdsByControllerAccountId', 'myAddress'),
+ queryMembershipToProp('activePaidMembershipTerms', { propName: 'paidTermsIds' })
+ )(WithMyMemberIdInner)
export default WithMyMemberId;