@@ -147,12 +147,14 @@ benchmarks! {
assert_last_event::<T>(RawEvent::PostUpdated(post_id, caller_member_id).into());
- // TODO: this extrinsic uses `T::CouncilOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin`
+ // TODO: Review this after changes to the governance/council are merged:
+ // this extrinsic uses `T::CouncilOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin`
// this is a hook to the runtime. Since the pallet implementation shouldn't have any
// information on the runtime this hooks should be constant.
// However, the implementation in the runtime is linear in the number of council members.
- // Even if we use that knowledge we need to create an artificial dependency with `governance`
- // to be able to correctly benchmark this.
+ // But since the size of the council should be completely filled over time we could
+ // always use the worst case scenario, still this would require to create an artificial
+ // dependency with the `governance` pallet to correctly benchmark this.
change_thread_mode {
let i in 1 .. T::MaxWhiteListSize::get();