@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
-import { SubstrateEvent, DatabaseManager } from '@dzlzv/hydra-common'
+import { SubstrateEvent, DatabaseManager, EventContext, StoreContext } from '@dzlzv/hydra-common'
import { ProposalDetails as RuntimeProposalDetails, ProposalId } from '@joystream/types/augment/all'
import BN from 'bn.js'
import {
@@ -48,8 +48,15 @@ import {
+ ProposalStatusExecuted,
+ ProposalStatusExecutionFailed,
+ ProposalExecutionStatus,
+ ProposalExecutedEvent,
+ ProposalVotedEvent,
+ ProposalVoteKind,
+ ProposalCancelledEvent,
} from 'query-node/dist/model'
-import { genericEventFields, getWorkingGroupModuleName, perpareString } from './common'
+import { bytesToString, genericEventFields, getWorkingGroupModuleName, perpareString } from './common'
import { ProposalsEngine, ProposalsCodex } from './generated/types'
import { createWorkingGroupOpeningMetadata } from './workingGroups'
@@ -61,8 +68,8 @@ const proposalsMappingsMemoryCache: ProposalsMappingsMemoryCache = {
lastCreatedProposalId: null,
-async function getProposal(db: DatabaseManager, id: string) {
- const proposal = await db.get(Proposal, { where: { id } })
+async function getProposal(store: DatabaseManager, id: string) {
+ const proposal = await store.get(Proposal, { where: { id } })
if (!proposal) {
throw new Error(`Proposal not found by id: ${id}`)
@@ -71,11 +78,11 @@ async function getProposal(db: DatabaseManager, id: string) {
async function parseProposalDetails(
- event_: SubstrateEvent,
- db: DatabaseManager,
+ event: SubstrateEvent,
+ store: DatabaseManager,
proposalDetails: RuntimeProposalDetails
): Promise<typeof ProposalDetails> {
- const eventTime = new Date(event_.blockTimestamp)
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
// SignalProposalDetails:
if (proposalDetails.isSignal) {
@@ -95,10 +102,10 @@ async function parseProposalDetails(
else if (proposalDetails.isFundingRequest) {
const destinationsList = new FundingRequestDestinationsList()
const specificDetails = proposalDetails.asFundingRequest
- await db.save<FundingRequestDestinationsList>(destinationsList)
+ await store.save<FundingRequestDestinationsList>(destinationsList)
await Promise.all(
specificDetails.map(({ account, amount }) =>
- db.save(
+ store.save(
new FundingRequestDestination({
createdAt: eventTime,
updatedAt: eventTime,
@@ -124,7 +131,7 @@ async function parseProposalDetails(
else if (proposalDetails.isCreateWorkingGroupLeadOpening) {
const details = new CreateWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails()
const specificDetails = proposalDetails.asCreateWorkingGroupLeadOpening
- const metadata = await createWorkingGroupOpeningMetadata(db, eventTime, specificDetails.description)
+ const metadata = await createWorkingGroupOpeningMetadata(store, eventTime, specificDetails.description)
details.groupId = getWorkingGroupModuleName(specificDetails.working_group)
details.metadataId = metadata.id
details.rewardPerBlock = new BN(specificDetails.reward_per_block.unwrapOr(0).toString())
@@ -287,17 +294,17 @@ async function parseProposalDetails(
throw new Error(`Unspported proposal details type: ${proposalDetails.type}`)
-export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalCreated(db: DatabaseManager, event_: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
- const [, proposalId] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalCreatedEvent(event_).params
+export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalCreated({ event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [, proposalId] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalCreatedEvent(event).params
// Cache the id
proposalsMappingsMemoryCache.lastCreatedProposalId = proposalId
-export async function proposalsCodex_ProposalCreated(db: DatabaseManager, event_: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
- const [generalProposalParameters, runtimeProposalDetails] = new ProposalsCodex.ProposalCreatedEvent(event_).params
- const eventTime = new Date(event_.blockTimestamp)
- const proposalDetails = await parseProposalDetails(event_, db, runtimeProposalDetails)
+export async function proposalsCodex_ProposalCreated({ store, event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [generalProposalParameters, runtimeProposalDetails] = new ProposalsCodex.ProposalCreatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const proposalDetails = await parseProposalDetails(event, store, runtimeProposalDetails)
if (!proposalsMappingsMemoryCache.lastCreatedProposalId) {
throw new Error('Unexpected state: proposalsMappingsMemoryCache.lastCreatedProposalId is empty')
@@ -315,49 +322,56 @@ export async function proposalsCodex_ProposalCreated(db: DatabaseManager, event_
exactExecutionBlock: generalProposalParameters.exact_execution_block.unwrapOr(undefined)?.toNumber(),
stakingAccount: generalProposalParameters.staking_account_id.toString(),
status: new ProposalStatusDeciding(),
- statusSetAtBlock: event_.blockNumber,
+ statusSetAtBlock: event.blockNumber,
statusSetAtTime: eventTime,
- await db.save<Proposal>(proposal)
+ await store.save<Proposal>(proposal)
-export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalStatusUpdated(
- db: DatabaseManager,
- event_: SubstrateEvent
-): Promise<void> {
- const [proposalId, status] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent(event_).params
- const proposal = await getProposal(db, proposalId.toString())
- const eventTime = new Date(event_.blockTimestamp)
+export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalStatusUpdated({
+ store,
+ event,
+}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [proposalId, status] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const proposal = await getProposal(store, proposalId.toString())
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
let newStatus: typeof ProposalIntermediateStatus
if (status.isActive) {
newStatus = new ProposalStatusDeciding()
} else if (status.isPendingConstitutionality) {
newStatus = new ProposalStatusDormant()
+ ++proposal.councilApprovals
} else if (status.isPendingExecution) {
newStatus = new ProposalStatusGracing()
+ ++proposal.councilApprovals
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected proposal status: ${status.type}`)
const proposalStatusUpdatedEvent = new ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent({
- ...genericEventFields(event_),
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
- await db.save<ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent>(proposalStatusUpdatedEvent)
+ await store.save<ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent>(proposalStatusUpdatedEvent)
newStatus.proposalStatusUpdatedEventId = proposalStatusUpdatedEvent.id
proposal.updatedAt = eventTime
proposal.status = newStatus
+ proposal.statusSetAtBlock = event.blockNumber
+ proposal.statusSetAtTime = eventTime
- await db.save<Proposal>(proposal)
+ await store.save<Proposal>(proposal)
-export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalDecisionMade(db: DatabaseManager, event_: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
- const [proposalId, decision] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalDecisionMadeEvent(event_).params
- const proposal = await getProposal(db, proposalId.toString())
- const eventTime = new Date(event_.blockTimestamp)
+export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalDecisionMade({
+ store,
+ event,
+}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [proposalId, decision] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalDecisionMadeEvent(event).params
+ const proposal = await getProposal(store, proposalId.toString())
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
let decisionStatus: typeof ProposalDecisionStatus
if (decision.isApproved) {
@@ -383,11 +397,11 @@ export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalDecisionMade(db: DatabaseManager,
const proposalDecisionMadeEvent = new ProposalDecisionMadeEvent({
- ...genericEventFields(event_),
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
- await db.save<ProposalDecisionMadeEvent>(proposalDecisionMadeEvent)
+ await store.save<ProposalDecisionMadeEvent>(proposalDecisionMadeEvent)
// We don't handle Cancelled, Dormant and Gracing statuses here, since they emit separate events
if (
@@ -406,19 +420,87 @@ export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalDecisionMade(db: DatabaseManager,
| ProposalStatusSlashed
| ProposalStatusVetoed).proposalDecisionMadeEventId = proposalDecisionMadeEvent.id
proposal.status = decisionStatus
+ proposal.statusSetAtBlock = event.blockNumber
+ proposal.statusSetAtTime = eventTime
proposal.updatedAt = eventTime
- await db.save<Proposal>(proposal)
+ await store.save<Proposal>(proposal)
-export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalExecuted(db: DatabaseManager, event_: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
- // TODO
+export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalExecuted({ store, event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [proposalId, executionStatus] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalExecutedEvent(event).params
+ const proposal = await getProposal(store, proposalId.toString())
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ let newStatus: typeof ProposalExecutionStatus
+ if (executionStatus.isExecuted) {
+ newStatus = new ProposalStatusExecuted()
+ } else if (executionStatus.isExecutionFailed) {
+ const status = new ProposalStatusExecutionFailed()
+ status.errorMessage = executionStatus.asExecutionFailed.error.toString()
+ newStatus = status
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Unexpected proposal execution status: ${executionStatus.type}`)
+ }
+ const proposalExecutedEvent = new ProposalExecutedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ executionStatus: newStatus,
+ proposal,
+ })
+ await store.save<ProposalExecutedEvent>(proposalExecutedEvent)
+ proposal.status = newStatus
+ proposal.statusSetAtBlock = event.blockNumber
+ proposal.statusSetAtTime = eventTime
+ proposal.updatedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<Proposal>(proposal)
-export async function proposalsEngine_Voted(db: DatabaseManager, event_: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
- // TODO
+export async function proposalsEngine_Voted({ store, event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [memberId, proposalId, voteKind, rationaleBytes] = new ProposalsEngine.VotedEvent(event).params
+ const proposal = await getProposal(store, proposalId.toString())
+ let vote: ProposalVoteKind
+ if (voteKind.isApprove) {
+ vote = ProposalVoteKind.APPROVE
+ } else if (voteKind.isReject) {
+ vote = ProposalVoteKind.REJECT
+ } else if (voteKind.isSlash) {
+ vote = ProposalVoteKind.SLASH
+ } else if (voteKind.isAbstain) {
+ vote = ProposalVoteKind.ABSTAIN
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Unexpected vote kind: ${voteKind.type}`)
+ }
+ const votedEvent = new ProposalVotedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ proposal,
+ voteKind: vote,
+ voter: new Membership({ id: memberId.toString() }),
+ votingRound: proposal.councilApprovals + 1,
+ rationale: bytesToString(rationaleBytes),
+ })
+ await store.save<ProposalVotedEvent>(votedEvent)
-export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalCancelled(db: DatabaseManager, event_: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
- // TODO
+export async function proposalsEngine_ProposalCancelled({ store, event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [, proposalId] = new ProposalsEngine.ProposalCancelledEvent(event).params
+ const proposal = await getProposal(store, proposalId.toString())
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const proposalCancelledEvent = new ProposalCancelledEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ proposal,
+ })
+ await store.save<ProposalCancelledEvent>(proposalCancelledEvent)
+ proposal.status = new ProposalStatusCancelled()
+ proposal.statusSetAtBlock = event.blockNumber
+ proposal.statusSetAtTime = eventTime
+ proposal.updatedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<Proposal>(proposal)