@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ const config = new pulumi.Config()
const awsConfig = new pulumi.Config('aws')
const isMinikube = config.getBoolean('isMinikube')
const externalIndexerUrl = config.get('externalIndexerUrl')
+const appsImage = config.get('appsImage') || `joystream/apps:latest`
const skipProcessor = config.getBoolean('skipProcessor')
+const useLocalRepo = config.getBoolean('useLocalRepo') || false
export let kubeconfig: pulumi.Output<any>
export let joystreamAppsImage: pulumi.Output<string>
let provider: k8s.Provider
@@ -27,18 +30,15 @@ if (skipProcessor && externalIndexerUrl) {
if (isMinikube) {
provider = new k8s.Provider('local', {})
- // Create image from local app
- joystreamAppsImage = new docker.Image('joystream/apps', {
- build: {
- context: '../../../',
- dockerfile: '../../../apps.Dockerfile',
- },
- imageName: 'joystream/apps:latest',
- skipPush: true,
- }).baseImageName
- // Uncomment the below line if you want to use a pre built image
- // joystreamAppsImage = pulumi.interpolate`joystream/apps`
+ if (useLocalRepo) {
+ // Use already existing image in minikube environment
+ joystreamAppsImage = pulumi.interpolate`${appsImage}`
+ } else {
+ // Access image from docker hub
+ joystreamAppsImage = new docker.RemoteImage('apps', {
+ name: appsImage!,
+ }).repoDigest
+ }
} else {
// Create a VPC for our cluster.
const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc('query-node-vpc', { numberOfAvailabilityZones: 2, numberOfNatGateways: 1 })
@@ -62,13 +62,12 @@ if (isMinikube) {
// Create a repository
const repo = new awsx.ecr.Repository('joystream/apps')
+ // Build an image from an existing local/docker hub image and push to ECR
joystreamAppsImage = repo.buildAndPushImage({
- dockerfile: '../../../apps.Dockerfile',
- context: '../../../',
+ context: './docker_dummy',
+ dockerfile: './docker_dummy/Dockerfile',
+ args: { SOURCE_IMAGE: appsImage! },
- // Uncomment the below line if you want to use a pre built image
- // joystreamAppsImage = pulumi.interpolate`joystream/apps`
const resourceOptions = { provider: provider }
@@ -81,8 +80,6 @@ const ns = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace(name, {}, resourceOptions)
// Export the Namespace name
export const namespaceName = ns.metadata.name
-let appLabels = { appClass: name }
const defsConfig = new configMapFromFile(