@@ -7,34 +7,10 @@ COPY . /joystream
# to ensure dev dependencies are installed.
RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile
-# ENV NODE_ENV=production
# Pioneer is failing to build only on github actions workflow runner
# Error: packages/page-staking/src/index.tsx(24,21): error TS2307: Cannot find module './Targets' or its corresponding type declarations.
# RUN yarn workspace pioneer build
RUN yarn workspace @joystream/cli build
RUN yarn workspace storage-node build
-# The image is huge ~ 3GB!
-# npm package Pruning.. getting rid of all devDependencies.
-# ... to significantly reduce image size (by multiple GBs): It may cause problems in case:
-# 1. There are package dependencies which were added (incorrectly) as dev dependencies..
-# 2. 'ts-node' is used and added as a non-dev dep -> ends up pulling in dependencies which
-# would normally just be dev dependencies?
-# some packages that are big: @types, babel, electron, prettier, eslint, test frameworks
-# RUN npm prune --production
-# I think it works for a simple pacakge but npm prune doesn't recognize yarn workspaces
-# so it ends up removing too much and things break
-# "yarn pruning"
-# RUN cp -R node_modules/.bin somewhere.. ?
-# But don't yarn workspace packages also go into node_modules/ ?
-# How to keep those?
-# RUN rm -fr node_modules/
-# RUN yarn install --production // should not have post install build steps that depend on devDependencies
-# // RUN yarn cache clean
-# Drops to 1.6GB but still too big!
-# FROM node:12
-# COPY --from=builder /joystream /joystream
-# WORKDIR /joystream
ENTRYPOINT [ "yarn" ]