@@ -2,24 +2,19 @@
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
-import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types';
-import { DeriveBalancesAll, DeriveStakingAccount, DeriveStakingOverview, DeriveStakerReward } from '@polkadot/api-derive/types';
+import { DeriveBalancesAll, DeriveStakingAccount } from '@polkadot/api-derive/types';
import { AccountId, EraIndex, Exposure, StakingLedger, ValidatorPrefs } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
import { Codec, ITuple } from '@polkadot/types/types';
-import BN from 'bn.js';
-import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
-import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api';
-import { AddressInfo, AddressMini, AddressSmall, Badge, Button, Expander, Menu, Popup, Spinner, StakingBonded, StakingRedeemable, StakingUnbonding, StatusContext, TxButton } from '@polkadot/react-components';
+import { AddressInfo, AddressMini, AddressSmall, Button, Expander, Menu, Popup, StakingBonded, StakingRedeemable, StakingUnbonding, TxButton } from '@polkadot/react-components';
import { useAccounts, useApi, useCall, useToggle } from '@polkadot/react-hooks';
-import { FormatBalance } from '@polkadot/react-query';
import { u8aConcat, u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util';
import { useTranslation } from '../../translate';
+import useInactives from '../useInactives';
import BondExtra from './BondExtra';
-// import ClaimRewards from './ClaimRewards';
import InjectKeys from './InjectKeys';
import Nominate from './Nominate';
import SetControllerAccount from './SetControllerAccount';
@@ -27,7 +22,6 @@ import SetRewardDestination from './SetRewardDestination';
import SetSessionKey from './SetSessionKey';
import Unbond from './Unbond';
import Validate from './Validate';
-import useInactives from './useInactives';
type ValidatorInfo = ITuple<[ValidatorPrefs, Codec]> | ValidatorPrefs;
@@ -39,9 +33,8 @@ interface Props {
isOwnStash: boolean;
next?: string[];
onUpdateType: (stashId: string, type: 'validator' | 'nominator' | 'started' | 'other') => void;
- rewards?: DeriveStakerReward[];
- stakingOverview?: DeriveStakingOverview;
stashId: string;
+ validators?: string[];
interface StakeState {
@@ -97,34 +90,17 @@ function getStakeState (allAccounts: string[], allStashes: string[] | undefined,
-function createPayout (api: ApiPromise, payoutRewards: DeriveStakerReward[]): SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'> {
- return payoutRewards.length === 1
- ? payoutRewards[0].isValidator
- ? api.tx.staking.payoutValidator(payoutRewards[0].era)
- : api.tx.staking.payoutNominator(payoutRewards[0].era, payoutRewards[0].nominating)
- : api.tx.utility.batch(
- payoutRewards.map(({ era, isValidator, nominating }): SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'> =>
- isValidator
- ? api.tx.staking.payoutValidator(era)
- : api.tx.staking.payoutNominator(era, nominating)
- )
- );
-function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpdateType, rewards, stakingOverview, stashId }: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> {
+function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpdateType, stashId, validators }: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> {
const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { queueExtrinsic } = useContext(StatusContext);
const { api } = useApi();
const { allAccounts } = useAccounts();
const validateInfo = useCall<ValidatorInfo>(api.query.staking.validators, [stashId]);
const balancesAll = useCall<DeriveBalancesAll>(api.derive.balances.all as any, [stashId]);
const stakingAccount = useCall<DeriveStakingAccount>(api.derive.staking.account as any, [stashId]);
- const [[payoutRewards, payoutEras, payoutTotal], setStakingRewards] = useState<[DeriveStakerReward[], EraIndex[], BN]>([[], [], new BN(0)]);
const [{ controllerId, destination, destinationId, hexSessionIdNext, hexSessionIdQueue, isLoading, isOwnController, isStashNominating, isStashValidating, nominees, sessionIds, validatorPrefs }, setStakeState] = useState<StakeState>({ controllerId: null, destinationId: 0, hexSessionIdNext: null, hexSessionIdQueue: null, isLoading: true, isOwnController: false, isStashNominating: false, isStashValidating: false, sessionIds: [] });
const [activeNoms, setActiveNoms] = useState<string[]>([]);
const inactiveNoms = useInactives(stashId, nominees);
const [isBondExtraOpen, toggleBondExtra] = useToggle();
- // const [isPayoutOpen, togglePayout] = useToggle();
const [isInjectOpen, toggleInject] = useToggle();
const [isNominateOpen, toggleNominate] = useToggle();
const [isRewardDestinationOpen, toggleRewardDestination] = useToggle();
@@ -139,14 +115,14 @@ function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpd
const state = getStakeState(allAccounts, allStashes, stakingAccount, stashId, validateInfo);
- if (state.isStashValidating) {
- onUpdateType(stashId, 'validator');
- } else if (state.isStashNominating) {
- onUpdateType(stashId, 'nominator');
- } else {
- onUpdateType(stashId, 'other');
- }
+ onUpdateType(
+ stashId,
+ state.isStashValidating
+ ? 'validator'
+ : state.isStashNominating
+ ? 'nominator'
+ : 'other'
+ );
}, [allAccounts, allStashes, onUpdateType, stakingAccount, stashId, validateInfo]);
@@ -156,45 +132,8 @@ function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpd
}, [inactiveNoms, nominees]);
- useEffect((): void => {
- rewards && setStakingRewards([
- rewards,
- rewards.map(({ era }): EraIndex => era),
- rewards.reduce((result, { total }) => result.iadd(total), new BN(0))
- ]);
- }, [rewards]);
- const _doPayout = useCallback(
- (): void => queueExtrinsic({
- accountId: controllerId,
- extrinsic: createPayout(api, payoutRewards)
- }),
- [api, controllerId, payoutRewards, queueExtrinsic]
- );
return (
<tr className={className}>
- {api.query.staking.activeEra && (
- <td>
- {!rewards
- ? <Spinner variant='mini' />
- : !!payoutEras.length && (
- <Badge
- hover={
- <>
- <div>{t('Pending payouts for {{count}} eras:', { replace: { count: payoutEras.length } })}</div>
- <FormatBalance value={payoutTotal} />
- </>
- }
- info={payoutEras.length}
- isInline
- isTooltip
- type='counter'
- />
- )
- }
- </td>
- )}
<td className='address'>
@@ -202,6 +141,17 @@ function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpd
+ {controllerId && (
+ <Nominate
+ controllerId={controllerId}
+ isOpen={isNominateOpen}
+ next={next}
+ nominees={nominees}
+ onClose={toggleNominate}
+ stashId={stashId}
+ validators={validators}
+ />
+ )}
@@ -218,16 +168,6 @@ function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpd
{isInjectOpen && (
<InjectKeys onClose={toggleInject} />
- {isNominateOpen && controllerId && (
- <Nominate
- controllerId={controllerId}
- next={next}
- nominees={nominees}
- onClose={toggleNominate}
- stakingOverview={stakingOverview}
- stashId={stashId}
- />
- )}
{isSetControllerOpen && (
@@ -371,20 +311,6 @@ function Account ({ allStashes, className, isInElection, isOwnStash, next, onUpd
- {api.query.staking.activeEra && (
- <Menu.Item
- disabled={payoutEras.length === 0}
- onClick={_doPayout}
- >
- <Trans i18nKey='payoutEras'>
- {t('Payout reward')} {
- payoutEras.length
- ? <>(<FormatBalance value={payoutTotal} />)</>
- : ''
- }
- </Trans>
- </Menu.Item>
- )}
disabled={!isOwnStash && !balancesAll?.freeBalance.gtn(0)}