@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# Members Module
+## Table Of Content
+- [Overview](#overview)
+- [Constants](#constants)
+- [Trait Configuration](#trait-configuration)
+ - [Trait Name](#trait-name)
+ - [Base Traits](#base-traits)
+ - [Associated Types](#associated-types)
+ - [Event](#Event)
+ - [MemberId](#MemberId)
+ - [PaidTermId](#PaidTermId)
+ - [SubscriptionId](#SubscriptionId)
+ - [Roles](#Roles)
+- [Public Types](#public-types)
+ - [EntryMethod](#EntryMethod)
+ - [Profile](#Profile)
+ - [PaidMembershipTerms](#PaidMembershipTerms)
+ - [UserInfo](#UserInfo)
+- [Storage](#storage)
+- [Invariants](#invariants)
+- [Events](#events)
+- [Dispatchable Methods](#dispatchable-methods)
+ - [buy_membership](#`buy_membership`)
+ - [change_member_about_text](#`change_member_about_text`)
+ - [change_member_avatar](#`change_member_avatar`)
+ - [change_member_handle](#`change_member_handle`)
+ - [update_profile](#`update_profile`)
+ - [add_screened_member](#`add_screened_member`)
+ - [set_screening_authority](#`set_screening_authority`)
+- [Non-dispatchable Methods](#non-dispatchable-methods)
+ - [is_active_member](#`is_active_member`)
+ - [lookup_member_id](#`lookup_member_id`)
+ - [lookup_account_by_member_id](#`lookup_account_by_member_id`)
+## Overview
+Manages the set of current members, their profile, status.
+## Module Name
+## Constants
+These are constants that are only part of making this document legible, they are not part of the public interface of the module.
+const DEFAULT_FIRST_MEMBER_ID: u64 = 1;
+const FIRST_PAID_TERMS_ID: u64 = 1;
+const DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_ID: u64 = 0;
+const DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_FEE: u64 = 100;
+const DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_TEXT: &str = "Default Paid Term TOS...";
+## Trait Configuration
+### Trait Name
+### Base Traits
+These are the traits which provide the interfaces to services external to this module, such as peer modules which must run in the same runtime for example.
+- **system::Trait**
+- **timestamp::Trait**
+- [**GovernanceCurrency**](shared-types.md#GovernanceCurrency)
+### Associated Types
+#### Event
+Event type. ???
+#### MemberId
+Member identifier type.
+#### PaidTermId
+Paid term identifier type.
+#### SubscriptionId
+Subscription identifier type.
+#### Roles
+Roles module type. <what do we link to here!?>
+## Public Types
+These are the public type of the module, that is they are used in the storage system and in signature of public methods. All other types are omitted.
+### EntryMethod
+pub enum EntryMethod<T: Trait> {
+ Paid(T::PaidTermId),
+ Screening(T::AccountId),
+### Profile
+pub struct Profile<T: Trait> {
+ pub id: T::MemberId,
+ pub handle: Vec<u8>,
+ pub avatar_uri: Vec<u8>,
+ pub about: Vec<u8>,
+ pub registered_at_block: T::BlockNumber,
+ pub registered_at_time: T::Moment,
+ pub entry: EntryMethod<T>,
+ pub suspended: bool,
+ pub subscription: Option<T::SubscriptionId>,
+### PaidMembershipTerms
+pub struct PaidMembershipTerms<T: Trait> {
+ /// Unique identifier - the term id
+ pub id: T::PaidTermId,
+ /// Quantity of native tokens which must be provably burned
+ pub fee: BalanceOf<T>,
+ /// String of capped length describing human readable conditions which are being agreed upon
+ pub text: Vec<u8>,
+### UserInfo
+pub struct UserInfo {
+ pub handle: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub avatar_uri: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub about: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+## Storage
+The following is the payload used with `decl_storage`.
+/// MemberId's start at this value
+pub FirstMemberId get(first_member_id) config(first_member_id): T::MemberId = T::MemberId::sa(DEFAULT_FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+/// MemberId to assign to next member that is added to the registry
+pub NextMemberId get(next_member_id) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| config.first_member_id): T::MemberId = T::MemberId::sa(DEFAULT_FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+/// Mapping of member ids to their corresponding primary accountid
+pub AccountIdByMemberId get(account_id_by_member_id) : map T::MemberId => T::AccountId;
+/// Mapping of members' account ids to their member id.
+pub MemberIdByAccountId get(member_id_by_account_id) : map T::AccountId => Option<T::MemberId>;
+/// Mapping of member's id to their membership profile
+// Value is Option<Profile> because it is not meaningful to have a Default value for Profile
+pub MemberProfile get(member_profile) : map T::MemberId => Option<Profile<T>>;
+/// Registered unique handles and their mapping to their owner
+pub Handles get(handles) : map Vec<u8> => Option<T::MemberId>;
+/// Next paid membership terms id
+pub NextPaidMembershipTermsId get(next_paid_membership_terms_id) : T::PaidTermId = T::PaidTermId::sa(FIRST_PAID_TERMS_ID);
+/// Paid membership terms record
+// Remember to add _genesis_phantom_data: std::marker::PhantomData{} to membership
+// genesis config if not providing config() or extra_genesis
+pub PaidMembershipTermsById get(paid_membership_terms_by_id) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
+ // This method only gets called when initializing storage, and is
+ // compiled as native code. (Will be called when building `raw` chainspec)
+ // So it can't be relied upon to initialize storage for runtimes updates.
+ // Initialization for updated runtime is done in run_migration()
+ let mut terms: PaidMembershipTerms<T> = Default::default();
+ terms.fee = config.default_paid_membership_fee;
+ vec![(terms.id, terms)]
+}) : map T::PaidTermId => Option<PaidMembershipTerms<T>>;
+/// Active Paid membership terms
+pub ActivePaidMembershipTerms get(active_paid_membership_terms) : Vec<T::PaidTermId> = vec![T::PaidTermId::sa(DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_ID)];
+/// Is the platform is accepting new members or not
+pub NewMembershipsAllowed get(new_memberships_allowed) : bool = true;
+pub ScreeningAuthority get(screening_authority) : Option<T::AccountId>;
+// User Input Validation parameters - do these really need to be state variables
+// I don't see a need to adjust these in future?
+pub MinHandleLength get(min_handle_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MIN_HANDLE_LENGTH;
+pub MaxHandleLength get(max_handle_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MAX_HANDLE_LENGTH;
+pub MaxAvatarUriLength get(max_avatar_uri_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MAX_AVATAR_URI_LENGTH;
+pub MaxAboutTextLength get(max_about_text_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MAX_ABOUT_TEXT_LENGTH;
+## Invariants
+## Events
+The following is the payload used with `decl_events`.
+pub enum Event<T> where
+ <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ <T as Trait>::MemberId {
+ MemberRegistered(MemberId, AccountId),
+ MemberUpdatedAboutText(MemberId),
+ MemberUpdatedAvatar(MemberId),
+ MemberUpdatedHandle(MemberId),
+## Dispatchable Methods
+### `buy_membership`
+#### Payload
+origin: Origin, paid_terms_id: PaidTermId, user_info: UserInfo
+#### Description
+Establish new membership through payment.
+#### Errors
+##### 1. <what is returned?>
+##### 2. new members not allowed
+##### 3. account already associated with a membership
+##### 4. role key cannot be used for membership
+##### 5. paid terms id not active
+!<ActivePaidMembershipTerms<T>>::iter().any(|x| x == paid_terms_id)
+##### 6. paid terms id not active
+_Note: This is a bug, should not be checked_
+##### 7. not enough balance to buy membership
+!T::Currency::can_slash(who, terms.fee)
+let terms = <PaidMembershipTermsById<T>>::get(paid_terms_id);
+##### 8. missing handle
+##### 9. handle too short
+##### 10. handle too long
+##### 11. avatar uri too long
+##### 12. Handle occupied
+#### Side effects
+##### Membership established
+###### Precondition
+###### Side effect(s)
+The following conditions must all hold
+[T::Currency::balance]'(who) == T::Currency::balance(who) - <PaidMembershipTermsById<T>>::get(paid_terms_id).fee &&
+[<MemberIdByAccountId<T>>]' == <MemberIdByAccountId<T>> [+] (who, <NextMemberId<T>>::get()) &&
+[<AccountIdByMemberId<T>>]' == <AccountIdByMemberId<T>> [+] (<NextMemberId<T>>::get(), who)) == who &&
+[<MemberProfile<T>>]' == <MemberProfile<T>> [+] (<NextMemberId<T>>::get(), profile) &&
+[<Handles<T>>]' == <Handles<T>> [+] (user_info.handle.clone(), <NextMemberId<T>>::get()) &&
+[<NextMemberId<T>>]' == <NextMemberId<T>> + 1
+let profile = Profile {
+ id: <NextMemberId<T>>::get(),
+ handle: user_info.handle,
+ avatar_uri: user_info.avatar_uri,
+ about: user_info.about,
+ registered_at_block: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ registered_at_time: <timestamp::Module<T>>::now(),
+ entry: EntryMethod::Paid(paid_terms_id)),
+ suspended: false,
+ subscription: None,
+###### Result
+###### Event(s)
+MemberRegistered(<NextMemberId<T>>::get(), who.clone())
+### `change_member_about_text`
+#### Payload
+origin: Origin, text: Vec<u8>
+#### Description
+Change about text on membership.
+#### Errors
+##### 1. <what is returned?>
+##### 2. no member id found for accountid
+##### 3. not primary account
+let member_id = <MemberIdByAccountId<T>>::get(who)
+##### 4. member profile not found
+#### Side effects
+##### About text updated
+###### Precondition
+###### Side effect(s)
+The following conditions must all hold
+<MemberProfile<T>>::get(member_id).text === text.truncate(Self::max_about_text_length() as usize);
+###### Result
+###### Event(s)
+### `change_member_avatar`
+_fill in_
+### `change_member_handle`
+_fill in_
+### `update_profile`
+_fill in_
+### `add_screened_member`
+_fill in_
+### `set_screening_authority`
+_fill in_
+## Non-dispatchable Methods
+### `is_active_member`
+### `lookup_member_id`
+### `lookup_account_by_member_id`