@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// A script to be executed post query-node install, that may include workarounds in Hydra node_modules
-import path from 'path'
-import { replaceInFile } from './utils'
-// FIXME: Temporarly remove broken sanitizeNullCharacter call
-const subscribersJsPath = path.resolve(
- __dirname,
- '../../../node_modules/@joystream/hydra-processor/lib/db/subscribers.js'
- filePath: subscribersJsPath,
- regex: /sanitizeNullCharacter\(entity, field\);/g,
- newContent: '//sanitizeNullCharacter(entity, field)',
-// FIXME: Temporarly replace broken relations resolution in @joystream/warthog
-const dataLoaderJsPath = path.resolve(
- __dirname,
- '../../../node_modules/@joystream/warthog/dist/middleware/DataLoaderMiddleware.js'
- filePath: dataLoaderJsPath,
- regex: /return context\.connection\.relationIdLoader[\s\S]+return group\.related;\s+\}\);\s+\}\)/,
- newContent: `return Promise.all(
- entities.map(entity => context.connection.relationLoader.load(relation, entity))
- ).then(function (results) {
- return results.map(function (related) {
- return (relation.isManyToOne || relation.isOneToOne) ? related[0] : related
- })
- })`,
-// FIXME: Temporary fix for "table name x specified more than once"
-const baseServiceJsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../node_modules/@joystream/warthog/dist/core/BaseService.js')
- filePath: baseServiceJsPath,
- regex: /function common\(parameters, localIdColumn, foreignTableName, foreignColumnMap, foreignColumnName\) \{[^}]+\}/,
- newContent: `function common(parameters, localIdColumn, foreignTableName, foreignColumnMap, foreignColumnName) {
- const uuid = require('uuid/v4')
- const foreignTableAlias = uuid().replace('-', '')
- var foreingIdColumn = "\\"" + foreignTableAlias + "\\".\\"" + foreignColumnMap[foreignColumnName] + "\\"";
- parameters.topLevelQb.leftJoin(foreignTableName, foreignTableAlias, localIdColumn + " = " + foreingIdColumn);
- addWhereCondition(parameters, foreignTableAlias, foreignColumnMap);
- }`,