@@ -2,63 +2,76 @@
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+import { ContractCallOutcome } from '@polkadot/api-contract/types';
import { ApiProps } from '@polkadot/react-api/types';
-import { BareProps, CallContract, I18nProps, StringOrNull } from '@polkadot/react-components/types';
-import { QueueProps } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/types';
+import { BareProps, I18nProps, StringOrNull } from '@polkadot/react-components/types';
import { ContractExecResult } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/contracts';
import BN from 'bn.js';
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import rpc from '@polkadot/jsonrpc';
-import { Button, Dropdown, InputAddress, InputBalance, InputNumber, Modal, Output, TxButton } from '@polkadot/react-components';
-import { QueueConsumer } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/Context';
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import { Button, Dropdown, IconLink, InputAddress, InputBalance, InputNumber, Modal, Toggle, TxButton } from '@polkadot/react-components';
+import { PromiseContract as ApiContract } from '@polkadot/api-contract';
import { withApi, withMulti } from '@polkadot/react-api';
-import { isNull, isUndefined } from '@polkadot/util';
+import { createValue } from '@polkadot/react-params/values';
+import { isNull } from '@polkadot/util';
import Params from '../Params';
+import Outcome from './Outcome';
import translate from '../translate';
import { GAS_LIMIT } from '../constants';
-import { findCallMethod, getContractForAddress, getCallMethodOptions, getContractMethodFn } from './util';
+import { getCallMessageOptions } from './util';
interface Props extends BareProps, I18nProps, ApiProps {
- callContract: CallContract | null;
- callMethodIndex: number | null;
+ callContract: ApiContract | null;
+ callMessageIndex: number | null;
+ callResults: ContractExecResult[];
isOpen: boolean;
- onChangeCallContract: (callContract: CallContract) => void;
- onChangeCallMethodIndex: (callMethodIndex: number) => void;
+ onChangeCallContractAddress: (callContractAddress: StringOrNull) => void;
+ onChangeCallMessageIndex: (callMessageIndex: number) => void;
onClose: () => void;
function Call (props: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> | null {
- const { isOpen, callContract, callMethodIndex, onChangeCallContract, onChangeCallMethodIndex, onClose, api, t } = props;
+ const { className, isOpen, callContract, callMessageIndex, onChangeCallContractAddress, onChangeCallMessageIndex, onClose, api, t } = props;
- if (isNull(callContract) || isNull(callMethodIndex)) {
+ if (isNull(callContract) || isNull(callMessageIndex)) {
return null;
const hasRpc = api.rpc.contracts && api.rpc.contracts.call;
- const callMethod = findCallMethod(callContract, callMethodIndex);
- const useRpc = hasRpc && callMethod && !callMethod.mutates;
- // const isRpc = false;
+ let callMessage = callContract.getMessage(callMessageIndex);
const [accountId, setAccountId] = useState<StringOrNull>(null);
const [endowment, setEndowment] = useState<BN>(new BN(0));
const [gasLimit, setGasLimit] = useState<BN>(new BN(GAS_LIMIT));
const [isBusy, setIsBusy] = useState(false);
- const [params, setParams] = useState<any[]>([]);
+ const [outcomes, setOutcomes] = useState<ContractCallOutcome[]>([]);
+ const [params, setParams] = useState<any[]>(callMessage ? callMessage.def.args.map(({ type }): any => createValue({ type })) : []);
+ const [useRpc, setUseRpc] = useState(callMessage && !callMessage.def.mutates);
- const _onChangeAccountId = (accountId: StringOrNull): void => setAccountId(accountId);
+ useEffect((): void => {
+ callMessage = callContract.getMessage(callMessageIndex);
- const _onChangeCallAddress = (callAddress: StringOrNull): void => {
- const callContract = getContractForAddress(callAddress);
+ setParams(callMessage ? callMessage.def.args.map(({ type }): any => createValue({ type })) : []);
+ if (!callMessage || callMessage.def.mutates) {
+ setUseRpc(false);
+ } else {
+ setUseRpc(true);
+ }
+ }, [callContract, callMessageIndex]);
- onChangeCallContract && callContract.abi && onChangeCallContract(callContract);
- };
+ useEffect((): void => {
+ setOutcomes([]);
+ }, [callContract]);
- const _onChangeCallMethodString = (callMethodString: string): void => {
- setParams([]);
- onChangeCallMethodIndex && onChangeCallMethodIndex(parseInt(callMethodString, 10) || 0);
+ const _onChangeAccountId = (accountId: StringOrNull): void => setAccountId(accountId);
+ const _onChangeCallMessageIndexString = (callMessageIndexString: string): void => {
+ onChangeCallMessageIndex && onChangeCallMessageIndex(
+ parseInt(callMessageIndexString, 10) || 0
+ );
const _onChangeEndowment = (endowment?: BN): void => endowment && setEndowment(endowment);
@@ -68,28 +81,29 @@ function Call (props: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> | null {
const _toggleBusy = (): void => setIsBusy(!isBusy);
const _constructTx = (): any[] => {
- const fn = getContractMethodFn(callContract, callMethod);
- if (!fn || !callContract || !callContract.address) {
+ if (!accountId || !callMessage || !callMessage.fn || !callContract || !callContract.address) {
return [];
- return [callContract.address, endowment, gasLimit, fn(...params)];
+ return [callContract.address.toString(), endowment, gasLimit, callMessage.fn(...params)];
- const _constructRpc = (): [any] | null => {
- const fn = getContractMethodFn(callContract, callMethod);
- if (!fn || !accountId || !callContract || !callContract.address || !callContract.abi || !callMethod) {
- return null;
- }
- return [
- {
- origin: accountId,
- dest: callContract.address,
- value: endowment,
- gasLimit,
- inputData: fn(...params)
- }
- ];
+ const _onSubmitRpc = (): void => {
+ if (!accountId) return;
+ callContract
+ .call('rpc', callMessage.def.name, endowment, gasLimit, ...params)
+ .send(accountId)
+ .then(
+ (outcome: ContractCallOutcome): void => {
+ setOutcomes([outcome, ...outcomes]);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ const _onClearOutcomes = (): void => setOutcomes([]);
+ const _onClearOutcome = (outcomeIndex: number) => (): void => {
+ setOutcomes(outcomes.slice(0, outcomeIndex).concat(outcomes.slice(outcomeIndex + 1)));
const isEndowmentValid = true;
@@ -98,7 +112,7 @@ function Call (props: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> | null {
return (
- className='app--contracts-Modal'
+ className={[className || '', 'app--contracts-Modal'].join(' ')}
@@ -122,27 +136,28 @@ function Call (props: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> | null {
help={t('A deployed contract that has either been deployed or attached. The address and ABI are used to construct the parameters.')}
label={t('contract to use')}
- onChange={_onChangeCallAddress}
+ onChange={onChangeCallContractAddress}
- value={callContract.address}
+ value={callContract.address.toString()}
- {callMethodIndex !== null && (
+ {callMessageIndex !== null && (
+ defaultValue={`${callMessage.index}`}
help={t('The message to send to this contract. Parameters are adjusted based on the ABI provided.')}
- isError={callMethod === null}
+ isError={callMessage === null}
label={t('message to send')}
- onChange={_onChangeCallMethodString}
- options={getCallMethodOptions(callContract)}
- value={`${callMethodIndex}`}
+ onChange={_onChangeCallMessageIndexString}
+ options={getCallMessageOptions(callContract)}
+ value={`${callMessage.index}`}
- callMethod
- ? callMethod.args
+ callMessage
+ ? callMessage.def.args
: undefined
@@ -167,109 +182,98 @@ function Call (props: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> | null {
- <QueueConsumer>
- {
- ({ queueRpc, txqueue }: QueueProps): React.ReactNode => {
- const _onSubmitRpc = (): void => {
- const values = _constructRpc();
- if (values) {
- queueRpc({
- accountId,
- rpc: rpc.contracts.methods.call,
- values
- });
- }
- };
- const results = txqueue
- .filter(({ error, result, rpc, values }): boolean =>
- ((!isUndefined(error) || !isUndefined(result)) &&
- rpc.section === 'contracts' && rpc.method === 'call' && !!values && values[0].dest === callContract.address)
- )
- .reverse();
- return (
- <>
- <Button.Group>
- <Button
- icon='cancel'
- isNegative
- onClick={onClose}
- label={t('Cancel')}
- />
- <Button.Or />
- {useRpc
- ? (
- <Button
- icon='sign-in'
- isDisabled={!isValid}
- isPrimary
- label={t('Call')}
- onClick={_onSubmitRpc}
- />
- )
- : (
- <TxButton
- accountId={accountId}
- icon='sign-in'
- isDisabled={!isValid}
- isPrimary
- label={t('Call')}
- onClick={_toggleBusy}
- onFailed={_toggleBusy}
- onSuccess={_toggleBusy}
- params={_constructTx}
- tx={api.tx.contracts ? 'contracts.call' : 'contract.call'}
- />
- )
- }
- </Button.Group>
- {results.length > 0 && (
- <>
- <h3>{t('Call results')}</h3>
- <div>
- {
- results.map(
- (tx, index): React.ReactNode => {
- let output: string;
- const contractExecResult = tx.result as ContractExecResult;
- if (contractExecResult.isSuccess) {
- const { data } = contractExecResult.asSuccess;
- output = data.toHex();
- } else {
- output = 'Error';
- }
- return (
- <Output
- isError={contractExecResult.isError}
- key={`result-${tx.id}`}
- label={t(`#${results.length - 1 - index}`)}
- style={{ fontFamily: 'monospace' }}
- value={output}
- withCopy
- withLabel
- />
- );
- }
- )
- }
- </div>
- </>
- )}
- </>
- );
+ {hasRpc && (
+ <Toggle
+ className='rpc-toggle'
+ isDisabled={!!callMessage && callMessage.def.mutates}
+ label={
+ useRpc
+ ? t('send as RPC call')
+ : t('send as transaction')
+ onChange={setUseRpc}
+ value={useRpc || false}
+ />
+ )}
+ <Button.Group>
+ <Button
+ icon='cancel'
+ isNegative
+ onClick={onClose}
+ label={t('Cancel')}
+ />
+ <Button.Or />
+ {useRpc
+ ? (
+ <Button
+ icon='sign-in'
+ isDisabled={!isValid}
+ isPrimary
+ label={t('Call')}
+ onClick={_onSubmitRpc}
+ />
+ )
+ : (
+ <TxButton
+ accountId={accountId}
+ icon='sign-in'
+ isDisabled={!isValid}
+ isPrimary
+ label={t('Call')}
+ onClick={_toggleBusy}
+ onFailed={_toggleBusy}
+ onSuccess={_toggleBusy}
+ params={_constructTx}
+ tx={api.tx.contracts ? 'contracts.call' : 'contract.call'}
+ />
+ )
- </QueueConsumer>
+ </Button.Group>
+ {outcomes.length > 0 && (
+ <>
+ <h3>
+ {t('Call results')}
+ <IconLink
+ className='clear-all'
+ icon='close'
+ label={t('Clear all')}
+ onClick={_onClearOutcomes}
+ />
+ </h3>
+ <div>
+ {
+ outcomes.map(
+ (outcome, index): React.ReactNode => {
+ return (
+ <Outcome
+ key={`outcome-${index}`}
+ onClear={_onClearOutcome(index)}
+ outcome={outcome}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ </div>
+ </>
+ )}
export default withMulti(
- Call,
+ styled(Call)`
+ .rpc-toggle {
+ margin-top: 1rem;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ }
+ .clear-all {
+ float: right;
+ }
+ `,