@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+use codec::Decode;
+use node_runtime::common::constraints::InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+use node_runtime::{
+ content_wg::{Channel, ChannelId, Principal, PrincipalId},
+ data_directory::DataObject,
+ primitives::{AccountId, BlockNumber, Credential},
+ versioned_store::{Class, ClassId, Entity, EntityId},
+ versioned_store_permissions::ClassPermissions,
+ ContentId, ContentWorkingGroupConfig, DataDirectoryConfig, Runtime, VersionedStoreConfig,
+ VersionedStorePermissionsConfig,
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use std::{fs, path::Path};
+// Because of the way that the @joystream/types were implemented the getters for
+// the string types return a `string` not the `Text` type so when we are serializing
+// them to json we get a string rather than an array of bytes, so deserializing them
+// is failing. So we are relying on parity codec encoding instead..
+struct ClassAndPermissions {
+ class: Class,
+ permissions: ClassPermissions<ClassId, Credential, u16, BlockNumber>,
+struct EntityAndMaintainer {
+ entity: Entity,
+ maintainer: Option<Credential>,
+struct DataObjectAndContentId {
+ content_id: ContentId,
+ data_object: DataObject<Runtime>,
+struct ContentData {
+ /// classes and their associted permissions
+ classes: Vec<ClassAndPermissions>,
+ /// entities and their associated maintainer
+ entities: Vec<EntityAndMaintainer>,
+ /// DataObject(s) and ContentId
+ data_objects: Vec<DataObjectAndContentId>,
+ /// Media Channels
+ channels: Vec<ChannelAndId>,
+struct EncodedClassAndPermissions {
+ /// hex encoded Class
+ class: String,
+ /// hex encoded ClassPermissions<ClassId, Credential, u16, BlockNumber>,
+ permissions: String,
+impl EncodedClassAndPermissions {
+ fn decode(&self) -> ClassAndPermissions {
+ // hex string must not include '0x' prefix!
+ let encoded_class =
+ hex::decode(&self.class[2..].as_bytes()).expect("failed to parse class hex string");
+ let encoded_permissions = hex::decode(&self.permissions[2..].as_bytes())
+ .expect("failed to parse class permissions hex string");
+ ClassAndPermissions {
+ class: Decode::decode(&mut encoded_class.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+ permissions: Decode::decode(&mut encoded_permissions.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+ }
+ }
+struct EncodedEntityAndMaintainer {
+ /// hex encoded Entity
+ entity: String,
+ /// hex encoded Option<Credential>
+ maintainer: Option<String>,
+impl EncodedEntityAndMaintainer {
+ fn decode(&self) -> EntityAndMaintainer {
+ // hex string must not include '0x' prefix!
+ let encoded_entity =
+ hex::decode(&self.entity[2..].as_bytes()).expect("failed to parse entity hex string");
+ let encoded_maintainer = self.maintainer.as_ref().map(|maintainer| {
+ hex::decode(&maintainer[2..].as_bytes()).expect("failed to parse maintainer hex string")
+ });
+ EntityAndMaintainer {
+ entity: Decode::decode(&mut encoded_entity.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+ maintainer: encoded_maintainer
+ .map(|maintainer| Decode::decode(&mut maintainer.as_slice()).unwrap()),
+ }
+ }
+struct EncodedDataObjectAndContentId {
+ /// hex encoded ContentId
+ content_id: String,
+ /// hex encoded DataObject<Runtime>
+ data_object: String,
+impl EncodedDataObjectAndContentId {
+ fn decode(&self) -> DataObjectAndContentId {
+ // hex string must not include '0x' prefix!
+ let encoded_content_id = hex::decode(&self.content_id[2..].as_bytes())
+ .expect("failed to parse content_id hex string");
+ let encoded_data_object = hex::decode(&self.data_object[2..].as_bytes())
+ .expect("failed to parse data_object hex string");
+ DataObjectAndContentId {
+ content_id: Decode::decode(&mut encoded_content_id.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+ data_object: Decode::decode(&mut encoded_data_object.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+ }
+ }
+struct ChannelAndId {
+ id: ChannelId<Runtime>,
+ channel: Channel<u64, AccountId, BlockNumber, PrincipalId<Runtime>>,
+struct EncodedChannelAndId {
+ /// ChannelId number
+ id: u64,
+ /// hex encoded Channel
+ channel: String,
+impl EncodedChannelAndId {
+ fn decode(&self) -> ChannelAndId {
+ let id = self.id;
+ let encoded_channel =
+ hex::decode(&self.channel[2..].as_bytes()).expect("failed to parse channel hex string");
+ ChannelAndId {
+ id: id as ChannelId<Runtime>,
+ channel: Decode::decode(&mut encoded_channel.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+ }
+ }
+struct EncodedContentData {
+ /// classes and their associted permissions
+ classes: Vec<EncodedClassAndPermissions>,
+ /// entities and their associated maintainer
+ entities: Vec<EncodedEntityAndMaintainer>,
+ /// DataObject(s) and ContentId
+ data_objects: Vec<EncodedDataObjectAndContentId>,
+ /// Media Channels
+ channels: Vec<EncodedChannelAndId>,
+fn parse_content_data(data_file: &Path) -> EncodedContentData {
+ let data = fs::read_to_string(data_file).expect("Failed reading file");
+ serde_json::from_str(&data).expect("failed parsing content data")
+impl EncodedContentData {
+ pub fn decode(&self) -> ContentData {
+ ContentData {
+ classes: self
+ .classes
+ .iter()
+ .map(|class_and_perm| class_and_perm.decode())
+ .collect(),
+ entities: self
+ .entities
+ .iter()
+ .map(|entities_and_maintainer| entities_and_maintainer.decode())
+ .collect(),
+ data_objects: self
+ .data_objects
+ .iter()
+ .map(|data_objects| data_objects.decode())
+ .collect(),
+ channels: self
+ .channels
+ .iter()
+ .map(|channel_and_id| channel_and_id.decode())
+ .collect(),
+ }
+ }
+/// Generates a VersionedStoreConfig genesis config
+/// with pre-populated classes and entities parsed from a json file serialized
+/// as a ContentData struct.
+pub fn versioned_store_config_from_json(data_file: &Path) -> VersionedStoreConfig {
+ let content = parse_content_data(data_file).decode();
+ let base_config = empty_versioned_store_config();
+ let first_id = 1;
+ let next_class_id: ClassId = content
+ .classes
+ .last()
+ .map_or(first_id, |class_and_perm| class_and_perm.class.id + 1);
+ assert_eq!(next_class_id, (content.classes.len() + 1) as ClassId);
+ let next_entity_id: EntityId = content
+ .entities
+ .last()
+ .map_or(first_id, |entity_and_maintainer| {
+ entity_and_maintainer.entity.id + 1
+ });
+ VersionedStoreConfig {
+ class_by_id: content
+ .classes
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|class_and_permissions| {
+ (class_and_permissions.class.id, class_and_permissions.class)
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ entity_by_id: content
+ .entities
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|entity_and_maintainer| {
+ (
+ entity_and_maintainer.entity.id,
+ entity_and_maintainer.entity,
+ )
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ next_class_id,
+ next_entity_id,
+ ..base_config
+ }
+/// Generates basic empty VersionedStoreConfig genesis config
+pub fn empty_versioned_store_config() -> VersionedStoreConfig {
+ VersionedStoreConfig {
+ class_by_id: vec![],
+ entity_by_id: vec![],
+ next_class_id: 1,
+ next_entity_id: 1,
+ property_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 99),
+ property_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 999),
+ class_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 99),
+ class_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 999),
+ }
+/// Generates a basic empty VersionedStorePermissionsConfig genesis config
+pub fn empty_versioned_store_permissions_config() -> VersionedStorePermissionsConfig {
+ VersionedStorePermissionsConfig {
+ class_permissions_by_class_id: vec![],
+ entity_maintainer_by_entity_id: vec![],
+ }
+/// Generates a `VersionedStorePermissionsConfig` genesis config
+/// pre-populated with permissions and entity maintainers parsed from
+/// a json file serialized as a `ContentData` struct.
+pub fn versioned_store_permissions_config_from_json(
+ data_file: &Path,
+) -> VersionedStorePermissionsConfig {
+ let content = parse_content_data(data_file).decode();
+ VersionedStorePermissionsConfig {
+ class_permissions_by_class_id: content
+ .classes
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|class_and_perm| (class_and_perm.class.id, class_and_perm.permissions))
+ .collect(),
+ entity_maintainer_by_entity_id: content
+ .entities
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter_map(|entity_and_maintainer| {
+ entity_and_maintainer
+ .maintainer
+ .map(|maintainer| (entity_and_maintainer.entity.id, maintainer))
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ }
+/// Generates a basic empty `DataDirectoryConfig` genesis config
+pub fn empty_data_directory_config() -> DataDirectoryConfig {
+ DataDirectoryConfig {
+ data_object_by_content_id: vec![],
+ known_content_ids: vec![],
+ }
+/// Generates a `DataDirectoryConfig` genesis config
+/// pre-populated with data objects and known content ids parsed from
+/// a json file serialized as a `ContentData` struct
+pub fn data_directory_config_from_json(data_file: &Path) -> DataDirectoryConfig {
+ let content = parse_content_data(data_file).decode();
+ DataDirectoryConfig {
+ data_object_by_content_id: content
+ .data_objects
+ .iter()
+ .map(|object| (object.content_id, object.data_object.clone()))
+ .collect(),
+ known_content_ids: content
+ .data_objects
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|object| object.content_id)
+ .collect(),
+ }
+/// Generates a basic `ContentWorkingGroupConfig` genesis config without any active curators
+/// curator lead or channels.
+pub fn empty_content_working_group_config() -> ContentWorkingGroupConfig {
+ ContentWorkingGroupConfig {
+ mint_capacity: 100_000,
+ curator_opening_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_opening_id: 0,
+ curator_application_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_application_id: 0,
+ channel_by_id: vec![],
+ next_channel_id: 1,
+ channel_id_by_handle: vec![],
+ curator_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_id: 0,
+ principal_by_id: vec![],
+ next_principal_id: 0,
+ channel_creation_enabled: true, // there is no extrinsic to change it so enabling at genesis
+ unstaker_by_stake_id: vec![],
+ channel_handle_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(5, 20),
+ channel_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 1024),
+ opening_human_readable_text: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 2048),
+ curator_application_human_readable_text: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 2048),
+ curator_exit_rationale_text: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 2048),
+ channel_avatar_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(5, 1024),
+ channel_banner_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(5, 1024),
+ channel_title_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(5, 1024),
+ }
+/// Generates a `ContentWorkingGroupConfig` genesis config
+/// pre-populated with channels and corresponding princial channel owners
+/// parsed from a json file serialized as a `ContentData` struct
+pub fn content_working_group_config_from_json(data_file: &Path) -> ContentWorkingGroupConfig {
+ let content = parse_content_data(data_file).decode();
+ let first_channel_id = 1;
+ let first_principal_id = 0;
+ let next_channel_id: ChannelId<Runtime> = content
+ .channels
+ .last()
+ .map_or(first_channel_id, |channel_and_id| channel_and_id.id + 1);
+ assert_eq!(
+ next_channel_id,
+ (content.channels.len() + 1) as ChannelId<Runtime>
+ );
+ let base_config = empty_content_working_group_config();
+ ContentWorkingGroupConfig {
+ channel_by_id: content
+ .channels
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(ix, channel_and_id)| {
+ (
+ channel_and_id.id,
+ Channel {
+ principal_id: first_principal_id + ix as PrincipalId<Runtime>,
+ ..channel_and_id.channel.clone()
+ },
+ )
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ next_channel_id,
+ channel_id_by_handle: content
+ .channels
+ .iter()
+ .map(|channel_and_id| (channel_and_id.channel.handle.clone(), channel_and_id.id))
+ .collect(),
+ principal_by_id: content
+ .channels
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(ix, channel_and_id)| {
+ (
+ first_principal_id + ix as PrincipalId<Runtime>,
+ Principal::ChannelOwner(channel_and_id.id),
+ )
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ next_principal_id: first_principal_id + content.channels.len() as PrincipalId<Runtime>,
+ ..base_config
+ }