@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* global api, hashing, keyring, types, util, joy */
+// run this script with:
+// yarn script initNewContentDir
+// or copy and paste the code into the pioneer javascript toolbox at:
+// https://testnet.joystream.org/#/js
+const script = async ({ api, keyring }) => {
+ // Get sudo addr
+ const sudoAddress = (await api.query.sudo.key()).toString()
+ let sudo
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
+ // In node, get the keyPair if the keyring was provided
+ sudo = keyring.getPair(sudoAddress)
+ } else {
+ // Pioneer: let the UI Signer handle it
+ sudo = sudoAddress
+ }
+ let nonce = (await api.query.system.account(sudoAddress)).nonce.toNumber()
+ const NEW_OPENING_ID = await api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.nextOpeningId()
+ const NEW_CLASS_ID = await api.query.contentDirectory.nextClassId()
+ const ALICE_MEMBER_ID = 0 // We assume it exists
+ const sudoCall = (tx) => api.tx.sudo.sudo(tx).signAndSend(sudo, { nonce: nonce++ })
+ // Create curator lead opening
+ await sudoCall(
+ api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.addOpening(
+ { CurrentBlock: null }, // activate_at
+ { commitment: { max_review_period_length: 9999 } }, // OpeningPolicyCommitment
+ 'api-examples curator opening', // human_readable_text
+ { Leader: null } // opening_type
+ )
+ )
+ // Apply to lead opening
+ await api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup
+ .applyOnOpening(
+ ALICE_MEMBER_ID, // member id
+ NEW_OPENING_ID, // opening id
+ sudoAddress, // address
+ null, // opt role stake
+ null, // opt appl. stake
+ 'api-examples curator opening appl.' // human_readable_text
+ )
+ .signAndSend(sudo, { nonce: nonce++ })
+ // Begin review period
+ await sudoCall(api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.beginApplicantReview(NEW_OPENING_ID))
+ // Fill opening
+ await sudoCall(
+ api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.fillOpening(
+ NEW_OPENING_ID, // opening id
+ [ALICE_MEMBER_ID], // succesful applicants
+ null // reward policy
+ )
+ )
+ // Create person class
+ await api.tx.contentDirectory
+ .createClass(
+ 'Person',
+ 'A class describing a person',
+ // ClassPermissions
+ {
+ any_member: true,
+ entity_creation_blocked: false,
+ all_entity_property_values_locked: false,
+ maintainers: [],
+ },
+ 10, // maximum_entities_count
+ 5 // default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound
+ )
+ .signAndSend(sudo, { nonce: nonce++ })
+ // Add schema to person class
+ await api.tx.contentDirectory
+ .addClassSchema(
+ [], // existing_properties
+ // new_properties:
+ [
+ {
+ property_type: { Single: { Text: 64 } },
+ required: true,
+ unique: false,
+ name: 'firstname',
+ description: "Person's first name",
+ locking_policy: { is_locked_from_maintainer: false, is_locked_from_controller: false },
+ },
+ {
+ property_type: { Single: { Text: 64 } },
+ required: true,
+ unique: false,
+ name: 'lastname',
+ description: "Person's last name",
+ locking_policy: { is_locked_from_maintainer: false, is_locked_from_controller: false },
+ },
+ {
+ property_type: { Single: { Uint16: null } },
+ required: true,
+ unique: false,
+ name: 'age',
+ description: "Person's age",
+ locking_policy: { is_locked_from_maintainer: false, is_locked_from_controller: false },
+ },
+ {
+ property_type: { Vector: { vec_type: { Text: 32 }, max_length: 10 } },
+ required: false,
+ unique: false,
+ name: 'hobbys',
+ description: "Person's hobbys",
+ locking_policy: { is_locked_from_maintainer: false, is_locked_from_controller: false },
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ .signAndSend(sudo, { nonce: nonce++ })
+ // Add another schema to person class
+ await api.tx.contentDirectory
+ .addClassSchema(
+ [0, 1, 2, 3], // This still has to be in the right order (BTreeSet is part of the extrinsic metadata)
+ // new_properties:
+ [
+ {
+ property_type: { Single: { Text: 64 } },
+ required: true,
+ unique: true,
+ name: 'uniqueIdentifier',
+ description: "Person's unique identifier",
+ locking_policy: { is_locked_from_maintainer: false, is_locked_from_controller: false },
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ .signAndSend(sudo, { nonce: nonce++ })
+ // Create person entity via "transaction" extrinsic
+ await api.tx.contentDirectory
+ .transaction(
+ { Member: ALICE_MEMBER_ID }, // actor
+ // operations:
+ [
+ { CreateEntity: { class_id: NEW_CLASS_ID } },
+ {
+ AddSchemaSupportToEntity: {
+ entity_id: { InternalEntityJustAdded: 0 },
+ schema_id: 1,
+ parametrized_property_values: [
+ {
+ in_class_index: 0,
+ value: { InputPropertyValue: { Single: { Text: 'John' } } },
+ },
+ {
+ in_class_index: 1,
+ value: { InputPropertyValue: { Single: { Text: 'Doe' } } },
+ },
+ {
+ in_class_index: 2,
+ value: { InputPropertyValue: { Single: { Uint16: 20 } } },
+ },
+ {
+ in_class_index: 3,
+ value: { InputPropertyValue: { Vector: { Text: ['blockchain', 'cryptocurrencies'] } } },
+ },
+ {
+ in_class_index: 4,
+ value: { InputPropertyValue: { Single: { Text: 'john_doe_unique_identifier' } } },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ .signAndSend(sudo, { nonce: nonce++ })
+if (typeof module === 'undefined') {
+ // Pioneer js-toolbox
+ script({ api, hashing, keyring, types, util, joy })
+} else {
+ // Node
+ module.exports = script