@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
+use super::*;
+use crate::Module as Codex;
+use balances::Module as Balances;
+use frame_benchmarking::{account, benchmarks};
+use frame_support::sp_runtime::traits::Bounded;
+use frame_support::traits::Currency;
+use frame_system::EventRecord;
+use frame_system::Module as System;
+use frame_system::RawOrigin;
+use membership::Module as Membership;
+use proposals_discussion::Module as Discussion;
+use proposals_engine::Module as Engine;
+use sp_runtime::traits::One;
+use sp_std::convert::TryInto;
+use sp_std::prelude::*;
+const SEED: u32 = 0;
+const MAX_BYTES: u32 = 16384;
+// Note: We use proposals_engine::Trait::Event here because crate::Trait
+// doesn't implement Event and we only use this function to assert events
+// from the proposals_engine pallet
+fn assert_last_event<T: Trait>(generic_event: <T as proposals_engine::Trait>::Event) {
+ let events = System::<T>::events();
+ let system_event: <T as frame_system::Trait>::Event = generic_event.into();
+ assert!(
+ events.len() > 0,
+ "If you are checking for last event there must be at least 1 event"
+ );
+ let EventRecord { event, .. } = &events[events.len() - 1];
+ assert_eq!(event, &system_event);
+fn get_byte(num: u32, byte_number: u8) -> u8 {
+ ((num & (0xff << (8 * byte_number))) >> 8 * byte_number) as u8
+// Method to generate a distintic valid handle
+// for a membership. For each index.
+fn handle_from_id(id: u32) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut handle = vec![];
+ for i in 0..4 {
+ handle.push(get_byte(id, i));
+ }
+ handle
+fn member_funded_account<T: Trait + membership::Trait>(
+ name: &'static str,
+ id: u32,
+) -> (T::AccountId, T::MemberId) {
+ let account_id = account::<T::AccountId>(name, id, SEED);
+ let handle = handle_from_id(id);
+ // Give balance for buying membership
+ let _ = Balances::<T>::make_free_balance_be(&account_id, T::Balance::max_value());
+ let params = membership::BuyMembershipParameters {
+ root_account: account_id.clone(),
+ controller_account: account_id.clone(),
+ name: None,
+ handle: Some(handle),
+ avatar_uri: None,
+ about: None,
+ referrer_id: None,
+ };
+ Membership::<T>::buy_membership(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()).into(), params).unwrap();
+ let _ = Balances::<T>::make_free_balance_be(&account_id, T::Balance::max_value());
+ (account_id, T::MemberId::from(id.try_into().unwrap()))
+fn create_proposal_parameters<T: Trait + membership::Trait>(
+ title_length: u32,
+ description_length: u32,
+) -> (T::AccountId, T::MemberId, GeneralProposalParameters<T>) {
+ let (account_id, member_id) = member_funded_account::<T>("account", 0);
+ let general_proposal_paramters = GeneralProposalParameters::<T> {
+ member_id,
+ title: vec![0u8; title_length.try_into().unwrap()],
+ description: vec![0u8; description_length.try_into().unwrap()],
+ staking_account_id: Some(account_id.clone()),
+ exact_execution_block: None,
+ };
+ (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters)
+fn create_proposal_verify<T: Trait>(
+ account_id: T::AccountId,
+ member_id: T::MemberId,
+ proposal_details: ProposalDetailsOf<T>,
+) {
+ assert_eq!(Discussion::<T>::thread_count(), 1, "No threads created");
+ let thread_id = T::ThreadId::from(1);
+ assert!(
+ proposals_discussion::ThreadById::<T>::contains_key(thread_id),
+ "No thread created"
+ );
+ let proposal_id = T::ProposalId::from(1);
+ assert!(
+ proposals_engine::Proposals::<T>::contains_key(proposal_id),
+ "Proposal not inserted in engine"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Engine::<T>::proposals(proposal_id),
+ proposals_engine::Proposal {
+ activated_at: System::<T>::block_number(),
+ parameters: Codex::<T>::get_proposal_parameters(&proposal_details),
+ proposer_id: member_id,
+ status: proposals_engine::ProposalStatus::Active,
+ voting_results: proposals_engine::VotingResults::default(),
+ exact_execution_block: None,
+ nr_of_council_confirmations: 0,
+ staking_account_id: Some(account_id)
+ },
+ "Proposal not correctly created"
+ );
+ assert!(
+ proposals_engine::DispatchableCallCode::<T>::contains_key(proposal_id),
+ "Dispatchable code not stored"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Engine::<T>::proposal_codes(proposal_id),
+ T::ProposalEncoder::encode_proposal(proposal_details.clone()),
+ "Stored proposal code doesn't match"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Engine::<T>::proposal_count(),
+ 1,
+ "Proposal count not updated"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Engine::<T>::active_proposal_count(),
+ 1,
+ "Active proposal count not updated"
+ );
+ assert_last_event::<T>(
+ proposals_engine::RawEvent::ProposalCreated(member_id, proposal_id).into(),
+ );
+ assert!(
+ ThreadIdByProposalId::<T>::contains_key(proposal_id),
+ "Proposal thread not stored"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Codex::<T>::thread_id_by_proposal_id(proposal_id),
+ thread_id,
+ "Proposal and thread ID doesn't match"
+ );
+ assert!(
+ ProposalDetailsByProposalId::<T>::contains_key(proposal_id),
+ "Proposal details not stored"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ ProposalDetailsByProposalId::<T>::get(proposal_id),
+ proposal_details,
+ "Proposal details doesn't match"
+ );
+benchmarks! {
+ where_clause { where T: membership::Trait }
+ _ {
+ let t in 1 .. T::TitleMaxLength::get() => ();
+ let d in 1 .. T::DescriptionMaxLength::get() => ();
+ }
+ // Note: No verify since there is no side effect to test
+ execute_signal_proposal {
+ let i in 1 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ }: _(RawOrigin::Root, vec![0u8; i.try_into().unwrap()])
+ create_proposal_signal {
+ let i in 1 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::Signal(vec![0u8; i.try_into().unwrap()]);
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_runtime_upgrade {
+ let i in 1 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::RuntimeUpgrade(vec![0u8; i.try_into().unwrap()]);
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_funding_request {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ council::Module::<T>::set_budget(RawOrigin::Root.into(), council::Balance::<T>::max_value()).unwrap();
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::FundingRequest(
+ crate::BalanceOf::<T>::one(),
+ account::<T::AccountId>("reciever", 1, SEED)
+ );
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_set_max_validator_count {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SetMaxValidatorCount(MAX_VALIDATOR_COUNT);
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_create_working_group_lead_opening {
+ let i in 1 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::CreateWorkingGroupLeadOpening(CreateOpeningParameters {
+ description: vec![0u8; i.try_into().unwrap()],
+ stake_policy: None,
+ reward_per_block: None,
+ group: WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ });
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_fill_working_group_lead_opening {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::FillWorkingGroupLeadOpening(FillOpeningParameters {
+ opening_id: working_group::OpeningId::zero(),
+ application_id: working_group::ApplicationId::zero(),
+ working_group: WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ });
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_update_working_group_budget {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::UpdateWorkingGroupBudget(
+ BalanceOf::<T>::one(),
+ WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ BalanceKind::Positive
+ );
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_decrease_working_group_lead_stake {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::DecreaseWorkingGroupLeadStake(
+ working_group::WorkerId::<T>::zero(),
+ BalanceOf::<T>::one(),
+ WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ );
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_slash_working_group_lead {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SlashWorkingGroupLead(
+ working_group::WorkerId::<T>::zero(),
+ BalanceOf::<T>::one(),
+ WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ );
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_set_working_group_lead_reward {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SetWorkingGroupLeadReward(
+ working_group::WorkerId::<T>::zero(),
+ None,
+ WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ );
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_terminate_working_group_lead {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::TerminateWorkingGroupLead(
+ TerminateRoleParameters {
+ worker_id: working_group::WorkerId::<T>::zero(),
+ slashing_amount: None,
+ group: WorkingGroup::Forum,
+ }
+ );
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_amend_constitution {
+ let i in 1 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::AmendConstitution(vec![0u8; i.try_into().unwrap()]);
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_cancel_working_group_lead_opening {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::CancelWorkingGroupLeadOpening(
+ working_group::OpeningId::zero(),
+ WorkingGroup::Forum);
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_set_membership_price {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SetMembershipPrice(BalanceOf::<T>::one());
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_set_council_budget_increment {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SetCouncilBudgetIncrement(BalanceOf::<T>::one());
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_set_councilor_reward {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SetCouncilorReward(BalanceOf::<T>::one());
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+ create_proposal_set_initial_invitation_balance {
+ let t in ...;
+ let d in ...;
+ let (account_id, member_id, general_proposal_paramters) = create_proposal_parameters::<T>(t, d);
+ let proposal_details = ProposalDetails::SetInitialInvitationBalance(BalanceOf::<T>::one());
+ }: create_proposal(RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()), general_proposal_paramters, proposal_details.clone())
+ verify {
+ create_proposal_verify::<T>(account_id, member_id, proposal_details);
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::tests::{initial_test_ext, Test};
+ use frame_support::assert_ok;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_execute_signal_proposal() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_execute_signal_proposal::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_signal() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_signal::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_funding_request() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_funding_request::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_set_max_validator_count() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_set_max_validator_count::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_create_working_group_lead_opening() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_create_working_group_lead_opening::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_fill_working_group_lead_opening() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_fill_working_group_lead_opening::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_update_working_group_budget() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_update_working_group_budget::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_decrease_working_group_lead_stake() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_decrease_working_group_lead_stake::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_slash_working_group_lead() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_slash_working_group_lead::<
+ Test,
+ >());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_set_working_group_lead_reward() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_set_working_group_lead_reward::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_terminate_working_group_lead() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_terminate_working_group_lead::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_amend_constitution() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_amend_constitution::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_cancel_working_group_lead_opening() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_amend_constitution::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_set_membership_price() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_set_membership_price::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_set_council_budget_increment() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_set_council_budget_increment::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_set_councior_reward() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_set_councilor_reward::<Test>());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_proposal_set_initial_invitation_balance() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_proposal_set_initial_invitation_balance::<Test>());
+ });
+ }