@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+import { AddClassSchema, Property } from '../../types/extrinsics/AddClassSchema'
+import { createType } from '@joystream/types'
+import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+import {
+ ClassId,
+ OperationType,
+ ParametrizedPropertyValue,
+ PropertyId,
+ PropertyType,
+} from '@joystream/types/content-directory'
+import { isSingle, isReference } from './propertyType'
+import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { JoyBTreeSet } from '@joystream/types/common'
+import { CreateClass } from '../../types/extrinsics/CreateClass'
+import { EntityBatch } from '../../types/EntityBatch'
+import { getInputs } from './inputs'
+export class InputParser {
+ private api: ApiPromise
+ private classInputs: CreateClass[]
+ private schemaInputs: AddClassSchema[]
+ private batchInputs: EntityBatch[]
+ private createEntityOperations: OperationType[] = []
+ private addSchemaToEntityOprations: OperationType[] = []
+ private entityIndexByUniqueQueryMap = new Map<string, number>()
+ private entityByUniqueQueryCurrentIndex = 0
+ private classIdByNameMap = new Map<string, number>()
+ private classMapInitialized = false
+ static createWithKnownSchemas(api: ApiPromise, entityBatches?: EntityBatch[]) {
+ return new InputParser(
+ api,
+ [],
+ getInputs('schemas').map(({ data }) => data),
+ entityBatches
+ )
+ }
+ constructor(
+ api: ApiPromise,
+ classInputs?: CreateClass[],
+ schemaInputs?: AddClassSchema[],
+ batchInputs?: EntityBatch[]
+ ) {
+ this.api = api
+ this.classInputs = classInputs || []
+ this.schemaInputs = schemaInputs || []
+ this.batchInputs = batchInputs || []
+ }
+ private async initializeClassMap() {
+ if (this.classMapInitialized) {
+ return
+ }
+ const classEntries = await this.api.query.contentDirectory.classById.entries()
+ classEntries.forEach(([key, aClass]) => {
+ this.classIdByNameMap.set(aClass.name.toString(), (key.args[0] as ClassId).toNumber())
+ })
+ this.classMapInitialized = true
+ }
+ private schemaByClassName(className: string) {
+ const foundSchema = this.schemaInputs.find((data) => data.className === className)
+ if (!foundSchema) {
+ throw new Error(`Schema not found by class name: ${className}`)
+ }
+ return foundSchema
+ }
+ private getUniqueQueryHash(uniquePropVal: Record<string, any>, className: string) {
+ return blake2AsHex(JSON.stringify([className, uniquePropVal]))
+ }
+ private findEntityIndexByUniqueQuery(uniquePropVal: Record<string, any>, className: string) {
+ const hash = this.getUniqueQueryHash(uniquePropVal, className)
+ const foundIndex = this.entityIndexByUniqueQueryMap.get(hash)
+ if (foundIndex === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `findEntityIndexByUniqueQuery failed for class ${className} and query: ${JSON.stringify(uniquePropVal)}`
+ )
+ }
+ return foundIndex
+ }
+ private getClassIdByName(className: string): number {
+ const classId = this.classIdByNameMap.get(className)
+ if (classId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(`Could not find class id by name: "${className}"!`)
+ }
+ return classId
+ }
+ private parsePropertyType(propertyType: Property['property_type']): PropertyType {
+ if (isSingle(propertyType) && isReference(propertyType.Single)) {
+ const { className, sameOwner } = propertyType.Single.Reference
+ const classId = this.getClassIdByName(className)
+ return createType('PropertyType', { Single: { Reference: [classId, sameOwner] } })
+ }
+ // Types other than reference are fully compatible
+ return createType('PropertyType', propertyType)
+ }
+ private includeEntityInputInUniqueQueryMap(entityInput: Record<string, any>, schema: AddClassSchema) {
+ Object.entries(entityInput)
+ .filter(([, pValue]) => pValue !== undefined)
+ .forEach(([propertyName, propertyValue]) => {
+ const schemaPropertyType = schema.newProperties.find((p) => p.name === propertyName)!.property_type
+ // Handle entities "nested" via "new"
+ if (isSingle(schemaPropertyType) && isReference(schemaPropertyType.Single)) {
+ if (Object.keys(propertyValue).includes('new')) {
+ const refEntitySchema = this.schemaByClassName(schemaPropertyType.Single.Reference.className)
+ this.includeEntityInputInUniqueQueryMap(propertyValue.new, refEntitySchema)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ // Add entries to entityIndexByUniqueQueryMap
+ schema.newProperties
+ .filter((p) => p.unique)
+ .forEach(({ name }) => {
+ if (entityInput[name] === undefined) {
+ // Skip empty values (not all unique properties are required)
+ return
+ }
+ const hash = this.getUniqueQueryHash({ [name]: entityInput[name] }, schema.className)
+ this.entityIndexByUniqueQueryMap.set(hash, this.entityByUniqueQueryCurrentIndex)
+ })
+ ++this.entityByUniqueQueryCurrentIndex
+ }
+ private createParametrizedPropertyValues(
+ entityInput: Record<string, any>,
+ schema: AddClassSchema,
+ customHandler?: (property: Property, value: any) => ParametrizedPropertyValue | undefined
+ ) {
+ return Object.entries(entityInput)
+ .filter(([, pValue]) => pValue !== undefined)
+ .map(([propertyName, propertyValue]) => {
+ const schemaPropertyIndex = schema.newProperties.findIndex((p) => p.name === propertyName)
+ const schemaProperty = schema.newProperties[schemaPropertyIndex]
+ let value = customHandler && customHandler(schemaProperty, propertyValue)
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ value = createType('ParametrizedPropertyValue', {
+ InputPropertyValue: this.parsePropertyType(schemaProperty.property_type)
+ .toInputPropertyValue(propertyValue)
+ .toJSON(),
+ })
+ }
+ return {
+ in_class_index: schemaPropertyIndex,
+ value: value.toJSON(),
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ private parseEntityInput(entityInput: Record<string, any>, schema: AddClassSchema) {
+ const parametrizedPropertyValues = this.createParametrizedPropertyValues(entityInput, schema, (property, value) => {
+ // Custom handler for references
+ const { property_type: propertyType } = property
+ if (isSingle(propertyType) && isReference(propertyType.Single)) {
+ const refEntitySchema = this.schemaByClassName(propertyType.Single.Reference.className)
+ if (Object.keys(value).includes('new')) {
+ const entityIndex = this.parseEntityInput(value.new, refEntitySchema)
+ return createType('ParametrizedPropertyValue', { InternalEntityJustAdded: entityIndex })
+ } else if (Object.keys(value).includes('existing')) {
+ const entityIndex = this.findEntityIndexByUniqueQuery(value.existing, refEntitySchema.className)
+ return createType('ParametrizedPropertyValue', { InternalEntityJustAdded: entityIndex })
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined
+ })
+ // Add operations
+ const createEntityOperationIndex = this.createEntityOperations.length
+ const classId = this.classIdByNameMap.get(schema.className)
+ this.createEntityOperations.push(createType('OperationType', { CreateEntity: { class_id: classId } }))
+ this.addSchemaToEntityOprations.push(
+ createType('OperationType', {
+ AddSchemaSupportToEntity: {
+ schema_id: 0,
+ entity_id: { InternalEntityJustAdded: createEntityOperationIndex },
+ parametrized_property_values: parametrizedPropertyValues,
+ },
+ })
+ )
+ // Return CreateEntity operation index
+ return createEntityOperationIndex
+ }
+ private reset() {
+ this.entityIndexByUniqueQueryMap = new Map<string, number>()
+ this.classIdByNameMap = new Map<string, number>()
+ this.createEntityOperations = []
+ this.addSchemaToEntityOprations = []
+ this.entityByUniqueQueryCurrentIndex = 0
+ }
+ public async getEntityBatchOperations() {
+ await this.initializeClassMap()
+ // First - create entityUniqueQueryMap to allow referencing any entity at any point
+ this.batchInputs.forEach((batch) => {
+ const entitySchema = this.schemaByClassName(batch.className)
+ batch.entries.forEach((entityInput) => this.includeEntityInputInUniqueQueryMap(entityInput, entitySchema))
+ })
+ // Then - parse into actual operations
+ this.batchInputs.forEach((batch) => {
+ const entitySchema = this.schemaByClassName(batch.className)
+ batch.entries.forEach((entityInput) => this.parseEntityInput(entityInput, entitySchema))
+ })
+ const operations = [...this.createEntityOperations, ...this.addSchemaToEntityOprations]
+ this.reset()
+ return operations
+ }
+ public async createEntityUpdateOperation(
+ entityInput: Record<string, any>,
+ className: string,
+ entityId: number
+ ): Promise<OperationType> {
+ await this.initializeClassMap()
+ const schema = this.schemaByClassName(className)
+ const parametrizedPropertyValues = this.createParametrizedPropertyValues(entityInput, schema)
+ return createType('OperationType', {
+ UpdatePropertyValues: {
+ entity_id: { ExistingEntity: entityId },
+ new_parametrized_property_values: parametrizedPropertyValues,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ public async parseAddClassSchemaExtrinsic(inputData: AddClassSchema) {
+ await this.initializeClassMap() // Initialize if not yet initialized
+ const classId = this.getClassIdByName(inputData.className)
+ const newProperties = inputData.newProperties.map((p) => ({
+ ...p,
+ // Parse different format for Reference (and potentially other propTypes in the future)
+ property_type: this.parsePropertyType(p.property_type).toJSON(),
+ }))
+ return this.api.tx.contentDirectory.addClassSchema(
+ classId,
+ new (JoyBTreeSet(PropertyId))(this.api.registry, inputData.existingProperties),
+ newProperties
+ )
+ }
+ public parseCreateClassExtrinsic(inputData: CreateClass) {
+ return this.api.tx.contentDirectory.createClass(
+ inputData.name,
+ inputData.description,
+ inputData.class_permissions || {},
+ inputData.maximum_entities_count,
+ inputData.default_entity_creation_voucher_upper_bound
+ )
+ }
+ public async getAddSchemaExtrinsics() {
+ return await Promise.all(this.schemaInputs.map((data) => this.parseAddClassSchemaExtrinsic(data)))
+ }
+ public getCreateClassExntrinsics() {
+ return this.classInputs.map((data) => this.parseCreateClassExtrinsic(data))
+ }