@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+use crate::*;
+// use frame_support::storage::StorageMap;
+// use frame_support::traits::{OnFinalize, OnInitialize};
+use frame_support::{impl_outer_event, impl_outer_origin, parameter_types};
+use sp_core::H256;
+use sp_runtime::{
+ testing::Header,
+ traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},
+ Perbill,
+use crate::ContentActorAuthenticator;
+use crate::Trait;
+use common::currency::GovernanceCurrency;
+use common::storage::StorageSystem;
+pub type CuratorId = <Test as ContentActorAuthenticator>::CuratorId;
+pub type CuratorGroupId = <Test as ContentActorAuthenticator>::CuratorGroupId;
+pub type MemberId = <Test as MembershipTypes>::MemberId;
+pub type ChannelId = <Test as StorageOwnership>::ChannelId;
+pub type DAOId = <Test as StorageOwnership>::DAOId;
+/// Origins
+pub const LEAD_ORIGIN: u64 = 1;
+pub const FIRST_CURATOR_ORIGIN: u64 = 2;
+pub const SECOND_CURATOR_ORIGIN: u64 = 3;
+pub const FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN: u64 = 4;
+pub const SECOND_MEMBER_ORIGIN: u64 = 5;
+pub const UNKNOWN_ORIGIN: u64 = 7777;
+// Members range from MemberId 1 to 10
+pub const MEMBERS_COUNT: MemberId = 10;
+/// Runtime Id's
+pub const FIRST_CURATOR_ID: CuratorId = 1;
+pub const SECOND_CURATOR_ID: CuratorId = 2;
+pub const FIRST_CURATOR_GROUP_ID: CuratorGroupId = 1;
+pub const SECOND_CURATOR_GROUP_ID: CuratorGroupId = 2;
+pub const FIRST_MEMBER_ID: MemberId = 1;
+pub const SECOND_MEMBER_ID: MemberId = 2;
+impl_outer_origin! {
+ pub enum Origin for Test {}
+mod content {
+ pub use crate::Event;
+impl_outer_event! {
+ pub enum MetaEvent for Test {
+ content<T>,
+ system<T>,
+ balances<T>,
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub struct Test;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
+ pub const MaximumBlockWeight: u32 = 1024;
+ pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 2 * 1024;
+ pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::one();
+ pub const MinimumPeriod: u64 = 5;
+impl system::Trait for Test {
+ type BaseCallFilter = ();
+ type Origin = Origin;
+ type Call = ();
+ type Index = u64;
+ type BlockNumber = u64;
+ type Hash = H256;
+ type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
+ type AccountId = u64;
+ type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
+ type Header = Header;
+ type Event = MetaEvent;
+ type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
+ type MaximumBlockWeight = MaximumBlockWeight;
+ type DbWeight = ();
+ type BlockExecutionWeight = ();
+ type ExtrinsicBaseWeight = ();
+ type MaximumExtrinsicWeight = ();
+ type MaximumBlockLength = MaximumBlockLength;
+ type AvailableBlockRatio = AvailableBlockRatio;
+ type Version = ();
+ type ModuleToIndex = ();
+ type AccountData = balances::AccountData<u64>;
+ type OnNewAccount = ();
+ type OnKilledAccount = ();
+impl pallet_timestamp::Trait for Test {
+ type Moment = u64;
+ type OnTimestampSet = ();
+ type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod;
+impl common::MembershipTypes for Test {
+ type MemberId = u64;
+ type ActorId = u64;
+impl common::StorageOwnership for Test {
+ type ChannelId = u64;
+ type DAOId = u64;
+ type ContentId = u64;
+ type DataObjectTypeId = u64;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const ExistentialDeposit: u32 = 0;
+impl balances::Trait for Test {
+ type Balance = u64;
+ type DustRemoval = ();
+ type Event = MetaEvent;
+ type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
+ type AccountStore = System;
+impl GovernanceCurrency for Test {
+ type Currency = balances::Module<Self>;
+impl ContentActorAuthenticator for Test {
+ type CuratorId = u64;
+ type CuratorGroupId = u64;
+ fn is_lead(account_id: &Self::AccountId) -> bool {
+ let lead_account_id = ensure_signed(Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN)).unwrap();
+ *account_id == lead_account_id
+ }
+ fn is_curator(curator_id: &Self::CuratorId, account_id: &Self::AccountId) -> bool {
+ let first_curator_account_id = ensure_signed(Origin::signed(FIRST_CURATOR_ORIGIN)).unwrap();
+ let second_curator_account_id =
+ ensure_signed(Origin::signed(SECOND_CURATOR_ORIGIN)).unwrap();
+ (first_curator_account_id == *account_id && FIRST_CURATOR_ID == *curator_id)
+ || (second_curator_account_id == *account_id && SECOND_CURATOR_ID == *curator_id)
+ }
+ fn is_member(member_id: &Self::MemberId, account_id: &Self::AccountId) -> bool {
+ let unknown_member_account_id = ensure_signed(Origin::signed(UNKNOWN_ORIGIN)).unwrap();
+ *member_id < MEMBERS_COUNT && unknown_member_account_id != *account_id
+ }
+pub struct MockStorageSystem {}
+// Anyone can upload without restriction
+impl StorageSystem<Test> for MockStorageSystem {
+ fn atomically_add_content(
+ _owner: StorageObjectOwner<Test>,
+ _content_parameters: Vec<ContentParameters<Test>>,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn can_add_content(
+ _owner: StorageObjectOwner<Test>,
+ _content_parameters: Vec<ContentParameters<Test>>,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup: u32 = 10;
+ pub const ChannelOwnershipPaymentEscrowId: [u8; 8] = *b"12345678";
+impl Trait for Test {
+ /// The overarching event type.
+ type Event = MetaEvent;
+ /// Channel Transfer Payments Escrow Account seed for ModuleId to compute deterministic AccountId
+ type ChannelOwnershipPaymentEscrowId = ChannelOwnershipPaymentEscrowId;
+ /// Type of identifier for Videos
+ type VideoId = u64;
+ /// Type of identifier for Video Categories
+ type VideoCategoryId = u64;
+ /// Type of identifier for Channel Categories
+ type ChannelCategoryId = u64;
+ /// Type of identifier for Playlists
+ type PlaylistId = u64;
+ /// Type of identifier for Persons
+ type PersonId = u64;
+ /// Type of identifier for Channels
+ type SeriesId = u64;
+ /// Type of identifier for Channel transfer requests
+ type ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId = u64;
+ /// The maximum number of curators per group constraint
+ type MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup = MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup;
+ // Type that handles asset uploads to storage system
+ type StorageSystem = MockStorageSystem;
+pub type System = system::Module<Test>;
+pub type Content = Module<Test>;
+// #[derive (Default)]
+pub struct ExtBuilder {
+ next_channel_category_id: u64,
+ next_channel_id: u64,
+ next_video_category_id: u64,
+ next_video_id: u64,
+ next_playlist_id: u64,
+ next_person_id: u64,
+ next_series_id: u64,
+ next_channel_transfer_request_id: u64,
+ next_curator_group_id: u64,
+impl Default for ExtBuilder {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ next_channel_category_id: 1,
+ next_channel_id: 1,
+ next_video_category_id: 1,
+ next_video_id: 1,
+ next_playlist_id: 1,
+ next_person_id: 1,
+ next_series_id: 1,
+ next_channel_transfer_request_id: 1,
+ next_curator_group_id: 1,
+ }
+ }
+impl ExtBuilder {
+ pub fn build(self) -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
+ let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::default()
+ .build_storage::<Test>()
+ .unwrap();
+ GenesisConfig::<Test> {
+ next_channel_category_id: self.next_channel_category_id,
+ next_channel_id: self.next_channel_id,
+ next_video_category_id: self.next_video_category_id,
+ next_video_id: self.next_video_id,
+ next_playlist_id: self.next_playlist_id,
+ next_person_id: self.next_person_id,
+ next_series_id: self.next_series_id,
+ next_channel_transfer_request_id: self.next_channel_transfer_request_id,
+ next_curator_group_id: self.next_curator_group_id,
+ }
+ .assimilate_storage(&mut t)
+ .unwrap();
+ t.into()
+ }
+pub fn with_default_mock_builder<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> R {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| f())