@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ fn lead_cannot_create_channel() {
fn curators_can_create_channel() {
with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
// Curator group doesn't exist yet
@@ -71,6 +74,8 @@ fn curators_can_create_channel() {
+ let channel_id = Content::next_channel_id();
// Curator in correct active group, with correct origin
@@ -81,11 +86,36 @@ fn curators_can_create_channel() {
reward_account: None,
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelCreated(
+ channel_id,
+ ChannelRecord {
+ owner: ChannelOwner::CuratorGroup(FIRST_CURATOR_GROUP_ID),
+ videos: vec![],
+ playlists: vec![],
+ series: vec![],
+ is_censored: false,
+ reward_account: None,
+ },
+ ChannelCreationParameters {
+ assets: vec![],
+ meta: vec![],
+ reward_account: None,
+ }
+ ))
+ );
fn members_can_manage_channels() {
with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
// Not a member
@@ -113,7 +143,26 @@ fn members_can_manage_channels() {
- // TODO: assert emitted events...
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelCreated(
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ channel_id_1,
+ ChannelRecord {
+ owner: ChannelOwner::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ videos: vec![],
+ playlists: vec![],
+ series: vec![],
+ is_censored: false,
+ reward_account: None,
+ },
+ ChannelCreationParameters {
+ assets: vec![],
+ meta: vec![],
+ reward_account: None,
+ }
+ ))
+ );
let channel_id_2 = Content::next_channel_id();
@@ -128,7 +177,26 @@ fn members_can_manage_channels() {
- // TODO: assert emitted events...
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelCreated(
+ ContentActor::Member(SECOND_MEMBER_ID),
+ channel_id_2,
+ ChannelRecord {
+ owner: ChannelOwner::Member(SECOND_MEMBER_ID),
+ videos: vec![],
+ playlists: vec![],
+ series: vec![],
+ is_censored: false,
+ reward_account: None,
+ },
+ ChannelCreationParameters {
+ assets: vec![],
+ meta: vec![],
+ reward_account: None,
+ }
+ ))
+ );
// Update channel
@@ -142,7 +210,26 @@ fn members_can_manage_channels() {
- // TODO: assert emitted events...
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelUpdated(
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ channel_id_1,
+ ChannelRecord {
+ owner: ChannelOwner::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ videos: vec![],
+ playlists: vec![],
+ series: vec![],
+ is_censored: false,
+ reward_account: None,
+ },
+ ChannelUpdateParameters {
+ assets: None,
+ new_meta: None,
+ reward_account: None,
+ }
+ ))
+ );
// Member cannot update a channel they do not own
@@ -158,7 +245,68 @@ fn members_can_manage_channels() {
+ })
+fn curators_can_censor_channels() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let channel_id = Content::next_channel_id();
+ assert_ok!(Content::create_channel(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ ChannelCreationParameters {
+ assets: vec![],
+ meta: vec![],
+ reward_account: None,
+ }
+ ));
+ let group_id = curators::add_curator_to_new_group(FIRST_CURATOR_ID);
+ // Curator can censor channels
+ assert_ok!(Content::censor_channel(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_CURATOR_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Curator(group_id, FIRST_CURATOR_ID),
+ channel_id,
+ vec![]
+ ));
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelCensored(
+ ContentActor::Curator(group_id, FIRST_CURATOR_ID),
+ channel_id,
+ vec![]
+ ))
+ );
+ let channel = Content::channel_by_id(channel_id);
+ assert!(channel.is_censored);
+ // Curator can un-censor channels
+ assert_ok!(Content::uncensor_channel(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_CURATOR_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Curator(group_id, FIRST_CURATOR_ID),
+ channel_id,
+ vec![]
+ ));
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelUncensored(
+ ContentActor::Curator(group_id, FIRST_CURATOR_ID),
+ channel_id,
+ vec![]
+ ))
+ );
+ let channel = Content::channel_by_id(channel_id);
- // TODO: assert emitted events...
+ assert!(!channel.is_censored);