@@ -2,70 +2,194 @@
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-dnd';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { useDebounce } from '@polkadot/react-hooks';
+// FIXME :()
+import { PORTAL_ID } from '../../apps/src/Apps';
import { useTranslation } from './translate';
import AddressToggle from './AddressToggle';
import Input from './Input';
interface Props {
available: string[];
+ availableLabel: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
help: React.ReactNode;
- label: React.ReactNode;
maxCount: number;
onChange: (values: string[]) => void;
+ valueLabel: React.ReactNode;
value: string[];
-function InputAddressMulti ({ available, className, help, label, maxCount, onChange, value }: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> {
+function uniquesOf (list: string[]): string[] {
+ return [...new Set(list)];
+function InputAddressMulti ({ available: propsAvailable = [], className, help, maxCount, onChange, availableLabel, valueLabel, value }: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const [_filter, setFilter] = useState<string>('');
const filter = useDebounce(_filter);
- const _onClick = (key: string): (isChecked: boolean) => void =>
- (isChecked: boolean): void => {
- let newValues = value.filter((address): boolean => address !== key);
+ const available = useMemo(
+ (): string[] => uniquesOf(propsAvailable),
+ [propsAvailable]
+ );
+ const isSelected = useMemo(
+ (): Record<string, boolean> => {
+ return available.reduce(
+ (result: Record<string, boolean>, address) => {
+ return {
+ ...result,
+ [address]: value.includes(address)
+ };
+ },
+ {}
+ );
+ },
+ [value, available]
+ );
- if (isChecked) {
- newValues = [key].concat(newValues).slice(0, maxCount);
+ const onReorder = (source: any, destination: any): void => {
+ const result = Array.from(value);
+ const [removed] = result.splice(source.index, 1);
+ result.splice(destination.index, 0, removed);
+ onChange(uniquesOf(result));
+ };
+ const onSelect = (address: string): () => void => {
+ return (): void => {
+ if (isSelected[address] || (maxCount && value.length >= maxCount)) {
+ return;
- onChange(newValues);
+ onChange(
+ uniquesOf(
+ [
+ ...value,
+ address
+ ]
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ const onDeselect = (index: number): () => void => {
+ return (): void => {
+ onChange(
+ uniquesOf([
+ ...value.slice(0, index),
+ ...value.slice(index + 1)
+ ])
+ );
+ };
+ const onDragEnd = (result: any): void => {
+ const { source, destination } = result;
+ onReorder(source, destination);
+ };
return (
<div className={`ui--InputAddressMulti ${className}`}>
- <Input
- autoFocus
- className='ui--InputAddressMulti-Input'
- help={help}
- label={label}
- onChange={setFilter}
- placeholder={t('partial name, address or account index')}
- value={_filter}
- />
- <div className='ui--InputAddressMulti-container'>
- {available.map((key): React.ReactNode => (
- <AddressToggle
- address={key}
- filter={filter}
- key={key}
- onChange={_onClick(key)}
- value={value.includes(key)}
- />
- ))}
+ <div className='ui--InputAddressMulti-column'>
+ <Input
+ autoFocus
+ className='ui--InputAddressMulti-Input label-small'
+ label={availableLabel}
+ onChange={setFilter}
+ placeholder={t('filter by name, address, or account index')}
+ value={_filter}
+ />
+ <div className='ui--InputAddressMulti-items'>
+ {available.map((address): React.ReactNode => (
+ <AddressToggle
+ address={address}
+ filter={filter}
+ isHidden={isSelected[address]}
+ key={address}
+ noToggle
+ onChange={onSelect(address)}
+ />
+ ))}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div className='ui--InputAddressMulti-column'>
+ <Input
+ autoFocus
+ className='ui--InputAddressMulti-Input label-small'
+ help={help}
+ inputClassName='retain-appearance'
+ isDisabled
+ label={valueLabel}
+ onChange={setFilter}
+ placeholder={t('drag and drop to reorder')}
+ value={''}
+ />
+ <DragDropContext onDragEnd={onDragEnd}>
+ <Droppable droppableId='available'>
+ {(provided: any): React.ReactNode => (
+ <div
+ className='ui--InputAddressMulti-items'
+ ref={provided.innerRef}
+ >
+ {value.map((address, index): React.ReactNode => (
+ <Draggable
+ key={address}
+ draggableId={address}
+ index={index}
+ >
+ {(provided: any, snapshot: any): React.ReactNode => {
+ const element = (
+ <div
+ ref={provided.innerRef}
+ {...provided.draggableProps}
+ {...provided.dragHandleProps}
+ >
+ <AddressToggle
+ address={address}
+ className={snapshot.isDragging ? 'isDragging' : ''}
+ noToggle
+ onChange={onDeselect(index)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ );
+ if (snapshot.isDragging) {
+ return ReactDOM.createPortal(element, document.getElementById(PORTAL_ID) as Element);
+ }
+ return element;
+ }}
+ </Draggable>
+ ))}
+ {provided.placeholder}
+ </div>
+ )}
+ </Droppable>
+ </DragDropContext>
export default styled(InputAddressMulti)`
+ border-top-width: 0px;
+ margin-left: 2rem;
+ width: calc(100% - 2rem);
+ display: inline-flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
.ui--InputAddressMulti-Input {
.ui.input {
margin-bottom: 0rem;
+ opacity: 1 !important;
input {
border-bottom-width: 0px;
@@ -75,19 +199,21 @@ export default styled(InputAddressMulti)`
- .ui--InputAddressMulti-container {
- background: white;
- border: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,.15);
- border-top-width: 0px;
- border-radius: 0 0 0.25rem 0.25rem;
- margin-left: 2rem;
+ .ui--InputAddressMulti-column {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ min-height: 15rem;
max-height: 15rem;
- overflow-y: scroll;
+ width: 50%;
padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- justify-content: center;
- .ui--AddressToggle {}
+ .ui--InputAddressMulti-items {
+ background: white;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,0.15);
+ border-top-width: 0;
+ border-radius: 0 0 0.286rem 0.286rem;
+ flex: 1;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ }