@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ fn unsuccessful_reward_claim_by_lead() {
increase_account_balance_helper(DEFAULT_CURATOR_ACCOUNT_ID, INITIAL_BALANCE);
- let default_curator_group_id = Content::next_curator_group_id() - 1;
@@ -188,143 +187,83 @@ fn unsuccessful_reward_claim_with_reward_limit_exceeded() {
-// fn setup_channels_scenario(
-// num_channels: u64,
-// payments_params: &Vec<(u64, BalanceOf<Test>)>,
-// ) -> (Vec<PullPayment<Test>>, Vec<TestHash>) {
-// // create payment elements collection
-// // create channels
-// for _i in 0..num_channels {
-// let _ = Content::create_channel(
-// Origin::signed(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID),
-// ContentActor::Member(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ID),
-// ChannelCreationParameters::<Test> {
-// assets: None,
-// meta: None,
-// reward_account: Some(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID),
-// collaborators: BTreeSet::new(),
-// moderator_set: BTreeSet::new(),
-// },
-// );
-// }
-// let pull_payments_collection: Vec<PullPayment<Test>> = payments_params
-// .iter()
-// .map(|&(c_id, amnt)| PullPayment::<Test> {
-// channel_id: ChannelId::from(c_id),
-// amount_earned: BalanceOf::<Test>::from(amnt),
-// reason: TestHashing::hash(&c_id.encode()),
-// })
-// .collect::<Vec<PullPayment<Test>>>();
-// // generate hash tree and get its root
-// let hash_tree = generate_merkle_root(&pull_payments_collection).unwrap();
-// let merkle_root = hash_tree.last().copied().unwrap();
-// // set the commitment
-// let origin = Origin::signed(LEAD_ACCOUNT_ID);
-// let mut _res = Content::update_commitment(origin, merkle_root);
-// (pull_payments_collection, hash_tree)
-// }
-// fn setup_candidate_proof(
-// pull_payments_collection: &Vec<PullPayment<Test>>,
-// hash_tree: &Vec<TestHash>,
-// test_params: &(u64, u64, usize),
-// ) -> TestProof<PullPayment<Test>> {
-// // construct test pull payment
-// let reward_element = PullPayment::<Test> {
-// channel_id: ChannelId::from(test_params.0),
-// amount_earned: BalanceOf::<Test>::from(test_params.1),
-// reason: TestHashing::hash(&test_params.0.encode()),
-// };
-// // proof setup
-// let proof_path = helper_build_merkle_path(pull_payments_collection, test_params.2, hash_tree);
-// let proof = TestProof {
-// leaf: reward_element,
-// path: proof_path,
-// };
-// proof
-// }
-// #[test]
-// fn channel_reward_update_test() {
-// with_default_mock_builder(|| {
-// run_to_block(1); // in order to produce events
-// // setup test scenario: 2 channels and 3 (valid) pull payment requests
-// let num_channels = 2u64;
-// let payments_params = vec![
-// (0u64, BalanceOf::<Test>::from(1u64)),
-// (1u64, BalanceOf::<Test>::from(1u64)),
-// (1u64, BalanceOf::<Test>::from(2u64)),
-// ];
-// let scenario_out = setup_channels_scenario(num_channels, &payments_params);
-// let pull_payments_collection = &scenario_out.0;
-// let hash_tree = &scenario_out.1;
-// // suppose now channel 1 is trying to collect a payment of 2 JOYs
-// // last element is the index in the payments_params vector
-// let test_params = (1u64, 2u64, 2usize);
-// let candidate_proof =
-// setup_candidate_proof(&pull_payments_collection, &hash_tree, &test_params);
-// // attempt should succeed
-// let _res = Content::claim_channel_reward(
-// Origin::signed(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID),
-// candidate_proof,
-// ContentActor::Member(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ID),
-// );
-// assert_eq!(
-// System::events().last().unwrap().event,
-// MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelRewardUpdated(
-// BalanceOf::<Test>::from(test_params.1),
-// ChannelId::from(test_params.0),
-// ))
-// );
-// })
-// }
-// #[test]
-// fn non_existing_channel_reward_update_test() {
-// with_default_mock_builder(|| {
-// run_to_block(1); // in order to produce events
-// // setup test scenario: 2 channels and 3 (valid) pull payment requests
-// let num_channels = 2u64;
-// let payments_params = vec![
-// (0u64, BalanceOf::<Test>::from(1u64)),
-// (1u64, BalanceOf::<Test>::from(1u64)),
-// (5u64, BalanceOf::<Test>::from(2u64)),
-// ];
-// let scenario_out = setup_channels_scenario(num_channels, &payments_params);
-// let pull_payments_collection = &scenario_out.0;
-// let hash_tree = &scenario_out.1;
-// // suppose now channel 1 is trying to collect a payment of 2 JOYs
-// // last element is the index in the payments_params vector
-// let test_params = (5u64, 2u64, 2usize);
-// let candidate_proof =
-// setup_candidate_proof(&pull_payments_collection, &hash_tree, &test_params);
-// // attempt should NOT succeed
-// let _res = Content::claim_channel_reward(
-// Origin::signed(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID),
-// candidate_proof,
-// ContentActor::Member(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ID),
-// );
-// assert_ne!(
-// System::events().last().unwrap().event,
-// MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::ChannelRewardUpdated(
-// BalanceOf::<Test>::from(test_params.1),
-// ChannelId::from(test_params.0),
-// ))
-// );
-// })
-// }
+fn unsuccessful_reward_claim_with_invalid_channel_id() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ run_to_block(1);
+ create_initial_storage_buckets_helper();
+ increase_account_balance_helper(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID, INITIAL_BALANCE);
+ create_default_member_owned_channel_with_video();
+ let item = PullPayment::<Test> {
+ channel_id: ChannelId::zero(),
+ cumulative_payout_claimed: BalanceOf::<Test>::one(),
+ reason: Hashing::hash_of(&b"reason".to_vec()),
+ };
+ ClaimChannelRewardFixture::default()
+ .with_payments(vec![item.clone()])
+ .with_item(item)
+ .call_and_assert(Err(Error::<Test>::ChannelDoesNotExist.into()))
+ })
+fn unsuccessful_reward_claim_with_invalid_claim() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ run_to_block(1);
+ create_initial_storage_buckets_helper();
+ increase_account_balance_helper(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID, INITIAL_BALANCE);
+ create_default_member_owned_channel_with_video();
+ let item = PullPayment::<Test> {
+ channel_id: ChannelId::one(),
+ cumulative_payout_claimed: BalanceOf::<Test>::from(DEFAULT_PAYOUT_CLAIMED + 1),
+ reason: Hashing::hash_of(&b"reason".to_vec()),
+ };
+ ClaimChannelRewardFixture::default()
+ .with_item(item)
+ .call_and_assert(Err(Error::<Test>::PaymentProofVerificationFailed.into()))
+ })
+fn successful_reward_claim_by_member() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ run_to_block(1);
+ create_initial_storage_buckets_helper();
+ increase_account_balance_helper(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID, INITIAL_BALANCE);
+ create_default_member_owned_channel_with_video();
+ let payments = create_some_pull_payments_helper();
+ update_commit_value_with_payments_helper(&payments);
+ ClaimChannelRewardFixture::default()
+ .with_payments(payments)
+ .call_and_assert(Ok(()))
+ })
+fn successful_reward_claim_by_curator() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ run_to_block(1);
+ create_initial_storage_buckets_helper();
+ increase_account_balance_helper(DEFAULT_CURATOR_ACCOUNT_ID, INITIAL_BALANCE);
+ create_default_curator_owned_channel_with_video();
+ let payments = create_some_pull_payments_helper();
+ update_commit_value_with_payments_helper(&payments);
+ let default_curator_group_id = Content::next_curator_group_id() - 1;
+ ClaimChannelRewardFixture::default()
+ .with_payments(payments)
+ .with_actor(ContentActor::Curator(
+ default_curator_group_id,
+ ))
+ .call_and_assert(Ok(()))
+ })