@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from constants import *
+def weight_to_fee(weight, coeff):
+ return coeff * weight
+def length_to_fee(length, coeff):
+ return coeff * length
+def token_to_price(token, market_cap, issuance):
+ return (market_cap / issuance) * token
+def price_weight_function(x, weight_coefficient, market_cap, issuance):
+ return token_to_price(weight_to_fee(x, weight_coefficient), market_cap, issuance)
+def price_length_function(x, length_coefficient, market_cap, issuance):
+ return token_to_price(length_to_fee(x, length_coefficient), market_cap, issuance)
+def print_var_err(var, extrn):
+ print("WARNING: the parameter {} isn't defined in the calculation for extrinsic: {}".format(
+ var[0], extrn))
+def calc_vars_weight(weight, extrinsic, params):
+ total = 0
+ if extrinsic in params:
+ for var in weight[VARS]:
+ if var[0] in params[extrinsic]:
+ total += params[extrinsic][var[0]] * var[1]
+ else:
+ print_var_err(var, extrinsic)
+ for var in weight[DB_READS][DB_VARS]:
+ if var[0] in params[extrinsic]:
+ total += params[extrinsic][var[0]] * var[1] * READ_WEIGHT
+ else:
+ print_var_err(var, extrinsic)
+ for var in weight[DB_WRITES][DB_VARS]:
+ if var[0] in params[extrinsic]:
+ total += params[extrinsic][var] * WRITE_WEIGHT
+ else:
+ print_var_err(var, extrinsic)
+ return total
+def calc_weight(weight, extrinsic, params):
+ vars_weight = calc_vars_weight(weight, extrinsic, params)
+ return vars_weight + \
+ weight[BASE_WEIGHT] + \
+def calc_total_price_given_params(extrinsic, weight_coeff, market_cap, issuance, length_coeff, params, lengths, weights):
+ return price_weight_function(calc_weight(weights[extrinsic], extrinsic, params), weight_coeff, market_cap, issuance) + \
+ price_length_function(lengths.get(extrinsic, 0),
+ length_coeff, market_cap, issuance)
+def calc_total_fee(extrinsic, weight_coeff, length_coeff, params, lengths, weights):
+ return weight_to_fee(calc_weight(weights[extrinsic], extrinsic, params) + EXTRINSIC_BASE_WEIGHT, weight_coeff) + \
+ length_to_fee(lengths.get(extrinsic, 0), length_coeff)
+def get_computed_values(
+ extrinsic,
+ weight_model,
+ weight_coeff,
+ min_market_cap,
+ max_market_cap,
+ issuance,
+ length_coeff,
+ params,
+ lengths,
+ weights
+ weight = calc_weight(weight_model, extrinsic, params)
+ tokens = calc_total_fee(extrinsic, weight_coeff,
+ length_coeff, params, lengths, weights)
+ min_price = calc_total_price_given_params(
+ extrinsic,
+ weight_coeff,
+ min_market_cap,
+ issuance,
+ length_coeff,
+ params,
+ lengths,
+ weights
+ )
+ max_price = calc_total_price_given_params(
+ extrinsic,
+ weight_coeff,
+ max_market_cap,
+ issuance,
+ length_coeff,
+ params,
+ lengths,
+ weights
+ )
+ return weight, tokens, min_price, max_price
+def calc_all_price(weight_coeff, issuance, length_coeff, min_market_cap, max_market_cap, weights, params, lengths):
+ names = []
+ computed_weights = []
+ computed_tokens = []
+ min_prices = []
+ max_prices = []
+ for (key, val) in weights.items():
+ weight, tokens, min_price, max_price = get_computed_values(
+ key,
+ val,
+ weight_coeff,
+ min_market_cap,
+ max_market_cap,
+ issuance,
+ length_coeff,
+ params,
+ lengths,
+ weights
+ )
+ names.append(key)
+ computed_weights.append(weight)
+ min_prices.append(min_price)
+ max_prices.append(max_price)
+ computed_tokens.append(tokens)
+ weight_table = {
+ "Extrinsic": names,
+ "Weight": computed_weights,
+ "Tokens(JOY)": computed_tokens,
+ "Min Price(¢)": min_prices,
+ "Max Price(¢)": max_prices
+ }
+ df = pd.DataFrame(weight_table)
+ return df, min_prices, max_prices
+def get_weight_info(weights, weight_coeff=1, issuance=1, length_coeff=1, min_market_cap=1, max_market_cap=1, params={},
+ lengths={}):
+ weights[RUNTIME_UPGRADE] = {
+ BASE_DB: 0,
+ DB_VARS: []
+ },
+ BASE_DB: 0,
+ DB_VARS: []
+ },
+ VARS: []
+ }
+ df, _, _ = calc_all_price(
+ weight_coeff,
+ issuance,
+ length_coeff,
+ min_market_cap,
+ max_market_cap,
+ weights,
+ params,
+ lengths,
+ )
+ return df