@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import tap from 'tap';
+import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config';
+import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@nicaea/types';
+import { closeApi } from '../impl/closeApi';
+import { ApiWrapper, WorkingGroups } from '../../utils/apiWrapper';
+import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api';
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';
+import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout';
+import { membershipTest } from '../impl/membershipCreation';
+import {
+ addWorkerOpening,
+ applyForOpening,
+ addLeaderOpening,
+ beginLeaderApplicationReview,
+ fillLeaderOpening,
+ leaveRole,
+} from './impl/workingGroupModule';
+import BN from 'bn.js';
+tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
+ initConfig();
+ registerJoystreamTypes();
+ const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = new Array();
+ const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = new Array();
+ const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
+ const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!;
+ const paidTerms: number = +process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!;
+ const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!;
+ const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!;
+ const applicationStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!);
+ const roleStake: BN = new BN(process.env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!);
+ const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERWAL!);
+ const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(process.env.LONG_REWARD_INTERWAL!);
+ const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(process.env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!);
+ const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(process.env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!);
+ const durationInBlocks: number = 48;
+ const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0);
+ const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl);
+ const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider);
+ const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri);
+ setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks);
+ membershipTest(apiWrapper, nKeyPairs, keyring, N, paidTerms, sudoUri);
+ membershipTest(apiWrapper, leadKeyPair, keyring, 1, paidTerms, sudoUri);
+ let leadOpenignId: BN;
+ tap.test(
+ 'Add lead opening',
+ async () =>
+ (leadOpenignId = await addLeaderOpening(
+ apiWrapper,
+ nKeyPairs,
+ sudo,
+ applicationStake,
+ roleStake,
+ openingActivationDelay,
+ WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup
+ ))
+ );
+ tap.test(
+ 'Apply for lead opening',
+ async () =>
+ await applyForOpening(
+ apiWrapper,
+ leadKeyPair,
+ sudo,
+ applicationStake,
+ roleStake,
+ leadOpenignId,
+ WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup,
+ false
+ )
+ );
+ tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () =>
+ beginLeaderApplicationReview(apiWrapper, sudo, leadOpenignId, WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup)
+ );
+ tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () =>
+ fillLeaderOpening(
+ apiWrapper,
+ leadKeyPair,
+ sudo,
+ leadOpenignId,
+ firstRewardInterval,
+ rewardInterval,
+ payoutAmount,
+ WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup
+ )
+ );
+ let workerOpenignId: BN;
+ tap.test(
+ 'Add worker opening with 0 stake, expect failure',
+ async () =>
+ (workerOpenignId = await addWorkerOpening(
+ apiWrapper,
+ nKeyPairs,
+ leadKeyPair[0],
+ sudo,
+ new BN(0),
+ new BN(0),
+ openingActivationDelay,
+ unstakingPeriod,
+ WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup,
+ false
+ ))
+ );
+ tap.test(
+ 'Add worker opening with 0 unstaking period, expect failure',
+ async () =>
+ (workerOpenignId = await addWorkerOpening(
+ apiWrapper,
+ nKeyPairs,
+ leadKeyPair[0],
+ sudo,
+ applicationStake,
+ roleStake,
+ openingActivationDelay,
+ new BN(0),
+ WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup,
+ false
+ ))
+ );
+ tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () =>
+ leaveRole(apiWrapper, leadKeyPair, sudo, WorkingGroups.storageWorkingGroup)
+ );
+ closeApi(apiWrapper);