@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import Ajv from 'ajv'
+import fs from 'fs'
+import path from 'path'
+import CreateClassSchema from '../schemas/CreateClass.schema.json'
+import AddClassSchemaSchema from '../schemas/AddClassSchema.schema.json'
+const INPUTS_LOCATION = path.join(__dirname, '../inputs')
+type JsonSchema = {
+ schemaName: string
+ jsonSchema: Record<string, unknown>
+ relatedInputDirectory: string
+const schemas: JsonSchema[] = [
+ { schemaName: 'CreateClass', jsonSchema: CreateClassSchema, relatedInputDirectory: 'classes' },
+ { schemaName: 'AddClassSchema', jsonSchema: AddClassSchemaSchema, relatedInputDirectory: 'schemas' },
+const ajv = new Ajv({ allErrors: true })
+schemas.forEach(({ schemaName, jsonSchema, relatedInputDirectory }) => {
+ // Validate the schema itself
+ console.log(`Validating schema for ${schemaName}...`)
+ if (!ajv.validateSchema(jsonSchema)) {
+ console.log(`\nERROR! ${schemaName} - schema validation failed!`)
+ console.log(ajv.errorsText(undefined, { separator: '\n' }))
+ console.log('\n')
+ process.exitCode = 100
+ return
+ }
+ // Validate inputs
+ console.log('Validating inputs...')
+ fs.readdirSync(path.join(INPUTS_LOCATION, relatedInputDirectory)).forEach((fileName) => {
+ const inputRelativePath = path.join(relatedInputDirectory, fileName)
+ console.log(`Validating ${inputRelativePath}...`)
+ const inputJson = fs.readFileSync(path.join(INPUTS_LOCATION, inputRelativePath)).toString()
+ let inputData
+ try {
+ inputData = JSON.parse(inputJson)
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(`\nERROR: ${inputRelativePath} - cannot parse the json!`)
+ console.log('\n')
+ process.exitCode = 100
+ return
+ }
+ if (!ajv.validate(jsonSchema, inputData)) {
+ console.log(`\nERROR! ${inputRelativePath} - validation failed!`)
+ console.log(ajv.errorsText(undefined, { separator: '\n' }))
+ console.log('\n')
+ process.exitCode = 100
+ }
+ })
+ console.log('\n\n')