@@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
? [sharedExample, ...customExamples, ...this.snippets]
: [...customExamples, ...this.snippets];
- const selected = options.find(option => option.value === localData.selectedValue);
+ const selected = options.find((option): boolean => option.value === localData.selectedValue);
- this.setState((prevState: State): Pick<State, never> => ({
+ this.setState({
isCustomExample: (selected && selected.type === 'custom') || false,
selected: sharedExample || selected || this.snippets[0],
- }));
+ });
public render (): React.ReactNode {
@@ -194,9 +194,10 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
// as we have in the editor view (TODO: Make the console.error here actually return the full stack)
const exec = `(async ({${Object.keys(this.injected).join(',')}}) => { try { ${code} \n } catch (error) { console.error(error); } })(injected);`;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
new Function('injected', exec)(this.injected);
- this.setState({ isRunning: true } as State);
+ this.setState({ isRunning: true });
private stopJs = (): void => {
@@ -207,13 +208,13 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
this.injected = null;
- this.setState({ isRunning: false } as State);
+ this.setState({ isRunning: false });
- private selectExample = (value: string) => {
+ private selectExample = (value: string): void => {
if (value.length) {
const { options } = this.state;
- const option = options.find(option => option.value === value);
+ const option = options.find((option): boolean => option.value === value);
if (option) {
localStorage.setItem(STORE_SELECTED, value);
@@ -247,27 +248,27 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
localStorage.setItem(STORE_EXAMPLES, JSON.stringify([snapshot, ...customExamples]));
- this.setState((prevState: State): State => ({
+ this.setState((prevState: State): Pick<State, never> => ({
customExamples: [snapshot, ...prevState.customExamples],
isCustomExample: true,
selected: snapshot,
sharedExample: type === 'shared' ? undefined : prevState.sharedExample
- }) as State);
+ }));
private removeSnippet = (): void => {
const { customExamples, selected } = this.state;
- const filtered = customExamples.filter((value) => value.value !== selected.value);
+ const filtered = customExamples.filter((value): boolean => value.value !== selected.value);
const nextOptions = [...filtered, ...this.snippets];
- this.setState((prevState: State): State => ({
+ this.setState((prevState: State): Pick<State, never> => ({
customExamples: filtered,
isCustomExample: nextOptions[0].type === 'custom' || false,
options: prevState.sharedExample ? [prevState.sharedExample, ...nextOptions] : nextOptions
- }) as State);
+ }));
localStorage.setItem(STORE_EXAMPLES, JSON.stringify(filtered));
@@ -275,10 +276,10 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
private onEdit = (code: string): void => {
if (code !== this.state.selected.code) {
- this.setState((prevState: State): State => ({
+ this.setState((prevState: State): Pick<State, never> => ({
selected: { ...prevState.selected, code },
isCustomExample: false
- } as State));
+ }));
@@ -286,9 +287,9 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
this.setState({ logs: [] });
- private hookConsole = (type: LogType) => {
+ private hookConsole = (type: LogType): (...args: any[]) => void => {
return (...args: any[]): void => {
- this.setState(({ logs }: State) => {
+ this.setState(({ logs }: State): Pick<State, never> => {
logs.push({ args, type });
return { logs: logs.slice(0) };
@@ -296,20 +297,20 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
- private decodeBase64 = (base64: string) => {
- const sharedExample = {
+ private decodeBase64 = (base64: string): Snippet => {
+ const sharedExample: Snippet = {
code: '',
label: { basic: true, children: 'URL', size: 'tiny' },
text: 'Shared code example (unsaved)',
type: 'shared',
value: `custom-${Date.now()}`
- } as Snippet;
+ };
try {
const compStr = atob(base64);
const compU8a = new Uint8Array(compStr.length);
- compU8a.forEach((_, i) => {
+ compU8a.forEach((_, i): void => {
compU8a[i] = compStr.charCodeAt(i);
@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
const u8a = util.stringToU8a(code);
const compU8a = snappy.compress(u8a);
- const compStr = compU8a.reduce((str: string, ch: number) => {
+ const compStr = compU8a.reduce((str: string, ch: number): string => {
return str + String.fromCharCode(ch);
}, '');
@@ -356,14 +357,14 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
private copyToClipboard = (link: string): void => {
// See https://hackernoon.com/copying-text-to-clipboard-with-javascript-df4d4988697f
const el = document.createElement('textarea');
el.value = link;
el.setAttribute('readonly', '');
el.style.position = 'absolute';
el.style.left = '-9999px';
- const existingSelection = document.getSelection()!;
+ const existingSelection = document.getSelection();
const selected = existingSelection && existingSelection.rangeCount > 0
? existingSelection.getRangeAt(0)
: undefined;
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ class Playground extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
- if (selected) {
+ if (existingSelection && selected) {