@@ -1,4447 +0,0 @@
-// This file has been auto-generated by Warthog. Do not update directly as it
-// will be re-written. If you need to change this file, update models or add
-// new TypeGraphQL objects
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { DateResolver as Date } from 'graphql-scalars';
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { GraphQLID as ID } from 'graphql';
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { ArgsType, Field as TypeGraphQLField, Float, InputType as TypeGraphQLInputType, Int } from 'type-graphql';
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { registerEnumType, GraphQLISODateTime as DateTime } from "type-graphql";
-import * as BN from "bn.js";
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-const { GraphQLJSONObject } = require('graphql-type-json');
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { BaseWhereInput, JsonObject, PaginationArgs, DateOnlyString, DateTimeString, BigInt, Bytes } from 'warthog';
-import { WorkerType } from "../src/modules/worker/worker.model";
-import { AssetAvailability } from "../src/modules/video/video.model";
-import { LiaisonJudgement } from "../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model";
-import { MembershipEntryMethod } from "../src/modules/membership/membership.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { CuratorGroup } from "../src/modules/curator-group/curator-group.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { ChannelCategory } from "../src/modules/channel-category/channel-category.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Worker } from "../src/modules/worker/worker.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { VideoCategory } from "../src/modules/video-category/video-category.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Language } from "../src/modules/language/language.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { License } from "../src/modules/license/license.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from "../src/modules/video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from "../src/modules/video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Video } from "../src/modules/video/video.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { DataObject } from "../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Channel } from "../src/modules/channel/channel.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Membership } from "../src/modules/membership/membership.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { NextEntityId } from "../src/modules/next-entity-id/next-entity-id.model";
-export enum CuratorGroupOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- isActive_ASC = "isActive_ASC",
- isActive_DESC = "isActive_DESC"
-registerEnumType(CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, {
- name: "CuratorGroupOrderByInput"
-export class CuratorGroupWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- curatorIds_containsAll?: [number];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- curatorIds_containsNone?: [number];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- curatorIds_containsAny?: [number];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isActive_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isActive_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [CuratorGroupWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [CuratorGroupWhereInput];
-export class CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class CuratorGroupCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int])
- curatorIds!: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- isActive!: boolean;
-export class CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- curatorIds?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isActive?: boolean;
-export class CuratorGroupWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: CuratorGroupOrderByEnum[];
-export class CuratorGroupCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [CuratorGroupCreateInput])
- data!: CuratorGroupCreateInput[];
-export class CuratorGroupUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: CuratorGroupUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- name_ASC = "name_ASC",
- name_DESC = "name_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, {
- name: "ChannelCategoryOrderByInput"
-export class ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- name_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [ChannelCategoryWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [ChannelCategoryWhereInput];
-export class ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
-export class ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
-export class ChannelCategoryWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum[];
-export class ChannelCategoryCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ChannelCategoryCreateInput])
- data!: ChannelCategoryCreateInput[];
-export class ChannelCategoryUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: ChannelCategoryUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- channel_ASC = "channel_ASC",
- channel_DESC = "channel_DESC",
- dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
- dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum, {
- name: "DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- channel_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- channel_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- channel_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- channel_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- channel_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- channel_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- dummy_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- channel!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- channel?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput])
- data!: DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
- dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum, {
- name: "DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- dummy_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput])
- data!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- dao_ASC = "dao_ASC",
- dao_DESC = "dao_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum, {
- name: "DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dao_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dao_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dao_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dao_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dao_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- dao_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- dao!: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dao?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput])
- data!: DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- member_ASC = "member_ASC",
- member_DESC = "member_DESC",
- dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
- dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum, {
- name: "DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- member_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- member_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- member_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- member_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- member_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- member_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- dummy_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- dummy_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- member!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- member?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput])
- data!: DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- workingGroup_ASC = "workingGroup_ASC",
- workingGroup_DESC = "workingGroup_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum, {
- name: "DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- workingGroup_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- workingGroup_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- workingGroup_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- workingGroup_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- workingGroup_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- workingGroup_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
- nullable: true
- })
- AND?: [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
- nullable: true
- })
- OR?: [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- workingGroup!: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- workingGroup?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
- nullable: true
- })
- where?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum, {
- nullable: true
- })
- orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput])
- data!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum WorkerOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- isActive_ASC = "isActive_ASC",
- isActive_DESC = "isActive_DESC",
- workerId_ASC = "workerId_ASC",
- workerId_DESC = "workerId_DESC",
- type_ASC = "type_ASC",
- type_DESC = "type_DESC",
- metadata_ASC = "metadata_ASC",
- metadata_DESC = "metadata_DESC"
-registerEnumType(WorkerOrderByEnum, {
- name: "WorkerOrderByInput"
-export class WorkerWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isActive_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isActive_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- workerId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- workerId_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- workerId_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- workerId_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- workerId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerType, { nullable: true })
- type_eq?: WorkerType;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [WorkerType], { nullable: true })
- type_in?: WorkerType[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- metadata_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- metadata_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- metadata_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- metadata_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- metadata_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- dataObjects_none?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- dataObjects_some?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- dataObjects_every?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [WorkerWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [WorkerWhereInput];
-export class WorkerWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class WorkerCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- isActive!: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- workerId!: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerType)
- type!: WorkerType;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- metadata?: string;
-export class WorkerUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isActive?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- workerId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerType, { nullable: true })
- type?: WorkerType;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- metadata?: string;
-export class WorkerWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: WorkerWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: WorkerOrderByEnum[];
-export class WorkerCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [WorkerCreateInput])
- data!: WorkerCreateInput[];
-export class WorkerUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: WorkerUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: WorkerWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoCategoryOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- name_ASC = "name_ASC",
- name_DESC = "name_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, {
- name: "VideoCategoryOrderByInput"
-export class VideoCategoryWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- name_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videos_none?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videos_some?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videos_every?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [VideoCategoryWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [VideoCategoryWhereInput];
-export class VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class VideoCategoryCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
-export class VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- name?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
-export class VideoCategoryWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: VideoCategoryOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoCategoryCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoCategoryCreateInput])
- data!: VideoCategoryCreateInput[];
-export class VideoCategoryUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoCategoryUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum LanguageOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- iso_ASC = "iso_ASC",
- iso_DESC = "iso_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(LanguageOrderByEnum, {
- name: "LanguageOrderByInput"
-export class LanguageWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- iso_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- iso_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- iso_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- iso_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- iso_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channellanguage_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channellanguage_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channellanguage_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videolanguage_none?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videolanguage_some?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videolanguage_every?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [LanguageWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [LanguageWhereInput];
-export class LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class LanguageCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- iso!: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
-export class LanguageUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- iso?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
-export class LanguageWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: LanguageWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: LanguageOrderByEnum[];
-export class LanguageCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LanguageCreateInput])
- data!: LanguageCreateInput[];
-export class LanguageUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: LanguageUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: LanguageWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum LicenseOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- code_ASC = "code_ASC",
- code_DESC = "code_DESC",
- attribution_ASC = "attribution_ASC",
- attribution_DESC = "attribution_DESC",
- customText_ASC = "customText_ASC",
- customText_DESC = "customText_DESC"
-registerEnumType(LicenseOrderByEnum, {
- name: "LicenseOrderByInput"
-export class LicenseWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- code_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- code_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- code_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- code_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- code_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- code_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- attribution_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- attribution_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- attribution_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- attribution_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- attribution_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- customText_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- customText_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- customText_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- customText_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- customText_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videolanguage_none?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videolanguage_some?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videolanguage_every?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [LicenseWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [LicenseWhereInput];
-export class LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class LicenseCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- code?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- attribution?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- customText?: string;
-export class LicenseUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- code?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- attribution?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- customText?: string;
-export class LicenseWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: LicenseWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: LicenseOrderByEnum[];
-export class LicenseCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LicenseCreateInput])
- data!: LicenseCreateInput[];
-export class LicenseUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: LicenseUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: LicenseWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- codecName_ASC = "codecName_ASC",
- codecName_DESC = "codecName_DESC",
- container_ASC = "container_ASC",
- container_DESC = "container_DESC",
- mimeMediaType_ASC = "mimeMediaType_ASC",
- mimeMediaType_DESC = "mimeMediaType_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, {
- name: "VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput"
-export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- codecName_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- codecName_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- codecName_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- codecName_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- codecName_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- container_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- container_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- container_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- container_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- container_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videomediametadataencoding_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videomediametadataencoding_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videomediametadataencoding_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- codecName?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- container?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- codecName?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- container?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- mimeMediaType?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput])
- data!: VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput[];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- encoding_ASC = "encoding_ASC",
- encoding_DESC = "encoding_DESC",
- encodingId_ASC = "encodingId_ASC",
- encodingId_DESC = "encodingId_DESC",
- pixelWidth_ASC = "pixelWidth_ASC",
- pixelWidth_DESC = "pixelWidth_DESC",
- pixelHeight_ASC = "pixelHeight_ASC",
- pixelHeight_DESC = "pixelHeight_DESC",
- size_ASC = "size_ASC",
- size_DESC = "size_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, {
- name: "VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput"
-export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- encodingId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- encodingId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelWidth_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelWidth_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelWidth_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelWidth_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelWidth_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- pixelWidth_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelHeight_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelHeight_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelHeight_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelHeight_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- pixelHeight_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- pixelHeight_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Float], { nullable: true })
- size_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- encoding?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- video?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- encoding?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- encodingId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- pixelWidth?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- pixelHeight?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- size?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- encoding?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- encodingId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- pixelWidth?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- pixelHeight?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- size?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput])
- data!: VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput[];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- channel_ASC = "channel_ASC",
- channel_DESC = "channel_DESC",
- channelId_ASC = "channelId_ASC",
- channelId_DESC = "channelId_DESC",
- category_ASC = "category_ASC",
- category_DESC = "category_DESC",
- categoryId_ASC = "categoryId_ASC",
- categoryId_DESC = "categoryId_DESC",
- title_ASC = "title_ASC",
- title_DESC = "title_DESC",
- description_ASC = "description_ASC",
- description_DESC = "description_DESC",
- duration_ASC = "duration_ASC",
- duration_DESC = "duration_DESC",
- thumbnailPhotoDataObject_ASC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObject_ASC",
- thumbnailPhotoDataObject_DESC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObject_DESC",
- thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
- thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
- thumbnailPhotoAvailability_ASC = "thumbnailPhotoAvailability_ASC",
- thumbnailPhotoAvailability_DESC = "thumbnailPhotoAvailability_DESC",
- language_ASC = "language_ASC",
- language_DESC = "language_DESC",
- languageId_ASC = "languageId_ASC",
- languageId_DESC = "languageId_DESC",
- hasMarketing_ASC = "hasMarketing_ASC",
- hasMarketing_DESC = "hasMarketing_DESC",
- publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC = "publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC",
- publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC = "publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC",
- isPublic_ASC = "isPublic_ASC",
- isPublic_DESC = "isPublic_DESC",
- isCensored_ASC = "isCensored_ASC",
- isCensored_DESC = "isCensored_DESC",
- isExplicit_ASC = "isExplicit_ASC",
- isExplicit_DESC = "isExplicit_DESC",
- license_ASC = "license_ASC",
- license_DESC = "license_DESC",
- licenseId_ASC = "licenseId_ASC",
- licenseId_DESC = "licenseId_DESC",
- mediaDataObject_ASC = "mediaDataObject_ASC",
- mediaDataObject_DESC = "mediaDataObject_DESC",
- mediaDataObjectId_ASC = "mediaDataObjectId_ASC",
- mediaDataObjectId_DESC = "mediaDataObjectId_DESC",
- mediaAvailability_ASC = "mediaAvailability_ASC",
- mediaAvailability_DESC = "mediaAvailability_DESC",
- mediaMetadata_ASC = "mediaMetadata_ASC",
- mediaMetadata_DESC = "mediaMetadata_DESC",
- mediaMetadataId_ASC = "mediaMetadataId_ASC",
- mediaMetadataId_DESC = "mediaMetadataId_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC",
- isFeatured_ASC = "isFeatured_ASC",
- isFeatured_DESC = "isFeatured_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoOrderByEnum, {
- name: "VideoOrderByInput"
-export class VideoWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- channelId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- channelId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- categoryId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- categoryId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- title_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- description_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- duration_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- duration_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- duration_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- duration_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- duration_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- duration_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAll?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsNone?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAny?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- languageId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- languageId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- hasMarketing_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- hasMarketing_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream_eq?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream_lt?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream_lte?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream_gt?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream_gte?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isPublic_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isPublic_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isCensored_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isCensored_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isExplicit_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isExplicit_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- licenseId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- licenseId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObjectId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObjectId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- mediaUrls_containsAll?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- mediaUrls_containsNone?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- mediaUrls_containsAny?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- mediaAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
- mediaAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadataId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadataId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isFeatured_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isFeatured_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channel?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- category?: VideoCategoryWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- language?: LanguageWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- license?: LicenseWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadata?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [VideoWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [VideoWhereInput];
-export class VideoWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class VideoCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- channel?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- channelId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- category?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- categoryId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- duration?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
- thumbnailPhotoUrls!: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
- thumbnailPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- language?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- languageId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- hasMarketing?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isPublic?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- isCensored!: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isExplicit?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- license?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- licenseId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
- mediaUrls!: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
- mediaAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadata?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadataId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- isFeatured!: boolean;
-export class VideoUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- channel?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- channelId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- category?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- categoryId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- duration?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoUrls?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- thumbnailPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- language?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- languageId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- hasMarketing?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTimeString;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isPublic?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isCensored?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isExplicit?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- license?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- licenseId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- mediaUrls?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- mediaAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadata?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- mediaMetadataId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isFeatured?: boolean;
-export class VideoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: VideoOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoCreateInput])
- data!: VideoCreateInput[];
-export class VideoUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC",
- typeId_ASC = "typeId_ASC",
- typeId_DESC = "typeId_DESC",
- size_ASC = "size_ASC",
- size_DESC = "size_DESC",
- liaison_ASC = "liaison_ASC",
- liaison_DESC = "liaison_DESC",
- liaisonId_ASC = "liaisonId_ASC",
- liaisonId_DESC = "liaisonId_DESC",
- liaisonJudgement_ASC = "liaisonJudgement_ASC",
- liaisonJudgement_DESC = "liaisonJudgement_DESC",
- ipfsContentId_ASC = "ipfsContentId_ASC",
- ipfsContentId_DESC = "ipfsContentId_DESC",
- joystreamContentId_ASC = "joystreamContentId_ASC",
- joystreamContentId_DESC = "joystreamContentId_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOrderByEnum, {
- name: "DataObjectOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject, { nullable: true })
- owner_json?: JsonObject;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- typeId_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- typeId_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- typeId_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- typeId_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- typeId_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- typeId_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- size_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Float], { nullable: true })
- size_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- liaisonId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- liaisonId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement, { nullable: true })
- liaisonJudgement_eq?: LiaisonJudgement;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LiaisonJudgement], { nullable: true })
- liaisonJudgement_in?: LiaisonJudgement[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- ipfsContentId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- ipfsContentId_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- ipfsContentId_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- ipfsContentId_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- ipfsContentId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- joystreamContentId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- joystreamContentId_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- joystreamContentId_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- joystreamContentId_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- joystreamContentId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- liaison?: WorkerWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channelcoverPhotoDataObject_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channelcoverPhotoDataObject_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channelcoverPhotoDataObject_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channelavatarPhotoDataObject_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channelavatarPhotoDataObject_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channelavatarPhotoDataObject_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videomediaDataObject_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videomediaDataObject_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videomediaDataObject_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [DataObjectWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [DataObjectWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class DataObjectCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject)
- owner!: JsonObject;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- typeId!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- size!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- liaison?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- liaisonId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement)
- liaisonJudgement!: LiaisonJudgement;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- ipfsContentId!: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- joystreamContentId!: string;
-export class DataObjectUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject, { nullable: true })
- owner?: JsonObject;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- typeId?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- size?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- liaison?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- liaisonId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement, { nullable: true })
- liaisonJudgement?: LiaisonJudgement;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- ipfsContentId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- joystreamContentId?: string;
-export class DataObjectWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: DataObjectOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectCreateInput])
- data!: DataObjectCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum ChannelOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- ownerMember_ASC = "ownerMember_ASC",
- ownerMember_DESC = "ownerMember_DESC",
- ownerMemberId_ASC = "ownerMemberId_ASC",
- ownerMemberId_DESC = "ownerMemberId_DESC",
- ownerCuratorGroup_ASC = "ownerCuratorGroup_ASC",
- ownerCuratorGroup_DESC = "ownerCuratorGroup_DESC",
- ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC = "ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC",
- ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC = "ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC",
- category_ASC = "category_ASC",
- category_DESC = "category_DESC",
- categoryId_ASC = "categoryId_ASC",
- categoryId_DESC = "categoryId_DESC",
- rewardAccount_ASC = "rewardAccount_ASC",
- rewardAccount_DESC = "rewardAccount_DESC",
- title_ASC = "title_ASC",
- title_DESC = "title_DESC",
- description_ASC = "description_ASC",
- description_DESC = "description_DESC",
- coverPhotoDataObject_ASC = "coverPhotoDataObject_ASC",
- coverPhotoDataObject_DESC = "coverPhotoDataObject_DESC",
- coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
- coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
- coverPhotoAvailability_ASC = "coverPhotoAvailability_ASC",
- coverPhotoAvailability_DESC = "coverPhotoAvailability_DESC",
- avatarPhotoDataObject_ASC = "avatarPhotoDataObject_ASC",
- avatarPhotoDataObject_DESC = "avatarPhotoDataObject_DESC",
- avatarPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "avatarPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
- avatarPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "avatarPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
- avatarPhotoAvailability_ASC = "avatarPhotoAvailability_ASC",
- avatarPhotoAvailability_DESC = "avatarPhotoAvailability_DESC",
- isPublic_ASC = "isPublic_ASC",
- isPublic_DESC = "isPublic_DESC",
- isCensored_ASC = "isCensored_ASC",
- isCensored_DESC = "isCensored_DESC",
- language_ASC = "language_ASC",
- language_DESC = "language_DESC",
- languageId_ASC = "languageId_ASC",
- languageId_DESC = "languageId_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(ChannelOrderByEnum, {
- name: "ChannelOrderByInput"
-export class ChannelWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerMemberId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- ownerMemberId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroupId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroupId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- categoryId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- categoryId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rewardAccount_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rewardAccount_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rewardAccount_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rewardAccount_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- rewardAccount_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- title_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- description_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoUrls_containsAll?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoUrls_containsNone?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoUrls_containsAny?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoUrls_containsAll?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoUrls_containsNone?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoUrls_containsAny?: [string];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isPublic_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isPublic_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
- isCensored_eq?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
- isCensored_in?: Boolean[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- languageId_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- languageId_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- ownerMember?: MembershipWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroupWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- category?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- language?: LanguageWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videos_none?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videos_some?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- videos_every?: VideoWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [ChannelWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [ChannelWhereInput];
-export class ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class ChannelCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerMember?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerMemberId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroup?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroupId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- category?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- categoryId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rewardAccount?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
- coverPhotoUrls!: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
- coverPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
- avatarPhotoUrls!: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
- avatarPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isPublic?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- isCensored!: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- language?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- languageId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
-export class ChannelUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerMember?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerMemberId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroup?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- ownerCuratorGroupId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- category?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- categoryId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rewardAccount?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- title?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- description?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoUrls?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- coverPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObject?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoUrls?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
- avatarPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isPublic?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- isCensored?: boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- language?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- languageId?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
-export class ChannelWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: ChannelOrderByEnum[];
-export class ChannelCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ChannelCreateInput])
- data!: ChannelCreateInput[];
-export class ChannelUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: ChannelUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: ChannelWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum MembershipOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- handle_ASC = "handle_ASC",
- handle_DESC = "handle_DESC",
- avatarUri_ASC = "avatarUri_ASC",
- avatarUri_DESC = "avatarUri_DESC",
- about_ASC = "about_ASC",
- about_DESC = "about_DESC",
- controllerAccount_ASC = "controllerAccount_ASC",
- controllerAccount_DESC = "controllerAccount_DESC",
- rootAccount_ASC = "rootAccount_ASC",
- rootAccount_DESC = "rootAccount_DESC",
- createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
- createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC",
- entry_ASC = "entry_ASC",
- entry_DESC = "entry_DESC",
- subscription_ASC = "subscription_ASC",
- subscription_DESC = "subscription_DESC"
-registerEnumType(MembershipOrderByEnum, {
- name: "MembershipOrderByInput"
-export class MembershipWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- handle_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- handle_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- handle_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- handle_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- handle_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- avatarUri_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- avatarUri_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- avatarUri_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- avatarUri_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- avatarUri_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- about_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- about_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- about_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- about_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- about_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- controllerAccount_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- controllerAccount_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- controllerAccount_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- controllerAccount_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- controllerAccount_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rootAccount_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rootAccount_contains?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rootAccount_startsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rootAccount_endsWith?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
- rootAccount_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- createdInBlock_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod, { nullable: true })
- entry_eq?: MembershipEntryMethod;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [MembershipEntryMethod], { nullable: true })
- entry_in?: MembershipEntryMethod[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- subscription_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- subscription_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- subscription_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- subscription_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- subscription_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
- subscription_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [MembershipWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [MembershipWhereInput];
-export class MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => String, { nullable: true })
- handle?: string;
-export class MembershipCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- handle!: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- avatarUri?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- about?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- controllerAccount!: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- rootAccount!: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- createdInBlock!: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod)
- entry!: MembershipEntryMethod;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- subscription?: number;
-export class MembershipUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- handle?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- avatarUri?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- about?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- controllerAccount?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- rootAccount?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- createdInBlock?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod, { nullable: true })
- entry?: MembershipEntryMethod;
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- subscription?: number;
-export class MembershipWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: MembershipWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: MembershipOrderByEnum[];
-export class MembershipCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [MembershipCreateInput])
- data!: MembershipCreateInput[];
-export class MembershipUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: MembershipUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: MembershipWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum NextEntityIdOrderByEnum {
- createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
- createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
- updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
- updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
- deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
- deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
- nextId_ASC = "nextId_ASC",
- nextId_DESC = "nextId_DESC"
-registerEnumType(NextEntityIdOrderByEnum, {
- name: "NextEntityIdOrderByInput"
-export class NextEntityIdWhereInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- id_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- id_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- createdAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- createdById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- createdById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- updatedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- updatedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- updatedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_eq?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_lte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gt?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
- deletedAt_gte?: Date;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
- deletedById_eq?: string;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
- deletedById_in?: string[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- nextId_eq?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- nextId_gt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- nextId_gte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- nextId_lt?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
- nextId_lte?: number;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Float], { nullable: true })
- nextId_in?: number[];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- AND?: [NextEntityIdWhereInput];
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- OR?: [NextEntityIdWhereInput];
-export class NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
- id?: string;
-export class NextEntityIdCreateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField()
- nextId!: number;
-export class NextEntityIdUpdateInput {
- @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
- nextId?: number;
-export class NextEntityIdWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: NextEntityIdWhereInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: NextEntityIdOrderByEnum[];
-export class NextEntityIdCreateManyArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField(() => [NextEntityIdCreateInput])
- data!: NextEntityIdCreateInput[];
-export class NextEntityIdUpdateArgs {
- @TypeGraphQLField() data!: NextEntityIdUpdateInput;
- @TypeGraphQLField() where!: NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput;