@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ use frame_support::{
use frame_system::ensure_signed;
use sp_arithmetic::traits::{BaseArithmetic, One};
pub use sp_io::storage::clear_prefix;
-use sp_runtime::traits::{AccountIdConversion, MaybeSerialize, Member, Saturating};
+use sp_runtime::traits::{AccountIdConversion, MaybeSerialize, Member};
use sp_runtime::{ModuleId, SaturatedConversion};
-use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
use sp_std::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet;
use sp_std::fmt::Debug;
use sp_std::prelude::*;
@@ -30,6 +29,9 @@ mod tests;
mod benchmarking;
+/// Type for keeping track of number of posts in a thread
+pub type NumberOfPosts = u64;
/// Moderator ID alias for the actor of the system.
pub type ModeratorId<T> = common::ActorId<T>;
@@ -46,8 +48,6 @@ pub type ThreadOf<T> = Thread<
<T as Trait>::CategoryId,
<T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
<T as frame_system::Trait>::Hash,
- <T as Trait>::PostId,
- Post<ForumUserId<T>, <T as frame_system::Trait>::Hash>,
@@ -63,22 +63,22 @@ pub trait WeightInfo {
fn update_category_archival_status_moderator(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn delete_category_lead(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn delete_category_moderator(i: u32) -> Weight;
- fn create_thread(i: u32, j: u32, k: u32, z: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn create_thread(j: u32, k: u32, i: u32) -> Weight;
fn edit_thread_title(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
fn update_thread_archival_status_lead(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn update_thread_archival_status_moderator(i: u32) -> Weight;
- fn delete_thread_lead(i: u32) -> Weight;
- fn delete_thread_moderator(i: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn delete_thread(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn move_thread_to_category_lead(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn move_thread_to_category_moderator(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn vote_on_poll(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
- fn moderate_thread_lead(i: u32, j: u32, k: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn moderate_thread_lead(i: u32, k: u32) -> Weight;
fn moderate_thread_moderator(i: u32, j: u32, k: u32) -> Weight;
fn add_post(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
fn react_post(i: u32) -> Weight;
fn edit_post_text(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
fn moderate_post_lead(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
fn moderate_post_moderator(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn delete_posts(i: u32, j: u32, k: u32) -> Weight;
fn set_stickied_threads_lead(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
fn set_stickied_threads_moderator(i: u32, j: u32) -> Weight;
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ pub trait Trait:
/// Maximum depth for nested categories
type MaxCategoryDepth: Get<u64>;
+ /// Maximum number of blocks before a post can be erased by anyone
+ type PostLifeTime: Get<Self::BlockNumber>;
/// Type defining the limits for different Storage items in the forum pallet
type MapLimits: StorageLimits;
@@ -171,12 +174,6 @@ pub trait StorageLimits {
/// Maximum direct subcategories in a category
type MaxSubcategories: Get<u64>;
- /// Maximum direct threads in a category
- type MaxThreadsInCategory: Get<u64>;
- /// Maximum posts in a thread
- type MaxPostsInThread: Get<u64>;
/// Maximum moderator count for a single category
type MaxModeratorsForCategory: Get<u64>;
@@ -215,18 +212,27 @@ pub struct Poll<Timestamp, Hash> {
/// Represents a thread post
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
-pub struct Post<ForumUserId, Hash> {
+pub struct Post<ForumUserId, ThreadId, Hash, Balance, BlockNumber> {
+ /// Id of thread to which this post corresponds.
+ pub thread_id: ThreadId,
/// Hash of current text
pub text_hash: Hash,
/// Author of post.
pub author_id: ForumUserId,
+ /// Cleanup pay off
+ pub cleanup_pay_off: Balance,
+ /// When it was created or last edited
+ pub last_edited: BlockNumber,
/// Represents a thread
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)]
-pub struct Thread<ForumUserId, CategoryId, Moment, Hash, PostId: sp_std::cmp::Ord, Post, Balance> {
+pub struct Thread<ForumUserId, CategoryId, Moment, Hash, Balance> {
/// Title hash
pub title_hash: Hash,
@@ -242,11 +248,11 @@ pub struct Thread<ForumUserId, CategoryId, Moment, Hash, PostId: sp_std::cmp::Or
/// poll description.
pub poll: Option<Poll<Moment, Hash>>,
- /// Post in thread
- pub posts: BTreeMap<PostId, Post>,
/// Pay off by deleting
pub cleanup_pay_off: Balance,
+ /// Number of posts in the thread
+ pub number_of_posts: NumberOfPosts,
/// Represents a category
@@ -450,6 +456,17 @@ decl_storage! {
PollVotes get(fn poll_votes_by_thread_id_by_forum_user_id): double_map
hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ThreadId,
hasher(blake2_128_concat) ForumUserId<T> => bool;
+ /// Map post identifier to corresponding post.
+ pub PostById get(fn post_by_id) config(): double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ThreadId,
+ hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::PostId =>
+ Post<
+ ForumUserId<T>,
+ T::ThreadId,
+ T::Hash,
+ BalanceOf<T>,
+ T::BlockNumber
+ >;
@@ -489,17 +506,20 @@ decl_event!(
ThreadTitleUpdated(ThreadId, ForumUserId, CategoryId, Vec<u8>),
/// A thread was deleted.
- ThreadDeleted(ThreadId, PrivilegedActor, CategoryId),
+ ThreadDeleted(ThreadId, ForumUserId, CategoryId, bool),
/// A thread was moved to new category
ThreadMoved(ThreadId, CategoryId, PrivilegedActor, CategoryId),
/// Post with given id was created.
- PostAdded(PostId, ForumUserId, CategoryId, ThreadId, Vec<u8>),
+ PostAdded(PostId, ForumUserId, CategoryId, ThreadId, Vec<u8>, bool),
/// Post with givne id was moderated.
PostModerated(PostId, Vec<u8>, PrivilegedActor, CategoryId, ThreadId),
+ /// Post with givne id was deleted.
+ PostDeleted(Vec<u8>, ForumUserId, Vec<(CategoryId, ThreadId, PostId, bool)>),
/// Post with given id had its text updated.
/// The second argument reflects the number of total edits when the text update occurs.
PostTextUpdated(PostId, ForumUserId, CategoryId, ThreadId, Vec<u8>),
@@ -737,12 +757,9 @@ decl_module! {
/// - O(W)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = WeightInfoForum::<T>::create_thread(
- T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- poll.as_ref()
- .map(|poll| poll.poll_alternatives.len().saturated_into())
- .unwrap_or_default(),
+ T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
fn create_thread(
@@ -790,8 +807,8 @@ decl_module! {
author_id: forum_user_id,
archived: false,
poll: poll.clone(),
- posts: BTreeMap::new(),
cleanup_pay_off: T::ThreadDeposit::get(),
+ number_of_posts: 0,
// Store thread
@@ -804,7 +821,8 @@ decl_module! {
- forum_user_id
+ forum_user_id,
+ true,
// Update next thread id
@@ -929,18 +947,25 @@ decl_module! {
/// - DB:
/// - O(W)
/// # </weight>
- #[weight = WeightInfoForum::<T>::delete_thread_lead(
- T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- ).max(WeightInfoForum::<T>::delete_thread_moderator(
- T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- ))]
- fn delete_thread(origin, actor: PrivilegedActor<T>, category_id: T::CategoryId, thread_id: T::ThreadId) -> DispatchResult {
+ #[weight = WeightInfoForum::<T>::delete_thread(T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32)]
+ fn delete_thread(
+ origin,
+ forum_user_id: ForumUserId<T>,
+ category_id: T::CategoryId,
+ thread_id: T::ThreadId,
+ hide: bool,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
// Ensure data migration is done
let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
- let thread = Self::ensure_can_moderate_thread(&account_id, &actor, &category_id, &thread_id)?;
+ let thread = Self::ensure_can_delete_thread(
+ &account_id,
+ &forum_user_id,
+ &category_id,
+ &thread_id
+ )?;
@@ -955,8 +980,9 @@ decl_module! {
// Store the event
- actor,
- category_id
+ forum_user_id,
+ category_id,
+ hide,
@@ -1091,12 +1117,11 @@ decl_module! {
/// # </weight>
#[weight = WeightInfoForum::<T>::moderate_thread_lead(
T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- <T::MapLimits as StorageLimits>::MaxPostsInThread::get() as u32,
T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- <T::MapLimits as StorageLimits>::MaxPostsInThread::get() as u32,
+ 0,
@@ -1141,43 +1166,55 @@ decl_module! {
T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- fn add_post(origin, forum_user_id: ForumUserId<T>, category_id: T::CategoryId, thread_id: T::ThreadId, text: Vec<u8>) -> DispatchResult {
+ fn add_post(
+ origin,
+ forum_user_id: ForumUserId<T>,
+ category_id: T::CategoryId,
+ thread_id: T::ThreadId,
+ text: Vec<u8>,
+ editable: bool,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
// Ensure data migration is done
let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Make sure thread exists and is mutable
- let (_, thread) = Self::ensure_can_add_post(&account_id, &forum_user_id, &category_id, &thread_id)?;
+ let _ = Self::ensure_can_add_post(&account_id, &forum_user_id, &category_id, &thread_id)?;
- // Ensure map limits are not reached
- Self::ensure_map_limits::<<<T>::MapLimits as StorageLimits>::MaxPostsInThread>(
- thread.posts.len().saturated_into(),
- )?;
+ if editable {
+ ensure!(
+ Self::ensure_enough_balance(T::PostDeposit::get(), &account_id),
+ Error::<T>::InsufficientBalanceForPost
+ );
+ }
- // Shouldn't fail since we checked in `ensure_can_add_post` that the account
- // has enough balance.
- Self::transfer_to_state_cleanup_treasury_account(
- T::PostDeposit::get(),
- thread_id,
- &account_id
- )?;
+ if editable {
+ // Shouldn't fail since we checked in `ensure_can_add_post` that the account
+ // has enough balance.
+ Self::transfer_to_state_cleanup_treasury_account(
+ T::PostDeposit::get(),
+ thread_id,
+ &account_id
+ )?;
+ }
// Add new post
- let (post_id, _) = Self::add_new_post(
+ let post_id = Self::add_new_post(
- forum_user_id
+ forum_user_id,
+ editable,
// Generate event
- RawEvent::PostAdded(post_id, forum_user_id, category_id, thread_id, text)
+ RawEvent::PostAdded(post_id, forum_user_id, category_id, thread_id, text, editable)
@@ -1205,8 +1242,8 @@ decl_module! {
// Check that account is forum member
Self::ensure_is_forum_user(&account_id, &forum_user_id)?;
- // Make sure there exists a mutable post with post id `post_id`
- Self::ensure_post_is_mutable(&category_id, &thread_id, &post_id)?;
+ // Make sure the thread exists and is mutable
+ Self::ensure_thread_is_mutable(&category_id, &thread_id)?;
@@ -1234,7 +1271,14 @@ decl_module! {
T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
- fn edit_post_text(origin, forum_user_id: ForumUserId<T>, category_id: T::CategoryId, thread_id: T::ThreadId, post_id: T::PostId, new_text: Vec<u8>) -> DispatchResult {
+ fn edit_post_text(
+ origin,
+ forum_user_id: ForumUserId<T>,
+ category_id: T::CategoryId,
+ thread_id: T::ThreadId,
+ post_id: T::PostId,
+ new_text: Vec<u8>
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
// Ensure data migration is done
@@ -1256,10 +1300,9 @@ decl_module! {
// Update post text
let text_hash = T::calculate_hash(&new_text);
post.text_hash = text_hash;
+ post.last_edited = frame_system::Module::<T>::block_number();
- <ThreadById<T>>::mutate(category_id, thread_id,
- |thread| thread.posts.insert(post_id, post)
- );
+ <PostById<T>>::insert(thread_id, post_id, post);
// Generate event
@@ -1297,13 +1340,21 @@ decl_module! {
let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
- // Ensure actor is allowed to moderate post
- Self::ensure_can_moderate_post(account_id, &actor, &category_id, &thread_id, &post_id)?;
+ // Ensure actor is allowed to moderate post and post is editable
+ let post = Self::ensure_can_moderate_post(
+ account_id,
+ &actor,
+ &category_id,
+ &thread_id,
+ &post_id
+ )?;
+ Self::slash_thread_account(thread_id, post.cleanup_pay_off);
Self::delete_post_inner(category_id, thread_id, post_id);
// Generate event
@@ -1314,6 +1365,70 @@ decl_module! {
+ /// Delete post from storage.
+ /// You need to provide a vector of posts to delete in the form
+ /// (T::CategoryId, T::ThreadId, T::PostId, bool)
+ /// where the last bool is whether you want to hide it apart from deleting it
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (W + V + P)` where:
+ /// - `W` is the category depth,
+ /// - `V` is the length of the rationale
+ /// - `P` is the number of posts to delete
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(W + P)
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = WeightInfoForum::<T>::delete_posts(
+ T::MaxCategoryDepth::get() as u32,
+ rationale.len().saturated_into(),
+ posts.len().saturated_into(),
+ )]
+ fn delete_posts(
+ origin,
+ forum_user_id: ForumUserId<T>,
+ posts: Vec<(T::CategoryId, T::ThreadId, T::PostId, bool)>,
+ rationale: Vec<u8>,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure data migration is done
+ Self::ensure_data_migration_done()?;
+ let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let mut deleting_posts = Vec::new();
+ for (category_id, thread_id, post_id, hide) in &posts {
+ // Ensure actor is allowed to moderate post and post is editable
+ let post = Self::ensure_can_delete_post(
+ &account_id,
+ &forum_user_id,
+ &category_id,
+ &thread_id,
+ &post_id,
+ *hide,
+ )?;
+ deleting_posts.push((category_id, thread_id, post_id, post));
+ }
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ for (category_id, thread_id, post_id, post) in deleting_posts {
+ // Pay off to thread deleter
+ Self::pay_off(*thread_id, post.cleanup_pay_off, &account_id)?;
+ Self::delete_post_inner(*category_id, *thread_id, *post_id);
+ }
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(
+ RawEvent::PostDeleted(rationale, forum_user_id, posts)
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
/// Set stickied threads for category
/// <weight>
@@ -1398,27 +1513,33 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
category_id: T::CategoryId,
text: &[u8],
author_id: ForumUserId<T>,
- ) -> (T::PostId, Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::Hash>) {
+ editable: bool,
+ ) -> T::PostId {
// Make and add initial post
let new_post_id = <NextPostId<T>>::get();
- // Build a post
- let new_post = Post {
- text_hash: T::calculate_hash(text),
- author_id,
- };
+ // Update next post id
+ <NextPostId<T>>::mutate(|n| *n += One::one());
- let mut thread = <ThreadById<T>>::get(category_id, thread_id);
- thread.posts.insert(new_post_id, new_post.clone());
+ if editable {
+ // Build a post
+ let new_post = Post {
+ text_hash: T::calculate_hash(text),
+ thread_id,
+ author_id,
+ cleanup_pay_off: T::PostDeposit::get(),
+ last_edited: frame_system::Module::<T>::block_number(),
+ };
- thread.cleanup_pay_off = thread.cleanup_pay_off.saturating_add(T::PostDeposit::get());
+ <PostById<T>>::insert(thread_id, new_post_id, new_post);
+ }
- <ThreadById<T>>::insert(category_id, thread_id, thread);
+ let mut thread = <ThreadById<T>>::get(category_id, thread_id);
+ thread.number_of_posts = thread.number_of_posts.saturating_add(1);
- // Update next post id
- <NextPostId<T>>::mutate(|n| *n += One::one());
+ <ThreadById<T>>::mutate(category_id, thread_id, |value| *value = thread);
- (new_post_id, new_post)
+ new_post_id
fn delete_thread_inner(category_id: T::CategoryId, thread_id: T::ThreadId) {
@@ -1433,10 +1554,14 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
fn delete_post_inner(category_id: T::CategoryId, thread_id: T::ThreadId, post_id: T::PostId) {
- // Decrease thread's post counter
- <ThreadById<T>>::mutate(category_id, thread_id, |thread| {
- thread.posts.remove(&post_id);
- });
+ if <ThreadById<T>>::contains_key(category_id, thread_id) {
+ let mut thread = <ThreadById<T>>::get(category_id, thread_id);
+ thread.number_of_posts = thread.number_of_posts.saturating_sub(1);
+ <ThreadById<T>>::mutate(category_id, thread_id, |value| *value = thread);
+ }
+ <PostById<T>>::remove(thread_id, post_id);
// Ensure poll is valid
@@ -1469,8 +1594,9 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
category_id: &T::CategoryId,
thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
post_id: &T::PostId,
- ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::Hash>, Error<T>> {
- // Make sure post exists
+ ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::ThreadId, T::Hash, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>, Error<T>>
+ {
+ // If the post is stored then it's mutable
let post = Self::ensure_post_exists(category_id, thread_id, post_id)?;
// and make sure thread is mutable
@@ -1479,22 +1605,22 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ // TODO: change this name, since it's no longer descriptive
fn ensure_post_exists(
category_id: &T::CategoryId,
thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
post_id: &T::PostId,
- ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::Hash>, Error<T>> {
+ ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::ThreadId, T::Hash, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>, Error<T>>
+ {
if !<ThreadById<T>>::contains_key(category_id, thread_id) {
return Err(Error::<T>::PostDoesNotExist);
- let thread = <ThreadById<T>>::get(category_id, thread_id);
+ if !<PostById<T>>::contains_key(thread_id, post_id) {
+ return Err(Error::<T>::PostDoesNotExist);
+ }
- thread
- .posts
- .get(post_id)
- .cloned()
- .ok_or(Error::<T>::PostDoesNotExist)
+ Ok(<PostById<T>>::get(thread_id, post_id))
fn ensure_can_moderate_post(
@@ -1503,16 +1629,62 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
category_id: &T::CategoryId,
thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
post_id: &T::PostId,
- ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::Hash>, Error<T>> {
+ ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::ThreadId, T::Hash, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>, Error<T>>
+ {
// Ensure the moderator can moderate the category
Self::ensure_can_moderate_category(&account_id, &actor, &category_id)?;
// Make sure post exists and is mutable
- let post = Self::ensure_post_is_mutable(&category_id, &thread_id, &post_id)?;
+ let post = if Self::thread_exists(category_id, thread_id) {
+ Self::ensure_post_is_mutable(&category_id, &thread_id, &post_id)?
+ } else {
+ <PostById<T>>::get(thread_id, post_id)
+ };
+ fn ensure_can_delete_post(
+ account_id: &T::AccountId,
+ forum_user_id: &ForumUserId<T>,
+ category_id: &T::CategoryId,
+ thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
+ post_id: &T::PostId,
+ hide: bool,
+ ) -> Result<Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::ThreadId, T::Hash, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>, Error<T>>
+ {
+ let post = if Self::thread_exists(category_id, thread_id) {
+ Self::ensure_post_is_mutable(&category_id, &thread_id, &post_id)?
+ } else {
+ <PostById<T>>::get(thread_id, post_id)
+ };
+ // Check that account is forum member
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_user(&account_id, &forum_user_id)?;
+ // Signer does not match creator of post with identifier postId
+ ensure!(
+ post.author_id == *forum_user_id
+ || Self::anyone_can_delete_post(&post, &thread_id, &category_id) && !hide,
+ Error::<T>::AccountDoesNotMatchPostAuthor
+ );
+ Ok(post)
+ }
+ fn anyone_can_delete_post(
+ post: &Post<ForumUserId<T>, T::ThreadId, T::Hash, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>,
+ thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
+ category_id: &T::CategoryId,
+ ) -> bool {
+ frame_system::Module::<T>::block_number() >= T::PostLifeTime::get() + post.last_edited
+ && !Self::thread_exists(&category_id, &thread_id)
+ }
+ fn thread_exists(category_id: &T::CategoryId, thread_id: &T::ThreadId) -> bool {
+ <ThreadById<T>>::contains_key(category_id, thread_id)
+ }
fn ensure_thread_is_mutable(
category_id: &T::CategoryId,
thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
@@ -1650,6 +1822,25 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ // Ensure actor can manipulate thread.
+ fn ensure_can_delete_thread(
+ account_id: &T::AccountId,
+ forum_user_id: &ForumUserId<T>,
+ category_id: &T::CategoryId,
+ thread_id: &T::ThreadId,
+ ) -> Result<ThreadOf<T>, Error<T>> {
+ // Ensure thread exists and is mutable
+ let (_, thread) = Self::ensure_thread_is_mutable(category_id, thread_id)?;
+ // Check that account is forum member
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_user(&account_id, &forum_user_id)?;
+ // Ensure forum user is author of the thread
+ Self::ensure_is_thread_author(&thread, &forum_user_id)?;
+ Ok(thread)
+ }
fn ensure_can_move_thread(
account_id: T::AccountId,
actor: &PrivilegedActor<T>,
@@ -1927,10 +2118,6 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
let category = Self::ensure_category_is_mutable(category_id)?;
- Self::ensure_map_limits::<<<T>::MapLimits as StorageLimits>::MaxThreadsInCategory>(
- category.num_direct_threads as u64,
- )?;
// The balance for creation of thread is the base cost plus the cost of a single post
let minimum_balance = T::ThreadDeposit::get() + T::PostDeposit::get();
@@ -1954,11 +2141,6 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Check that account is forum member
Self::ensure_is_forum_user(account_id, &forum_user_id)?;
- ensure!(
- Self::ensure_enough_balance(T::PostDeposit::get(), &account_id),
- Error::<T>::InsufficientBalanceForPost
- );
let (category, thread) = Self::ensure_thread_is_mutable(category_id, thread_id)?;
Ok((category, thread))
@@ -1973,6 +2155,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Ensure actor can moderate the category
let category = Self::ensure_can_moderate_category(&account_id, &actor, &category_id)?;
+ // Ensure all thread id valid and is under the category
// Helps to prevent thread ID duplicates.
let mut unique_stickied_ids = BTreeSet::<T::ThreadId>::new();