@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+import { EventContext, StoreContext, DatabaseManager } from '@joystream/hydra-common'
+import { CURRENT_NETWORK, deserializeMetadata, genericEventFields } from './common'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { FindConditions, SelectQueryBuilder } from 'typeorm'
+import {
+ // Council events
+ AnnouncingPeriodStartedEvent,
+ NotEnoughCandidatesEvent,
+ VotingPeriodStartedEvent,
+ NewCandidateEvent,
+ NewCouncilElectedEvent,
+ NewCouncilNotElectedEvent,
+ CandidacyStakeReleaseEvent,
+ CandidacyWithdrawEvent,
+ CandidacyNoteSetEvent,
+ RewardPaymentEvent,
+ BudgetBalanceSetEvent,
+ BudgetRefillEvent,
+ BudgetRefillPlannedEvent,
+ BudgetIncrementUpdatedEvent,
+ CouncilorRewardUpdatedEvent,
+ RequestFundedEvent,
+ // Referendum events
+ ReferendumStartedEvent,
+ ReferendumStartedForcefullyEvent,
+ RevealingStageStartedEvent,
+ ReferendumFinishedEvent,
+ VoteCastEvent,
+ VoteRevealedEvent,
+ StakeReleasedEvent,
+ // Council & referendum structures
+ ReferendumStageVoting,
+ ReferendumStageRevealing,
+ // Council & referendum schema types
+ CouncilStageUpdate,
+ CouncilStageAnnouncing,
+ CouncilStageIdle,
+ CouncilStageElection,
+ CouncilStage,
+ ElectionProblem,
+ Candidate,
+ CouncilMember,
+ ElectionRound,
+ ElectedCouncil,
+ CastVote,
+ CandidacyNoteMetadata,
+ // Misc
+ Membership,
+} from 'query-node/dist/model'
+import { Council, Referendum } from '../generated/types'
+import { CouncilCandidacyNoteMetadata } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { isSet } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+/// /////////////// Common - Gets //////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Retrieves the member record by its id.
+async function getMembership(store: DatabaseManager, memberId: string): Promise<Membership | undefined> {
+ const member = await store.get(Membership, { where: { id: memberId } })
+ if (!member) {
+ throw new Error(`Membership not found. memberId '${memberId}'`)
+ }
+ return member
+ Retrieves the council candidate by its member id. Returns the last record for the member
+ if the election round isn't explicitly set.
+async function getCandidate(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ memberId: string,
+ electionRound?: ElectionRound,
+ relations: string[] = []
+): Promise<Candidate> {
+ const event = await store.get(NewCandidateEvent, {
+ join: { alias: 'event', innerJoin: { candidate: 'event.candidate' } },
+ where: (qb: SelectQueryBuilder<NewCandidateEvent>) => {
+ qb.where('candidate.memberId = :memberId', { memberId })
+ if (electionRound) {
+ qb.andWhere('candidate.electionRoundId = :electionRoundId', { electionRoundId: electionRound.id })
+ }
+ },
+ order: { inBlock: 'DESC', indexInBlock: 'DESC' },
+ relations: ['candidate'].concat(relations.map((r) => `candidate.${r}`)),
+ })
+ if (!event) {
+ throw new Error(`Candidate not found. memberId '${memberId}' electionRound '${electionRound?.id}'`)
+ }
+ return event.candidate
+ Retrieves the member's last council member record.
+async function getCouncilMember(store: DatabaseManager, memberId: string): Promise<CouncilMember> {
+ const councilMember = await store.get(CouncilMember, {
+ where: { memberId: memberId },
+ order: { createdAt: 'DESC' },
+ })
+ if (!councilMember) {
+ throw new Error(`Council member not found. memberId '${memberId}'`)
+ }
+ return councilMember
+ Returns the current election round record.
+async function getCurrentElectionRound(store: DatabaseManager, relations: string[] = []): Promise<ElectionRound> {
+ const electionRound = await store.get(ElectionRound, { order: { cycleId: 'DESC' }, relations: relations })
+ if (!electionRound) {
+ throw new Error(`No election round found`)
+ }
+ return electionRound
+ Returns the last council stage update.
+async function getCurrentStageUpdate(store: DatabaseManager): Promise<CouncilStageUpdate> {
+ const stageUpdate = await store.get(CouncilStageUpdate, { order: { changedAt: 'DESC' } })
+ if (!stageUpdate) {
+ throw new Error('No stage update found.')
+ }
+ return stageUpdate
+ Returns current elected council record.
+async function getCurrentElectedCouncil(store: DatabaseManager): Promise<ElectedCouncil> {
+ const electedCouncil = await store.get(ElectedCouncil, { order: { electedAtBlock: 'DESC' } })
+ // elected council's existence is guaranteed because one is inserted in `genesis.ts`
+ return electedCouncil as ElectedCouncil
+ Returns the last vote cast in an election by the given account. Returns the last record for the account
+ if the election round isn't explicitly set.
+async function getAccountCastVote(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ account: string,
+ electionRound?: ElectionRound
+): Promise<CastVote> {
+ const where = { castBy: account } as FindConditions<Candidate>
+ if (electionRound) {
+ where.electionRound = electionRound
+ }
+ const castVote = await store.get(CastVote, { where, order: { createdAt: 'DESC' } })
+ if (!castVote) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `No vote cast by the given account in the curent election round. accountId '${account}', cycleId '${electionRound?.cycleId}'`
+ )
+ }
+ return castVote
+ Vote power calculation should correspond to implementation of `referendum::Trait<ReferendumInstance>`
+ in `runtime/src/lib.rs`.
+function calculateVotePower(accountId: string, stake: BN): BN {
+ return stake
+ Custom typeguard for council stage - announcing candidacy.
+function isCouncilStageAnnouncing(councilStage: typeof CouncilStage): councilStage is CouncilStageAnnouncing {
+ return councilStage.isTypeOf === 'CouncilStageAnnouncing'
+/// /////////////// Common /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Creates new council stage update record.
+async function updateCouncilStage(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ councilStage: typeof CouncilStage,
+ blockNumber: number,
+ electionProblem?: ElectionProblem
+): Promise<void> {
+ const electedCouncil = await getCurrentElectedCouncil(store)
+ const councilStageUpdate = new CouncilStageUpdate({
+ stage: councilStage,
+ changedAt: new BN(blockNumber),
+ electionProblem,
+ electedCouncil,
+ })
+ await store.save<CouncilStageUpdate>(councilStageUpdate)
+ Concludes current election round and starts the next one.
+async function startNextElectionRound(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ electedCouncil: ElectedCouncil,
+ blockNumber: number,
+ electionProblem?: ElectionProblem
+): Promise<ElectionRound> {
+ // finish last election round
+ const lastElectionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ lastElectionRound.isFinished = true
+ lastElectionRound.nextElectedCouncil = electedCouncil
+ // save last election
+ await store.save<ElectionRound>(lastElectionRound)
+ // create election round record
+ const electionRound = new ElectionRound({
+ cycleId: lastElectionRound.cycleId + 1,
+ isFinished: false,
+ castVotes: [],
+ electedCouncil,
+ candidates: [],
+ })
+ // save new election
+ await store.save<ElectionRound>(electionRound)
+ // update council stage
+ const stage = new CouncilStageAnnouncing()
+ stage.candidatesCount = new BN(0)
+ await updateCouncilStage(store, stage, blockNumber, electionProblem)
+ return electionRound
+ Converts successful council candidate records to council member records.
+async function convertCandidatesToCouncilMembers(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ candidates: Candidate[],
+ blockNumber: number
+): Promise<CouncilMember[]> {
+ const councilMembers = await candidates.reduce(async (councilMembersPromise, candidate) => {
+ const councilMembers = await councilMembersPromise
+ const member = new Membership({ id: candidate.member.id.toString() })
+ const councilMember = new CouncilMember({
+ // id: candidate.id // TODO: are ids needed?
+ stakingAccountId: candidate.stakingAccountId,
+ rewardAccountId: candidate.rewardAccountId,
+ member,
+ stake: candidate.stake,
+ lastPaymentBlock: new BN(blockNumber),
+ unpaidReward: new BN(0),
+ accumulatedReward: new BN(0),
+ })
+ return [...councilMembers, councilMember]
+ }, Promise.resolve([] as CouncilMember[]))
+ return councilMembers
+/// /////////////// Council events /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ The event is emitted when a new round of elections begins (can be caused by multiple reasons) and candidates can announce
+ their candidacies.
+export async function council_AnnouncingPeriodStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ // const [] = new Council.AnnouncingPeriodStartedEvent(event).params
+ const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new AnnouncingPeriodStartedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ })
+ await store.save<AnnouncingPeriodStartedEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // restart elections
+ const electedCouncil = await getCurrentElectedCouncil(store)
+ await startNextElectionRound(store, electedCouncil, event.blockNumber)
+ The event is emitted when a candidacy announcment period has ended, but not enough members announced.
+export async function council_NotEnoughCandidates({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ // const [] = new Council.NotEnoughCandidatesEvent(event).params
+ const notEnoughCandidatesEvent = new NotEnoughCandidatesEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ })
+ await store.save<NotEnoughCandidatesEvent>(notEnoughCandidatesEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // restart elections
+ const electedCouncil = await getCurrentElectedCouncil(store)
+ await startNextElectionRound(store, electedCouncil, event.blockNumber, ElectionProblem.NOT_ENOUGH_CANDIDATES)
+ The event is emitted when a new round of elections begins (can be caused by multiple reasons).
+export async function council_VotingPeriodStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [numOfCandidates] = new Council.VotingPeriodStartedEvent(event).params
+ const votingPeriodStartedEvent = new VotingPeriodStartedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ numOfCandidates,
+ })
+ await store.save<VotingPeriodStartedEvent>(votingPeriodStartedEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // add stage update record
+ const stage = new CouncilStageElection()
+ stage.candidatesCount = new BN(numOfCandidates.toString()) // toString() is needed to duplicate BN
+ await updateCouncilStage(store, stage, event.blockNumber)
+ The event is emitted when a member announces candidacy to the council.
+export async function council_NewCandidate({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing - init
+ const [memberId, stakingAccount, rewardAccount, balance] = new Council.NewCandidateEvent(event).params
+ const member = await getMembership(store, memberId.toString())
+ // specific event processing
+ // increase candidate count in stage update record
+ const lastStageUpdate = await getCurrentStageUpdate(store)
+ if (!isCouncilStageAnnouncing(lastStageUpdate.stage)) {
+ throw new Error(`Unexpected council stage "${lastStageUpdate.stage.isTypeOf}"`)
+ }
+ lastStageUpdate.stage.candidatesCount = new BN(lastStageUpdate.stage.candidatesCount).add(new BN(1))
+ await store.save<CouncilStageUpdate>(lastStageUpdate)
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ // prepare note metadata record (empty until explicitily set via different extrinsic)
+ const noteMetadata = new CandidacyNoteMetadata({
+ bulletPoints: [],
+ })
+ await store.save<CandidacyNoteMetadata>(noteMetadata)
+ // save candidate record
+ const candidate = new Candidate({
+ stakingAccountId: stakingAccount.toString(),
+ rewardAccountId: rewardAccount.toString(),
+ member,
+ electionRound,
+ stake: balance,
+ stakeLocked: true,
+ candidacyWithdrawn: false,
+ votePower: new BN(0),
+ noteMetadata,
+ votesRecieved: [],
+ })
+ await store.save<Candidate>(candidate)
+ // common event processing - save
+ const newCandidateEvent = new NewCandidateEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ candidate,
+ stakingAccount: stakingAccount.toString(),
+ rewardAccount: rewardAccount.toString(),
+ balance,
+ })
+ await store.save<NewCandidateEvent>(newCandidateEvent)
+ The event is emitted when the new council is elected. Sufficient members were elected and there is no other problem.
+export async function council_NewCouncilElected({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing - init
+ const [memberIds] = new Council.NewCouncilElectedEvent(event).params
+ const electedMemberIds = memberIds.map((item) => item.toString())
+ // specific event processing
+ // mark old council as resinged
+ const oldElectedCouncil = await getCurrentElectedCouncil(store)
+ oldElectedCouncil.isResigned = true
+ oldElectedCouncil.endedAtBlock = event.blockNumber
+ oldElectedCouncil.endedAtTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ oldElectedCouncil.endedAtNetwork = CURRENT_NETWORK
+ await store.save<ElectedCouncil>(oldElectedCouncil)
+ // get election round and its candidates
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ // TODO: uncomment when following query will be working (after some QN patches make it to Olympia)
+ // const electedCandidates = await store.getMany(Candidate, { where: { electionRoundId: electionRound.id, member: { id_in: electedMemberIds } } })
+ const electedCandidates = (
+ await store.getMany(Candidate, { where: { electionRoundId: electionRound.id }, relations: ['member'] })
+ ).filter((item: Candidate) => electedMemberIds.find((tmpId) => tmpId === item.member.id.toString()))
+ // create new council record
+ const electedCouncil = new ElectedCouncil({
+ councilMembers: await convertCandidatesToCouncilMembers(store, electedCandidates, event.blockNumber),
+ updates: [],
+ electedAtBlock: event.blockNumber,
+ electedAtTime: new Date(event.blockTimestamp),
+ electedAtNetwork: CURRENT_NETWORK,
+ councilElections: oldElectedCouncil?.nextCouncilElections || [],
+ nextCouncilElections: [],
+ isResigned: false,
+ })
+ await store.save<ElectedCouncil>(electedCouncil)
+ // save new council members
+ await Promise.all(
+ (electedCouncil.councilMembers || []).map(async (councilMember) => {
+ councilMember.electedInCouncil = electedCouncil
+ await store.save<CouncilMember>(councilMember)
+ })
+ )
+ // add council stage update
+ const stage = new CouncilStageIdle()
+ await updateCouncilStage(store, stage, event.blockNumber)
+ // unset `isCouncilMember` sign for old council's members
+ const oldElectedMembers = await store.getMany(Membership, { where: { isCouncilMember: true } })
+ await Promise.all(
+ oldElectedMembers.map(async (member) => {
+ member.isCouncilMember = false
+ await store.save<Membership>(member)
+ })
+ )
+ // set `isCouncilMember` sign for new council's members
+ await Promise.all(
+ (electedCouncil.councilMembers || []).map(async (councilMember) => {
+ const member = councilMember.member
+ member.isCouncilMember = true
+ await store.save<Membership>(member)
+ })
+ )
+ // common event processing - save
+ const newCouncilElectedEvent = new NewCouncilElectedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ electedCouncil,
+ })
+ await store.save<NewCouncilElectedEvent>(newCouncilElectedEvent)
+ The event is emitted when the new council couldn't be elected because not enough candidates received some votes.
+ This can be vaguely translated as the public not having enough interest in the candidates.
+export async function council_NewCouncilNotElected({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ // const [] = new Council.NewCouncilNotElectedEvent(event).params
+ const newCouncilNotElectedEvent = new NewCouncilNotElectedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ })
+ await store.save<NewCouncilNotElectedEvent>(newCouncilNotElectedEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // restart elections
+ const electedCouncil = await getCurrentElectedCouncil(store)
+ await startNextElectionRound(store, electedCouncil, event.blockNumber, ElectionProblem.NEW_COUNCIL_NOT_ELECTED)
+ The event is emitted when the member is releasing it's candidacy stake that is no longer needed.
+export async function council_CandidacyStakeRelease({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [memberId] = new Council.CandidacyStakeReleaseEvent(event).params
+ const candidate = await getCandidate(store, memberId.toString()) // get last member's candidacy record
+ const candidacyStakeReleaseEvent = new CandidacyStakeReleaseEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ candidate,
+ })
+ await store.save<CandidacyStakeReleaseEvent>(candidacyStakeReleaseEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // update candidate info about stake lock
+ candidate.stakeLocked = false
+ await store.save<Candidate>(candidate)
+ The event is emitted when the member is revoking its candidacy during a candidacy announcement stage.
+export async function council_CandidacyWithdraw({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [memberId] = new Council.CandidacyWithdrawEvent(event).params
+ const candidate = await getCandidate(store, memberId.toString())
+ const candidacyWithdrawEvent = new CandidacyWithdrawEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ candidate,
+ })
+ await store.save<CandidacyWithdrawEvent>(candidacyWithdrawEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // mark candidacy as withdrawn
+ candidate.candidacyWithdrawn = true
+ await store.save<Candidate>(candidate)
+ The event is emitted when the candidate changes its candidacy note.
+export async function council_CandidacyNoteSet({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [memberId, note] = new Council.CandidacyNoteSetEvent(event).params
+ // load candidate recored
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ const candidate = await getCandidate(store, memberId.toString(), electionRound, ['noteMetadata'])
+ const areBulletPointsSet = (metadataBulletPoints: string[] | null | undefined) => !!metadataBulletPoints
+ const areBulletPointsBeingUnset = (metadataBulletPoints: string[]) => {
+ // assumes areBulletPointsSet() were checked before
+ return metadataBulletPoints.length && metadataBulletPoints[0] === ''
+ }
+ // unpack note's metadata and save it to db
+ const metadata = deserializeMetadata(CouncilCandidacyNoteMetadata, note)
+ const noteMetadata = candidate.noteMetadata
+ // `XXX || (null as any)` construct clears metadata if requested (see https://github.com/Joystream/hydra/issues/435)
+ noteMetadata.header = isSet(metadata?.header) ? metadata?.header || (null as any) : noteMetadata.header
+ noteMetadata.bulletPoints = areBulletPointsSet(metadata?.bulletPoints)
+ ? areBulletPointsBeingUnset(metadata?.bulletPoints as string[]) // check deletion request
+ ? [] // empty bullet points
+ : (metadata?.bulletPoints as string[]) // set new value
+ : noteMetadata.bulletPoints // keep previous value
+ noteMetadata.bannerImageUri = isSet(metadata?.bannerImageUri)
+ ? metadata?.bannerImageUri || (null as any)
+ : noteMetadata.bannerImageUri
+ noteMetadata.description = isSet(metadata?.description)
+ ? metadata?.description || (null as any)
+ : noteMetadata.description
+ await store.save<CandidacyNoteMetadata>(noteMetadata)
+ // save metadata set by this event
+ const noteMetadataSnapshot = new CandidacyNoteMetadata({
+ header: metadata?.header ?? undefined,
+ bulletPoints: areBulletPointsSet(metadata?.bulletPoints) ? (metadata?.bulletPoints as string[]) : [],
+ bannerImageUri: metadata?.bannerImageUri ?? undefined,
+ description: metadata?.description ?? undefined,
+ })
+ await store.save<CandidacyNoteMetadata>(noteMetadataSnapshot)
+ const candidacyNoteSetEvent = new CandidacyNoteSetEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ candidate,
+ noteMetadata: noteMetadataSnapshot,
+ })
+ await store.save<CandidacyNoteSetEvent>(candidacyNoteSetEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when the council member receives its reward.
+export async function council_RewardPayment({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [memberId, rewardAccount, paidBalance, missingBalance] = new Council.RewardPaymentEvent(event).params
+ const councilMember = await getCouncilMember(store, memberId.toString())
+ const rewardPaymentEvent = new RewardPaymentEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ councilMember,
+ rewardAccount: rewardAccount.toString(),
+ paidBalance,
+ missingBalance,
+ })
+ await store.save<RewardPaymentEvent>(rewardPaymentEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ // update (un)paid reward info
+ councilMember.accumulatedReward = councilMember.accumulatedReward.add(paidBalance)
+ councilMember.unpaidReward = missingBalance
+ councilMember.lastPaymentBlock = new BN(event.blockNumber)
+ await store.save<CouncilMember>(councilMember)
+ The event is emitted when a new budget balance is set.
+export async function council_BudgetBalanceSet({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [balance] = new Council.BudgetBalanceSetEvent(event).params
+ const budgetBalanceSetEvent = new BudgetBalanceSetEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ balance,
+ })
+ await store.save<BudgetBalanceSetEvent>(budgetBalanceSetEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when a planned budget refill occurs.
+export async function council_BudgetRefill({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [balance] = new Council.BudgetRefillEvent(event).params
+ const budgetRefillEvent = new BudgetRefillEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ balance,
+ })
+ await store.save<BudgetRefillEvent>(budgetRefillEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when a new budget refill is planned.
+export async function council_BudgetRefillPlanned({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [nextRefillInBlock] = new Council.BudgetRefillPlannedEvent(event).params
+ const budgetRefillPlannedEvent = new BudgetRefillPlannedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ nextRefillInBlock: nextRefillInBlock.toNumber(),
+ })
+ await store.save<BudgetRefillPlannedEvent>(budgetRefillPlannedEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when a regular budget increment amount is updated.
+export async function council_BudgetIncrementUpdated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [amount] = new Council.BudgetIncrementUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const budgetIncrementUpdatedEvent = new BudgetIncrementUpdatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ amount,
+ })
+ await store.save<BudgetIncrementUpdatedEvent>(budgetIncrementUpdatedEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when the reward amount for council members is updated.
+export async function council_CouncilorRewardUpdated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [rewardAmount] = new Council.CouncilorRewardUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const councilorRewardUpdatedEvent = new CouncilorRewardUpdatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ rewardAmount,
+ })
+ await store.save<CouncilorRewardUpdatedEvent>(councilorRewardUpdatedEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when funds are transfered from the council budget to an account.
+export async function council_RequestFunded({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [account, amount] = new Council.RequestFundedEvent(event).params
+ const requestFundedEvent = new RequestFundedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ account: account.toString(),
+ amount,
+ })
+ await store.save<RequestFundedEvent>(requestFundedEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+/// /////////////// Referendum events //////////////////////////////////////////
+ The event is emitted when the voting stage of elections starts.
+export async function referendum_ReferendumStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [winningTargetCount] = new Referendum.ReferendumStartedEvent(event).params
+ const referendumStartedEvent = new ReferendumStartedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ winningTargetCount,
+ })
+ await store.save<ReferendumStartedEvent>(referendumStartedEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ await recordReferendumVotingStart(store, event.blockNumber, winningTargetCount.toNumber())
+ The event is emitted when the voting stage of elections starts (in a fail-safe way).
+export async function referendum_ReferendumStartedForcefully({
+ event,
+ store,
+}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [winningTargetCount] = new Referendum.ReferendumStartedForcefullyEvent(event).params
+ const referendumStartedForcefullyEvent = new ReferendumStartedForcefullyEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ winningTargetCount,
+ })
+ await store.save<ReferendumStartedForcefullyEvent>(referendumStartedForcefullyEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ await recordReferendumVotingStart(store, event.blockNumber, winningTargetCount.toNumber())
+ Adds record about referendum voting start to the current election round.
+async function recordReferendumVotingStart(store: DatabaseManager, blockNumber: number, winningTargetCount: number) {
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ // add referendum voting stage record to election round
+ const referendumStage = new ReferendumStageVoting()
+ referendumStage.startedAtBlock = new BN(blockNumber)
+ referendumStage.winningTargetCount = new BN(winningTargetCount)
+ referendumStage.electionRound = electionRound
+ await store.save<ReferendumStageVoting>(referendumStage)
+ The event is emitted when the vote revealing stage of elections starts.
+export async function referendum_RevealingStageStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ // const [] = new Referendum.RevealingStageStartedEvent(event).params
+ const revealingStageStartedEvent = new RevealingStageStartedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ })
+ await store.save<RevealingStageStartedEvent>(revealingStageStartedEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store, ['referendumStageVoting'])
+ // add referendum revealing stage record to election round
+ const referendumStage = new ReferendumStageRevealing()
+ referendumStage.startedAtBlock = new BN(event.blockNumber)
+ referendumStage.winningTargetCount = (electionRound.referendumStageVoting as ReferendumStageVoting).winningTargetCount
+ referendumStage.electionRound = electionRound
+ await store.save<ReferendumStageRevealing>(referendumStage)
+ The event is emitted when referendum finished and all revealed votes were counted.
+export async function referendum_ReferendumFinished({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ // const [optionResultsRaw] = new Referendum.ReferendumFinishedEvent(event).params
+ const referendumFinishedEvent = new ReferendumFinishedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ })
+ await store.save<ReferendumFinishedEvent>(referendumFinishedEvent)
+ // no specific event processing
+ The event is emitted when a vote is casted in the council election.
+export async function referendum_VoteCast({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing - init
+ const [account, hash, stake] = new Referendum.VoteCastEvent(event).params
+ const votePower = calculateVotePower(account.toString(), stake)
+ // specific event processing
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ const castVote = new CastVote({
+ commitment: hash.toString(),
+ electionRound,
+ stake,
+ stakeLocked: true,
+ castBy: account.toString(),
+ votePower: votePower,
+ })
+ await store.save<CastVote>(castVote)
+ // common event processing - save
+ const voteCastEvent = new VoteCastEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ castVote,
+ })
+ await store.save<VoteCastEvent>(voteCastEvent)
+ The event is emitted when a previously casted vote is revealed.
+export async function referendum_VoteRevealed({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing - init
+ const [account, memberId /*, salt */] = new Referendum.VoteRevealedEvent(event).params
+ // specific event processing
+ // read vote info
+ const electionRound = await getCurrentElectionRound(store)
+ const candidate = await getCandidate(store, memberId.toString(), electionRound, ['member'])
+ const castVote = await getAccountCastVote(store, account.toString(), electionRound)
+ // update cast vote's voteFor info
+ castVote.voteFor = candidate
+ await store.save<CastVote>(castVote)
+ // increase candidate's total vote power received accordingly
+ candidate.votePower = candidate.votePower.add(castVote.votePower)
+ candidate.lastVoteReceivedAtBlock = new BN(event.blockNumber)
+ candidate.lastVoteReceivedAtEventNumber = event.indexInBlock
+ await store.save<Candidate>(candidate)
+ // common event processing - save
+ const voteRevealedEvent = new VoteRevealedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ castVote,
+ })
+ await store.save<VoteRevealedEvent>(voteRevealedEvent)
+ The event is emitted when a vote's stake is released.
+export async function referendum_StakeReleased({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ // common event processing
+ const [stakingAccount] = new Referendum.StakeReleasedEvent(event).params
+ const stakeReleasedEvent = new StakeReleasedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ stakingAccount: stakingAccount.toString(),
+ })
+ await store.save<StakeReleasedEvent>(stakeReleasedEvent)
+ // specific event processing
+ const castVote = await getAccountCastVote(store, stakingAccount.toString())
+ castVote.stakeLocked = false
+ await store.save<CastVote>(castVote)