@@ -25,368 +25,368 @@ const streamBuffers = require('stream-buffers')
const ranges = require('@joystream/storage-utils/ranges')
describe('util/ranges', function () {
- describe('parse()', function () {
- it('should parse a full range', function () {
- // Range with unit
- let range = ranges.parse('bytes=0-100')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-100')
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
- // Range without unit
- range = ranges.parse('0-100')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-100')
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
- // Range with custom unit
- //
- range = ranges.parse('foo=0-100')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('foo')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-100')
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
- })
- it('should error out on malformed strings', function () {
- expect(() => ranges.parse('foo')).to.throw()
- expect(() => ranges.parse('foo=bar')).to.throw()
- expect(() => ranges.parse('foo=100')).to.throw()
- expect(() => ranges.parse('foo=100-0')).to.throw()
- })
- it('should parse a range without end', function () {
- const range = ranges.parse('0-')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-')
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.be.undefined
- })
- it('should parse a range without start', function () {
- const range = ranges.parse('-100')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('-100')
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.be.undefined
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
- })
- it('should parse multiple ranges', function () {
- const range = ranges.parse('0-10,30-40,60-80')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-10,30-40,60-80')
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(10)
- expect(range.ranges[1][0]).to.equal(30)
- expect(range.ranges[1][1]).to.equal(40)
- expect(range.ranges[2][0]).to.equal(60)
- expect(range.ranges[2][1]).to.equal(80)
- })
- it('should merge overlapping ranges', function () {
- // Two overlapping ranges
- let range = ranges.parse('0-20,10-30')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-20,10-30')
- expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(30)
- // Three overlapping ranges
- range = ranges.parse('0-15,10-25,20-30')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-15,10-25,20-30')
- expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(30)
- // Three overlapping ranges, reverse order
- range = ranges.parse('20-30,10-25,0-15')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('20-30,10-25,0-15')
- expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(30)
- // Adjacent ranges
- range = ranges.parse('0-10,11-20')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-10,11-20')
- expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(20)
- })
- it('should sort ranges', function () {
- const range = ranges.parse('10-30,0-5')
- expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
- expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('10-30,0-5')
- expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(2)
- expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
- expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(5)
- expect(range.ranges[1][0]).to.equal(10)
- expect(range.ranges[1][1]).to.equal(30)
- })
- })
- describe('send()', function () {
- it('should send full files on request', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('Hello, world!')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- it('should send a range spanning the entire file on request', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- ranges: {
- ranges: [[0, 12]],
- },
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 0-12/*')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-length')).to.equal('13')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('Hello, world!')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- it('should send a small range on request', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- ranges: {
- ranges: [[1, 11]], // Cut off first and last letter
- },
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 1-11/*')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-length')).to.equal('11')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('ello, world')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- it('should send ranges crossing buffer boundaries', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({
- chunkSize: 3, // Setting a chunk size smaller than the range should
- // not impact the test.
- })
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- ranges: {
- ranges: [[1, 11]], // Cut off first and last letter
- },
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 1-11/*')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-length')).to.equal('11')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('ello, world')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- it('should send multiple ranges', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- ranges: {
- ranges: [
- [1, 3],
- [5, 7],
- ], // Slice two ranges out
- },
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.satisfy((str) => str.startsWith('multipart/byteranges'))
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- // The buffer should contain both ranges, but with all the That would be
- // "ell" and ", w".
- // It's pretty elaborate having to parse the entire multipart response
- // body, so we'll restrict ourselves to finding lines within it.
- const body = res._getBuffer().toString()
- expect(body).to.contain('\r\nContent-Range: bytes 1-3/*\r\n')
- expect(body).to.contain('\r\nell\r\n')
- expect(body).to.contain('\r\nContent-Range: bytes 5-7/*\r\n')
- expect(body).to.contain('\r\n, w')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- it('should deal with ranges without end', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- ranges: {
- ranges: [[5, undefined]], // Skip the first part, but read until end
- },
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 5-/*')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal(', world!')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- it('should ignore ranges without start', function (done) {
- const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
- const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
- // End-of-stream callback
- const opts = {
- name: 'test.file',
- type: 'application/test',
- ranges: {
- ranges: [[undefined, 5]], // Only last five
- },
- }
- ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
- expect(err).to.not.exist
- // HTTP handling
- expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200)
- expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
- expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
- // Data/stream handling
- expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
- expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('Hello, world!')
- // Notify mocha that we're done.
- done()
- })
- // Simulate file stream
- inStream.emit('open')
- inStream.put('Hello, world!')
- inStream.stop()
- })
- })
+ describe('parse()', function () {
+ it('should parse a full range', function () {
+ // Range with unit
+ let range = ranges.parse('bytes=0-100')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-100')
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
+ // Range without unit
+ range = ranges.parse('0-100')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-100')
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
+ // Range with custom unit
+ //
+ range = ranges.parse('foo=0-100')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('foo')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-100')
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
+ })
+ it('should error out on malformed strings', function () {
+ expect(() => ranges.parse('foo')).to.throw()
+ expect(() => ranges.parse('foo=bar')).to.throw()
+ expect(() => ranges.parse('foo=100')).to.throw()
+ expect(() => ranges.parse('foo=100-0')).to.throw()
+ })
+ it('should parse a range without end', function () {
+ const range = ranges.parse('0-')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-')
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.be.undefined
+ })
+ it('should parse a range without start', function () {
+ const range = ranges.parse('-100')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('-100')
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.be.undefined
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(100)
+ })
+ it('should parse multiple ranges', function () {
+ const range = ranges.parse('0-10,30-40,60-80')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-10,30-40,60-80')
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(10)
+ expect(range.ranges[1][0]).to.equal(30)
+ expect(range.ranges[1][1]).to.equal(40)
+ expect(range.ranges[2][0]).to.equal(60)
+ expect(range.ranges[2][1]).to.equal(80)
+ })
+ it('should merge overlapping ranges', function () {
+ // Two overlapping ranges
+ let range = ranges.parse('0-20,10-30')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-20,10-30')
+ expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(30)
+ // Three overlapping ranges
+ range = ranges.parse('0-15,10-25,20-30')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-15,10-25,20-30')
+ expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(30)
+ // Three overlapping ranges, reverse order
+ range = ranges.parse('20-30,10-25,0-15')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('20-30,10-25,0-15')
+ expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(30)
+ // Adjacent ranges
+ range = ranges.parse('0-10,11-20')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('0-10,11-20')
+ expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(1)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(20)
+ })
+ it('should sort ranges', function () {
+ const range = ranges.parse('10-30,0-5')
+ expect(range.unit).to.equal('bytes')
+ expect(range.rangeStr).to.equal('10-30,0-5')
+ expect(range.ranges).to.have.lengthOf(2)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][0]).to.equal(0)
+ expect(range.ranges[0][1]).to.equal(5)
+ expect(range.ranges[1][0]).to.equal(10)
+ expect(range.ranges[1][1]).to.equal(30)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('send()', function () {
+ it('should send full files on request', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('Hello, world!')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ it('should send a range spanning the entire file on request', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ ranges: {
+ ranges: [[0, 12]],
+ },
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 0-12/*')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-length')).to.equal('13')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('Hello, world!')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ it('should send a small range on request', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ ranges: {
+ ranges: [[1, 11]], // Cut off first and last letter
+ },
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 1-11/*')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-length')).to.equal('11')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('ello, world')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ it('should send ranges crossing buffer boundaries', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({
+ chunkSize: 3, // Setting a chunk size smaller than the range should
+ // not impact the test.
+ })
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ ranges: {
+ ranges: [[1, 11]], // Cut off first and last letter
+ },
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 1-11/*')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-length')).to.equal('11')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('ello, world')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ it('should send multiple ranges', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ ranges: {
+ ranges: [
+ [1, 3],
+ [5, 7],
+ ], // Slice two ranges out
+ },
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.satisfy(str => str.startsWith('multipart/byteranges'))
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ // The buffer should contain both ranges, but with all the That would be
+ // "ell" and ", w".
+ // It's pretty elaborate having to parse the entire multipart response
+ // body, so we'll restrict ourselves to finding lines within it.
+ const body = res._getBuffer().toString()
+ expect(body).to.contain('\r\nContent-Range: bytes 1-3/*\r\n')
+ expect(body).to.contain('\r\nell\r\n')
+ expect(body).to.contain('\r\nContent-Range: bytes 5-7/*\r\n')
+ expect(body).to.contain('\r\n, w')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ it('should deal with ranges without end', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ ranges: {
+ ranges: [[5, undefined]], // Skip the first part, but read until end
+ },
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(206)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-range')).to.equal('bytes 5-/*')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal(', world!')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ it('should ignore ranges without start', function (done) {
+ const res = mockHttp.createResponse({})
+ const inStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({})
+ // End-of-stream callback
+ const opts = {
+ name: 'test.file',
+ type: 'application/test',
+ ranges: {
+ ranges: [[undefined, 5]], // Only last five
+ },
+ }
+ ranges.send(res, inStream, opts, function (err) {
+ expect(err).to.not.exist
+ // HTTP handling
+ expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200)
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-type')).to.equal('application/test')
+ expect(res.getHeader('content-disposition')).to.equal('inline')
+ // Data/stream handling
+ expect(res._isEndCalled()).to.be.true
+ expect(res._getBuffer().toString()).to.equal('Hello, world!')
+ // Notify mocha that we're done.
+ done()
+ })
+ // Simulate file stream
+ inStream.emit('open')
+ inStream.put('Hello, world!')
+ inStream.stop()
+ })
+ })