@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import { I18nProps as Props } from '@polkadot/react-components/types';
import { KeypairType } from '@polkadot/util-crypto/types';
-import React from 'react';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Dropdown, Icon, Input, InputAddress, Static } from '@polkadot/react-components';
import keyring from '@polkadot/ui-keyring';
import uiSettings from '@polkadot/ui-settings';
@@ -17,211 +17,145 @@ import translate from './translate';
type CryptoTypes = KeypairType | 'unknown';
-interface CryptoOption {
- text: string;
- value: string;
-interface State {
- currentPublicKey: Uint8Array | null;
- cryptoOptions: CryptoOption[];
- cryptoType: CryptoTypes;
- defaultPublicKey?: Uint8Array;
- data: string;
- isHexData: boolean;
- isValidAddress: boolean;
- isValidSignature: boolean;
- isValid: boolean;
- signature: string;
const AlignedIcon = styled(Icon)`
&&&::before {
position: relative;
left: 0.88rem;
- top: 1rem;
+ top: 1rem;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
font-size: 32px;
background: white !important;
border-radius: 50%;
&&&.big.icon {
font-size: 32px;
-class Verify extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
- public state: State;
- public constructor (props: Props) {
- super(props);
- const { t } = this.props;
- const pairs = keyring.getPairs();
- const currentPair = pairs[0];
- const currentPublicKey = currentPair
- ? currentPair.publicKey
- : null;
- this.state = {
- cryptoOptions: [{ value: 'unknown', text: t('Crypto not detected') }].concat(uiSettings.availableCryptos as any[]),
- cryptoType: 'unknown',
- currentPublicKey,
- defaultPublicKey: currentPublicKey || undefined,
- data: '',
- isHexData: false,
- isValidAddress: !!currentPair,
- isValidSignature: false,
- isValid: false,
- signature: ''
- };
- }
- public render (): React.ReactNode {
- const { t } = this.props;
- const { cryptoOptions, cryptoType, data, defaultPublicKey, isHexData, isValid, isValidAddress, isValidSignature, signature } = this.state;
- return (
- <div className='toolbox--Verify'>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <InputAddress
- className='full'
- defaultValue={defaultPublicKey}
- help={t('The account that signed the input')}
- isError={!isValidAddress}
- isInput
- label={t('verify using address')}
- onChange={this.onChangeAddress}
- />
- </div>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Input
- autoFocus
- className='full'
- help={t('The data that was signed. This is used in combination with the signature for the verification. It can either be hex or a string.')}
- label={t('using the following data')}
- onChange={this.onChangeData}
- value={data}
- />
- </div>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <div className="ui--AlignedIconContainer" style={{ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1 }}>
- <AlignedIcon
- color={isValid ? 'green' : (isValidSignature ? 'red' : undefined)}
- name={isValid ? 'check circle' : (isValidSignature ? 'exclamation circle' : 'help circle')}
- size="big"
- />
- </div>
- <Input
- className='full'
- isError={!isValidSignature}
- help={t('The signature as by the account being checked, supplied as a hex-formatted string.')}
- label={t('the supplied signature')}
- onChange={this.onChangeSignature}
- value={signature}
- />
- </div>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Dropdown
- defaultValue={cryptoType}
- help={t('Cryptography used to create this signature. It is auto-detected on valid signatures.')}
- isDisabled
- label={t('signature crypto type')}
- options={cryptoOptions}
- />
- <Static
- className='medium'
- help={t('Detection on the input string to determine if it is hex or non-hex.')}
- label={t('hex input data')}
- value={
- isHexData
- ? t('Yes')
- : t('No')
- }
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- }
- private nextState (newState: Partial<State>): void {
- this.setState(
- (prevState: State): Pick<State, never> => {
- const { isHexData = prevState.isHexData, isValidAddress = prevState.isValidAddress, isValidSignature = prevState.isValidSignature, currentPublicKey = prevState.currentPublicKey, data = prevState.data, signature = prevState.signature } = newState;
- let cryptoType: CryptoTypes = 'unknown';
- let isValid = isValidAddress && isValidSignature;
- // We cannot just use the keyring verify since it may be an address. So here we first check
- // for ed25519, if not valid, we try against sr25519 - if neither are valid, well, we have
- // not been able to validate the signature
- if (isValid && currentPublicKey) {
- let isValidSr = false;
- let isValidEd = false;
- try {
- isValidEd = naclVerify(data, signature, currentPublicKey);
- } catch (error) {
- // do nothing, already set to false
- }
+function Verify ({ t }: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> {
+ const [{ cryptoType, isValid }, setValidity] = useState<{ cryptoType: CryptoTypes; isValid: boolean }>({ cryptoType: 'unknown', isValid: false });
+ const [{ data, isHexData }, setData] = useState<{ data: string; isHexData: boolean }>({ data: '', isHexData: false });
+ const [{ publicKey, isValidPk }, setPublicKey] = useState<{ publicKey: Uint8Array | null; isValidPk: boolean }>({ publicKey: null, isValidPk: false });
+ const [{ signature, isValidSignature }, setSignature] = useState<{ signature: string; isValidSignature: boolean }>({ signature: '', isValidSignature: false });
+ const [cryptoOptions] = useState([{ value: 'unknown', text: t('Crypto not detected') }].concat(uiSettings.availableCryptos as any[]));
+ useEffect((): void => {
+ let cryptoType: CryptoTypes = 'unknown';
+ let isValid = isValidPk && isValidSignature;
+ // We cannot just use the keyring verify since it may be an address. So here we first check
+ // for ed25519, if not valid, we try against sr25519 - if neither are valid, well, we have
+ // not been able to validate the signature
+ if (isValid && publicKey) {
+ let isValidSr = false;
+ let isValidEd = false;
+ try {
+ isValidEd = naclVerify(data, signature, publicKey);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // do nothing, already set to false
+ }
- if (isValidEd) {
- cryptoType = 'ed25519';
- } else {
- try {
- isValidSr = schnorrkelVerify(data, signature, currentPublicKey);
- } catch (error) {
- // do nothing, already set to false
- }
- if (isValidSr) {
- cryptoType = 'sr25519';
- } else {
- isValid = false;
- }
- }
+ if (isValidEd) {
+ cryptoType = 'ed25519';
+ } else {
+ try {
+ isValidSr = schnorrkelVerify(data, signature, publicKey);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // do nothing, already set to false
- return {
- cryptoType,
- isHexData,
- isValid,
- isValidAddress,
- isValidSignature,
- currentPublicKey,
- data,
- signature
- };
+ if (isValidSr) {
+ cryptoType = 'sr25519';
+ } else {
+ isValid = false;
+ }
- );
- }
- private onChangeData = (data: string): void => {
- const isHexData = isHex(data);
- this.nextState({ data, isHexData });
- }
- private onChangeSignature = (signature: string): void => {
- const isValidSignature = isHex(signature) && signature.length === 130;
+ }
- this.nextState({ signature, isValidSignature });
- }
+ setValidity({ cryptoType, isValid });
+ }, [data, isValidPk, isValidSignature, publicKey, signature]);
- private onChangeAddress = (accountId: string | null): void => {
- let currentPublicKey;
+ const _onChangeAddress = (accountId: string | null): void => {
+ let publicKey: Uint8Array | null = null;
try {
- currentPublicKey = keyring.decodeAddress(accountId || '');
+ publicKey = keyring.decodeAddress(accountId || '');
} catch (err) {
- const isValidAddress = currentPublicKey && currentPublicKey.length === 32;
- this.nextState({ currentPublicKey, isValidAddress });
- }
+ setPublicKey({ publicKey, isValidPk: !!publicKey && publicKey.length === 32 });
+ };
+ const _onChangeData = (data: string): void =>
+ setData({ data, isHexData: isHex(data) });
+ const _onChangeSignature = (signature: string): void =>
+ setSignature({ signature, isValidSignature: isHex(signature) && signature.length === 130 });
+ return (
+ <div className='toolbox--Verify'>
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <InputAddress
+ className='full'
+ help={t('The account that signed the input')}
+ isError={!isValidPk}
+ isInput
+ label={t('verify using address')}
+ onChange={_onChangeAddress}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <Input
+ autoFocus
+ className='full'
+ help={t('The data that was signed. This is used in combination with the signature for the verification. It can either be hex or a string.')}
+ label={t('using the following data')}
+ onChange={_onChangeData}
+ value={data}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <div className="ui--AlignedIconContainer" style={{ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1 }}>
+ <AlignedIcon
+ color={isValid ? 'green' : (isValidSignature ? 'red' : undefined)}
+ name={isValid ? 'check circle' : (isValidSignature ? 'exclamation circle' : 'help circle')}
+ size="big"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <Input
+ className='full'
+ isError={!isValidSignature}
+ help={t('The signature as by the account being checked, supplied as a hex-formatted string.')}
+ label={t('the supplied signature')}
+ onChange={_onChangeSignature}
+ value={signature}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <Dropdown
+ defaultValue={cryptoType}
+ help={t('Cryptography used to create this signature. It is auto-detected on valid signatures.')}
+ isDisabled
+ label={t('signature crypto type')}
+ options={cryptoOptions}
+ />
+ <Static
+ className='medium'
+ help={t('Detection on the input string to determine if it is hex or non-hex.')}
+ label={t('hex input data')}
+ value={
+ isHexData
+ ? t('Yes')
+ : t('No')
+ }
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );
export default translate(Verify);