@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Location that will be mounted as the /data volume in containers
+# This is how we access the initial members and balances files from
+# the containers and where generated chainspec files will be located.
+# Initial account balance for Alice
+# Alice is the source of funds for all new accounts that are created in the tests.
+rm -Rf ${DATA_PATH}
+mkdir -p ${DATA_PATH}
+echo "{
+ \"balances\":[
+ ]
+}" > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-balances.json
+# Make Alice a member
+echo '
+ [{
+ "member_id": 0,
+ "root_account": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
+ "controller_account": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
+ "handle":"alice_with_a_long_handle",
+ "avatar_uri":"https://alice.com/avatar.png",
+ "about":"Alice",
+ "name": "Alice",
+ "registered_at_time": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "member_id": 1,
+ "root_account": "5FUeDYFzvvizNhhHyidsuchG7jnToKj7zfimbWBpWKzT9Fqe",
+ "controller_account": "5FUeDYFzvvizNhhHyidsuchG7jnToKj7zfimbWBpWKzT9Fqe",
+ "handle":"bob_with_a_long_handle",
+ "avatar_uri":"https://bob.com/avatar.png",
+ "about":"Bob",
+ "name": "Bob",
+ "registered_at_time": 0
+ }
+' > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-members.json
+# Create a chain spec file
+./target/release/chain-spec-builder generate -a 2 -e 2 -k ${DATA_PATH} --chain-spec-path ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json --initial-balances-path ${DATA_PATH}/initial-balances.json --initial-members-path ${DATA_PATH}/initial-members.json --deployment live > ${DATA_PATH}/seeds
+jq -c '.id = "js_babylon_test"' ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json
+jq -c '.protocolId = "js/babylon/test"' ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json
+timeout 3s ./target/release/joystream-node --base-path ${DATA_PATH}/alice3 --validator --chain ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json
+timeout 3s ./target/release/joystream-node --base-path ${DATA_PATH}/bob4 --validator --port 30334 --ws-port 9945 --chain ${DATA_PATH}/chain-spec.json
+mv ${DATA_PATH}/auth-0/* ${DATA_PATH}/alice3/chains/js_babylon_test/keystore
+mv ${DATA_PATH}/auth-1/* ${DATA_PATH}/bob4/chains/js_babylon_test/keystore
+rm -Rf ${DATA_PATH}/alice3/chains/js_babylon_test/db
+rm -Rf ${DATA_PATH}/bob4/chains/js_babylon_test/db
+# RUN
+#./target/release/joystream-node --base-path test-data/alice3 --validator --chain test-data/chain-spec.json --pruning=archive --log runtime,txpool,transaction-pool
+#./target/release/joystream-node --base-path test-data/bob4 --validator --port 30334 --ws-port 9945 --chain test-data/chain-spec.json --pruning=archive --log runtime,txpool,transaction-pool