@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// Copyright 2017-2018 Jaco Greeff
+// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+// of the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+// @flow
+import type { I18nProps as Props } from '@polkadot/ui-app/types';
+import React from 'react';
+import Icon from '@polkadot/ui-app/src/Icon';
+import Input from '@polkadot/ui-app/src/Input';
+import InputAddress from '@polkadot/ui-app/src/InputAddress';
+import Static from '@polkadot/ui-app/src/Static';
+import classes from '@polkadot/ui-app/src/util/classes';
+import keyring from '@polkadot/ui-keyring/src';
+import hexToU8a from '@polkadot/util/hex/toU8a';
+import isHex from '@polkadot/util/is/hex';
+import u8aFromString from '@polkadot/util/u8a/fromString';
+import naclVerify from '@polkadot/util-crypto/nacl/verify';
+import translate from './translate';
+type State = {
+ currentPublicKey: Uint8Array | null,
+ defaultPublicKey?: Uint8Array,
+ data: string,
+ isHexData: boolean,
+ isValidAddress: boolean,
+ isValidSignature: boolean,
+ isValid: boolean,
+ signature: string
+class Verify extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
+ state: State;
+ constructor (props: Props) {
+ super(props);
+ const pairs = keyring.getPairs();
+ const currentPair = pairs[0];
+ const currentPublicKey = currentPair
+ ? currentPair.publicKey()
+ : null;
+ this.state = {
+ currentPublicKey,
+ defaultPublicKey: currentPublicKey || void 0,
+ data: '',
+ isHexData: false,
+ isValidAddress: !!currentPair,
+ isValidSignature: false,
+ isValid: false,
+ signature: ''
+ };
+ }
+ render (): React$Node {
+ const { className, style, t } = this.props;
+ const { defaultPublicKey, data, isHexData, isValid, isValidAddress, isValidSignature, signature } = this.state;
+ return (
+ <div
+ className={classes('toolbox--Verify', className)}
+ style={style}
+ >
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <Input
+ className='large'
+ label={t('verify.data', {
+ defaultValue: 'using the following data (hex or string)'
+ })}
+ onChange={this.onChangeData}
+ value={data}
+ />
+ <Static
+ className='small'
+ label={t('verify.isHex', {
+ defaultValue: 'hex input data'
+ })}
+ value={
+ isHexData
+ ? t('verify.isHex.yes', {
+ defaultValue: 'Yes'
+ })
+ : t('verify.isHex.no', {
+ defaultValue: 'No'
+ })
+ }
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <InputAddress
+ className='full'
+ defaultValue={defaultPublicKey}
+ isError={!isValidAddress}
+ isInput
+ label={t('verify.account', {
+ defaultValue: 'verify using address'
+ })}
+ onChange={this.onChangeAddress}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className='ui--row'>
+ <Input
+ className='full'
+ icon={
+ <Icon
+ color={isValid ? 'green' : (isValidSignature ? 'red' : void 0)}
+ name={isValid ? 'check circle' : (isValidSignature ? 'exclamation circle' : 'help circle')}
+ size='big'
+ />
+ }
+ isError={!isValidSignature}
+ label={t('verify.signature', {
+ defaultValue: 'checking the supplied signature'
+ })}
+ onChange={this.onChangeSignature}
+ value={signature}
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ nextState (newState: $Shape<State>): void {
+ this.setState(
+ (prevState: State): $Shape<State> => {
+ const { isHexData = prevState.isHexData, isValidAddress = prevState.isValidAddress, isValidSignature = prevState.isValidSignature, currentPublicKey = prevState.currentPublicKey, data = prevState.data, signature = prevState.signature } = newState;
+ let isValid = isValidAddress && isValidSignature;
+ if (isValid && currentPublicKey) {
+ isValid = naclVerify(
+ isHexData
+ ? hexToU8a(data)
+ : u8aFromString(data),
+ hexToU8a(signature),
+ currentPublicKey
+ );
+ }
+ return {
+ isHexData,
+ isValid,
+ isValidAddress,
+ isValidSignature,
+ currentPublicKey,
+ data,
+ signature
+ };
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ onChangeData = (data: string): void => {
+ const isHexData = isHex(data);
+ this.nextState({ data, isHexData });
+ }
+ onChangeSignature = (signature: string): void => {
+ console.log('onChangeSig', isHex(signature), signature.length);
+ const isValidSignature = isHex(signature) && signature.length === 130;
+ this.nextState({ signature, isValidSignature });
+ }
+ onChangeAddress = (currentPublicKey: Uint8Array): void => {
+ const isValidAddress = currentPublicKey && currentPublicKey.length === 32;
+ this.nextState({ currentPublicKey, isValidAddress });
+ }
+export default translate(Verify);