@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ pub trait Trait:
/// Validates member id and origin combination.
type MemberOriginValidator: ActorOriginValidator<Self::Origin, MemberId<Self>, Self::AccountId>;
- type MaxObjectsPerInjection: Get<u32>;
/// Default content quota for all actors.
type DefaultQuota: Get<Quota>;
@@ -109,6 +107,9 @@ decl_error! {
/// Content uploading blocked.
+ /// Provided owner should be equal o the data object owner under given content id
+ OwnersAreNotEqual
@@ -244,8 +245,6 @@ pub type DataObjectsMap<T> = BTreeMap<ContentId<T>, DataObject<T>>;
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as DataDirectory {
- /// List of ids known to the system.
- pub KnownContentIds get(fn known_content_ids) config(): Vec<ContentId<T>> = Vec::new();
/// Maps data objects by their content id.
pub DataObjectByContentId get(fn data_object_by_content_id) config():
@@ -276,6 +275,7 @@ decl_event! {
StorageProviderId = StorageProviderId<T>,
Content = Vec<ContentParameters<ContentId<T>, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
ContentId = ContentId<T>,
+ ContentIds = Vec<ContentId<T>>,
QuotaLimit = u64,
UploadingStatus = bool
@@ -285,6 +285,12 @@ decl_event! {
/// - StorageObjectOwner enum.
ContentAdded(Content, StorageObjectOwner),
+ /// Emits on content removal.
+ /// Params:
+ /// - Content parameters representation.
+ /// - StorageObjectOwner enum.
+ ContentRemoved(ContentIds, StorageObjectOwner),
/// Emits when the storage provider accepts a content.
/// Params:
/// - Id of the relationship.
@@ -325,9 +331,6 @@ decl_module! {
/// Predefined errors.
type Error = Error<T>;
- /// Maximum objects allowed per inject_data_objects() transaction
- const MaxObjectsPerInjection: u32 = T::MaxObjectsPerInjection::get();
/// Adds the content to the system. The created DataObject
/// awaits liaison to accept or reject it.
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
@@ -365,6 +368,30 @@ decl_module! {
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAdded(content, owner));
+ /// Remove the content from the system.
+ #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+ pub fn remove_content(
+ origin,
+ owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
+ content_ids: Vec<ContentId<T>>
+ ) {
+ // Ensure given origin can perform operation under specific storage object owner
+ Self::ensure_storage_object_owner_origin(origin, &owner)?;
+ // Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
+ let content = Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(&content_ids, &owner)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Let's remove a content
+ Self::delete_content(&owner, &content_ids, content);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentRemoved(content_ids, owner));
+ }
/// Updates storage object owner quota objects limit. Requires leader privileges.
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
pub fn update_storage_object_owner_quota_objects_limit(
@@ -433,8 +460,6 @@ decl_module! {
Self::update_content_judgement(&storage_provider_id, content_id, LiaisonJudgement::Accepted)?;
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| ids.push(content_id));
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAccepted(content_id, storage_provider_id));
@@ -464,48 +489,6 @@ decl_module! {
- // Sudo methods
- /// Removes the content id from the list of known content ids. Requires root privileges.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- fn remove_known_content_id(origin, content_id: T::ContentId) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- let upd_content_ids: Vec<T::ContentId> = Self::known_content_ids()
- .into_iter()
- .filter(|&id| id != content_id)
- .collect();
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::put(upd_content_ids);
- }
- /// Injects a set of data objects and their corresponding content id into the directory.
- /// The operation is "silent" - no events will be emitted as objects are added.
- /// The number of objects that can be added per call is limited to prevent the dispatch
- /// from causing the block production to fail if it takes too much time to process.
- /// Existing data objects will be overwritten.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub(crate) fn inject_data_objects(origin, objects: DataObjectsMap<T>) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- // Must provide something to inject
- ensure!(objects.len() <= T::MaxObjectsPerInjection::get() as usize, Error::<T>::DataObjectsInjectionExceededLimit);
- for (id, object) in objects.into_iter() {
- // append to known content ids
- // duplicates will be removed at the end
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| ids.push(id));
- <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::insert(id, object);
- }
- // remove duplicate ids
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| {
- ids.sort();
- ids.dedup();
- });
- }
@@ -572,6 +555,35 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ // Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
+ fn ensure_content_can_be_removed(
+ content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
+ owner: &StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<DataObject<T>>, Error<T>> {
+ let mut content = Vec::new();
+ for content_id in content_ids {
+ let data_object =
+ Self::data_object_by_content_id(content_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::CidNotFound)?;
+ ensure!(data_object.owner == *owner, Error::<T>::OwnersAreNotEqual);
+ content.push(data_object);
+ }
+ Ok(content)
+ }
+ fn calculate_content_voucher(content: Vec<DataObject<T>>) -> Voucher {
+ let content_length = content.len() as u64;
+ let content_size = content
+ .into_iter()
+ .fold(0, |total_size, content| total_size + content.size);
+ Voucher {
+ size: content_size,
+ objects: content_length,
+ }
+ }
// Ensures global quota constraints satisfied.
fn ensure_global_quota_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher: Voucher) -> DispatchResult {
let global_quota_voucher = Self::global_quota().calculate_voucher();
@@ -618,6 +630,27 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
<GlobalQuota>::mutate(|global_quota| global_quota.fill_quota(upload_voucher));
+ // Complete content removal
+ fn delete_content(
+ owner: &StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
+ content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
+ content: Vec<DataObject<T>>,
+ ) {
+ let removal_voucher = Self::calculate_content_voucher(content);
+ for content_id in content_ids {
+ <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::remove(content_id);
+ }
+ // Updade owner quota.
+ <Quotas<T>>::mutate(owner, |owner_quota| {
+ owner_quota.release_quota(removal_voucher)
+ });
+ // Update global quota
+ <GlobalQuota>::mutate(|global_quota| global_quota.release_quota(removal_voucher));
+ }
fn ensure_content_is_valid(
multi_content: &[ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>],
) -> DispatchResult {
@@ -691,22 +724,66 @@ impl<T: Trait> common::storage::StorageSystem<T> for Module<T> {
) -> DispatchResult {
- let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
+ Self::ensure_uploading_is_not_blocked()?;
let owner_quota = Self::get_quota(&owner);
+ // Ensure owner quota constraints satisfied.
+ // Calculate upload voucher
let upload_voucher = Self::ensure_owner_quota_constraints_satisfied(owner_quota, &content)?;
+ // Ensure global quota constraints satisfied.
+ Self::ensure_global_quota_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher)?;
+ let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Let's create the entry then
Self::upload_content(owner_quota, upload_voucher, liaison, content, owner);
+ fn atomically_remove_content(
+ owner: &StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
+ content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
+ let content = Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(content_ids, owner)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Let's remove a content
+ Self::delete_content(owner, content_ids, content);
+ Ok(())
+ }
fn can_add_content(
owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
content: Vec<ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
) -> DispatchResult {
+ Self::ensure_uploading_is_not_blocked()?;
let owner_quota = Self::get_quota(&owner);
+ // Ensure owner quota constraints satisfied.
Self::ensure_owner_quota_constraints_satisfied(owner_quota, &content)?;
+ fn can_remove_content(
+ owner: &StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
+ content_ids: &[ContentId<T>],
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
+ Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(content_ids, &owner)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }