@@ -4,312 +4,962 @@ import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import BN from 'bn.js'
import { WorkingGroupOpening } from '../../../dto/workingGroupOpening'
import { FillOpeningParameters } from '../../../dto/fillOpeningParameters'
+import { Fixture } from '../../../utils/fixture'
+import { Bytes } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
-export async function createWorkingGroupLeaderOpening(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- applicationStake: BN,
- roleStake: BN,
- workingGroup: string
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing working group lead opening proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Opening construction
- const opening = new WorkingGroupOpening()
- .setMaxActiveApplicants(new BN(m1KeyPairs.length))
- .setMaxReviewPeriodLength(new BN(32))
- .setApplicationStakingPolicyAmount(new BN(applicationStake))
- .setApplicationCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
- .setApplicationExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
- .setRoleStakingPolicyAmount(new BN(roleStake))
- .setRoleCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
- .setRoleExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
- .setSlashableMaxCount(new BN(1))
- .setSlashableMaxPercentPtsPerTime(new BN(100))
- .setSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setTerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setTerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
- .setText(uuid().substring(0, 8))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpening(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- opening,
- workingGroup
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class CreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private applicationStake: BN
+ private roleStake: BN
+ private workingGroup: string
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ applicationStake: BN,
+ roleStake: BN,
+ workingGroup: string
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.applicationStake = applicationStake
+ this.roleStake = roleStake
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing working group lead opening proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Opening construction
+ const opening = new WorkingGroupOpening()
+ .setMaxActiveApplicants(new BN(this.m1KeyPairs.length))
+ .setMaxReviewPeriodLength(new BN(32))
+ .setApplicationStakingPolicyAmount(new BN(this.applicationStake))
+ .setApplicationCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
+ .setApplicationExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
+ .setRoleStakingPolicyAmount(new BN(this.roleStake))
+ .setRoleCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
+ .setRoleExpiredUnstakingPeriodLength(new BN(1))
+ .setSlashableMaxCount(new BN(1))
+ .setSlashableMaxPercentPtsPerTime(new BN(100))
+ .setSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setTerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setTerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriod(new BN(1))
+ .setText(uuid().substring(0, 8))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeCreateWorkingGroupLeaderOpening(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ opening,
+ this.workingGroup
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function beginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReview(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- openingId: BN,
- workingGroup: string
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing begin working group lead application review proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReview(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- openingId,
- workingGroup
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class BeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private openingId: BN
+ private workingGroup: string
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ openingId: BN,
+ workingGroup: string
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.openingId = openingId
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing begin working group lead application review proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReviewFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeBeginWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationReview(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ this.openingId,
+ this.workingGroup
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function fillLeaderOpeningProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- applicantRoleAccountAddress: string,
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- firstRewardInterval: BN,
- rewardInterval: BN,
- payoutAmount: BN,
- openingId: BN,
- workingGroup: WorkingGroups
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing fill opening proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const workingGroupString: string = apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup)
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeFillLeaderOpeningFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const applicationId: BN = (
- await apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(applicantRoleAccountAddress, workingGroup)
- )[0]
- const now = await apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
- const fillOpeningParameters: FillOpeningParameters = new FillOpeningParameters()
- .setAmountPerPayout(payoutAmount)
- .setNextPaymentAtBlock(now.add(firstRewardInterval))
- .setPayoutInterval(rewardInterval)
- .setOpeningId(openingId)
- .setSuccessfulApplicationId(applicationId)
- .setWorkingGroup(workingGroupString)
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeFillLeaderOpening(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- fillOpeningParameters
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class FillLeaderOpeningProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private applicantRoleAccountAddress: string
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private firstRewardInterval: BN
+ private rewardInterval: BN
+ private payoutAmount: BN
+ private openingId: BN
+ private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ applicantRoleAccountAddress: string,
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ firstRewardInterval: BN,
+ rewardInterval: BN,
+ payoutAmount: BN,
+ openingId: BN,
+ workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.applicantRoleAccountAddress = applicantRoleAccountAddress
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.firstRewardInterval = firstRewardInterval
+ this.rewardInterval = rewardInterval
+ this.payoutAmount = payoutAmount
+ this.openingId = openingId
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing fill opening proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeFillLeaderOpeningFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const applicationId: BN = (
+ await this.apiWrapper.getActiveApplicationsIdsByRoleAccount(this.applicantRoleAccountAddress, this.workingGroup)
+ )[0]
+ const now = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+ const fillOpeningParameters: FillOpeningParameters = new FillOpeningParameters()
+ .setAmountPerPayout(this.payoutAmount)
+ .setNextPaymentAtBlock(now.add(this.firstRewardInterval))
+ .setPayoutInterval(this.rewardInterval)
+ .setOpeningId(this.openingId)
+ .setSuccessfulApplicationId(applicationId)
+ .setWorkingGroup(workingGroupString)
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeFillLeaderOpening(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ fillOpeningParameters
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function terminateLeaderRoleProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- leaderRoleAccountAddress: string,
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- slash: boolean,
- workingGroup: WorkingGroups
-) {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing begin working group lead application review proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const rationale: string = 'Testing leader termination ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const workingGroupString: string = apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup)
- const workerId: BN = await apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(leaderRoleAccountAddress, workingGroup)
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeTerminateLeaderRoleFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeTerminateLeaderRole(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- workerId,
- rationale,
- slash,
- workingGroupString
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class TerminateLeaderRoleProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private leaderRoleAccountAddress: string
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private slash: boolean
+ private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ leaderRoleAccountAddress: string,
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ slash: boolean,
+ workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.leaderRoleAccountAddress = leaderRoleAccountAddress
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.slash = slash
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing begin working group lead application review proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const rationale: string = 'Testing leader termination ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+ const workerId: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getWorkerIdByRoleAccount(
+ this.leaderRoleAccountAddress,
+ this.workingGroup
+ )
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeTerminateLeaderRoleFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeTerminateLeaderRole(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ workerId,
+ rationale,
+ this.slash,
+ workingGroupString
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function setLeaderRewardProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- payoutAmount: BN,
- workingGroup: WorkingGroups
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing set leader reward proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const workingGroupString: string = apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup)
- const workerId: BN = (await apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(workingGroup))!
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeLeaderRewardFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeLeaderReward(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- workerId,
- payoutAmount,
- workingGroupString
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class SetLeaderRewardProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private payoutAmount: BN
+ private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ payoutAmount: BN,
+ workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.payoutAmount = payoutAmount
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing set leader reward proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+ const workerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.workingGroup))!
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeLeaderRewardFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeLeaderReward(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ workerId,
+ this.payoutAmount,
+ workingGroupString
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function decreaseLeaderStakeProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- stakeDecrement: BN,
- workingGroup: WorkingGroups
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing decrease leader stake proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const workingGroupString: string = apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup)
- const workerId: BN = (await apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(workingGroup))!
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeDecreaseLeaderStakeFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeDecreaseLeaderStake(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- workerId,
- stakeDecrement,
- workingGroupString
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class DecreaseLeaderStakeProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private stakeDecrement: BN
+ private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ stakeDecrement: BN,
+ workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.stakeDecrement = stakeDecrement
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing decrease leader stake proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+ const workerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.workingGroup))!
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeDecreaseLeaderStakeFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeDecreaseLeaderStake(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ workerId,
+ this.stakeDecrement,
+ workingGroupString
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function slashLeaderProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- slashAmount: BN,
- workingGroup: WorkingGroups
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing slash leader stake proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const workingGroupString: string = apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup)
- const workerId: BN = (await apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(workingGroup))!
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeSlashLeaderStakeFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeSlashLeaderStake(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- workerId,
- slashAmount,
- workingGroupString
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class SlashLeaderProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private slashAmount: BN
+ private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ slashAmount: BN,
+ workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.slashAmount = slashAmount
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing slash leader stake proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+ const workerId: BN = (await this.apiWrapper.getLeadWorkerId(this.workingGroup))!
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeSlashLeaderStakeFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeSlashLeaderStake(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ workerId,
+ this.slashAmount,
+ workingGroupString
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function workingGroupMintCapacityProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- mintCapacity: BN,
- workingGroup: WorkingGroups
-): Promise<BN> {
- // Setup
- const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const description: string = 'Testing working group mint capacity proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
- const workingGroupString: string = apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(workingGroup)
- // Proposal stake calculation
- const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
- const proposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateProposeWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalance(sudo, m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
- // Proposal creation
- const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
- await apiWrapper.proposeWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
- m1KeyPairs[0],
- proposalTitle,
- description,
- proposalStake,
- mintCapacity,
- workingGroupString
- )
- const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
- return proposalNumber
+export class WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private mintCapacity: BN
+ private workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ private result: BN | undefined
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ mintCapacity: BN,
+ workingGroup: WorkingGroups
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.mintCapacity = mintCapacity
+ this.workingGroup = workingGroup
+ }
+ public getResult(): BN | undefined {
+ return this.result
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing working group mint capacity proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const workingGroupString: string = this.apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(this.workingGroup)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ this.mintCapacity,
+ workingGroupString
+ )
+ const proposalNumber: BN = await proposalPromise
+ this.result = proposalNumber
+ }
-export async function voteForProposal(
- apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
- m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
- sudo: KeyringPair,
- proposalNumber: BN
-): Promise<void> {
- const proposalVoteFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
- await apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(sudo, m2KeyPairs, proposalVoteFee)
- // Approving the proposal
- const proposalExecutionPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
- await apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
- await proposalExecutionPromise
+export class ElectionParametersProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing validator count proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ const announcingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getAnnouncingPeriod()
+ const votingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getVotingPeriod()
+ const revealingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getRevealingPeriod()
+ const councilSize: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCouncilSize()
+ const candidacyLimit: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCandidacyLimit()
+ const newTermDuration: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getNewTermDuration()
+ const minCouncilStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinCouncilStake()
+ const minVotingStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinVotingStake()
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(200000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeElectionParametersFee(
+ description,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ announcingPeriod,
+ votingPeriod,
+ revealingPeriod,
+ councilSize,
+ candidacyLimit,
+ newTermDuration,
+ minCouncilStake,
+ minVotingStake
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposedAnnouncingPeriod: BN = announcingPeriod.subn(1)
+ const proposedVotingPeriod: BN = votingPeriod.addn(1)
+ const proposedRevealingPeriod: BN = revealingPeriod.addn(1)
+ const proposedCouncilSize: BN = councilSize.addn(1)
+ const proposedCandidacyLimit: BN = candidacyLimit.addn(1)
+ const proposedNewTermDuration: BN = newTermDuration.addn(1)
+ const proposedMinCouncilStake: BN = minCouncilStake.addn(1)
+ const proposedMinVotingStake: BN = minVotingStake.addn(1)
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeElectionParameters(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ proposedAnnouncingPeriod,
+ proposedVotingPeriod,
+ proposedRevealingPeriod,
+ proposedCouncilSize,
+ proposedCandidacyLimit,
+ proposedNewTermDuration,
+ proposedMinCouncilStake,
+ proposedMinVotingStake
+ )
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving the proposal
+ const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await proposalExecutionPromise
+ // Assertions
+ const newAnnouncingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getAnnouncingPeriod()
+ const newVotingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getVotingPeriod()
+ const newRevealingPeriod: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getRevealingPeriod()
+ const newCouncilSize: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCouncilSize()
+ const newCandidacyLimit: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getCandidacyLimit()
+ const newNewTermDuration: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getNewTermDuration()
+ const newMinCouncilStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinCouncilStake()
+ const newMinVotingStake: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getMinVotingStake()
+ assert(
+ proposedAnnouncingPeriod.eq(newAnnouncingPeriod),
+ `Announcing period has unexpected value ${newAnnouncingPeriod}, expected ${proposedAnnouncingPeriod}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedVotingPeriod.eq(newVotingPeriod),
+ `Voting period has unexpected value ${newVotingPeriod}, expected ${proposedVotingPeriod}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedRevealingPeriod.eq(newRevealingPeriod),
+ `Revealing has unexpected value ${newRevealingPeriod}, expected ${proposedRevealingPeriod}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedCouncilSize.eq(newCouncilSize),
+ `Council size has unexpected value ${newCouncilSize}, expected ${proposedCouncilSize}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedCandidacyLimit.eq(newCandidacyLimit),
+ `Candidacy limit has unexpected value ${newCandidacyLimit}, expected ${proposedCandidacyLimit}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedNewTermDuration.eq(newNewTermDuration),
+ `New term duration has unexpected value ${newNewTermDuration}, expected ${proposedNewTermDuration}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedMinCouncilStake.eq(newMinCouncilStake),
+ `Min council stake has unexpected value ${newMinCouncilStake}, expected ${proposedMinCouncilStake}`
+ )
+ assert(
+ proposedMinVotingStake.eq(newMinVotingStake),
+ `Min voting stake has unexpected value ${newMinVotingStake}, expected ${proposedMinVotingStake}`
+ )
+ }
+export class SetLeadProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing validator count proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeLeadFee(
+ description,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ this.sudo.address
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeLead(this.m1KeyPairs[0], proposalTitle, description, proposalStake, this.m1KeyPairs[1])
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving the proposal
+ const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await proposalExecutionPromise
+ const newLead: string = await this.apiWrapper.getCurrentLeadAddress()
+ assert(
+ newLead === this.m1KeyPairs[1].address,
+ `New lead has unexpected value ${newLead}, expected ${this.m1KeyPairs[1].address}`
+ )
+ }
+export class SpendingProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private spendingBalance: BN
+ private mintCapacity: BN
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ spendingBalance: BN,
+ mintCapacity: BN
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.spendingBalance = spendingBalance
+ this.mintCapacity = mintCapacity
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const description = 'spending proposal which is used for API network testing with some mock data'
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ // Topping the balances
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
+ const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeSpendingFee(
+ description,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ this.spendingBalance,
+ this.sudo.address
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ await this.apiWrapper.sudoSetCouncilMintCapacity(this.sudo, this.mintCapacity)
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeSpending(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ 'testing spending' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+ 'spending to test proposal functionality' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+ proposalStake,
+ this.spendingBalance,
+ this.sudo.address
+ )
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving spending proposal
+ const balanceBeforeMinting: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.sudo.address)
+ const spendingPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await spendingPromise
+ const balanceAfterMinting: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getBalance(this.sudo.address)
+ assert(
+ balanceAfterMinting.sub(balanceBeforeMinting).eq(this.spendingBalance),
+ `member ${
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0].address
+ } has unexpected balance ${balanceAfterMinting}, expected ${balanceBeforeMinting.add(this.spendingBalance)}`
+ )
+ }
+export class TextProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing text proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const proposalText: string = 'Text of the testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(25000)
+ const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeTextFee(
+ proposalStake,
+ description,
+ description,
+ proposalText
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeText(this.m1KeyPairs[0], proposalStake, proposalTitle, description, proposalText)
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving text proposal
+ const textProposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await textProposalPromise
+ }
+export class ValidatorCountProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private validatorCountIncrement: BN
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ validatorCountIncrement: BN
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.validatorCountIncrement = validatorCountIncrement
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const proposalTitle: string = 'Testing proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const description: string = 'Testing validator count proposal ' + uuid().substring(0, 8)
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ // Proposal stake calculation
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(100000)
+ const proposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeValidatorCountFee(description, description, proposalStake)
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, proposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ const validatorCount: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getValidatorCount()
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposedValidatorCount: BN = validatorCount.add(this.validatorCountIncrement)
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeValidatorCount(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalTitle,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ proposedValidatorCount
+ )
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving the proposal
+ const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await proposalExecutionPromise
+ const newValidatorCount: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getValidatorCount()
+ assert(
+ proposedValidatorCount.eq(newValidatorCount),
+ `Validator count has unexpeccted value ${newValidatorCount}, expected ${proposedValidatorCount}`
+ )
+ }
+export class ContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private mintingCapacityIncrement: BN
+ constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ mintingCapacityIncrement: BN
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.mintingCapacityIncrement = mintingCapacityIncrement
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const description = 'Mint capacity proposal which is used for API network testing'
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ const initialMintingCapacity: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity()
+ // Topping the balances
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(50000)
+ const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityFee(
+ description,
+ description,
+ proposalStake,
+ initialMintingCapacity.add(this.mintingCapacityIncrement)
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposedMintingCapacity: BN = initialMintingCapacity.add(this.mintingCapacityIncrement)
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ 'testing mint capacity' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+ 'mint capacity to test proposal functionality' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+ proposalStake,
+ proposedMintingCapacity
+ )
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving mint capacity proposal
+ const mintCapacityPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await mintCapacityPromise
+ const newMintingCapacity: BN = await this.apiWrapper.getContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity()
+ assert(
+ proposedMintingCapacity.eq(newMintingCapacity),
+ `Content working group has unexpected minting capacity ${newMintingCapacity}, expected ${proposedMintingCapacity}`
+ )
+ }
+export class UpdateRuntimeFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Setup
+ const runtime: Bytes = await this.apiWrapper.getRuntime()
+ const description = 'runtime upgrade proposal which is used for API network testing'
+ const runtimeVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ // Topping the balances
+ const proposalStake: BN = new BN(1000000)
+ const runtimeProposalFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateProposeRuntimeUpgradeFee(
+ proposalStake,
+ description,
+ description,
+ runtime
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalance(this.sudo, this.m1KeyPairs[0].address, runtimeProposalFee.add(proposalStake))
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, runtimeVoteFee)
+ // Proposal creation
+ const proposalPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated()
+ await this.apiWrapper.proposeRuntime(
+ this.m1KeyPairs[0],
+ proposalStake,
+ 'testing runtime' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+ 'runtime to test proposal functionality' + uuid().substring(0, 8),
+ runtime
+ )
+ const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise
+ // Approving runtime update proposal
+ const runtimePromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber)
+ await runtimePromise
+ }
+export class VoteForProposalFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private proposalNumber: BN
+ constructor(apiWrapper: ApiWrapper, m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[], sudo: KeyringPair, proposalNumber: BN) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.proposalNumber = proposalNumber
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ const proposalVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForProposalFee()
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(this.sudo, this.m2KeyPairs, proposalVoteFee)
+ // Approving the proposal
+ const proposalExecutionPromise = this.apiWrapper.expectProposalFinalized()
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApproveProposal(this.m2KeyPairs, this.proposalNumber)
+ await proposalExecutionPromise
+ }