@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import {
+ StorageBagDistributionAssignment,
+ StorageBagStorageAssignment,
} from 'query-node/dist/model'
import BN from 'bn.js'
import { getById, getWorkingGroupModuleName, bytesToString } from '../common'
@@ -113,16 +115,12 @@ function getBagId(bagId: BagId) {
async function getDynamicBag(
store: DatabaseManager,
bagId: DynamicBagId,
- relations?: ('storedBy' | 'distributedBy' | 'objects')[]
+ relations?: 'objects'[]
): Promise<StorageBag> {
return getById(store, StorageBag, getDynamicBagId(bagId), relations)
-async function getStaticBag(
- store: DatabaseManager,
- bagId: StaticBagId,
- relations?: ('storedBy' | 'distributedBy' | 'objects')[]
-): Promise<StorageBag> {
+async function getStaticBag(store: DatabaseManager, bagId: StaticBagId, relations?: 'objects'[]): Promise<StorageBag> {
const id = getStaticBagId(bagId)
const bag = await store.get(StorageBag, { where: { id }, relations })
if (!bag) {
@@ -137,11 +135,7 @@ async function getStaticBag(
return bag
-async function getBag(
- store: DatabaseManager,
- bagId: BagId,
- relations?: ('storedBy' | 'distributedBy' | 'objects')[]
-): Promise<StorageBag> {
+async function getBag(store: DatabaseManager, bagId: BagId, relations?: 'objects'[]): Promise<StorageBag> {
return bagId.isStatic
? getStaticBag(store, bagId.asStatic, relations)
: getDynamicBag(store, bagId.asDynamic, relations)
@@ -283,22 +277,35 @@ export async function storage_StorageBucketsUpdatedForBag({
}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const [bagId, addedBucketsIds, removedBucketsIds] = new Storage.StorageBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent(event).params
- const storageBag = await getBag(store, bagId, ['storedBy'])
- storageBag.storedBy = (storageBag.storedBy || [])
- .filter((b) => !Array.from(removedBucketsIds).some((id) => id.eq(b.id)))
- .concat(Array.from(addedBucketsIds).map((id) => new StorageBucket({ id: id.toString() })))
- await store.save<StorageBag>(storageBag)
+ // Get or create bag
+ const storageBag = await getBag(store, bagId)
+ const assignmentsToRemove = await store.getMany(StorageBagStorageAssignment, {
+ where: {
+ storageBag,
+ storageBucket: { id: In(Array.from(removedBucketsIds).map((bucketId) => bucketId.toString())) },
+ },
+ })
+ const assignmentsToAdd = Array.from(addedBucketsIds).map(
+ (bucketId) =>
+ new StorageBagStorageAssignment({
+ id: `${storageBag.id}-${bucketId.toString()}`,
+ storageBag,
+ storageBucket: new StorageBucket({ id: bucketId.toString() }),
+ })
+ )
+ await Promise.all(assignmentsToRemove.map((a) => store.remove<StorageBagStorageAssignment>(a)))
+ await Promise.all(assignmentsToAdd.map((a) => store.save<StorageBagStorageAssignment>(a)))
export async function storage_StorageBucketDeleted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const [bucketId] = new Storage.StorageBucketDeletedEvent(event).params
// TODO: Delete or just change status?
// TODO: Cascade remove on db level?
- // We shouldn't have to worry about deleting DataObjects, since this is already enforced by the runtime
- const storageBucket = await getById(store, StorageBucket, bucketId.toString(), ['storedBags'])
- await Promise.all((storageBucket.storedBags || []).map((b) => store.remove<StorageBag>(b)))
- await store.remove<StorageBucket>(storageBucket)
+ const assignments = await store.getMany(StorageBagStorageAssignment, {
+ where: { storageBucket: { id: bucketId.toString() } },
+ })
+ await Promise.all(assignments.map((a) => store.remove<StorageBagStorageAssignment>(a)))
+ await store.remove<StorageBucket>(new StorageBucket({ id: bucketId.toString() }))
@@ -440,10 +447,13 @@ export async function storage_DistributionBucketStatusUpdated({
export async function storage_DistributionBucketDeleted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const [, bucketId] = new Storage.DistributionBucketDeletedEvent(event).params
- const bucket = await getById(store, DistributionBucket, bucketId.toString())
- await store.remove<DistributionBucket>(bucket)
+ // TODO: Delete or just change status?
+ // TODO: Cascade remove on db level?
+ const assignments = await store.getMany(StorageBagDistributionAssignment, {
+ where: { distributionBucket: { id: bucketId.toString() } },
+ })
+ await Promise.all(assignments.map((a) => store.remove<StorageBagDistributionAssignment>(a)))
+ await store.remove<DistributionBucket>(new DistributionBucket({ id: bucketId.toString() }))
export async function storage_DistributionBucketsUpdatedForBag({
@@ -451,12 +461,24 @@ export async function storage_DistributionBucketsUpdatedForBag({
}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const [bagId, , addedBucketsIds, removedBucketsIds] = new Storage.DistributionBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent(event).params
- const storageBag = await getBag(store, bagId, ['distributedBy'])
- storageBag.distributedBy = (storageBag.distributedBy || [])
- .filter((b) => !Array.from(removedBucketsIds).some((id) => id.eq(b.id)))
- .concat(Array.from(addedBucketsIds).map((id) => new DistributionBucket({ id: id.toString() })))
- await store.save<StorageBag>(storageBag)
+ // Get or create bag
+ const storageBag = await getBag(store, bagId)
+ const assignmentsToRemove = await store.getMany(StorageBagDistributionAssignment, {
+ where: {
+ storageBag,
+ distributionBucket: { id: In(Array.from(removedBucketsIds).map((bucketId) => bucketId.toString())) },
+ },
+ })
+ const assignmentsToAdd = Array.from(addedBucketsIds).map(
+ (bucketId) =>
+ new StorageBagDistributionAssignment({
+ id: `${storageBag.id}-${bucketId.toString()}`,
+ storageBag,
+ distributionBucket: new DistributionBucket({ id: bucketId.toString() }),
+ })
+ )
+ await Promise.all(assignmentsToRemove.map((a) => store.remove<StorageBagDistributionAssignment>(a)))
+ await Promise.all(assignmentsToAdd.map((a) => store.save<StorageBagDistributionAssignment>(a)))
export async function storage_DistributionBucketModeUpdated({