@@ -4,16 +4,20 @@
use crate::{ProposalCancellationFee, Runtime};
use codec::Encode;
+use governance::election::CouncilElected;
use membership::members;
use proposals_engine::{
ActiveStake, BalanceOf, Error, FinalizationData, Proposal, ProposalDecisionStatus,
- ProposalParameters, ProposalStatus, VotingResults,
+ ProposalParameters, ProposalStatus, VoteKind, VotersParameters, VotingResults,
use sr_primitives::traits::DispatchResult;
use sr_primitives::AccountId32;
use srml_support::traits::Currency;
+use srml_support::StorageLinkedMap;
use system::RawOrigin;
+use crate::CouncilManager;
fn initial_test_ext() -> runtime_io::TestExternalities {
let t = system::GenesisConfig::default()
@@ -24,6 +28,91 @@ fn initial_test_ext() -> runtime_io::TestExternalities {
type Membership = membership::members::Module<Runtime>;
type ProposalsEngine = proposals_engine::Module<Runtime>;
+type Council = governance::council::Module<Runtime>;
+fn setup_members(count: u8) {
+ let authority_account_id = <Runtime as system::Trait>::AccountId::default();
+ Membership::set_screening_authority(RawOrigin::Root.into(), authority_account_id.clone())
+ .unwrap();
+ for i in 0..count {
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [i; 32];
+ Membership::add_screened_member(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(authority_account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ account_id.clone().into(),
+ members::UserInfo {
+ handle: Some(account_id.to_vec()),
+ avatar_uri: None,
+ about: None,
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+fn setup_council() {
+ let councilor0 = AccountId32::default();
+ let councilor1: [u8; 32] = [1; 32];
+ let councilor2: [u8; 32] = [2; 32];
+ let councilor3: [u8; 32] = [3; 32];
+ let councilor4: [u8; 32] = [4; 32];
+ let councilor5: [u8; 32] = [5; 32];
+ assert!(Council::set_council(
+ system::RawOrigin::Root.into(),
+ vec![
+ councilor0,
+ councilor1.into(),
+ councilor2.into(),
+ councilor3.into(),
+ councilor4.into(),
+ councilor5.into()
+ ]
+ )
+ .is_ok());
+struct VoteGenerator {
+ proposal_id: u32,
+ current_account_id: AccountId32,
+ current_account_id_seed: u8,
+ current_voter_id: u64,
+ pub auto_increment_voter_id: bool,
+impl VoteGenerator {
+ fn new(proposal_id: u32) -> Self {
+ VoteGenerator {
+ proposal_id,
+ current_voter_id: 0,
+ current_account_id_seed: 0,
+ current_account_id: AccountId32::default(),
+ auto_increment_voter_id: true,
+ }
+ }
+ fn vote_and_assert_ok(&mut self, vote_kind: VoteKind) {
+ self.vote_and_assert(vote_kind, Ok(()));
+ }
+ fn vote_and_assert(&mut self, vote_kind: VoteKind, expected_result: DispatchResult<Error>) {
+ assert_eq!(self.vote(vote_kind.clone()), expected_result);
+ }
+ fn vote(&mut self, vote_kind: VoteKind) -> DispatchResult<Error> {
+ if self.auto_increment_voter_id {
+ self.current_account_id_seed += 1;
+ self.current_voter_id += 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [self.current_account_id_seed; 32];
+ self.current_account_id = account_id.into();
+ }
+ ProposalsEngine::vote(
+ system::RawOrigin::Signed(self.current_account_id.clone()).into(),
+ self.current_voter_id,
+ self.proposal_id,
+ vote_kind,
+ )
+ }
struct DummyProposalFixture {
@@ -147,18 +236,7 @@ fn proposal_cancellation_with_slashes_with_balance_checks_succeeds() {
initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
let account_id = <Runtime as system::Trait>::AccountId::default();
- Membership::set_screening_authority(RawOrigin::Root.into(), account_id.clone()).unwrap();
- Membership::add_screened_member(
- RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone()).into(),
- account_id.clone(),
- members::UserInfo {
- handle: Some(b"handle".to_vec()),
- avatar_uri: None,
- about: None,
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
+ setup_members(2);
let member_id = 0; // newly created member_id
let stake_amount = 200u128;
@@ -232,3 +310,58 @@ fn proposal_cancellation_with_slashes_with_balance_checks_succeeds() {
+fn proposal_reset_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ setup_members(4);
+ setup_council();
+ // create proposal
+ let dummy_proposal = DummyProposalFixture::default();
+ let proposal_id = dummy_proposal.create_proposal_and_assert(Ok(1)).unwrap();
+ // create some votes
+ let mut vote_generator = VoteGenerator::new(proposal_id);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Reject);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Abstain);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Slash);
+ assert!(<proposals_engine::ActiveProposalIds<Runtime>>::exists(
+ proposal_id
+ ));
+ // check
+ let proposal = ProposalsEngine::proposals(proposal_id);
+ assert_eq!(
+ proposal.voting_results,
+ VotingResults {
+ abstentions: 1,
+ approvals: 0,
+ rejections: 1,
+ slashes: 1,
+ }
+ );
+ // Ensure council was elected
+ assert_eq!(CouncilManager::<Runtime>::total_voters_count(), 6);
+ // Check proposals CouncilElected hook
+ // just trigger the election hook, we don't care about the parameters
+ <Runtime as governance::election::Trait>::CouncilElected::council_elected(Vec::new(), 10);
+ let updated_proposal = ProposalsEngine::proposals(proposal_id);
+ assert_eq!(
+ updated_proposal.voting_results,
+ VotingResults {
+ abstentions: 0,
+ approvals: 0,
+ rejections: 0,
+ slashes: 0,
+ }
+ );
+ // Check council CouncilElected hook. It should set current council. And we passed empty council.
+ assert_eq!(CouncilManager::<Runtime>::total_voters_count(), 0);
+ });