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vnft_auction: complete data structure migration, rework start_video_auction extrinsic

iorveth vor 3 Jahren

+ 0 - 1

@@ -55,4 +55,3 @@ pub trait StorageSystem<T: crate::StorageOwnership + crate::MembershipTypes> {
         content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
     ) -> DispatchResult;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ decl_error! {
         /// Provided actor is not an auction auctioneer.
-        /// Can not create aution for vNFT, which is already locked for transfer
-        PendingTransferFound,
+        /// Can not create aution for vNFT, if auction have been already started or nft is locked for the transfer
+        NftIsNotIdle,
         /// No pending transfers for given vNFT

+ 294 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ use codec::Codec;
 use codec::{Decode, Encode};
 use frame_support::{
-    decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch::DispatchResult, ensure, traits::Get, Parameter,
+    decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage,
+    dispatch::{DispatchError, DispatchResult},
+    ensure,
+    traits::Get,
+    Parameter,
 use frame_system::ensure_signed;
 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
@@ -937,6 +941,276 @@ decl_module! {
         ) {
+        /// Start video auction
+        #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        pub fn start_video_auction(
+            origin,
+            auctioneer: ContentActor<T::CuratorGroupId, T::CuratorId, T::MemberId>,
+            auction_params: AuctionParams<T::VideoId, <T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment, BalanceOf<T>>,
+        ) {
+            let video_id = auction_params.video_id;
+            // Ensure given video exist
+            let video = Self::ensure_video_exists(&video_id)?;
+            let auctioneer_account_id = Self::authorize_auctioneer(origin, &auctioneer, &auction_params, &video)?;
+            // Validate round_time & starting_price
+            Self::validate_auction_params(&auction_params, &video)?;
+            // Ensure nft auction is not started
+            ensure!(!video.is_nft_auction_started(), Error::<T>::AuctionAlreadyStarted);
+            //
+            // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+            //
+            // Create new auction
+            let auction = AuctionRecord::new(auctioneer, auctioneer_account_id, auction_params.clone());
+            let video = video.set_auction_status(auction);
+            // Update the video
+            VideoById::<T>::insert(video_id, video);
+            // Trigger event
+            Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AuctionStarted(auctioneer, auction_params));
+        }
+        // /// Cancel video auction
+        // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        // pub fn cancel_auction(
+        //     origin,
+        //     auctioneer: ContentActor<CuratorGroupId<T>, CuratorId<T>, MemberId<T>>,
+        //     auction_id: AuctionId<VideoId<T>, T::VNFTId>,
+        // ) {
+        //     Self::authorize_content_actor(origin, &auctioneer)?;
+        //     // Ensure auction for given video id exists
+        //     let auction = Self::ensure_auction_exists(auction_id)?;
+        //     // Ensure given auction has no participants
+        //     auction.ensure_is_not_active::<T>()?;
+        //     // Ensure given conntent actor is auctioneer
+        //     auction.ensure_is_auctioneer::<T>(&auctioneer)?;
+        //     //
+        //     // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+        //     //
+        //     // Try complete previous auction
+        //     if Self::try_complete_auction(&auction) {
+        //         return Ok(())
+        //     }
+        //     <AuctionById<T>>::remove(auction_id);
+        //     // Trigger event
+        //     Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AuctionCancelled(auctioneer, auction_id));
+        // }
+        // /// Make auction bid
+        // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        // pub fn make_bid(
+        //     origin,
+        //     participant: MemberId<T>,
+        //     auction_id: AuctionId<VideoId<T>, T::VNFTId>,
+        //     bid: BalanceOf<T>,
+        // ) {
+        //     let auction_participant = Self::authorize_participant(origin, participant)?;
+        //     // Ensure auction exists
+        //     let auction = Self::ensure_auction_exists(auction_id)?;
+        //     // Ensure bidder have sufficient balance amount to reserve for bid
+        //     Self::ensure_has_sufficient_balance(&auction_participant, bid)?;
+        //     // Ensure new bid is greater then last bid + minimal bid step
+        //     auction.ensure_is_valid_bid::<T>(bid)?;
+        //     //
+        //     // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+        //     //
+        //     // Try complete previous auction
+        //     if Self::try_complete_auction(&auction) {
+        //         return Ok(())
+        //     }
+        //     let last_bid_time = timestamp::Module::<T>::now();
+        //     // Unreserve previous bidder balance
+        //     T::NftCurrencyProvider::unreserve(&auction.last_bidder, auction.last_bid);
+        //     // Make auction bid & update auction data
+        //     let auction = match *&auction.buy_now_price {
+        //         // Instantly complete auction if bid is greater or equal then buy now price
+        //         Some(buy_now_price) if bid >= buy_now_price => {
+        //             // Reseve balance for current bid
+        //             // Can not fail, needed check made
+        //             T::NftCurrencyProvider::reserve(&auction_participant, buy_now_price)?;
+        //             let auction = auction.make_bid::<T>(auction_participant, buy_now_price, last_bid_time);
+        //             Self::complete_auction(&auction);
+        //             return Ok(())
+        //         }
+        //         _ => {
+        //             // Reseve balance for current bid
+        //             // Can not fail, needed check made
+        //             T::NftCurrencyProvider::reserve(&auction_participant, bid)?;
+        //             auction.make_bid::<T>(auction_participant, bid, last_bid_time)
+        //         }
+        //     };
+        //     <AuctionById<T>>::insert(auction_id, auction);
+        //     // Trigger event
+        //     Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AuctionBidMade(participant, auction_id, bid));
+        // }
+        // /// Issue vNFT
+        // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        // pub fn issue(
+        //     origin,
+        //     auctioneer: ContentActor<CuratorGroupId<T>, CuratorId<T>, MemberId<T>>,
+        //     video_id: T::VideoId,
+        //     royalty: Option<Royalty>,
+        // ) {
+        //     // Authorize content actor
+        //     Self::authorize_content_actor(origin.clone(), &auctioneer)?;
+        //     let content_actor_account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+        //     Self::ensure_vnft_does_not_exist(video_id)?;
+        //     // Enure royalty bounds satisfied, if provided
+        //     if let Some(royalty) = royalty {
+        //         Self::ensure_royalty_bounds_satisfied(royalty)?;
+        //     }
+        //     //
+        //     // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+        //     //
+        //     let auction_id = AuctionId::VideoId(video_id);
+        //     // Try complete auction
+        //     if Self::is_auction_exist(auction_id) {
+        //         let auction = Self::auction_by_id(auction_id);
+        //         // Try finalize already completed auction (issues new nft if required)
+        //         Self::try_complete_auction(&auction);
+        //         return Ok(())
+        //     }
+        //     // Issue vNFT
+        //     let royalty = royalty.map(|royalty| (content_actor_account_id.clone(), royalty));
+        //     Self::issue_vnft(content_actor_account_id, video_id, royalty);
+        // }
+        // /// Start vNFT transfer
+        // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        // pub fn start_transfer(
+        //     origin,
+        //     vnft_id: T::VNFTId,
+        //     from: MemberId<T>,
+        //     to: MemberId<T>,
+        // ) {
+        //     // Authorize participant under given member id
+        //     let from_account_id = Self::authorize_participant(origin, from)?;
+        //     // Ensure given vnft exists
+        //     let vnft = Self::ensure_vnft_exists(vnft_id)?;
+        //     // Ensure from_account_id is vnft owner
+        //     vnft.ensure_ownership::<T>(&from_account_id)?;
+        //     // Ensure there is no auction for given vnft
+        //     Self::ensure_auction_does_not_exist(AuctionId::VNFTId(vnft_id))?;
+        //     // Ensure pending transfer isn`t started
+        //     Self::ensure_pending_transfer_does_not_exist(vnft_id)?;
+        //     //
+        //     // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+        //     //
+        //     // Add vNFT transfer data to pending transfers storage
+        //     <PendingTransfers<T>>::insert(vnft_id, to, ());
+        //     // Trigger event
+        //     Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::TransferStarted(vnft_id, from, to));
+        // }
+        // /// Cancel vNFT transfer
+        // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        // pub fn cancel_transfer(
+        //     origin,
+        //     vnft_id: T::VNFTId,
+        //     participant: MemberId<T>,
+        // ) {
+        //     let participant_account_id = Self::authorize_participant(origin, participant)?;
+        //     Self::ensure_pending_transfer_exists(vnft_id)?;
+        //     let vnft = Self::ensure_vnft_exists(vnft_id)?;
+        //     vnft.ensure_ownership::<T>(&participant_account_id)?;
+        //     //
+        //     // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+        //     //
+        //     // Remove vNFT transfer data from pending transfers storage
+        //     // Safe to call, because we always have one transfers per vnft_id
+        //     <PendingTransfers<T>>::remove_prefix(vnft_id);
+        //     // Trigger event
+        //     Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::TransferCancelled(vnft_id, participant));
+        // }
+        // /// Accept incoming vNFT transfer
+        // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+        // pub fn accept_incoming_vnft(
+        //     origin,
+        //     vnft_id: T::VNFTId,
+        //     participant: MemberId<T>,
+        // ) {
+        //     let participant_account_id = Self::authorize_participant(origin, participant)?;
+        //     Self::ensure_pending_transfer_exists(vnft_id)?;
+        //     // Ensure new pending transfer available to proceed
+        //     Self::ensure_new_pending_transfer_available(vnft_id, participant)?;
+        //     let mut vnft = Self::ensure_vnft_exists(vnft_id)?;
+        //     //
+        //     // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+        //     //
+        //     // Remove vNFT transfer data from pending transfers storage
+        //     // Safe to call, because we always have one transfers per vnft_id
+        //     <PendingTransfers<T>>::remove_prefix(vnft_id);
+        //     vnft.owner = participant_account_id;
+        //     <VNFTById<T>>::insert(vnft_id, vnft);
+        //     // Trigger event
+        //     Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::TransferAccepted(vnft_id, participant));
+        // }
@@ -1061,6 +1335,7 @@ decl_event!(
             <T as ContentActorAuthenticator>::CuratorId,
             <T as MembershipTypes>::MemberId,
+        <T as MembershipTypes>::MemberId,
         CuratorGroupId = <T as ContentActorAuthenticator>::CuratorGroupId,
         CuratorId = <T as ContentActorAuthenticator>::CuratorId,
         VideoId = <T as Trait>::VideoId,
@@ -1079,6 +1354,14 @@ decl_event!(
         AccountId = <T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId,
         ContentId = ContentId<T>,
         IsCensored = bool,
+        AuctionParams = AuctionParams<
+            <T as Trait>::VideoId,
+            <T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
+            BalanceOf<T>,
+        >,
+        Balance = BalanceOf<T>,
+        Auction = Auction<T>,
+        CreatorRoyalty = Option<(<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId, Royalty)>,
         // Curators
@@ -1198,5 +1481,15 @@ decl_event!(
         PersonDeleted(ContentActor, PersonId),
+        // vNFT auction
+        AuctionStarted(ContentActor, AuctionParams),
+        NftIssued(VideoId, CreatorRoyalty),
+        AuctionBidMade(MemberId, VideoId, Balance),
+        AuctionCancelled(ContentActor, VideoId),
+        AuctionCompleted(Auction),
+        TransferStarted(VideoId, MemberId, MemberId),
+        TransferCancelled(VideoId, MemberId),
+        TransferAccepted(VideoId, MemberId),

+ 80 - 1

@@ -231,7 +231,86 @@ pub struct VideoRecord<
     pub nft_status: NFTStatus<AccountId, Moment, CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, MemberId, Balance>,
-// Video alias type for simplification.
+        ChannelId,
+        SeriesId,
+        AccountId: PartialEq + Default,
+        Moment: BaseArithmetic + Copy,
+        CuratorGroupId: Default + Copy,
+        CuratorId: Default + Copy,
+        MemberId: Default + Copy,
+        Balance,
+    >
+    VideoRecord<
+        ChannelId,
+        SeriesId,
+        AccountId,
+        Moment,
+        CuratorGroupId,
+        CuratorId,
+        MemberId,
+        Balance,
+    >
+    /// Ensure vnft for given video was not issued
+    pub fn ensure_vnft_not_issued<T: Trait>(&self) -> DispatchResult {
+        if let NFTStatus::NoneIssued = self.nft_status {
+            Ok(())
+        } else {
+            Err(Error::<T>::VNFTAlreadyExists.into())
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn ensure_vnft_ownership<T: Trait>(&self, owner: &AccountId) -> DispatchResult {
+        if let NFTStatus::Owned(owned_nft) = &self.nft_status {
+            ensure!(owned_nft.is_owner(owner), Error::<T>::DoesNotOwnVNFT);
+            Ok(())
+        } else {
+            Err(Error::<T>::VNFTDoesNotExist.into())
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn is_nft_auction_started(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(
+            self.nft_status,
+            NFTStatus::Owned(OwnedNFT {
+                transactional_status: TransactionalStatus::Auction(..),
+                ..
+            })
+        )
+    }
+    pub fn ensure_nft_transactional_status_is_idle<T: Trait>(&self) -> DispatchResult {
+        let is_idle = matches!(
+            self.nft_status,
+            NFTStatus::Owned(OwnedNFT {
+                transactional_status: TransactionalStatus::Idle,
+                ..
+            })
+        );
+        ensure!(is_idle, Error::<T>::NftIsNotIdle);
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Sets nft transactional status to auction
+    pub fn set_auction_status(
+        mut self,
+        auction: AuctionRecord<AccountId, Moment, CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, MemberId, Balance>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        if let NFTStatus::Owned(owned_nft) = &mut self.nft_status {
+            owned_nft.transactional_status = TransactionalStatus::Auction(auction);
+        } else {
+            self.nft_status = NFTStatus::Owned(OwnedNFT {
+                owner: AccountId::default(),
+                transactional_status: TransactionalStatus::Auction(auction),
+                creator_royalty: None,
+            });
+        }
+        self
+    }
+/// Video alias type for simplification.
 pub type Video<T> = VideoRecord<
     <T as StorageOwnership>::ChannelId,
     <T as Trait>::SeriesId,

+ 38 - 33

@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ use frame_support::StorageMap;
 use crate::*;
 impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
-    // /// Authorize auctioneer
-    // pub(crate) fn authorize_auctioneer(
-    //     origin: T::Origin,
-    //     actor: &ContentActor<CuratorGroupId<T>, CuratorId<T>, MemberId<T>>,
-    //     auction_params: &AuctionParams<
-    //         <T as timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
-    //         BalanceOf<T>,
-    //     >,
-    // ) -> Result<T::AccountId, DispatchError> {
-    //     if let AuctionMode::WithoutIsuance(vnft_id) = auction_params.auction_mode {
-    //         let vnft = Self::ensure_vnft_exists(vnft_id)?;
-    //         // Only members are supposed to start auctions for already existing nfts
-    //         if let ContentActor::Member(member_id) = actor {
-    //             let account_id = Self::authorize_participant(origin, *member_id)?;
-    //             vnft.ensure_ownership::<T>(&account_id)?;
-    //             Ok(account_id)
-    //         } else {
-    //             Err(Error::<T>::AuctionDoesNotExist.into())
-    //         }
-    //     } else {
-    //         // TODO: Move to common pallet
-    //         Self::authorize_content_actor(origin.clone(), actor)?;
-    //         let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
-    //         Ok(account_id)
-    //     }
-    // }
+    /// Authorize auctioneer
+    pub(crate) fn authorize_auctioneer(
+        origin: T::Origin,
+        actor: &ContentActor<CuratorGroupId<T>, CuratorId<T>, MemberId<T>>,
+        auction_params: &AuctionParams<
+            T::VideoId,
+            <T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
+            BalanceOf<T>,
+        >,
+        video: &Video<T>,
+    ) -> Result<T::AccountId, DispatchError> {
+        let account_id = ensure_signed(origin.clone())?;
+        if let AuctionMode::WithoutIsuance = auction_params.auction_mode {
+            // Only members are supposed to start auctions for already existing nfts
+            if let ContentActor::Member(member_id) = actor {
+                ensure_member_auth_success::<T>(member_id, &account_id)?;
+                video.ensure_vnft_ownership::<T>(&account_id)?;
+            } else {
+                return Err(Error::<T>::AuctionDoesNotExist.into())
+            }
+        } else {
+            // TODO: Move to common pallet
+            ensure_actor_authorized_to_create_channel::<T>(origin, actor)
+                .map_err(|_| Error::<T>::ActorNotAuthorizedToIssueNft)?;
+        }
+        Ok(account_id)
+    }
     // /// Authorize participant under given member id
     // pub(crate) fn authorize_participant(
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
     // ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
     //     // TODO: Move to common pallet
     //     content::ensure_actor_authorized_to_create_channel::<T>(origin.clone(), actor)
-    //         .map_err(|_| Error::<T>::ActorNotAuthorizedToIssueNft)
+    //
     // }
     // /// Ensure auction participant has sufficient balance to make bid
@@ -69,15 +69,20 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
     /// Safety/bound checks for auction parameters
     pub(crate) fn validate_auction_params(
-        auction_params: &AuctionParams<<T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment, BalanceOf<T>>,
+        auction_params: &AuctionParams<
+            T::VideoId,
+            <T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
+            BalanceOf<T>,
+        >,
+        video: &Video<T>,
     ) -> DispatchResult {
         match auction_params.auction_mode {
             AuctionMode::WithIssuance(Some(royalty), _) => {
-                // Self::ensure_vnft_does_not_exist(video_id)?;
+                video.ensure_vnft_not_issued::<T>()?;
             AuctionMode::WithoutIsuance => {
-                // Self::ensure_pending_transfer_does_not_exist(vnft_id)?;
+                video.ensure_nft_transactional_status_is_idle::<T>()?;
             _ => (),

+ 19 - 3

@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ impl<
+/// Owned vNFT representation
 #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
 pub struct OwnedNFT<
@@ -82,6 +83,20 @@ pub struct OwnedNFT<
     pub creator_royalty: Option<(AccountId, Royalty)>,
+        AccountId: PartialEq,
+        Moment: BaseArithmetic + Copy,
+        CuratorGroupId: Default + Copy,
+        CuratorId: Default + Copy,
+        MemberId: Default + Copy,
+        Balance,
+    > OwnedNFT<AccountId, Moment, CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, MemberId, Balance>
+    pub fn is_owner(&self, account_id: &AccountId) -> bool {
+        self.owner.eq(account_id)
+    }
 /// Enum, representing nft issuance status
 #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
@@ -160,10 +175,10 @@ impl<
     > AuctionRecord<AccountId, Moment, CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, MemberId, Balance>
     /// Create a new auction record with provided parameters
-    pub fn new(
+    pub fn new<VideoId>(
         auctioneer: ContentActor<CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, MemberId>,
         auctioneer_account_id: AccountId,
-        auction_params: AuctionParams<Moment, Balance>,
+        auction_params: AuctionParams<VideoId, Moment, Balance>,
     ) -> Self {
         let AuctionParams {
@@ -255,7 +270,8 @@ pub type Auction<T> = AuctionRecord<
 /// Parameters, needed for auction start
 #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
-pub struct AuctionParams<Moment, Balance> {
+pub struct AuctionParams<VideoId, Moment, Balance> {
+    pub video_id: VideoId,
     pub auction_mode: AuctionMode,
     pub round_time: Moment,
     pub starting_price: Balance,