@@ -246,6 +246,38 @@ fn set_mint_capacity(
+fn terminate_role(
+ member_id: u8,
+ account_id: [u8; 32],
+ leader_worker_id: u64,
+ slash: bool,
+ sequence_number: u32, // action sequence number to align with other actions
+) {
+ let expected_proposal_id = sequence_number;
+ let run_to_block = sequence_number + 1;
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture::default_for_call(|| {
+ ProposalCodex::create_terminate_working_group_leader_role_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(100_000_u32)),
+ proposals_codex::TerminateRoleParameters {
+ worker_id: leader_worker_id,
+ rationale: Vec::new(),
+ slash,
+ working_group: WorkingGroup::Storage,
+ },
+ )
+ })
+ .disable_setup_enviroment()
+ .with_expected_proposal_id(expected_proposal_id)
+ .with_run_to_block(run_to_block);
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
fn create_add_working_group_leader_opening_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
@@ -637,3 +669,167 @@ fn create_set_group_leader_reward_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
assert_eq!(relationship.amount_per_payout, new_reward_amount);
+fn create_terminate_group_leader_role_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let stake_amount = 100;
+ let opening_policy_commitment = OpeningPolicyCommitment {
+ role_staking_policy: Some(hiring::StakingPolicy {
+ amount: 100,
+ amount_mode: hiring::StakingAmountLimitMode::AtLeast,
+ crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: None,
+ review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: None,
+ }),
+ ..OpeningPolicyCommitment::default()
+ };
+ let opening_id = add_opening(
+ member_id,
+ account_id.clone(),
+ ActivateOpeningAt::CurrentBlock,
+ Some(opening_policy_commitment),
+ 1,
+ );
+ let apply_result = StorageWorkingGroup::apply_on_opening(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ opening_id,
+ account_id.clone().into(),
+ Some(stake_amount),
+ None,
+ Vec::new(),
+ );
+ assert_eq!(apply_result, Ok(()));
+ let expected_application_id = 0;
+ begin_review_applications(member_id, account_id, opening_id, 2);
+ let lead = StorageWorkingGroup::current_lead();
+ assert!(lead.is_none());
+ let old_reward_amount = 100;
+ let reward_policy = Some(RewardPolicy {
+ amount_per_payout: old_reward_amount,
+ next_payment_at_block: 9999,
+ payout_interval: None,
+ });
+ set_mint_capacity(member_id, account_id, 999999, 3, false);
+ fill_opening(
+ member_id,
+ account_id,
+ opening_id,
+ expected_application_id,
+ reward_policy,
+ 4,
+ );
+ let leader_worker_id = StorageWorkingGroup::current_lead().unwrap();
+ let stake_id = 1;
+ let old_balance = Balances::free_balance::<&AccountId32>(&account_id.into());
+ let old_stake = <stake::Module<Runtime>>::stakes(stake_id);
+ assert_eq!(get_stake_balance(old_stake), stake_amount);
+ terminate_role(member_id, account_id, leader_worker_id, false, 5);
+ assert!(StorageWorkingGroup::current_lead().is_none());
+ let new_balance = Balances::free_balance::<&AccountId32>(&account_id.into());
+ let new_stake = <stake::Module<Runtime>>::stakes(stake_id);
+ assert_eq!(new_stake.staking_status, stake::StakingStatus::NotStaked);
+ assert_eq!(new_balance, old_balance + stake_amount);
+ });
+fn create_terminate_group_leader_role_proposal_with_slashing_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let stake_amount = 100;
+ let opening_policy_commitment = OpeningPolicyCommitment {
+ role_staking_policy: Some(hiring::StakingPolicy {
+ amount: 100,
+ amount_mode: hiring::StakingAmountLimitMode::AtLeast,
+ crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: None,
+ review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: None,
+ }),
+ ..OpeningPolicyCommitment::default()
+ };
+ let opening_id = add_opening(
+ member_id,
+ account_id.clone(),
+ ActivateOpeningAt::CurrentBlock,
+ Some(opening_policy_commitment),
+ 1,
+ );
+ let apply_result = StorageWorkingGroup::apply_on_opening(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ opening_id,
+ account_id.clone().into(),
+ Some(stake_amount),
+ None,
+ Vec::new(),
+ );
+ assert_eq!(apply_result, Ok(()));
+ let expected_application_id = 0;
+ begin_review_applications(member_id, account_id, opening_id, 2);
+ let lead = StorageWorkingGroup::current_lead();
+ assert!(lead.is_none());
+ let old_reward_amount = 100;
+ let reward_policy = Some(RewardPolicy {
+ amount_per_payout: old_reward_amount,
+ next_payment_at_block: 9999,
+ payout_interval: None,
+ });
+ set_mint_capacity(member_id, account_id, 999999, 3, false);
+ fill_opening(
+ member_id,
+ account_id,
+ opening_id,
+ expected_application_id,
+ reward_policy,
+ 4,
+ );
+ let leader_worker_id = StorageWorkingGroup::current_lead().unwrap();
+ let stake_id = 1;
+ let old_balance = Balances::free_balance::<&AccountId32>(&account_id.into());
+ let old_stake = <stake::Module<Runtime>>::stakes(stake_id);
+ assert_eq!(get_stake_balance(old_stake), stake_amount);
+ terminate_role(member_id, account_id, leader_worker_id, true, 5);
+ assert!(StorageWorkingGroup::current_lead().is_none());
+ let new_balance = Balances::free_balance::<&AccountId32>(&account_id.into());
+ let new_stake = <stake::Module<Runtime>>::stakes(stake_id);
+ assert_eq!(new_stake.staking_status, stake::StakingStatus::NotStaked);
+ assert_eq!(new_balance, old_balance);
+ });