@@ -1,1174 +0,0 @@
-// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
-#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
-use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
-use frame_support::storage::IterableStorageMap;
-use frame_support::traits::{Currency, ExistenceRequirement, Get, Imbalance, WithdrawReasons};
-use frame_support::{decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, Parameter};
-use sp_arithmetic::traits::{BaseArithmetic, One, Zero};
-use sp_runtime::traits::{AccountIdConversion, MaybeSerialize, Member};
-use sp_runtime::ModuleId;
-use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
-use sp_std::prelude::*;
-mod errors;
-pub use errors::*;
-mod macroes;
-mod mock;
-mod tests;
-pub type BalanceOf<T> =
- <<T as Trait>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId>>::Balance;
-pub type NegativeImbalance<T> =
- <<T as Trait>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;
-pub trait Trait: frame_system::Trait + Sized {
- /// The currency that is managed by the module
- type Currency: Currency<Self::AccountId>;
- /// ModuleId for computing deterministic AccountId for the module
- type StakePoolId: Get<[u8; 8]>;
- /// Type that will handle various staking events
- type StakingEventsHandler: StakingEventsHandler<Self>;
- /// The type used as a stake identifier.
- type StakeId: Parameter
- + Member
- + BaseArithmetic
- + Codec
- + Default
- + Copy
- + MaybeSerialize
- + PartialEq;
- /// The type used as slash identifier.
- type SlashId: Parameter
- + Member
- + BaseArithmetic
- + Codec
- + Default
- + Copy
- + MaybeSerialize
- + PartialEq
- + Ord; //required to be a key in BTreeMap
-pub trait StakingEventsHandler<T: Trait> {
- /// Handler for unstaking event.
- /// The handler is informed of the amount that was unstaked, and the value removed from stake is passed as a negative imbalance.
- /// The handler is responsible to consume part or all of the value (for example by moving it into an account). The remainder
- /// of the value that is not consumed should be returned as a negative imbalance.
- fn unstaked(
- id: &T::StakeId,
- unstaked_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- remaining_imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> NegativeImbalance<T>;
- /// Handler for slashing event.
- /// NB: actually_slashed can be less than amount of the slash itself if the
- /// claim amount on the stake cannot cover it fully.
- /// The SlashId is optional, as slashing may not be associated with a slashing that was initiated, but was an immediate slashing.
- /// For Immediate slashes, the stake may have transitioned to NotStaked so handler should not assume the state
- /// is still in staked status.
- fn slashed(
- id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_id: Option<T::SlashId>,
- slashed_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- remaining_stake: BalanceOf<T>,
- remaining_imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> NegativeImbalance<T>;
-/// Default implementation just destroys the unstaked or slashed value
-impl<T: Trait> StakingEventsHandler<T> for () {
- fn unstaked(
- _id: &T::StakeId,
- _unstaked_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- _remaining_imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> NegativeImbalance<T> {
- NegativeImbalance::<T>::zero()
- }
- fn slashed(
- _id: &T::StakeId,
- _slash_id: Option<T::SlashId>,
- _slahed_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- _remaining_stake: BalanceOf<T>,
- _remaining_imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> NegativeImbalance<T> {
- NegativeImbalance::<T>::zero()
- }
-/// Helper implementation so we can chain multiple handlers by grouping handlers in tuple pairs.
-/// For example for three handlers, A, B and C we can set the StakingEventHandler type on the trait to:
-/// type StakingEventHandler = ((A, B), C)
-/// Individual handlers are expected consume in full or in part the negative imbalance and return any unconsumed value.
-/// The unconsumed value is then passed to the next handler in the chain.
-impl<T: Trait, X: StakingEventsHandler<T>, Y: StakingEventsHandler<T>> StakingEventsHandler<T>
- for (X, Y)
- fn unstaked(
- id: &T::StakeId,
- unstaked_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> NegativeImbalance<T> {
- let unused_imbalance = X::unstaked(id, unstaked_amount, imbalance);
- Y::unstaked(id, unstaked_amount, unused_imbalance)
- }
- fn slashed(
- id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_id: Option<T::SlashId>,
- slashed_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- remaining_stake: BalanceOf<T>,
- imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> NegativeImbalance<T> {
- let unused_imbalance = X::slashed(id, slash_id, slashed_amount, remaining_stake, imbalance);
- Y::slashed(
- id,
- slash_id,
- slashed_amount,
- remaining_stake,
- unused_imbalance,
- )
- }
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Slash<BlockNumber, Balance> {
- /// The block where slashing was initiated.
- pub started_at_block: BlockNumber,
- /// Whether slashing is in active, or conversley paused state.
- /// Blocks are only counted towards slashing execution delay when active.
- pub is_active: bool,
- /// The number blocks which must be finalised while in the active period before the slashing can be executed
- pub blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing: BlockNumber,
- /// Amount to slash
- pub slash_amount: Balance,
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct UnstakingState<BlockNumber> {
- /// The block where the unstaking was initiated
- pub started_at_block: BlockNumber,
- /// Whether unstaking is in active, or conversely paused state.
- /// Blocks are only counted towards unstaking period when active.
- pub is_active: bool,
- /// The number blocks which must be finalised while in the active period before the unstaking is finished
- pub blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_unstaking: BlockNumber,
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub enum StakedStatus<BlockNumber> {
- /// Baseline staking status, nothing is happening.
- Normal,
- /// Unstaking is under way.
- Unstaking(UnstakingState<BlockNumber>),
-impl<BlockNumber> Default for StakedStatus<BlockNumber> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- StakedStatus::Normal
- }
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct StakedState<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId: Ord> {
- /// Total amount of funds at stake.
- pub staked_amount: Balance,
- /// Status of the staking.
- pub staked_status: StakedStatus<BlockNumber>,
- /// SlashId to use for next Slash that is initiated.
- /// Will be incremented by one after adding a new Slash.
- pub next_slash_id: SlashId,
- /// All ongoing slashing.
- pub ongoing_slashes: BTreeMap<SlashId, Slash<BlockNumber, Balance>>,
-impl<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId> StakedState<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId>
- BlockNumber: BaseArithmetic + Copy,
- Balance: BaseArithmetic + Copy,
- SlashId: Ord + Copy,
- /// Iterates over all ongoing slashes and decrements blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing of active slashes (advancing the timer).
- /// Returns true if there was at least one slashe that was active and had its timer advanced.
- fn advance_slashing_timer(&mut self) -> bool {
- let mut did_advance_timers = false;
- for (_slash_id, slash) in self.ongoing_slashes.iter_mut() {
- if slash.is_active
- && slash.blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing > Zero::zero()
- {
- slash.blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing -= One::one();
- did_advance_timers = true;
- }
- }
- did_advance_timers
- }
- /// Returns pair of slash_id and slashes that should be executed
- fn get_slashes_to_finalize(&mut self) -> Vec<(SlashId, Slash<BlockNumber, Balance>)> {
- let slashes_to_finalize = self
- .ongoing_slashes
- .iter()
- .filter(|(_, slash)| {
- slash.blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing == Zero::zero()
- })
- .map(|(slash_id, _)| *slash_id)
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- // remove and return the slashes
- slashes_to_finalize
- .iter()
- .map(|slash_id| {
- // assert!(self.ongoing_slashes.contains_key(slash_id))
- (*slash_id, self.ongoing_slashes.remove(slash_id).unwrap())
- })
- .collect()
- }
- /// Executes a Slash. If remaining at stake drops below the minimum_balance, it will slash the entire staked amount.
- /// Returns the actual slashed amount.
- fn apply_slash(&mut self, slash_amount: Balance, minimum_balance: Balance) -> Balance {
- // calculate how much to slash
- let mut slash_amount = if slash_amount > self.staked_amount {
- self.staked_amount
- } else {
- slash_amount
- };
- // apply the slashing
- self.staked_amount -= slash_amount;
- // don't leave less than minimum_balance at stake
- if self.staked_amount < minimum_balance {
- slash_amount += self.staked_amount;
- self.staked_amount = Zero::zero();
- }
- slash_amount
- }
- /// For all slahes that should be executed, will apply the Slash to the staked amount, and drop it from the ongoing slashes map.
- /// Returns a vector of the executed slashes outcome: (SlashId, Slashed Amount, Remaining Staked Amount)
- fn finalize_slashes(&mut self, minimum_balance: Balance) -> Vec<(SlashId, Balance, Balance)> {
- let mut finalized_slashes: Vec<(SlashId, Balance, Balance)> = Vec::new();
- for (slash_id, slash) in self.get_slashes_to_finalize().iter() {
- // apply the slashing and get back actual amount slashed
- let slashed_amount = self.apply_slash(slash.slash_amount, minimum_balance);
- finalized_slashes.push((*slash_id, slashed_amount, self.staked_amount));
- }
- finalized_slashes
- }
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub enum StakingStatus<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId: Ord> {
- NotStaked,
- Staked(StakedState<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId>),
-impl<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId: Ord> Default for StakingStatus<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- StakingStatus::NotStaked
- }
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Stake<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId: Ord> {
- /// When role was created
- pub created: BlockNumber,
- /// Status of any possible ongoing staking
- pub staking_status: StakingStatus<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId>,
-impl<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId> Stake<BlockNumber, Balance, SlashId>
- BlockNumber: Copy + BaseArithmetic + Zero,
- Balance: Copy + BaseArithmetic,
- SlashId: Copy + Ord + Zero + One,
- fn new(created_at: BlockNumber) -> Self {
- Self {
- created: created_at,
- staking_status: StakingStatus::NotStaked,
- }
- }
- fn is_not_staked(&self) -> bool {
- self.staking_status == StakingStatus::NotStaked
- }
- /// If staking status is Staked and not currently Unstaking it will increase the staked amount by value.
- /// On success returns new total staked value.
- /// Increasing stake by zero is an error.
- fn increase_stake(&mut self, value: Balance) -> Result<Balance, IncreasingStakeError> {
- ensure!(
- value > Zero::zero(),
- IncreasingStakeError::CannotChangeStakeByZero
- );
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => match staked_state.staked_status {
- StakedStatus::Normal => {
- staked_state.staked_amount += value;
- Ok(staked_state.staked_amount)
- }
- _ => Err(IncreasingStakeError::CannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking),
- },
- _ => Err(IncreasingStakeError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- /// If staking status is Staked and not currently Unstaking, and no ongoing slashes exist, it will decrease the amount at stake
- /// by provided value. If remaining at stake drops below the minimum_balance it will decrease the stake to zero.
- /// On success returns (the actual amount of stake decreased, the remaining amount at stake).
- /// Decreasing stake by zero is an error.
- fn decrease_stake(
- &mut self,
- value: Balance,
- minimum_balance: Balance,
- ) -> Result<(Balance, Balance), DecreasingStakeError> {
- // maybe StakeDecrease
- ensure!(
- value > Zero::zero(),
- DecreasingStakeError::CannotChangeStakeByZero
- );
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => match staked_state.staked_status {
- StakedStatus::Normal => {
- // prevent decreasing stake if there are any ongoing slashes (irrespective if active or not)
- if !staked_state.ongoing_slashes.is_empty() {
- return Err(DecreasingStakeError::CannotDecreaseStakeWhileOngoingSlahes);
- }
- if value > staked_state.staked_amount {
- return Err(DecreasingStakeError::InsufficientStake);
- }
- let stake_to_reduce = if staked_state.staked_amount - value < minimum_balance {
- // If staked amount would drop below minimum balance, deduct the entire stake
- staked_state.staked_amount
- } else {
- value
- };
- staked_state.staked_amount -= stake_to_reduce;
- Ok((stake_to_reduce, staked_state.staked_amount))
- }
- _ => Err(DecreasingStakeError::CannotDecreaseStakeWhileUnstaking),
- },
- _ => Err(DecreasingStakeError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn start_staking(
- &mut self,
- value: Balance,
- minimum_balance: Balance,
- ) -> Result<(), StakingError> {
- ensure!(value > Zero::zero(), StakingError::CannotStakeZero);
- ensure!(
- value >= minimum_balance,
- StakingError::CannotStakeLessThanMinimumBalance
- );
- if self.is_not_staked() {
- self.staking_status = StakingStatus::Staked(StakedState {
- staked_amount: value,
- next_slash_id: Zero::zero(),
- ongoing_slashes: BTreeMap::new(),
- staked_status: StakedStatus::Normal,
- });
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(StakingError::AlreadyStaked)
- }
- }
- fn slash_immediate(
- &mut self,
- slash_amount: Balance,
- minimum_balance: Balance,
- ) -> Result<(Balance, Balance), ImmediateSlashingError> {
- ensure!(
- slash_amount > Zero::zero(),
- ImmediateSlashingError::SlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero
- );
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- // irrespective of wether we are unstaking or not, slash!
- let actually_slashed = staked_state.apply_slash(slash_amount, minimum_balance);
- let remaining_stake = staked_state.staked_amount;
- Ok((actually_slashed, remaining_stake))
- }
- // can't slash if not staked
- _ => Err(ImmediateSlashingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn initiate_slashing(
- &mut self,
- slash_amount: Balance,
- slash_period: BlockNumber,
- now: BlockNumber,
- ) -> Result<SlashId, InitiateSlashingError> {
- ensure!(
- slash_period > Zero::zero(),
- InitiateSlashingError::SlashPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero
- );
- ensure!(
- slash_amount > Zero::zero(),
- InitiateSlashingError::SlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero
- );
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- let slash_id = staked_state.next_slash_id;
- staked_state.next_slash_id = slash_id + One::one();
- staked_state.ongoing_slashes.insert(
- slash_id,
- Slash {
- is_active: true,
- blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing: slash_period,
- slash_amount,
- started_at_block: now,
- },
- );
- // pause Unstaking if unstaking is active
- if let StakedStatus::Unstaking(ref mut unstaking_state) = staked_state.staked_status
- {
- unstaking_state.is_active = false;
- }
- Ok(slash_id)
- }
- _ => Err(InitiateSlashingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn pause_slashing(&mut self, slash_id: &SlashId) -> Result<(), PauseSlashingError> {
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- match staked_state.ongoing_slashes.get_mut(slash_id) {
- Some(ref mut slash) => {
- if slash.is_active {
- slash.is_active = false;
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(PauseSlashingError::AlreadyPaused)
- }
- }
- _ => Err(PauseSlashingError::SlashNotFound),
- }
- }
- _ => Err(PauseSlashingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn resume_slashing(&mut self, slash_id: &SlashId) -> Result<(), ResumeSlashingError> {
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- match staked_state.ongoing_slashes.get_mut(slash_id) {
- Some(ref mut slash) => {
- if slash.is_active {
- Err(ResumeSlashingError::NotPaused)
- } else {
- slash.is_active = true;
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- _ => Err(ResumeSlashingError::SlashNotFound),
- }
- }
- _ => Err(ResumeSlashingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn cancel_slashing(&mut self, slash_id: &SlashId) -> Result<(), CancelSlashingError> {
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- if staked_state.ongoing_slashes.remove(slash_id).is_none() {
- return Err(CancelSlashingError::SlashNotFound);
- }
- // unpause unstaking on last ongoing slash cancelled
- if staked_state.ongoing_slashes.is_empty() {
- if let StakedStatus::Unstaking(ref mut unstaking_state) =
- staked_state.staked_status
- {
- unstaking_state.is_active = true;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- _ => Err(CancelSlashingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn unstake(&mut self) -> Result<Balance, UnstakingError> {
- let staked_amount = match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref staked_state) => {
- // prevent unstaking if there are any ongonig slashes (irrespective if active or not)
- if !staked_state.ongoing_slashes.is_empty() {
- return Err(UnstakingError::CannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing);
- }
- if StakedStatus::Normal != staked_state.staked_status {
- return Err(UnstakingError::AlreadyUnstaking);
- }
- Ok(staked_state.staked_amount)
- }
- _ => Err(UnstakingError::NotStaked),
- }?;
- self.staking_status = StakingStatus::NotStaked;
- Ok(staked_amount)
- }
- fn initiate_unstaking(
- &mut self,
- unstaking_period: BlockNumber,
- now: BlockNumber,
- ) -> Result<(), InitiateUnstakingError> {
- ensure!(
- unstaking_period > Zero::zero(),
- InitiateUnstakingError::UnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero
- );
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- // prevent unstaking if there are any ongonig slashes (irrespective if active or not)
- if !staked_state.ongoing_slashes.is_empty() {
- return Err(InitiateUnstakingError::UnstakingError(
- UnstakingError::CannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing,
- ));
- }
- if StakedStatus::Normal != staked_state.staked_status {
- return Err(InitiateUnstakingError::UnstakingError(
- UnstakingError::AlreadyUnstaking,
- ));
- }
- staked_state.staked_status = StakedStatus::Unstaking(UnstakingState {
- started_at_block: now,
- is_active: true,
- blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_unstaking: unstaking_period,
- });
- Ok(())
- }
- _ => Err(InitiateUnstakingError::UnstakingError(
- UnstakingError::NotStaked,
- )),
- }
- }
- fn pause_unstaking(&mut self) -> Result<(), PauseUnstakingError> {
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => match staked_state.staked_status {
- StakedStatus::Unstaking(ref mut unstaking_state) => {
- if unstaking_state.is_active {
- unstaking_state.is_active = false;
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(PauseUnstakingError::AlreadyPaused)
- }
- }
- _ => Err(PauseUnstakingError::NotUnstaking),
- },
- _ => Err(PauseUnstakingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn resume_unstaking(&mut self) -> Result<(), ResumeUnstakingError> {
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => match staked_state.staked_status {
- StakedStatus::Unstaking(ref mut unstaking_state) => {
- if !unstaking_state.is_active {
- unstaking_state.is_active = true;
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(ResumeUnstakingError::NotPaused)
- }
- }
- _ => Err(ResumeUnstakingError::NotUnstaking),
- },
- _ => Err(ResumeUnstakingError::NotStaked),
- }
- }
- fn finalize_slashing(
- &mut self,
- minimum_balance: Balance,
- ) -> (bool, Vec<(SlashId, Balance, Balance)>) {
- match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => {
- // tick the slashing timer
- let did_update = staked_state.advance_slashing_timer();
- // finalize and apply slashes
- let slashed = staked_state.finalize_slashes(minimum_balance);
- (did_update, slashed)
- }
- _ => (false, Vec::new()),
- }
- }
- fn finalize_unstaking(&mut self) -> (bool, Option<Balance>) {
- let (did_update, unstaked) = match self.staking_status {
- StakingStatus::Staked(ref mut staked_state) => match staked_state.staked_status {
- StakedStatus::Unstaking(ref mut unstaking_state) => {
- // if all slashes were processed and there are no more active slashes
- // resume unstaking
- if staked_state.ongoing_slashes.is_empty() {
- unstaking_state.is_active = true;
- }
- // tick the unstaking timer
- if unstaking_state.is_active
- && unstaking_state.blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_unstaking
- > Zero::zero()
- {
- // tick the unstaking timer
- unstaking_state.blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_unstaking -=
- One::one();
- }
- // finalize unstaking
- if unstaking_state.blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_unstaking
- == Zero::zero()
- {
- (true, Some(staked_state.staked_amount))
- } else {
- (unstaking_state.is_active, None)
- }
- }
- _ => (false, None),
- },
- _ => (false, None),
- };
- // if unstaking was finalized transition to NotStaked state
- if unstaked.is_some() {
- self.staking_status = StakingStatus::NotStaked;
- }
- (did_update, unstaked)
- }
- fn finalize_slashing_and_unstaking(
- &mut self,
- minimum_balance: Balance,
- ) -> (bool, Vec<(SlashId, Balance, Balance)>, Option<Balance>) {
- let (did_update_slashing_timers, slashed) = self.finalize_slashing(minimum_balance);
- let (did_update_unstaking_timer, unstaked) = self.finalize_unstaking();
- (
- did_update_slashing_timers || did_update_unstaking_timer,
- slashed,
- unstaked,
- )
- }
-#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct SlashImmediateOutcome<Balance, NegativeImbalance> {
- pub caused_unstake: bool,
- pub actually_slashed: Balance,
- pub remaining_stake: Balance,
- pub remaining_imbalance: NegativeImbalance,
-decl_storage! {
- trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as StakePool {
- /// Maps identifiers to a stake.
- pub Stakes get(fn stakes): map hasher(blake2_128_concat)
- T::StakeId => Stake<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::SlashId>;
- /// Identifier value for next stake, and count of total stakes created (not necessarily the number of current
- /// stakes in the Stakes map as stakes can be removed.)
- pub StakesCreated get(fn stakes_created): T::StakeId;
- }
-decl_module! {
- pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
- fn on_finalize(_now: T::BlockNumber) {
- Self::finalize_slashing_and_unstaking();
- }
- }
-impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- /// The account ID of theis module which holds all the staked balance. (referred to as the stake pool)
- ///
- /// This actually does computation. If you need to keep using it, then make sure you cache the
- /// value and only call this once. Is it deterministic?
- pub fn stake_pool_account_id() -> T::AccountId {
- ModuleId(T::StakePoolId::get()).into_account()
- }
- pub fn stake_pool_balance() -> BalanceOf<T> {
- T::Currency::free_balance(&Self::stake_pool_account_id())
- }
- /// Adds a new Stake which is NotStaked, created at given block, into stakes map.
- pub fn create_stake() -> T::StakeId {
- let stake_id = Self::stakes_created();
- <StakesCreated<T>>::put(stake_id + One::one());
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(
- &stake_id,
- Stake::new(<frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number()),
- );
- stake_id
- }
- /// Given that stake with id exists in stakes and is NotStaked, remove from stakes.
- pub fn remove_stake(stake_id: &T::StakeId) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<StakingError>> {
- let stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- ensure!(
- stake.is_not_staked(),
- StakeActionError::Error(StakingError::AlreadyStaked)
- );
- <Stakes<T>>::remove(stake_id);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Dry run to see if staking can be initiated for the specified stake id. This should
- /// be called before stake() to make sure staking is possible before withdrawing funds.
- pub fn ensure_can_stake(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<StakingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake
- .start_staking(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance())
- .err()
- .map_or(Ok(()), |err| Err(StakeActionError::Error(err)))
- }
- /// Provided the stake exists and is in state NotStaked the value is transferred
- /// to the module's account, and the corresponding staked_balance is set to this amount in the new Staked state.
- /// On error, as the negative imbalance is not returned to the caller, it is the caller's responsibility to return the funds
- /// back to the source (by creating a new positive imbalance)
- pub fn stake(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<StakingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- let value = imbalance.peek();
- stake.start_staking(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance())?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Self::deposit_funds_into_stake_pool(imbalance);
- Ok(())
- }
- pub fn stake_from_account(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- source_account_id: &T::AccountId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<StakingFromAccountError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake.start_staking(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance())?;
- // Its important to only do the transfer as the last step to ensure starting staking was possible.
- Self::transfer_funds_from_account_into_stake_pool(source_account_id, value)?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Moves funds from specified account into the module's account
- fn transfer_funds_from_account_into_stake_pool(
- source: &T::AccountId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), TransferFromAccountError> {
- // We don't use T::Currency::transfer() to prevent fees being incurred.
- let negative_imbalance = T::Currency::withdraw(
- source,
- value,
- WithdrawReasons::all(),
- ExistenceRequirement::AllowDeath,
- )
- .map_err(|_err| TransferFromAccountError::InsufficientBalance)?;
- Self::deposit_funds_into_stake_pool(negative_imbalance);
- Ok(())
- }
- fn deposit_funds_into_stake_pool(imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>) {
- // move the negative imbalance into the stake pool
- T::Currency::resolve_creating(&Self::stake_pool_account_id(), imbalance);
- }
- /// Moves funds from the module's account into specified account. Should never fail if used internally.
- /// Will panic! if value exceeds balance in the pool.
- fn transfer_funds_from_pool_into_account(destination: &T::AccountId, value: BalanceOf<T>) {
- let imbalance = Self::withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(value);
- T::Currency::resolve_creating(destination, imbalance);
- }
- /// Withdraws value from the pool and returns a NegativeImbalance.
- /// As long as it is only called internally when executing slashes and unstaking, it
- /// should never fail as the pool balance is always in sync with total amount at stake.
- fn withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(value: BalanceOf<T>) -> NegativeImbalance<T> {
- // We don't use T::Currency::transfer() to prevent fees being incurred.
- T::Currency::withdraw(
- &Self::stake_pool_account_id(),
- value,
- WithdrawReasons::all(),
- ExistenceRequirement::AllowDeath,
- )
- .expect("pool had less than expected funds!")
- }
- /// Dry run to see if the state of stake allows for increasing stake. This should be called
- /// to make sure increasing stake is possible before withdrawing funds.
- pub fn ensure_can_increase_stake(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<IncreasingStakeError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake
- .increase_stake(value)
- .err()
- .map_or(Ok(()), |err| Err(StakeActionError::Error(err)))
- }
- /// Provided the stake exists and is in state Staked.Normal, then the amount is transferred to the module's account,
- /// and the corresponding staked_amount is increased by the value. New value of staked_amount is returned.
- /// Caller should call check ensure_can_increase_stake() prior to avoid getting back an error. On error, as the negative imbalance
- /// is not returned to the caller, it is the caller's responsibility to return the funds back to the source (by creating a new positive imbalance)
- pub fn increase_stake(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>,
- ) -> Result<BalanceOf<T>, StakeActionError<IncreasingStakeError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- let total_staked_amount = stake.increase_stake(imbalance.peek())?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Self::deposit_funds_into_stake_pool(imbalance);
- Ok(total_staked_amount)
- }
- /// Provided the stake exists and is in state Staked.Normal, and the given source account covers the amount,
- /// then the amount is transferred to the module's account, and the corresponding staked_amount is increased
- /// by the amount. New value of staked_amount is returned.
- pub fn increase_stake_from_account(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- source_account_id: &T::AccountId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<BalanceOf<T>, StakeActionError<IncreasingStakeFromAccountError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(
- T,
- stake_id,
- <StakeActionError<IncreasingStakeFromAccountError>>::StakeNotFound
- )?;
- let total_staked_amount = stake.increase_stake(value)?;
- Self::transfer_funds_from_account_into_stake_pool(&source_account_id, value)?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(total_staked_amount)
- }
- pub fn ensure_can_decrease_stake(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<DecreasingStakeError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake
- .decrease_stake(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance())
- .err()
- .map_or(Ok(()), |err| Err(StakeActionError::Error(err)))
- }
- pub fn decrease_stake(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<(BalanceOf<T>, NegativeImbalance<T>), StakeActionError<DecreasingStakeError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- let (deduct_from_pool, staked_amount) =
- stake.decrease_stake(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance())?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- let imbalance = Self::withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(deduct_from_pool);
- Ok((staked_amount, imbalance))
- }
- /// Provided the stake exists and is in state Staked.Normal, and the given stake holds at least the value,
- /// then the value is transferred from the module's account to the destination_account, and the corresponding
- /// staked_amount is decreased by the value. New value of staked_amount is returned.
- pub fn decrease_stake_to_account(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- destination_account_id: &T::AccountId,
- value: BalanceOf<T>,
- ) -> Result<BalanceOf<T>, StakeActionError<DecreasingStakeError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- let (deduct_from_pool, staked_amount) =
- stake.decrease_stake(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance())?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Self::transfer_funds_from_pool_into_account(&destination_account_id, deduct_from_pool);
- Ok(staked_amount)
- }
- /// Slashes a stake with immediate effect, returns the outcome of the slashing.
- /// Can optionally specify if slashing can result in immediate unstaking if staked amount
- /// after slashing goes to zero.
- pub fn slash_immediate(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- unstake_on_zero_staked: bool,
- ) -> Result<
- SlashImmediateOutcome<BalanceOf<T>, NegativeImbalance<T>>,
- StakeActionError<ImmediateSlashingError>,
- > {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- // Get amount at stake before slashing to be used in unstaked event trigger
- let staked_amount_before_slash = ensure_staked_amount!(
- stake,
- StakeActionError::Error(ImmediateSlashingError::NotStaked)
- )?;
- let (actually_slashed, remaining_stake) =
- stake.slash_immediate(slash_amount, T::Currency::minimum_balance())?;
- let caused_unstake = unstake_on_zero_staked && remaining_stake == BalanceOf::<T>::zero();
- if caused_unstake {
- stake.staking_status = StakingStatus::NotStaked;
- }
- // Update state before calling handlers!
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- // Remove the slashed amount from the pool
- let slashed_imbalance = Self::withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(actually_slashed);
- // Notify slashing event handler before unstaked handler.
- let remaining_imbalance_after_slash_handler = T::StakingEventsHandler::slashed(
- stake_id,
- None,
- actually_slashed,
- remaining_stake,
- slashed_imbalance,
- );
- let remaining_imbalance = if caused_unstake {
- // Notify unstaked handler with any remaining unused imbalance
- // from the slashing event handler
- T::StakingEventsHandler::unstaked(
- &stake_id,
- staked_amount_before_slash,
- remaining_imbalance_after_slash_handler,
- )
- } else {
- remaining_imbalance_after_slash_handler
- };
- Ok(SlashImmediateOutcome {
- caused_unstake,
- actually_slashed,
- remaining_stake,
- remaining_imbalance,
- })
- }
- /// Initiate a new slashing of a staked stake. Slashing begins at next block.
- pub fn initiate_slashing(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_amount: BalanceOf<T>,
- slash_period: T::BlockNumber,
- ) -> Result<T::SlashId, StakeActionError<InitiateSlashingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- let slash_id = stake.initiate_slashing(
- slash_amount,
- slash_period,
- <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
- )?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(slash_id)
- }
- /// Pause an ongoing slashing
- pub fn pause_slashing(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_id: &T::SlashId,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<PauseSlashingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake.pause_slashing(slash_id)?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Resume a currently paused ongoing slashing.
- pub fn resume_slashing(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_id: &T::SlashId,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<ResumeSlashingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake.resume_slashing(slash_id)?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Cancel an ongoing slashing (regardless of whether its active or paused).
- pub fn cancel_slashing(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- slash_id: &T::SlashId,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<CancelSlashingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake.cancel_slashing(slash_id)?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Initiate unstaking of a Staked stake.
- pub fn initiate_unstaking(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- unstaking_period: Option<T::BlockNumber>,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<InitiateUnstakingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- if let Some(unstaking_period) = unstaking_period {
- stake
- .initiate_unstaking(unstaking_period, <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number())?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- } else {
- let staked_amount = stake.unstake()?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- let imbalance = Self::withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(staked_amount);
- let _ = T::StakingEventsHandler::unstaked(stake_id, staked_amount, imbalance);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Pause an ongoing Unstaking.
- pub fn pause_unstaking(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<PauseUnstakingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake.pause_unstaking()?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Resume a currently paused ongoing unstaking.
- pub fn resume_unstaking(
- stake_id: &T::StakeId,
- ) -> Result<(), StakeActionError<ResumeUnstakingError>> {
- let mut stake = ensure_stake_exists!(T, stake_id, StakeActionError::StakeNotFound)?;
- stake.resume_unstaking()?;
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Handle timers for finalizing unstaking and slashing.
- /// Finalised unstaking results in the staked_balance in the given stake to removed from the pool, the corresponding
- /// imbalance is provided to the unstaked() hook in the StakingEventsHandler.
- /// Finalised slashing results in the staked_balance in the given stake being correspondingly reduced, and the imbalance
- /// is provided to the slashed() hook in the StakingEventsHandler.
- fn finalize_slashing_and_unstaking() {
- for (stake_id, ref mut stake) in <Stakes<T>>::iter() {
- let (updated, slashed, unstaked) =
- stake.finalize_slashing_and_unstaking(T::Currency::minimum_balance());
- // update the state before making external calls to StakingEventsHandler
- if updated {
- <Stakes<T>>::insert(stake_id, stake)
- }
- for (slash_id, slashed_amount, staked_amount) in slashed.into_iter() {
- // remove the slashed amount from the pool
- let imbalance = Self::withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(slashed_amount);
- let _ = T::StakingEventsHandler::slashed(
- &stake_id,
- Some(slash_id),
- slashed_amount,
- staked_amount,
- imbalance,
- );
- }
- if let Some(staked_amount) = unstaked {
- // remove the unstaked amount from the pool
- let imbalance = Self::withdraw_funds_from_stake_pool(staked_amount);
- let _ = T::StakingEventsHandler::unstaked(&stake_id, staked_amount, imbalance);
- }
- }
- }